

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    woke up at 3:30 so just a minute under 8 hrs sleep.. having a cup of tea, packed my bag and am straightening up and getting house ready for real estate agent.. also have to call for an eye exam...but wont get that today, will try and make it for next thursday.. trying to do all I can under the radar
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    beth that is amazing that your husband has turned around his pain so well! Thank goodness he finally listenes to you and his doctors, amazing what surgery did.

    Re I think you are going to love being in the pool, not getting there or leaving but being in the pool--the calorie burn is incredible - and you won't really feel it- I.e. You don't really sweat. We know you can manage the extra planning and time it takes- you're gonna do this! You've got this <3

    Cheri happy travels, let's see some Mousy pics once you land back home and you have time.

    My prelogging food and exercise has worked this week with the exception of some microwave popcorn last night (which didn't even taste good and the salt gave me a headache) but the scale says I am no worse for wear. Also I am adding more water strategically through the day, teachers have to plan bathroom breaks to a very fine degree!

    Made some homemade hummus today and going to use up a bag of little peppers to snack on - I'm all out of fruit - so my snacks are cucumbers and peppers until I get to the store on Saturday!

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Driving South on I-75 today to get 2 estimates on painting the exterior of my mom's house. Just hoping it won't be too high.

    Sherry ~ Just curious...What happened to your RV? How did your abuser get to you again? My DH carries a gun at all times but I am scared of them.

    Sharon ~ Sticky pudding sounds yummy!

    I am trying to do better with my eating. My doc put me on generic Lipitor for my cholesterol and it is giving me a lot of trouble in being regular. Feeling bloated and unhappy about that. Started taking fiber powder and will see if that helps. Does anyone else have this problem?

    Carol in GA

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Joyce – hope you feel better
    Mary – good workout
    DJ – I love your graphic – it looks just like me! Love your positive energy – you are very welcoming – thank you
    Sherry – Hello and it it sounds like you are going through a lot – I pray for the best for you!
    Pipcd – love your pink laptop and great stats
    CICO – Welcome – this is a great, positive group
    Zoldio – Welcome, good luck with your new diet plan and I wish you well
    Carey – great goals
    Lenora – Cracker sounds SO cute. I agree it is so interesting getting to so many great people from all over the globe
    RE – Your soup sounds amazing!
    Nancy – The posting problem happened to me too so I type my posts in a word document and cut/paste into the thread. If I only have my ipad then I do the same using “pages”
    Sue – congrats on the loss
    Chris – great stats!
    Marni – love your goals and I dream of visiting Alaska some day!
    Pitegny – Yes, I am new as well and this group is great for us experienced gals.
    Kevrit - <3
    Allie – thumbs up!!
    Marcelyn – Oh no – so sorry to hear this – praying for sun!
    Penny – Filmjolk sounds really interesting
    57Terris – you are so right about sleep!
    Carol – hope you feel better
    Lois – Yeah a sister gardener. Tell me about yours – are you more into flowers, veggies or both?
    CTleonard – AW that happens to all of us and that sugar is so overpowering – don’t beat yourself up!
    Yvonne – good luck with your walk and hope your knee doesn’t hurt too much after. I would love some dry heat right now (living in the snow and cold)
    KJ – love your logic re: hot chocolate – have had heartburn and have had success with a tablespoon honey as well as the apple cider vinegar
    Lisa - I am an ex-smoker and the journey is difficult so I commend you!!

    I know I probably have not named everyone, but I read your posts and will touch on all of you at different times. You are all very inspiring and being part of this group has been motivating and makes me feel part of something beautiful.

    So did my exercise this morning – I do lot of Youtube workouts. I love searching for different things and trying new workouts. I am doing very well on my 17/7 intermittent fasting. I find I am sleeping better, staying within my calorie targets and feeling overall happier and more positive.

    Thank you to all of you who are so strong, powerful and amazing!

    Have a great day - Sarah from Ontario, Canada
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning everyone! Happy Thursday!
    Lisa- So glad to hear from you! I was just wondering how things were going! AND that is a great NSV! You are making two life changes that are both difficult and you are rocking them both!
    Sherry- Hang tough, lady! You are so inspiring in your strength and I am so happy you are back with us! Please know that we are all there with you, standing shoulder to shoulder with you (in spirit). A wall of sisterhood! We got ya! <3

    Reading about all of you and the progress you are making is so inspiring to me. Although, I agree with the whole mindset of "there will always be an excuse NOT to do some thing hard..." I also know that there are only so many hours in a day and week. Because I work 60+ hours every week, carving out that time for me, to plan my own meals, get my exercise in, etc. is hard to do. With my daughter's baby shower officially ending the holiday craziness; I am looking forward to this weekend to really be able to focus on me again. DH and I will be traveling to TX in March for the birth of our grandson. I plan to be a healthier me on those two trips.
    Sending warm wishes, big hugs, prayers and healing vibes to those who need it. xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Sherry you do whatever you need to protect yourself to feel safe. Feeling safe is the first step towards healing. If he discovers a way to find you let him know you will shoot him in the you know where if he ever comes near you again. I believe those are more important to them then life itself. (((Surrounding you with love. )))

    Joyce I remember your home. Removing the bushes dramatically changed its look.

    I had a scare teaching yesterday. I was in a third grade and this teacher had these low beach chairs for the students to sit in. One boy was sitting in it under his desk and then for some odd reason was pulling on the desk with the potential for it to fall on him. Needless to say the chairs were put away for the day along with the hula hoops. She had hula hoops for them to use are choice time. I think it great to give students tools to increase there activity level. This class was active enough without them. It was more like working in a kindergarten room. My number one priority when I teach is the students are safe and then me. I probably will not go back to that class.

    :heart: Margaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lisa, great job. It's never easy quitting a habit, we know that. You've got this girl.

    Janetr okc
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :) I know that many of you speak highly of vitamin D supplements. How much do you take?
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,424 Member
    Barbiecat, I'm on 5000 IU per day...been doing this for years and my blood level maintains at around 50. Thankful my doc started me on these 15 years ago.

    I don't get in the sun much if at all, even during the summer.

    SW Washington State
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Hi all lovely girls
    Been to gym this morning bike, rower and treadmill. Am I weird I love treadmill listen to Meatloaf on my phone and away I go. Tried some HIIT on bike and rower

    Watching professional snooker on the TV all afternoon, have an app to remind me to get up and move though.

    Have oxtail in the slow cooker for dinner DH and I love this, enough for 2 days and it's always better next day I have put veggies in and pearl barley.

    Will catch up later

    Kate UK
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Carol - I sent you a pm explaining everything. Sorry it is kind of long-winded but you will understand why when you read it.

    Hey now....

    Good morning ladies! I can't say it's been a good morning for me as I got woken up at quarter to five by the kids here after not getting to sleep until midnight last night. But all is quiet for now so I am going to go back to bed for a bit.

    Would like to respond to you all individually but can't right now due to my brain being in a fog from lack of sleep. I will try again after I take a quick nap before it gets too noisy here. Be back in a while. Love you all.

    Sherry in "crawling back under the covers for a bit"
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,715 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2017
    Sherry: I've had a concealed carry permit for years but it is time to renew. Thanks for the reminder. Good luck with your legal case. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa in W TX: WTG! You are doing great with quitting smoking. :smiley:

    Margaret: I'm sure I would have put away the beach chairs and hula-hoops, too. I have never wanted to substitute teach since shortly after college. I walked into a few really wacky situations, totally unprepared. I could have subbed for my old friends where I taught but the commute was/is crazy and I chose to have my name taken off the substitute roles. :smiley:

    Barbie: I take vitamin D3 in a liquid capsule form. There are also tablets. The product I use is Nature Made D3 2000 IU capsules. I vary the number based on the length of days. In winter I take between 4000 & 6000 IU daily. As the days get longer I drop it down and am at 1 capsule (2000 IU) daily when the days are longest. I find that these capsules do wonders for my feelings of wellbeing and also for my mental acuity. I started this several years ago because of the recommendation of someone in this group combined with internet research on combating Alzheimers. I understand that 6000IU daily for extended time periods could eventually build up and have negative repercussions, but I've had no trouble shifting up and down as the season provides more or less daylight. Good luck with your research. I'm a definite proponent. :heart: PS: I avoid Citracal because I read reports from viable sources that, although their calcium & D3 are positive & healthy, those caplets contain fillers that are not good for brain health. :noway:

    The sidewalk leading to my front door is nearly snow free and I am happy to report that the melt off has not caused dangerous rises in the river level here. I plan to spend some time on the recumbent bike to burn calories & hope to go to yoga tomorrow.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Barbiecat - My doctor has me on 50,000 units a week. They have made a world of difference in my mood and my ability to heal quickly from the cuts/bruises I get from being a DYIer and my doctor thinks it has also helped (in addition to B-complex and Calcium supplements) increase my bone density.

    I had been premi-ostro before she put me on my current vitamin D dosage and my latest bone density scan taken this summer has me back in the normal range. I was very surprised because I was under the impression that once you lost density you couldn't get it back. Not complaining and very happy something is going my way at age 65. I was menopausal at 45.

    Charleen in Colorado (Packing the car - headed to a 4 day quilt retreat)
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Good morning, all!

    It's another gray day here, but at least it's not raining.

    DJ - When my dad was getting ready to move out of his home of 30+ years, he kept wanting us to save stuff because "we could get something for that." But he'd put us in a rush by not deciding to move until the last minute, and he just didn't understand how much WORK it is to get rid of things! I had to explain that any money we got from selling things would be offset by the amount of time it took to transport, store, photograph, list, and ship.

    Sherry - Glad to hear things are progressing. Anything that begins with the word "legal" seems to take forever! I do hope you're able to get your dog back.

    Lois - Oh, I'd never heard that swimming helps tighten flabby skin! That's good to know. I used to swim before we moved, but there's no year-round pool here. At the moment I'm sticking with things I can do without jumping in the car, but maybe if I get close to my goal weight I'll reward myself with a membership at the YMCA in the next town over. The only down side is that swimming always made me wicked hungry - I made sure to do my laps just before a planned meal to keep from snacking away all my progress!

    Lisa - Congratulations on being smoke-free again!

    I managed 30 minutes on the Nordic Track yesterday. The knee was aching a little when I went to bed, but not too badly. Thought about getting up and putting the TENS on it, but I was warm in bed and too lazy to get out again.

    Last night I tossed all the ingredients for overnight steel cut oats into the slow cooker, then forgot to turn it on. Darn it. Guess I'll cook it during the day today, and we'll reheat it for tomorrow's breakfast.

    -Yvonne in TX