

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla, I am glad snow serves some purpose.

    Oldest daughter called me today to let me know she was posting something on face book and wanted to let me know first. She has enjoyed a wonderful job working at a business that was located inside a cave. There was also a fresh spring water business in the cave. and they also rented space for long term rental space for cars and rvs. The company did digital storage of anything from books to medical records. But they hired a new manager who turned out to be a hatchet man. He told Christina she was a wonderful worker, her job was stable and she would be getting a raise. Then yesterday the department was told they aren't profitable and they are getting rid of the department. So in two days she goes from you are such a wonderful employee and getting a raise to you have no job. She has a wonderful bubbly personality, absorbs knowledge and is very versatile. She dropped out of college after marrying so basically has a high school degree. In college she took music and pschchology but in her many jobs has been a book keeper, property manager, learned fluent spanish on the job and many other things. Plus she loves the 'job' of finding a new job. She goes after it as if it were a job. So although she was let go from a job she really enjoyed and especially loved working in a cave, she is looking forward to seeing what is next. they had a RVcation scheduled for next year. That's the name they thought up for it. They were going to rent an RV and take a trip across the west going to all the vacation spots we all took when they were children. The US is giving all 4th grade students, or just finished 4th grade, entrance to the US National parks. Ellie is in the 4th grade this year so that's why they wanted to go this year. So that is the bummer for them. Whatever job she may get may not be willing to give her 3 weeks of vacation this summer. But she is a person who rebounds, always has.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Good evening ladies -

    Heather and Cheri - love your travel pictures!

    Rita - sounds like you are still so blue. Have you asked your doctor about different medication? I care about you.

    Becca -Minus .4 lbs. is still in the right direction. My TOPS group has been so complacent lately. I challenged the ladies to lose every week in January. So far only myself and one other lady are in contention for the contest. I weigh in on Mondays. With the kind of week I have had I would be happy with - .2!


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
    edited January 2017
    Across the street from the Amazon party
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,764 Member
    Heather and Cheri ... you're both giving me vacation envy ...
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2017
    miakoda40 wrote: »
    Hello you Gorgeous Gals,

    Some of you may recall that my job was going away last year. It did in fact end on August 12. I have been looking since then. Had 2 interviews but they came to naught. Well, trying to not get my hopes up too much but I got a phone call from a recruiter yesterday for a job that sounds fairly promising close to where I live. Today I got a call from another recruiter and while I was going through my email I looked at a job search site that had a third job posted that sounds promising. So I have applied for 3 jobs today. Crossing my fingers that something comes along soon.

    Mia in MI

    Oh, that's terrific, maybe you will have a choice, wouldn't that be great. Praying all goes well. The right one will come along at the right time. Let us know :)

    Janetr okc
  • tjsterch
    tjsterch Posts: 18 Member
    Happy Friday evening!! I hadn't been on for a bit, so tonight I thought I would catch up (and everyone has had so much going on, there was a lot to catch up on) love the pictures!!! Has been cold and windy in California this week, so really envious of the Mexico pictures >:) I am thinking it is time to plan a warm weather vacation myself B)

    Hope you all have a great weekend,


  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Hey now...

    TODAY SUCKS!!! Sorry but had to say it and here's why....

    Got a call from SSD lawyer late this morning, yep, you guessed it....my claim was denied!!!! For the third dang time!!! It's gone to the hearing phase on all three attempts, and now I'm faced with starting all over again! He told me I had 3 options....1. Appeal her decision which he says can take upwards of two years and 90% of cases don't get the decision reversed...2. Re-apply on a new claim and cross my fingers or....3. Walk away from the whole process....sorry but 3 is not an option!!! So after talking with him I will be re-applying asap as Section 8 will bump me off the faster waiting list if I don't re-apply right away. There goes my Subaru down the dang drain!!

    I've decided to let you all in on my general whereabouts.....I am currently in Oregon in the Gorge area. But since SSD fell through it looks like when my time is done at this shelter I will be transferring BACK to the shelter I was in before this one in Washington (still in the Gorge area) and will become a "semipermanent" Washington resident because the welfare system there has a program that provides cash assistance to victims like me. It's not much, $197 a month but at this point it is better than zero dollars coming in and I will have enough to cover what little rent I will have to pay once section 8 kicks in, and a little to pay my electric bill, but things are gonna be extremely tight until we can get SSD to approve me. Which means I will now have to go through the process of transferring my food stamps and medicaid to the Washington system. I currently get $175 in food stamps here in Oregon but have no clue what I will get over there, maybe more, maybe less. And medicaid here in Oregon pays all my doctors bills and tests, but don't know what medicaid over there will cover. Hopefully it will be comparable, as I will now have to see new doctors, more MRIs on my back, more x-rays, CT scans and on and on because lawyer wants to bury SSD in medical records to back up the new claim so there will be no chance it will be denied the fourth time!! So have been bawling off and on most of the day and haven't eaten a dang thing all day. Drank some apple juice a while ago to keep my blood sugar from dropping too low, but no food.

    So sorry ladies, no minions today. Just don't feel up to it. My back and left arm is hurting bad from slipping on the ice here a couple of days ago and going down. Told staff here that I don't give a damn what the weather is like, they WILL be taking me to a doctor or hospital on Monday to get them both looked at. I smell a lawsuit in the air as they have done nothing about the ice, even when several residents here have complained! And another woman here slipped and fell too today after we again asked them to put SOMETHING down to help with traction, even if it's freaking cheap kitty litter! But nooooo, they did nothing! But on a little high note, and it's very little, I got 7 hours sleep last night. Woo hoo. Little tiny woo hoo. Honestly, can't wait to get out of this shelter and back into the one in Washington again. Much more responsible people running that one, and they keep everything shoveled and salted and safe for the residents and all resident food is marked with big black permanent marker with each resident's file number they are given on arrival so nobody messes with any bodies food and I won't have to worry about my injectable either. So definitely looking forward to that!! I just know that SOMETHING has to give soon. The only thing going for me at this point is I am not on the streets in the freezing cold and will be able to stay at the shelter in Washington until at least March, maybe longer once my time at this one is done. So am covered with a place to stay for the rest of the winter.

    Well, I'm gonna go for now. Go have a smoke and then lay down for a bit and rest my back. I know, I know, smoking is nasty but it's the only thing keeping my stress bearable right now since I can't have any alcohol with the meds I take. Oh how I would love to get silly drunk right now. OK ladies, have a good night. Hugs to those that need them. Love ya.

    Sherry in "Columbia River Gorge"
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rori: I hope you have a good experience at the Denver Women's March. I'll be there with you in spirit. My daughter wanted to go to DC to participate in the Women's March but that isn't going to work out. Our son and DIL who live it the area are not in a position to play host right now. I can't go because DH's health doesn't currently make a trip like that possible for me. He can't drive until he's had eye surgery and gotten new glasses. It will likely be a couple of months before he's able to drive. :ohwell:

    Lois from N Shore MA: Congratulations on the smaller fitbit band! That is proof of progress! :smiley:

    Peggy: Welcome to a great group. The women here are positive and good at giving & getting support. :flowerforyou:

    Mia: Sending you good wishes for a successful job hunt. (((hugs)))

    Barbie: I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your new dog to have a safe flight to meet you at SEATAC next weekend. :heart:

    Yoga today was wonderful. I really enjoyed it and burned some calories on the exercise bike at the gym, too. I'm planning to go to my riding lesson tomorrow unless the weather is too cold or DH is too anxious. At this point he is dependent on me for transportation. He can't drive until after his eye surgery, and if I get hurt he will be stuck with no driver. I am sure there are friends and neighbors who would help if we really needed it, but we'd rather handle things ourselves as long as possible.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • Jaja99
    Jaja99 Posts: 21 Member
    Marni, thank you for sharing some of your story. Your brother might think you lack riches, but I think you have a heart of gold and you have enriched the lives of others. You are an exceptionally strong woman.

    Cindy- welcome. Change is hard, but you are on the right track! That is one of my favorite verses. I also like this song. When it changes to the chorus, I can feel stress leave. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnjeMwxFuBA
    Sherry- toilet brush microphone made me laugh out loud! Hang in there! I'm sorry about your SSD. That really stinks. My brother is having a horrible time with his claim. It just goes on and on. I'm glad you have a place to stay. You are so strong in the face of such difficulties. Hang in there.

    Heather, Cheri- love the pictures!

    Katla- I used ammonia and mothballs in my attic when squirrels decided to invade. It seemed to help. Good luck!

    Lisa- I saw someone asked about your quilt pattern. I’m sad that I somehow missed your post but I can’t bring myself to search back through all the pages to find out about your quilt.

    - Hope one of the jobs works out!

    The vitamin D conversations inspired me to get mine out of the cabinet and take them. I guess I put them away when I was having company and they never made it back out. Out of sight, out of mind. For 2 years. Lol.

    I finally went to the grocery store after I left work. I take a salad to work almost every day. Partly because I have fresh-picked greens delivered every week. It is a bit more expensive, so I am determined they will not go to waste. So I had fabulous arugula and other greens, but was out of most other fresh vegetables. I am now fully stocked. And as a NSV, I only bought vegetables, fruit, kefir, salad dressing, and some reduced fat cheese. Plus a few nonfood items. I skipped the candy/cookie/cracker aisles out of fear that I would talk myself into something I do not need. On the way home I kept driving right past the drive thru pizza place. I really wanted that pizza. I amused myself by thinking that a trip to the grocery meant I only had to avoid a deep dish pizza, unlike Penny who has to avoid polar bears and frostbite.

    I’m really determined to go to the gym tomorrow. For the first time in a month. Or two. Well, I’m really determined to think about maybe going to the gym this weekend. Or at least sometime in the next week…
    Thinking of you all and wishing you well.
    Jana in VA
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
    Rori thank you for marching for me & all American women, like Katla I have a husband I can't leave to participate in the Boston march. Instead we went out for a lovely lunch & good conversation but our hearts were with all of you <3

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,643 Member
    Hi Gals,

    So California is getting a ton of rain, and it is really a challenge with my schedule, but I am working it… however it means I am not here as much as I would like. I’m not sure if I have shared about my glasses, I wear prescription glasses, and have had the same frames since 1997, and the same lenses since about 2005… About 3 years ago I started saving to replace both the “regular” and sunglasses, this year for Christmas one of my gardening clients doubled my savings as a Christmas thank you, which more than put me over the amount I needed. I was so impressed with the Walmart eye exam and glasses area. I am not a big Walmart shopper – it is not in a convenient location, and the design of the store makes no sense to me, so it is just a confusing mess… but in calling around it was the best deal going, I got an eye exam with dilation, 2 pair of glasses, one bifocal, one sunglasses, both with anti-glare all under $350! A girl friend with insurance spent $450 for one pair… So Walmart gives a 30% discount for AARP on everything, and then a discount for 2 pair at once and a discount for ordering glasses at the same time as the exam….

    I’ll get a pic of me in them and post it… I tried to take a selfie, omg how awful of a pic. I’ll be with friends doing the march in Oakland tomorrow and maybe one of them with get a pic for me.

    Way behind, but reading… and drum roll! Caught up!

    Allie – scared is ok, but remember that you have all of us supporting you and cheering you on…

    Sue – I have the same phone as my god son on purpose so he can help me when I’m in over my head – this system is working great…

    NY Karen – your DH sounds like he has some of the same issues I have in the corporate world. I love owning my own business, I am making 1/3 of what I am worth (and made in my last corporate job) I work harder, and I am happy – that is worth the sacrifice……

    Sherry – glad to hear about how you are doing… Sorry stuff is so hard! Being poor is so much more work than folks realize… thinking of you and sending hugs!

    Lisa – great job on quiting…. You can do this!

    Marnie – thanks for the trust you have shown us by sharing.

    Michele - I have just 8 more christmas cards to go! thanks for the kick in the bottom!

    January Goals:
    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…this was for nov. but still working on it. Jan. still working on this….**** GET THIS DONE*******
    Read and report on a book –
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday –
    Work on water consumption –
    Lunch with Kyle -


    Kim from N. California
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    naw I ain't complaining about the .4 gain, just all the dang WORK I put in to do it....leave it to me to make it difficult. Heck I can go to the store and buy $20 buck worth of things, and not come back with really anything. Hey that takes TALENT! I used to tell people that when you put your visa card in those little "swipe machines" (from long ago) it was taking the bacteria off the cards so you HAD TO use the cards once a month so they stayed clean. The ditsy store clerks would exclaim, "REEEALLY??" *insert an eyeroll*

    My TOPS group are an interesting bunch of people. The co-leader had the reins this week, and boy did the meeting feel rushed. I added something in a conversation and afterwards she said, "Well moving along". It was HOW she said it, I almost interrupted her saying, "I'm not done". OK the term I am some days is a "POT STIRRER". I lived with comedians in the 80's what can I say? Give me a line and I shall run with it, and even hit the drums like "Ba-dum-dummm".

    Today I ate really good, but changed my dinner at the last minute. But instead of having some hearty toasted wheat multi-grain "door stopper" bread, some BP2 powder to make into peanut butter, and some honey (oh and some walnuts) I decided to go with the flow and eat what I fixed for husband and son. I chicken-fried some cube steak, then had it with spaghetti and cut up some nice ciabatta rolls into cheese toast. For ME I had 1/2 cup of sauce, 1/2 cup of spaghetti, and a roll. It was maauvalous!

    *sighes* so my sister is "acknowledging" me on Facebook, click liking stuff I put down. But still not really communicating directly with me. I suppose I shall have to take that or nothing at all. She did comment to my older sister that has just moved to a new town to relax and cuddle with her man like she does. OK that was a strange comment being that she is divorced and the only man in her life that I know of is some married dude that sees her when he can sneak away. That (in my mind) is NOT her man. She settles for crumbs in her life. She has a huge home but lives in the basement, because her daughter, her three kids and the sperm donor live upstairs. OK that is rude, but she allows to be stepped on mentally. Her daughter doesn't pay rent, so my dear sister has a home she really can't appreciate. She never uses the kitchen because its always a mess, so she just eats out all the time. Sadly I think my niece is waiting until my sister passes away, so then she can have the home. I have told my sister that her daughter is so misguided because the bank has the home. Of course she can buy it from the bank, but in her situation that isn't likely. How can a young smart gal like my niece, live in a situation where her future isn't on solid ground? If my sister's alcoholism gets worse, she would be out of house and home. Young kids these days. AND I have yet to receive a simple thank you from the gifts I sent to my niece....

    Ok enough venting. Sorry bout that....

    a mental coastie in
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Lisa - Congratulations on your cigarette free week.

    Allie - It must feel good to be taking some action. You are such a kind person, always helping someone out.

    Janetr - Nice nails

    Michele - Did Denise find a wedding dress?

    Barbie - I take 5000 IU of D3 in Winter, 2000 in Spring and none in July & August

    Sherry - Keep safe. I hope things turn around for you soon.

    Re- I think people asking it it's really you is a very nice NSV.

    Marni- It sounds like you are a very caring person. I miss my Mom also. Thank goodness for life long friends. Your Mom was beautiful

    Cheri & Heather - Thanks for sharing vacation photos. Up here in Canada travelling vicariously through you.

    Katla - Good luck solving your raccoon problems. We don't have them in this area.

    Rori - They are having marches here to show solidarity and support for women in the U.S. I am working but my daughter and some friends are marching.

    Barb in Edmonton - Feel better

    Mia in Mi - Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. Good luck with the jobs.

    Pip - Looks like a fabulous time.

    I am still going through the boxes and shredding. I found some old, favourite recipes. I am done reading the book and I stated that I would start the Year of No Sugar as soon as I was done. Jan 21st is the start of my personal experiment. This afternoon we went into a Rexall and the Christmas candy was on sale so I bought a box of chocolates and some licorice all sorts. What is wrong with me? Why would I buy crap? Why did I have to read so fast? I'm not ready for this. I might never be ready for this. Doing it any way. Tomorrow I go in search of powdered dextrose, glucose syrup and barley malt syrup. It's going to be an experience. February's special dessert will be Keira's birthday cake. Maybe I can dance it off at the glow in the dark dance party she has requested. She has named it "Seven is sensationally Sassy"

    This afternoon we had coffee with DS and DBIL. I can't believe that he just got back from Texas and has to go get groceries if he wants to eat at home. None of my business but it irritates me that she treats him this way. Good thing my niece cleaned the house yesterday.

    Took Chico for a walk in the neighbourhood. It was icy in spots but the sun was so nice. I had to close my eyes after work, coffee and a walk. Larry decided to make supper - Spaghetti and Meatballs in tomato sauce. Yes, the meatballs and tomato sauce both had sugar in them. Going to be a lot of scratch cooking around here.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge (feeling apprehensive about the challenge I have set myself)
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Hi everybody

    PEGGY - welcome to a great group

    MIA - Good luck on the job front

    HEATHER + CHERI lovely pics

    JOYCE - Hope your DD is successful

    BARBIE - hope we see lots of pics of new arrival

    MARNI - lovely pics of your Mum and you

    SHERRY- stay strong we are all with you

    Weight down again but still fluctuating don't really know what's going on, keeping under allowance (mainly) exercising every day
    Probably need to give myself a good talking to and make sure I am measuring etc etc etc

    Had an NSV the other day, I have been wearing same bras while losing weight 40B decided to get fitted and was told I am 36C they fit ok a little tight but suppose they will loosen up. They are more supportive but weird thing is although old ones weren't really giving much support they did fit ((sigh)) Anyone else have problems with the darn things

    Need to get ready for the gym catch up later

    Kate UK
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello My Lovelies!

    I am just stopping in to update you on what the "suggestions" from my Doctor's office were... They did, indeed, tell me to take some Ibuprofen..... until I could get to the Orthopedic Surgeon consult.

    Apparently, I am not insane - and I know when my body is messed up. Hurray for that. Postal Rage Averted.

    Anyway - the first consult I could get with the doc was on Thursday... so, Happy Birthday to Me... on my big 52nd Birthday, I will be chatting with doctor Mehta to see what he thinks we should do...

    Until then, it's limp a little, rest a little, limp a little, rest a little, Sleep, Sleep, Sleep, limp a lot, rest a little more...

    Got my brace in place... and my Swimsuit shipped, today. Whoot!

    Maybe by the time I talk to the Ortho, I will have it. I will post a picture, if I can get DH to take one for me.

    I love you guys!!

    Hugs for Everybody!!

    Re in TX
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Sherry - Sorry that your day was so bad. I hope tomorrow is going to be brighter! I loved your minions, especially the one explaining that we are heavier because our brains are holding more information.

    Fanncy - Your tip on bags under the eyes being a sign of Vitamin D deficiency is timely. Mine are huge. I will definitely be checking out the supplements.

    Katla and Barbie - Thanks sharing your Vitamin D experiences. It helps.

    Rori - I hope the march will be successful. I wanted to attend one that will be not too far from here, but only got over a bad chest infection a few weeks ago and was not sure being out in the freezing cold and in crowds was a good idea. Flu is really bad here at present.

    I see several of you are from Oregon. While my husband and I decided to stay here in France when we retired because our sons are here, we consider Oregon our second home and try to spend a couple of months there every year.