Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • nycstems
    nycstems Posts: 25 Member
    Got down to 132 lbs. today, which is 5lbs. away from my goal weight.


    - Be grateful for successes of all kinds and in all sizes: I'm thankful for waking up more energized than I was yesterday; I'm thankful for being able to do a short session of jogging and calisthenics in the morning; and I'm thankful for being more productive at work today than I was yesterday.
    - Sleep by 10 PM because I feel better when I get just 6 hours of sleep. Slightly more would be better perhaps but 6 hours hits the mark.
  • nycstems
    nycstems Posts: 25 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    @Saragirl2 I will try to upload a pic of the bouquet. No luck with my phone so far. :)


    WOw -- just beautiful!! Makes me want to go and see if our farmers markets has something like these! It is nice to get ourselves flowers!

    Gorgeous! (P.S. I'm one of those people that tear up slightly at the sight of nature's bountiful beauty.)
  • nycstems
    nycstems Posts: 25 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Absolutely fuming right now.

    I HATE cooking, like I really hate it.
    I prefer quick things like sauces from a jar kind of stuff because I just really dislike cooking and Atleast I know that way it will come out good enough.

    So tonight my partner told me how to do a meal,
    And it all came out like *kitten*. The whole thing.
    I'm fuming, I spent Atleast an hour cooking, made it all look nice, got a headache and backache from doing it for it to be *kitten*.
    It was just a waste of my effort, a waste of my time and now an even bigger waste because I've got to Atleast cook my OH something to eat. (The girls luckily had something different)

    And now I'm hungry but too pee'd off to do anything about it.

    I hear you. I especially hate cooking long meals. It helps to cook meals for the week on Sundays or on any other day that works well with your schedule.

    All the same, best wishes on your health journey!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @OConnell5483 Those flowers are absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I love them. I always have to buy flowers myself because the DH doesn't really think about flowers until he comes home and sees them on the table. He then says something along the lines of, "Hmm...I should buy you flowers sometime." Lol.

    @Bex953172 I would love to say that I hate cooking, and sometimes I do. But I'm really good at it. I took 3 years of cooking in high school so I have books and books of hand written recipes. Plus the DH loves when I cook. I think he's spoiled because he usually gets a home cooked meal unless I'm feeling particularly down or tired. Then we just order pizza. Lol. But I grew up in a family where Mom made dinner for the family every night. And that's what I know. And that's not how my DH grew up so I want to bring a little bit of my stable family life into his unstable one.

    @junodog1 I dont think I've ever had a problem(at least not in recent years) with being under my calorie goal. Lol. But I also haven't been doing much exercise recently. So I'm struggling to keep UNDER them. Lol

    @MLHC1 YAY!!! I'm so proud of you!!! I know you would ace it! And that husband of yours sounds fabulous! Enjoy your time off! And I completely agree about the girlfriends! I have a few girl friends that I text with now and then but I haven't seen them in years...literally. So I feel like you are all my girlfriends. I think you girls are closer to me than my female friends in real life. Lol

    Today has been pretty uneventful. The traffic home was absolutely terrible though. I hate summer traffic in a shore town. Lol. Had enough calories to have two beers tonight! It's really nice! I think it's gonna be an early night tonight though. I'm exhausted today.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,517 Member
    Everyone's doing so great even with all the challenges each one faces! You all inspire me!

    Recap F 8/11 - Repeat R goals minus dinner with friend. = Challenging day of in-house training, going home for lunch with hubby,, can't use my hourly "move" reminder. Fitbit count will be very low for 2nd day in a row but that's ok on occasion.
    1) Drink > 8 c water = great! 12 c :smiley:
    2) Take snacks to eat during training = done but didn't eat them all / see #3 :smile:
    3) Make wise dining choices = typical lunch at home but ate two cookies during training that instructor brought. Just felt like I needed a sugar rush. :( At least I passed on the donuts he brought yesterday. :) And supper was very light b/c I felt that I didn't want much after today and yesterday. That's new for me. :) In the end I was <100 red calories. I'll take it! :)
    4) Very busy & long week... probably go to bed early.

    JF Sat. 8/12
    1) Farmer's market by 7:30
    2) Walk dog long route
    3) Spend time with hubby / I would love if we went to hot air balloon rally in evening.
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    [@MLHC1;How thoughtful of your husband to book a R&R time for you--he sounds like a keeper. Congratulations on doing so well on your physics exam! I think we were all rooting for you! Certainly never was my best subject.

  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Well, today I really blew it! Had a lovely get together with a group of friends at a very nice restaurant; I ordered seafood alfredo---probably a thousand calories, and six hours later, I still feel "full"---there goes that 8-10 pound weight loss I had during the month of July--even topped it off with a chocolate dessert---aarrgh. OK---diet coaches---it's back to the 1300 calorie diet tomorrow!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    Well, today I really blew it! Had a lovely get together with a group of friends at a very nice restaurant; I ordered seafood alfredo---probably a thousand calories, and six hours later, I still feel "full"---there goes that 8-10 pound weight loss I had during the month of July--even topped it off with a chocolate dessert---aarrgh. OK---diet coaches---it's back to the 1300 calorie diet tomorrow!

    This was just ONE DAY!!! You are doing so great, and one day will not hurt you. Get right back on track tomorrow! I remember someone telling me, when I went over, that if I averaged out the entire week, I was OK. So here's your diet coach ---- Back at it tomorrow, and glad you enjoyed today! That is what life is about!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member

    JF Sat. 8/12
    1) Farmer's market by 7:30g
    2) Walk dog long route
    3) Spend time with hubby / I would love if we went to hot air balloon rally in evening.

    Did you hear on the local news that they are recalling peas from the farmers markets here and Appleton? Salmonella!! Makes me nervous to eat the cucumbers, cauliflower and broccoli I bought Wednesday!

    Wondering where the hot air balloon rally is? That sounds wonderful!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    1. go to fish fry, and yes, have that beer! :):) But had such good day, I didn't want to have the beer. So had a unsweetened ice tea instead!
    2. drink water :) Doing that now! I have to work harder at doing this during the day (so I'm not up all nite using the girls room!)
    3. log all food :)
    4. lay out gym clothes, and go saturday morning for sure :) Hubby wants to get up in the attic early, so I can't go till later. But .... I bought SIX lilac bushes tonite, so I may have my workout be in the yard digging! :)
    5. try and go to the gym in the afternoon. Even though it is not when I normally go, hopefully hubby will be finished with the light project, and I can go. :) Hubby decided to wait until saturday to get in the attic - so got my workout in this morning! I am learning about myself --- that my days are SO much better on the days when I get to the gym. So when the alarm goes off, and I am dead tired, I have to remember this!
    6. try not to worry or get upset about my daughter. Just be there for her, no matter how terrible she treats me. :) Better at this today. All I can do is pray that things will be OK, and pray that our daughter does OK.I am only in control over myself, and how I handle things.
    7. try and understand my son has his own family, and is busy. Do not take it personally :/ This one is hard. We were always close to our son, but he has lived away from us now for 14 years. I see the distance growing, and it makes me sad. I know he is so busy with his work, and his own family, but I wish things were different. The last time he came to see us here was last thanksgiving, so its up to us to go there, but that is even hard, as he travels so much. But ..... I have to just be grateful for the times we have.
    8. close the kitchen except for planned snacks. Going on day 5 :):)

    JFT, Saturday
    1. log all food
    2. help hubby in attic,and then try and go the gym. Yes, I can go to the gym in the afternoons ;)
    3. drink water throughout the day. 2 glasses with every meal
    4. PLAN my meals and snacks! I get into trouble on the weekends with unplanned eating
    5. close the kitchen except for meals and planned snacks. Going on DAY SIX. DON"T BREAK THIS OVER THE WEEKEND!!!
    6. work in the yard. Plant 6 lilac bushes, and move my irises
    7. sew on my quilt - all the blocks almost finished! Anxious to see how it will look put together!
    8. do something in the evening with my daughter (maybe the fabric store and coffee!) :)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    @MLHC1 - great job on your finals! And what a great husband to treat you to a weekend get away! What a thoughtful husband!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Absolutely fuming right now.

    I HATE cooking, like I really hate it.
    I prefer quick things like sauces from a jar kind of stuff because I just really dislike cooking and Atleast I know that way it will come out good enough.

    So tonight my partner told me how to do a meal,
    And it all came out like *kitten*. The whole thing.
    I'm fuming, I spent Atleast an hour cooking, made it all look nice, got a headache and backache from doing it for it to be *kitten*.
    It was just a waste of my effort, a waste of my time and now an even bigger waste because I've got to Atleast cook my OH something to eat. (The girls luckily had something different)

    And now I'm hungry but too pee'd off to do anything about it.

    Bex - I used to love cooking. But after 40+ years of cooking for hubby and kids, I am sick of it now. I just can't seem to come up with ideas anymore. To me, there is nothing wrong with buying the jar of pasta, or prepackaged things. I think a person can actually eat healthy and never have to cook! So, do what you love. If you don't enjoy cooking, to me, do what is simple (like buying rotossiere chickens already cooked, wraps, stir frys, things from deli, etc). I remember once making lasagna all from scratch - took all day simmering the sauce, etc., only to have it turn out terrible! So ..... I now do things the easiest I can (so I can enjoy and have more time to do what I love, like gardening or quilting, and just relaxing and listening to music with my husband!).
    Plus, to me, you have your hands full with your little ones, and being pregnant! Cut yourself some slack- and go lay on the couch and rest, and do what you love to do!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,101 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    8/11 Friday JFT:

    Well it is the end of the day on Friday........Just to update everyone, I did great on my Physics Final Exam, my husband booked me a hotel for three days so I could recovery from taking classes all summer. I checked into the hotel Thursday at 3pm, pampered myself, had a glass of wine and fell asleep for 10 hours :D After getting up, I enjoyed a relaxing mid-day breakfast, LOL Then slept for another 3 hours. Needless to say, my little "vacation" away from everything has been full of sleep, self pampering, and being served meals! Sometimes a woman needs to get away from it all!!! I absolutely LOVE my family, our house and our life we live. A little break to recover is sometimes just a little reminder of how blessed I truly am.

    Well, enough said about all that! I would like to tell you all how much I truly appreciate all of your support during my summer sessions at school. Since I am a full time student, wife and mother of three, I really don't have "girl" friends to chat with about life's little ciaos

    I'm so glad you did well on your exam!!
    You've really worked hard for it

    As for your little retreat, I want and need this!!
    But no one was more deserving than you!
    You sound really refreshed from your post, like I can feel how refreshed you are!!

    I'm the same, I don't have ANY friends so it's nice to be able to speak to you all.

    I always struggle with friends, especially people my own age, I'm not very trusting and tbh I just don't have the time. So it's nice I can come here and chat about anything, I genuinely consider a few of you as friends :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,101 Member
    edited August 2017
    joan6630 wrote: »
    so got my workout in this morning! I am learning about myself --- that my days are SO much better on the days when I get to the gym. So when the alarm goes off, and I am dead tired, I have to remember this!

    6. try not to worry or get upset about my daughter. Just be there for her, no matter how terrible she treats me. :) Better at this today. All I can do is pray that things will be OK, and pray that our daughter does OK.I am only in control over myself, and how I handle things.


    Stick a note on top of your alarm saying
    "I feel really bad after that workout.
    - Said no one ever."

    Can I ask what your daughter has? Was it severe depression? I can't remember

    My partner has a personality disorder and when he's awful to me I just have to remember 3 C's

    1. I didn't cause it Im not the reason he's ill

    2. I can't cure it I can help but I can't cure it

    3. I can't control it His disorder means he will react a certain way, I can't control or change that so don't try and then I won't feel like I've failed

    This weekend is the real test! Try it... JUST FOR ONE WEEKEND!!!!
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    Today I have only two goals:

    1. Stay bellow 1440 cal
    2. Have a snack free day
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    OConnell, those flowers are amazing! Lovely colors. You've inspired me to pick up 2 bouquets today (one for my MIL) :smile:

    Walk to local playground with dog & DD.
    Drink water-72 oz
    Taking daughter to special swim class at gym.
    I'll stay a 1/2 hour & do some weights but not too strenuous. Need to pay some attention to my abs.
    Track everything. Day 6 reduced sugar.
    Can't believe I've gone about a week w/o a sugary iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts.
    Continue w/healthier replacements (Enlighten salted caramel ice cream bar, almost every night).
    Take rests when needed.
    Get inspired & plan meals for week & some outings with kids.
    Get a good night's rest as we're supposed to go to the air show & meet up w/the Troop.

    This is a weird question, do you ever notice someone glancing at your body when you're talking to them? It doesn't happen w/strangers, only people I know. My mind immediately defaults to the thought "they notice my weight" b/c they knew me when I was at a healthier weight. It doesn't totally bring me down, just an observation.

    This is your day! :smiley:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,517 Member
    Did you hear on the local news that they are recalling peas from the farmers markets here and Appleton? Salmonella!! Makes me nervous to eat the cucumbers, cauliflower and broccoli I bought Wednesday!

    Wondering where the hot air balloon rally is? That sounds wonderful!

    I did hear about the shelled peas! And I have bought those in the past. Fortunately for me, the date authorities have linked to the salmonella was 7/22, the only Sat. market I have missed this year. That was the morning of the Packers 5K. I wouldn't be nervous about the produce...in fact I was there this morning to stock up. I have bought farmers market produce for years with no problems.

    The balloon rally is part of Seymour's Hamburger Days weekend. I just realized we missed the ascension at 6 a.m. today, not that I would go that early anyway. Tonight an ascension is scheduled for 6 p.m. and the balloon glow (balloons are inflated / illuminated from within) is 8 p.m. There's an event on Facebook if you're interested.
  • WR50
    WR50 Posts: 96 Member
    Just for today: I will not give into sugar or beer.