Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I think today could be a good day, not only did I manage to get to sleep early at 11pm, the girls didn't get up til 25 mins ago (9.15)

    My brain feels tired (which after a sleep like that I know that's my thyroid is playing up!)

    But I've had my tablets, I've got a nice cuppa!

    Positive vibes and all that. Not gonna post goals just gonna see where this day takes me!

    Scrap that.
    My days descended into hell.

    Hang in there Bex953172!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Thank you for the kind words! Just a nasty cold but a reminder I can't take my health for granted!

    Drink lots of water, green tea & honey.
    Take dog to park to play.
    Grocery store - shop for dinner only.
    Light play with youngest. Chalk drawings, popcorn & movie at home.
    Do not feel guilty for cancelling tonight's visit to the Boy Scout campfire. (I don't want to get others sick).
    Hem curtains if feeling up to it.
    Almost finished my mudroom. Not to sound sexist, but I feel so proud when I can complete a project that, in the past, I would've depended on my DH to do.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,353 Member
    tretan wrote: »
    Hi all!

    I'm new here but I'm loving all of your posts and goals so I thought I'd join in the fun.
    Today I did a little more snacking than I should have and I'm trying not to mentally beat myself up for it. It's late afternoon for me right now but I'll just post what I hope to accomplish for the rest of the day.

    1. Go on a 3.5 mile run! It's been three whole days since my last run and I'm concerned about how okay I feel without exercise. i need to get myself back in the habit!
    2. Finish an outlook assignment

    Hope all of your goals have been coming along smoothly!

    Welcome! Nice job with your run! :)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,521 Member
    edited August 2017
    ....because it could be brilliant if not for people being idiots.

    ....there are idiots/stresses in every workplace and I'll have to learn just to rise above it. I know he's right - anyone have any thoughts/tips on how I can actually do this?!

    Your BF is right! I am going through something very similar where I work. Our manager does not stand up to the assistant manager, who thinks she knows everything / best. So not true! I've been struggling with this a lot recently. Other aspects of the job really appeal to me. I know if I change jobs I'll have to confront other idiots / issues. I also know my work situation is not going away, so now I just do things "her way". Unfortunate for the business, yes, but their choice.

    My solution? Last night I had a long massage. Even during, I had to push away thoughts I didn't want about work. Eventually thoughts went away, and I went home soooo relaxed, no work thoughts at all. I know that doesn't resolve anything, but at least I wasn't grouchy or PO'ed anymore, for the time being. :wink:

    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Scrap that.
    My days descended into hell.

    Breathe in, breathe out. You can do this! :smile:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,353 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Scrap that.
    My days descended into hell.

    Uh oh!!! Geese nipping at your heels? Dog rolling in mud? Just kidding. Sending you big hugs from way over here... (((BEX)))
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,521 Member
    4. Take a walk, perhaps along the river walk downtown. I've never been to the river walk and I hear it is lovely. :/ Ran out of time.

    You have to go to City Deck and the Fox River Trail...so great! There's dining, free music, etc. depending on when you go. Not to mention the river.

    Happy vacation! :smiley:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,521 Member
    razor549 wrote: »
    Happy Hump Day MFP friends. :)

    @Bex953172 @junodog1 See, it's Hump Day (US)! LOL :smiley:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,353 Member
    But then when I left work I just started thinking about one issue that had arisen while I'm away and couldn't get it out of my mind as it made me so cross. I ended up sleeping like absolute rubbish and today I feel dreadful.

    It's silly really. Basically, there's a report that I wanted to be signed off while I was away, for a project that has been dragging on for ages and ages. I came back to find that my boss has very much not signed it off - he wants lots of changes making, and even suggested that we re-do the whole thing in Word rather than Power Point.

    This is weeks of work. Not only do I not have time, I don't have the inclination. Spending days and days getting reports re-written is not how I want to be spending my time! (And I often have to - this guy has a habit of doing this). It's a waste of the business's time as well.

    It doesn't sound much but it really upset me because I was really hoping that my job was going to get better - given we've hired someone to help me - and now it just feels like it never will. I really do love many aspects of my job, but I'm starting to feel like I'm going to have to give up and move on. Which saddens me. And also makes me angry, because it could be brilliant if not for people being idiots.

    So this is the kind of thoughts that I was having that kept me awake till 3pm :smile: My boyfriend says I need to learn to get less bothered by my job. He says there are idiots/stresses in every workplace and I'll have to learn just to rise above it. I know he's right - anyone have any thoughts/tips on how I can actually do this?!

    I totally understand why this upset you! And it might not sound like much to others, but I deal with that same stuff so I get it! I spend so much time redoing my work on projects because of all the last minute changes that I'm told in the beginning of the project "we aren't going to do" that I'm left scrambling at the end working 15 hour days trying to meet my deadlines. I love my job too. But I cannot take this kind of stress either. I keep waiting for things to change, which they assure me they will, but now that I'm on vacation, I just want to find a different job where I can go and put in my time and just come home without thinking about it at the end of the day.

    I'm having difficulty actually relaxing this week while I'm on vacation because I'm thinking of all the work I have at the office not getting done right now!

    So, my friend, I totally understand. I wish i had the answers. I really do. I haven't determined how to deal with it either. If you come up with some good ideas, please share. I have to go back to it in a few days myself!

    Sending you big hugs!!! (((Slittle))) :wink:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,521 Member
    Recap T 8/8 - Gorgeous day, the sun is out and no chance of rain (for a change) B)
    1) Before work, walked dog 3.09 miles and washed / hung 2 loads of laundry on clothesline :smiley:
    2) After work, fold laundry before spa appt. = done :smile:
    3) Evening, enjoy my massage and relax! = so great! :smiley:
    4) Keep net calories green = red 76 not horrible :smile:
    5) Bedtime 10:15 & TV off (no need for unwind time :wink:) = nope :/

    JFT W 8/9 - another non-rain day (maybe) B)
    1) Walked dog 3.43 miles before work :smiley:
    2) Practice mindful breathing & let stress go
    3) Keep net calories green
    4) Unwind 9:30 & bedtime w/ TV off 10:15

    Thurs. & Fri. I will be attending training 8:00 - 4:30, so remember to turn off hourly "move" reminder.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,353 Member
    @cschmitz110515 I didn't make it there yesterday, but maybe today! I was actually thinking about hitting the Farmer's Market on Broadway tonight for the first time too. Never been and heard it is a lot of fun!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,353 Member
    UGH!!! Had my whole post typed out and lost it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    I'm going to shorten it up a bunch.

    J4T, Wednesday:
    1. Hydrate
    2. Stay in the green
    3. Eat at least one serving of veggies. I struggle with these as i don't like them
    4. Keep my fingers out of candy bowl
    5. Enjoy the present moment with my DH on the boat today
    6. Add 100 steps to my FitBit count yesterday
    7. When it rains this afternoon, go downstairs and clean out my sewing area. Start cutting strips for the quilt I chose to make. @joan6630 - I finally settled on the Missouri Quilt Co's Two Step quilt. Looks easy enough for a novice? We'll see!
    8. Calm App
    9. Journal 5 things I'm grateful for today
    10. Simple Abundance chapter

    Have a great day everyone! <3
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    razor549 wrote: »
    Happy Hump Day MFP friends. :)

    @Bex953172 @junodog1 See, it's Hump Day (US)! LOL :smiley:

    Yeah yeah, whatever you say! If that's what you wanna call it :wink:
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Scrap that.
    My days descended into hell.

    Uh oh!!! Geese nipping at your heels? Dog rolling in mud? Just kidding. Sending you big hugs from way over here... (((BEX)))

    No, car not booked in properly at the garage for the 4th time, cue horrendous mood from partner.

    Baby was crying because she was hungry.. did not want spoon near her? Someone please explain that. She's been a moody sod all day.

    And I think you've mis-remembered, it was me rolling through mud when I went ar$e over t!t when chasing the dog haha

    The day has improved a little.
    Got the rabbit cage all sparkling clean finally (been meaning to do it for days) and groomed the rabbit because he was looking a little worse for wear poor thing!
    I pretty much brushed a brand new rabbit out of him with all the molting he's doing ATM!

    I'm gonna try log what I've ate... which thinking about it is only breakfast and a donut.

    I think I actually forgot about lunch :sweat_smile:
  • formaggio
    formaggio Posts: 15 Member
    razor549 wrote: »
    I've had MFP for years now and this is my first day using the community feature! . :)

    Same here -- I've been using MFP to track food off and on for years now and I just started using the community last week! I'm not sure I really knows it existed before then ;) Welcome!
  • formaggio
    formaggio Posts: 15 Member
    edited August 2017
    Argh, I'm having trouble with cutting and pasting quotes. So I'll skip to today's JFT:
    1. exercise, cardio only -- Done
    2. track everything and stay in green -- I'm home with the kids today so not snacking will be harder than the days I'm at work
    3. Get to sleep at a decent hour
    4. Pack up some camping stuff and make a grocery list (held over from yesterday's JFT)
    5. Clean something -- also held over from yesterday's JFT : )
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    formaggio wrote: »
    Argh, I'm having trouble with cutting and pasting quotes. So I'll skip to today's JFT:
    1. exercise, cardio only -- Done
    2. track everything and stay in green -- I'm home with the kids today so not snacking will be harder than the days I'm at work
    3. Get to sleep at a decent hour
    4. Pack up some camping stuff and make a grocery list (held over from yesterday's JFT)
    5. Clean something -- also held over from yesterday's JFT : )

    Under the post you want just click "quote"

    And it will appear automatically in the comment box with all the coding.
    If you want to copy and paste your goals, do the same but take the coding out which is at the start and beginning and is anything in square brackets [ ] and then just edit and post :)

    Hope that helps
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    As for tomorrow, 8/8, I will:

    1. Wake up by 8:30 at the latest :)
    2. Shower/coffee/quiet time :DHad some time to look at my MFP boards but that was about it. Lol.
    3. Log all food :|Forgot about the banana I had at about 12 am
    4. Keep in green :)
    5. Keep drawer balanced :)
    6. Ask for help if I need it :)
    7. Put food in crock pot before work :/Made Skillet Chicken and Veggies instead
    8. Have a good evening with the DH :)
    9. Bed whenever(I'm off on Wednesday) :)

    Wow!!! This board is active this morning! I was on here late last night and then all of a sudden there were 25 posts when I got on 12 hours later! Nice! I love that we have such a great following and community! I ended up falling asleep on the couch for about an hour before I pulled myself up and went to bed. Lol. I had a banana late at night which I guess could be considered a decent snack but I still wish I could stop myself from snacking at night! It's kind of getting me down! Today is a nice quiet day today as I am off and the DH closes his store tonight. Although I will be kind of lonely for the day. It's just me and the cat for the day. Although I am going to go to my church tonight for a class so that should be fun.

    So here are my goals for 8/9/17

    1. Log all food
    2. Keep in green
    3. Take a walk(doesn't matter how long it is)
    4. Do some HP Challenge work
    5. Prep some food for sandwiches
    6. (Optional) Go to the laundromat
    7. Clean the kitchen/bathroom
    8. Vaccum the bedroom
    9. (Optional) Read over story and work on outline
    10. Wrap for dinner
    11. Church
    12. Bed by 12 am
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Today, I stayed in the calorie allotment and I exercised. Then ... well, nothing.
    Thursday, I want to sleep thru the night until 5 am. Take kid to camp on time and exercise at Y. Stay in the calorie allotment. Vacuum floor. Plant irises. I think he wants to quit martial arts-maybe I will let him. I am low on water today--guess I had better take some water to bed and drink it.
  • nycstems
    nycstems Posts: 25 Member
    1. Eat a well balanced meal with salmon (trying to get this in at least 2X a week)
    2. Do routine 1 hour calisthenics workout
    3. Walk more and drive less to get from one place to another
    4. Be very thankful I made it through the day at peace with everything
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    @joan6630 - I finally settled on the Missouri Quilt Co's Two Step quilt. Looks easy enough for a novice? We'll see!

    Have a great day everyone! <3

    This looks like a great quilt to start on!! Have fun! One thing that I did not know, and had to learn the hard way, is that after you sew your blocks, be sure and square them all up (make sure they all are the same measurements). I didn't know this when I first started, and it made it so much harder. I learned this at a quilt retreat -- making sure each block is exactly the same makes it so much easier to sew the rows, and look so much nicer! But the main thing -- enjoy it!!! I am working on a quilt now called "Tenessee Waltz!" - loving it!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Tuesday, Aug 8
    1. log all food :)
    2. be mindful of what I put in my mouth. Consider and know the calorie count, and whether it is worth it! :)
    3. close the kitchen except for meals and planned snacks. Starting over with this -- going on DAY THREE! :)
    4. drink water :)
    5. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning :) (Laid out my clothes, but was unable to sleep last nite, so I didn't go. For some reason, I just could not sleep -- to many things on my mind! I was awake until 5 AM!! So dead tired today!
    6. wash at least one window -- windows need cleaning so bad! Start with one window at a time :/
    7. work on quilt; finish up binding :)
    8. start to gather stuff that will be going to goodwill :/

    SO late in the day again today posting - it was one of those days. Plus, I could not sleep last nite, so really tired.

    But .... for the rest of today:
    1. log all food
    2. close the kitchen, as I am now at my calorie allowance for the day
    3. drink water
    4. sew on quilt