

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    I am glad to support our new President!


    I also am glad to support our new President. I did not say anything the last eight years!

    an I will continue not to talk/comment on politics

    The only reason I said anything in support of our president is because people were writing in their posts political statements about going to the protest. Which is a political statement in itself!

    I am all for this being a non-political thread! That was what my statement was all about!

    The Only difference is I did not point out the people that were writing political statement in their posts.

    Anndddd I'm still not commenting :0)
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    HEY NOW!!!!.....

    First let me say thanks to all you ladies for sending me love, support, kindness and good thoughts...they have paid off!!

    Bwahahahaha!!! Today I am joyful and happy and here's why....

    Not only did I turn my abuser into the FBI for his abusive and threatening emails he has been sending to people on Craigslist, I also contacted Craigslist with his information and asked them to block him....and now the results of those actions are coming to fruition!! Got word through the grapevine this morning that as of today he cannot post any ads or respond to any ads as he is now blocked!!! He is whining to anyone who will even listen. Now I am just waiting to hear news in the near future that he has been picked up by the law for his cyber crimes.

    Even though the weather outside is cloudy, cold and miserable, the weather in that which is my life is starting to become sunny and full of rainbows!! Normally I am not a prideful or vindictive woman, but this man deserves everything bad he gets for abusing me and putting me through a living hell for the last 10 years and I am glad I am responsible for him being miserable now and losing his source of income. In his case, I am definitely being vindictive and yes I am taking what pride I can in my actions. Ain't Karma grand when it comes from the woman you abused and made homeless??? The best part is he doesn't know I had any hand in his current difficulties. So now he can feel what it's like to not have any money!! Am just biding my time now to see the ultimate results.

    So thanks again ladies for the good thoughts and prayers you all have put forth....they are paying off! And keep them coming, the more energy we can put behind them the better and faster the results will be. When he gets picked up by the law I can go to Dufur and take possession of the motorhome (he has not changed the title into his name yet after purchasing it and has no bill of sale, receipt, or any documentation of any kind that HE paid for it, all he has is the title signed off by the previous owner) since I still have keys to it, and I can take possession of my car, and will get Missy back with me, all in one fell swoop. That is what I am biding my time for. I may not be able to fight back physically, but I am a smarter woman than most people give me credit for and there are other ways and means of fighting back and teaching him a lesson. I may be stupid when it comes to picking men, but I am not a generally stupid woman.

    So happy happy joy joy everybody!! There is now light at the end of my dark, dreary and long tunnel! Pat yourselves on the back as in one way or another you all have a part in the turn of events!! Keep the good energy flowing this way and dance a little jig for me since I physically can't!!! Now I'm gonna go outside, have a smoke, and smile big at the world!! I'll be back later. I love you all so much!! Peace!!

    Sherry in "the wonderful world of Karma!"
  • lacruiser2016
    lacruiser2016 Posts: 59 Member
    Meg, my divorced, wouldn't-take-a-penny, raised-2-kids-on-teachers-salary, mother used to tell me when things in my life got tough "this too shall pass". Sometimes, about all we can do is grit our teeth and soldier on. Sounds like you're in one of those, so hang in there.

    I must have missed whatever started the politics/no politics debate, but I sincerely hope the policy here will remain to abstain from comments. Food and weight issues are enough to deal with.

    Nancy D in Delray
    (Who's going to be severely challenged at DH's bday dinner tonite:0)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Oh Heather... sorry a bug has got you down!

    Meg... you too? It seems to be a difficult time health wise for so many ... get better soon!

    Sherry ... glad today is a better day

    The sun was out and it got to 58 degrees today!! In Buffalo, this is a big woohoo!! Amazing how much nicer everyone is when the sun is shining. I'm very hungry today and struggling to keep the calories in check. It does not help that older son is home and wants me to make homemade pasta alfredo. I'm hoping to just have a very, very small portion and a very, very large salad!

    Ladies ... I love you all. Each of you react differently to circumstances and events making you all unique. I love reading about your lives and hearing your points of view. I don't care if you make political or religious statements ... they just add to my understanding of who you all are. But we've agreed not to be "pot stirrers" ... so please put the spoons away

    <3 Beth near Buffalo
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Lois ... meant to congratulate your granddaughter on her accomplishments. The human spirit is so strong!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,357 Member
    Still can't stand up. Mostly asleep. DH not back at 5 to 5. :( I wish this dizziness would pass. Frightened to eat anything. I might try a banana.

    Love Heather xxxxxxxxxx
  • slimjelly
    slimjelly Posts: 14 Member
    Happy New Year everyone, with respect to eating and my weight-loss journey I have one resolution, I'm a low carber - NO CHEATING.
  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Just gotta post these...


    OK, that's it for now....these took too long to load cuz my tablet is freaking out from the memory being too full....will clean it out and post more later....Peace!!

    Sherry in "sweeping out the memory in this thing!"

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited January 2017
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    stats for the day today:
    all iwatch
    rowing machine- 40min, 55aw, 6478meters / 4.03mi = 317c
    s matrix machine- 21min, 5resest, 5wt =. 209c
    jog- 10min, 7.7-9.0sp, 9.27ap, 1.06mi = 146c
    total cal 678
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    yesterday stats 1/20
    all apple iwatch:
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.14min, 13.4amph, 2.9mi= 114c
    0 runner- 40min, 38avlength, 12avheight, 110avcadence, 6resist, 4mi = 319c
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.355min, 11.3amph, 1.4mi = 63c
    walk station 2 wk- 9.14min, 3.4ap, .5mi = 48c
    walk wk 2 station- 4mi = 47c
    entire 149mhr,

    total cal 1092
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    We have had wonderful weather today. This afternoon it was 69!!!!! Southwestern Indiana in January!!!!! I'm sure it was a record. Last night's sky was wonderful, the first night I could see stars. Tonight it wasn't as clear but still could see some stars.

    Oh Heather, so sorry you are still sick. Big hugs.

    Sherry, glad you have had a good day emotionally. No man should abuse anyone, well no person should abuse another but I am glad you were smart enough to provide FBI and Craigslist with this info and stop him. I just hope you can get all your possessions back.

    I hope no one sees this a political but when I see Mrs. Trump, she just looks lost.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Very cool t-shirt tapestry. My sister's friend made a similar quilt with my nephews favorite t-shirt through the years as a graduation present- what a treasure! Beautiful :) NYKAREN
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Heather - So sorry you are sick. Hopefully you'll be up and seeing the sites soon.

    Meg and Mary - You both deserve a turn-around. Thinking of you.

    Sherry - glad to hear you are feeling more encouraged.

    Lisa - The quilt is amazing! It must have taken a lot of time to do.

    I had today off and went to a movie with a teacher friend, We seldom get together because of our schedules so it was a real treat.

    Toni in warm Tennessee
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2017
    Lisa, gorgeous. My husband thot it was great too. Thanks for sharing.

    Janetr okc