Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Bex: It's a joke around my house that I'm the worst cook in the world. Every time I try to make something I either burn it or overcook it so it's dry. My DH does the majority of cooking around here. I always get upset when I make something and it sucks. My mom says "Tracie, the only reason you have a kitchen is because the house comes with it." Hahaha! As far as friends go, I hope I am one of the people on here you consider a friend, because I consider you one of mine! I struggle with friends too. I have "work friends", lots of those, but nobody that I would actually go do anything with. I think the reason I feel closer to some of you on here is because we are real on here...no pretenses...we are who we are. I like the honesty of it. By the way, WE think our BEX is awesome!

    Joan: I understand how hurtful it is to watch one of your children kind of drift away. I have that same thing with my daughter. It's been going on for about 8 years now, since she started dating her fiance. I only want for her to be happy, so it is the price I pay to know that she is. But it's hurtful since she is my heart... ((HUGS))

    Sara The Enlighten Salted Caramel ice cream bars sound wonderful! I haven't heard of that brand. I am trying to reduce sugar also and ice cream at 8 pm is what kills me every evening. Also, yes, I have noticed people glancing at my body. I have had friends actually walk up to me and rub my belly and ask me if there's something I need to tell them! Are you freakin' kidding me? I'm 57 years old! I would throw myself off a bridge if I got pregnant at this point of my life! (just kidding...but i would NOT be happy!). So, yeah...that made me cry actually. People are inconsiderate brutes. P.S. Glad you liked the flowers. They are still making me smile!

    CSchmitz The hot air balloon ascension at 8pm sounds awesome! Have fun. If I can get my DH off the couch, I might have to drag him to Seymour! Thanks for clearing up the salmonella issue. I didn't realize it was from July. My granddaughter came home and told me about it so it made me nervous. I will go ahead and eat the veggies I bought Wednesday night then. Thanks!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    JFT - Friday:
    :D * Hydrate 64 oz
    :D * Journal every bite. Don't worry about staying green right now. One habit at a time.
    :( * NO CANDY Broke down at 10 pm and had a few Reese's peanut butter cups. My weakness.
    :) * Take three different moments throughout the day to address each Body, Mind and Spirit
    ;) * Redirect my thoughts when they turn negative or I start to feel anxious or upset Tried. It's a work in progress!
    :/ * Unplug today. Only MFP or Pinterest. Ended up on Facebook, wishing I wouldn't have.
    :) * Eat 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit Two servings of blueberries and veggies with our shish kabobs last night.
    :) * Write on gratitude whiteboard on fridge to remind everyone of our blessings
    :) * Journal tonight

    Just For Saturday:
    * Hydrate 64 oz plus...
    * Journal Every Bite
    * No Candy and No ice cream tonight
    * Body, Mind and Spirit - Address each in 3 separate moments
    * No Facebook today. Unplug.
    * Try not to stress about returning to work Monday. Redirect my thoughts
    * Do whatever strikes me today. Beautiful outside!!!!
    * Update whiteboard with today's blessings.
    * Today I will get some activity in. Doesn't matter how long...everything has to start somewhere.
    * Bed early tonight so I don't sleep so late tomorrow!

    Have a great day!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    8/12 Saturday JFT:

    Check out at Noon
    Return home and figure out what my crazy boys and hubby have been up to ;)
    Manage Saturday chores
    Prep grocery list
    Budget meeting
    Run on elliptical
    Dinner by 8pm
    Movie with family
    Bedtime by midnight

    Thank you all! Yes, my husband IS Amazing!! We are best friends and love each other beyond words, it is a blessing to be married to your best friend!

    I would also like to say, I am very proud of everyone!!

    @joan6630 Closing the kitchen every night is an amazing idea!!

    @cschmitz110515 Your will power during your training is incredible!! Keep it up, you inspire me to do better!!

    @Bex953172 Hang in there, pregnancy has its' ups and downs. Remember what a blessing it is to carry such a wonderful, fragile little life. This is your nine months to connect and nourish that little one, so don't stress!

    @HGSmith0920 When I am on point with my schedule, I make breakfast, lunch and dinner for my family everyday. It is a wonderful feeling to know that your family enjoys what you've created, not to mention it is healthier. My husband tells me that everyday during work he knows he is successful because I pack him breakfast, lunch and snacks everyday. On the days I do not, he says he isn't as productive. We always tell each other that food prepared with love is more fulfilling than anything else out there :D

    @OConnell5483 I used to over work myself all the time before I decided to go back to school. My co-workers and boss would constantly bring me down. My solution, I brought fresh flowers to work every week, dress uniquely bright and told people who always got on my case, "It's okay because God loves me." It sounds totally goofy but it lifted my spirits and changed everyone's perspective around me. Once they knew they couldn't bring me down, they stopped trying to.

    I know there are many others I should also be addressing but I don't want to bore everyone with an incredibly lengthy post, LOL :D

    Everyone stay encouraged and remember, I am cheering you all on for success!!!!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    Bex953172, can't imagine you not having any friends! You've got a great sense of humour & you're what folks would call "a hot ticket" = a smart strong lady around here (near Boston, MA).

    Hah I just don't really like people much!

    I used to have a fair few friends for about 10 years then it all got $hitty and I just didn't trust them anymore so decided to sod off real life friends altogether lol!
    I have"acquaintances" but that's about it!

    Ooo a hot ticket :lol:

    Bex: As far as friends go, I hope I am one of the people on here you consider a friend, because I consider you one of mine! I struggle with friends too. I have "work friends", lots of those, but nobody that I would actually go do anything with. I think the reason I feel closer to some of you on here is because we are real on here...no pretenses...we are who we are. I like the honesty of it. By the way, WE think our BEX is awesome!

    You're totally right lol!

    People around me in real life don't get the privilege of my humour lol!!
    I'm much more me on here haha
    And yes of course i consider you as a friend! :)
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    This was just ONE DAY!!! You are doing so great, and one day will not hurt you. Get right back on track tomorrow! I remember someone telling me, when I went over, that if I averaged out the entire week, I was OK. So here's your diet coach ---- Back at it tomorrow, and glad you enjoyed today! That is what life is about!
    Thank you Joan6630! I needed to hear that--and I really did enjoy that super dinner. And I will say that I am enjoying being about 8 pounds lighter than I was. One pair of slacks now is too loose, but another pair that was too tight fits perfectly. So--with everyone's support --on to the next five!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Was there someone else here who crocheted? Where do you get patterns from? Do you pay for some online? Where else can I get free patterns other than Pinterest and google

    I'm looking for a pattern, gothic/Victorian fingerless gloves (don't even ask, a family member has requested it)
    Or if something like a bracelet, with a triangle pattern that covers the back of the hand with a small loop on top that goes over the middle finger.
    Like a ring bracelet?

    Anyway I'm struggling to find it and need to make it before October if possible
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Bex: Here is one place I go for sewing or quilting patterns that are free. Not sure if they have either of those items, but maybe?

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Bex: Here is one place I go for sewing or quilting patterns that are free. Not sure if they have either of those items, but maybe?


    Try Mary Maxim catalogue.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    It's already humid here so DD & I are taking dog to walk at the coastal park. Love this spot.
    Drink water-72 oz
    Do some ab work.
    Track everything. Day 7 reduced sugar. I've noticed I'm not as grouchy the last two days.
    Take rests when needed.
    Still no air show or church for me today, coughing fits are too hard to deal with.
    Finish up a few chores.
    Read something inspirational.

    Have a great Sunday everyone!
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Hey BEX-I know what you mean about friends. I know some great people but they are out somewhere and I feel I impose on them. I know some pattern companies have the sort of items you want in the hat/scarf/glove section but not exactly what you described. And not sure you have those companies we use. I have a baby quilt to complete (my baby is 8). His babysitter looked a bit full in the tummy and I suspect but did not ask if she might be expecting. My son sort of said she was but he thinks anyone with a big belly who he says eats too much is also pregnant. He would like a girl/sister and has asked me but I said No, only him. We can not do that sort of thing without your Dad. The truth is I am too old. I will get out my quilting hoops and get the blanket going today. It just needs quilting and then a wash.
    Good morning to everyone! Had a good breakfast-healthy, lower calorie, etc. The boy had 8 orange rolls and orange juice. I not only did not eat any of his rolls but I also washed my hands after getting the icing on me. NO LICKING. It is still wet here but I saw it might get sunny. Maybe I can weed-eat today and maybe not. I will commit to walking the yard and picking up trash. All else is possible.
    Today-- Stay in calorie goal. Exercise at the pool. VACUUM THE FLOOR-no wimpy excuses. Spend 1 hour clearing the floor and either trashing or finding storage for whatever is on the floor in my way. I am going to also eat a peach today-got one and I smell it each time I go by.
    So far today, I got up, took pills/shot, fixed boy breakfast, fixed my omelet, weighed and measured self. Church is at 11:30 so before then I am going out for trash in yard and showering/dressing me and the kid. I need gasoline and there was something more I wanted at Wal-Mart. Charging my phone and on my way.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    @joan6630 are you still following the BDS?
  • WR50
    WR50 Posts: 96 Member
    JFT Saturday:
    WR50 wrote: »
    Just for today: I will not give into sugar or beer.

    Yay on the beer, nay on the sugar.

    JFT Sunday: Say no to sugar.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited August 2017
    8/13 Sunday JFT:

    Adjust caloric intake for diet
    Jog on Elliptical
    Tons of other stuff, Lol.....Roll with the punches.....got to get household back in order :#
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Wow! You have all been busy little bees the last few days! I ended up staying up waaay too late last night. I spent time"hanging out" with the DH and his online video game friends. Lol. Indulged way too much and am feeling kind of sluggish today. Slept about 12 hours too. Went to bed around 2 am and finally pulled myself out of bed at around quarter to 2. But boy did I need it! I'm still yawning as a matter of fact!

    I have no idea what my goals were the last few days, or how far back in the feed they are so I'm just going to start anew.

    Just for today, Sunday 8/13/17

    2. Attempt to stay in the green
    3. Go to the gym for some treadmill time
    4. Finish HP challenges
    5. Make dinner(I didn't do this last night)
    6. Spend time with the DH
    7. Wind down by 9:30
    8. Bed by 10:30

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Thanks for the advice on the patterns!

    Although my dad just rang me, he's been clearing out all my Nana's stuff from her house. He came across a huge bag of wool, like.. seriously so much!!, a craft bag to keep project work in (lots of pockets on it lol) a quilling kit so will give that ago one day, A set of knitting needles and crochet needles (x3!!) and he's just rung me again to say he has thousands of patterns! Thousands.

    Is it bad that I'm miffed that he gave the cross stitching stuff to my sister in law, I really specified cross stitch as I remember nana was the one who taught me. Or am I being greedy lol
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Bex953172 I dont know whether it's needy or not but at least you got some awesome things! My dad is just now going through all the boxes his parents left him and they died 20 years ago. It's been nice though because every time I go to visit(which is fairly regularly as they live about 500 yards away on the same property. Lol) he has something new to show me. Either from his childhood or from his parents. I've seen so many pictures of my grandparents and great grandparents. It's been really nice. And I'm really enjoying the stories that Daddy has been telling me. I kind of feel bad for the DH because I'll go up to the house, meaning to spend five minutes to get something and end up staying an hour because I sit down and get caught up in memories! So enjoy the memories even if you dont have the material aspects you want. Lol. But think of all the awesome things you have to explore now! Lol
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    @Bex953172 I dont know whether it's needy or not but at least you got some awesome things! My dad is just now going through all the boxes his parents left him and they died 20 years ago. It's been nice though because every time I go to visit(which is fairly regularly as they live about 500 yards away on the same property. Lol) he has something new to show me. Either from his childhood or from his parents. I've seen so many pictures of my grandparents and great grandparents. It's been really nice. And I'm really enjoying the stories that Daddy has been telling me. I kind of feel bad for the DH because I'll go up to the house, meaning to spend five minutes to get something and end up staying an hour because I sit down and get caught up in memories! So enjoy the memories even if you dont have the material aspects you want. Lol. But think of all the awesome things you have to explore now! Lol

    Yeah that's true :) it is a nice memory. I mainly wanted it to make a like a memorial cross stitch but I guess I can always buy it!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    8/13 Sunday JFT:

    ✔Adjust caloric intake for diet
    ✔Jog on Elliptical
    ✔Tons of other stuff, Lol.....Roll with the punches.....got to get household back in order :#

    6-Day Slim-Down Diet begins tomorrow morning :D
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    TODAY -- Monday 8/14/17
    Keep to calorie guidelines.
    Fix a schedule for the Y to exercise now that son does school. GO TO Y.
    Cancel son's martial arts contract. Check finances online to cover next month.
    Clean one room plus fold laundry and clear dishwasher and swiffer bathroom.
    Order new cord for treadmill. Charge phone. Get gas for car and shed.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited August 2017
    A little update weigh-in, 8-13-17 = 190
    Yup, that's correct I'm back up there :'(
    I'm just being honest.

    8/14 Monday JFT:

    ☆☆6 Day Slim-Down Begins☆☆

    Stick with diet plan!!
    Contact FISD
    Review Budget and pay bills
    Grocery list & shopping
    Run on elliptical
    BB-Workout--> Basics & Cardio Axe
    Dinner by 7 pm
    Bedtime by 11 pm