Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Weekly weigh-in

    Starting weight Jan 1: 217
    Current weight 195.6!!
    Goal weight:175
    (5'11" tall)

    Progress so far:
    Jan 1: 217
    Feb 1: 211
    March 1: 205.4
    April 1: 202.6
    May 1: 204.6
    June 1: 200.4
    July 1: 199.2
    August 1: 195.6

    Month of August: Goal is to lose 4 lbs

    August 1: 195.6
    August 6 195.4

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,110 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Didn't post goals for Saturday.
    Wasn't feeling up to it tbh.

    But here are my Sunday goals

    - Log everything and try be in the green!
    - 5K steps
    - 3-4 glasses of water
    - Find a crochet project to start

    Done none of it.
    Had an awful day.
    Don't even want to talk about it!
    I just hate depression.

    Although actually I did find a crochet project!
    So yay 1 out of 4!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    edited August 2017
    Recap: Just For Today 08-04-2017
    :) 64+ oz of water
    :) Three vegetables (lunch covers this)
    :| Three challenge routines two things done.
    :) Vacuum upstairs Downstairs and stairs and 2/3 of upstairs. Can quick finish up our bed/bath tonight.
    :angry: RT-6 payments - No that’s why I am at work today
    :angry: Schedule time for review of accreditation work No that’s why I am at work today
    :angry: Time off allocations for staff No that’s why I am at work today

    Just For Today 08-06-2017
    ∙ 64+ oz of water - must track this and movement when alone at office
    ∙ Three vegetables / 2 fruits
    ∙ Job search work
    ∙ Work catch up
    →RT-6 payments
    →Schedule time for review of accreditation work
    →Time off allocations for staff

    Had a good day yesterday, Saturday, Went shopping with DH. Our first stop was to give blood, then we went and spent excruciating hours finding new pants for him as he goes back for another year at the high school. Ate dinner afterwards at Olive Garden which provided that days food plus multiple other days foods as they are running a buy one, take one home special. He has already eaten my leftover alfredo; I can only hope he will leave me some some of MY ziti. :heartbreak:

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    edited August 2017

    So here are my goals for today.

    1. Log all food <3
    2. Stay in green <3
    3. Talk a walk (doesn't have to be long) <3
    4. Do laundry <3
    5. Put food in crock pot at 3 <3
    6. Enjoy a short nap <3
    7. Finish divvying up snacks <3
    8. Spend the evening with the DH <3
    9. Bed by 10 <3 Probably earlier

    Have a great day everyone!

    Had a great day today. Totally exhausted though. Did way more than my list gives justice to. Had two long posts written out but the didn't post right because apparently the Emojis on my tablet are incompatible. Made me very sad.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    formaggio wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Ahah I live in the U.K.
    A drive-thru pharmacy is unheard of :sweat_smile:
    Drive-thru pharmacies are the greatest when you have kids in tow!

    Yes-drive thru is ideal when you have a sick kid in the backseat :smile:
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Thanks to those of you who 'spoke' my name.
    BEX What no drive-thrus? I am a bit surprised. Do you have the Boots Alliance stores there? I think that the UK name of us.
    Joan Oh, yes. One day a guy behind the car I was helping did get out and yell and curse at the person. I am not young but in reality I am not a slow cashier unless something is wrong with the Rx. And it just takes time to input insurance cards and try them out and quite often they have to be revised and changed around a bit to work so it can take 10 minutes on that. But there is a beautiful view out the window and you can see the tide or water rise or fall and lovely sky when it storms! My boss will say, "Are you over there just standing?" I always say YES!
    Juno Alas, my beloved died the week before Christmas. It is still hard for me to just breathe at times. I am so trying to keep things together and I have had training in death and grief which is a help. There are days I just go to bed and think I can not make it. But there are also days I look at his child and am determined to raise him to be proud of his dad and know we loved him so. Losing weight and getting my kidneys and whatever in control is essential. One-so I don't have to buy any clothes and Two--so I can hopefully live to see the boy grown and making a living.
    1. Do laundry, dishes, trash and sweep the floor which I did not do yesterday.
    2. Keep within the calorie allotment and exercise. Going swimming after son's camp today.
    3. Already took books to library and cleared field of branches and trash. Guess I will ride around on mower next.
    4. Do time on Family Search-tomorrow going to Heritage Center to help with a girl's group.
    5. Go to Home Depot and get husband's weed eater fixed.
    These little lists are helpful to me. Reminders to keep moving.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    5. Spoke to husband and told him I need help. Also prayed and I will overcome this too.

    I feel for you working a drive thru for the pharmacy! I usually go inside, and always feel so bad for the ones working it. People in line who argue, expect things in a hurry etc. I even had someone behind me honking their horn at me because I was taking too long!!

    Also, did you lose your husband? By your postings, I was just wondering. I hope not. If so, I am praying for you. I have been married for 40+ years, and with my husband for 45 years. I cannot imagine my life without him. I lose 4 siblings all at very young ages, and that was hard.

    Josephinebowman, I don't always get around to reading the post but yours jumped out at me. I do believe in praying & it helps settle me sometimes when life is trying. I'm sure your husband is watching over you. I would love to offer up anything that helps me, but I know we're all different. Something tugged at me when I read your post. Maybe these things could help. Sometimes a stroll through a park w/deep breathing. Listening to a good podcast. Journaling. Think back to something that used to give you joy.

    Joan6630, so funny, I took my daughter out to the 99 last night after seeing DH & DS off to Scout camp. When I read your post I could relate that when things are going good w/a special needs child, we have to make the most of it. My daughter was very well behaved last night, I ate a healthy supper & splurged on a small dessert, drank water. She has a lot of "outbursts" so I had to be prepared to handle it. A small victory in my book :smile:
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Pretracked most of the day.
    Drink 9 C water
    Walk the dog with daughter. Slow walk.
    Meditate with Calm app after lunch.
    Plan a healthy supper.
    Listen to "Primal Potential".
    Think my goal for early bedtime is too lofty. Tonight, I'll aim for 10:45.
    Day 4 reducing sugar. Had small dessert last night but I savored every bite.

    After walking the Boy Scout camp site yesterday I've decided to plan a camping trip, tents and all! We need to get away.

    When things are stagnant, I've never regretted changing things up.

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,522 Member
    @HGSmith0920 You're here, so that's good!

    @OConnell5483 Thinking of you!

    @junodog1 So glad your daughter is ok!

    @joan6630 Wonderful that you had a good day with daughter!

    @josephinebowman So sorry for your loss. Praying for comfort and strength for you and your boy.

    @MLHC1 You're doing great!

    Sorry if I forgot anyone. :wink:

    Recap F 8/4 a.m. raining again = no dog walk before work. Seems like I've spent the entire summer planning dog walks around rain forecast. Makes me grouchy. :s
    1) If rain stops as forecast, walk dog after work = walked 2.35 miles :smiley:
    2) Keep net calories in green (need to meal plan & prelog more) = fail :(
    3) Scan tax returns to financial advisor = done :smile:
    4) Practice mindful breathing in afternoon = no, ran out of time :/
    5) Bedtime by 11:00 / farmers market Sat. by 7:30 a.m. = done :smiley:

    Short recap of weekend:
    Sat. farmers market at 7:35 & walked dog 3.58 miles. Spent rest of day w/ hubby / visited BIL & niece and helped with home project that needed an assist. :smiley:<3
    Sun. church then walked dog 3.43 miles. Ran errands w/ hubby, including grocery shopping, and had home cooked dinner together. :smiley:<3
    Logged all food over weekend & net calories in the red both Sat. & Sun. But daily weigh-ins haven't been horrible, so maybe I'm more active than giving myself credit for?

    JFT M 8/7
    1) Walked dog 1.91 miles before work (sorry for short route, dog) :smiley:
    2) Keep net calories in green
    3) Keep my cool at work...don't let issue gnaw at me b/c I did what I could
    4) Evening, brew tea, boil eggs, wash dishes, recyclables in bin, sort laundry for T a.m.
    5) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,522 Member
    Weekly Weigh-In = When I'm active I eat back calories / sometimes too much. My weaknesses: my sweet tooth, especially chocolate, and portion control. I weigh myself daily and log weekly / posting my Saturday a.m. weigh-in here. [My digital scale only shows half pound increments.]

    Height 5'4"
    GW #1: 150
    GW #2: 145
    Ultimate Goal Range: 140 - 145 [anything less is probably unsustainable]
    August Goal: lose 4# and reach 170

    11/5/15 = 195.0 joined MFP with no real plan except It's. Not. A. Diet.
    5/31/17 = 180.5 two end of month celebrations
    6/3 = 177.5
    6/10 = 179.5 pre-10K spaghetti supper night before
    6/17 = 179.5 numerous meals away from home, several occasions w/ alcohol, happy no gain
    6/24 = 178.0 fluctuated during week, but ended ok
    7/1 = 176.0 Yay!!! Achieved June goal to stay <180
    7/8 = 177.5
    7/15 = 176.5
    7/22 = 175.0
    7/29 = 174.0 saw at least one daily w-i below 174
    8/5 = 174.5 dined out for Girls Day Out & ate Dad's cooking & baking

    Reminder: Weight loss is not linear. At least it's not for me. :smile:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,110 Member
    Thanks to those of you who 'spoke' my name.
    BEX What no drive-thrus? I am a bit surprised. Do you have the Boots Alliance stores there? I think that the UK name of us.
    Joan Oh, yes. One day a guy behind the car I was helping did get out and yell and curse at the person. I am not young but in reality I am not a slow cashier unless something is wrong with the Rx. And it just takes time to input insurance cards and try them out and quite often they have to be revised and changed around a bit to work so it can take 10 minutes on that. But there is a beautiful view out the window and you can see the tide or water rise or fall and lovely sky when it storms! My boss will say, "Are you over there just standing?" I always say YES!
    Juno Alas, my beloved died the week before Christmas. It is still hard for me to just breathe at times. I am so trying to keep things together and I have had training in death and grief which is a help. There are days I just go to bed and think I can not make it. But there are also days I look at his child and am determined to raise him to be proud of his dad and know we loved him so. Losing weight and getting my kidneys and whatever in control is essential. One-so I don't have to buy any clothes and Two--so I can hopefully live to see the boy grown and making a living.
    1. Do laundry, dishes, trash and sweep the floor which I did not do yesterday.
    2. Keep within the calorie allotment and exercise. Going swimming after son's camp today.
    3. Already took books to library and cleared field of branches and trash. Guess I will ride around on mower next.
    4. Do time on Family Search-tomorrow going to Heritage Center to help with a girl's group.
    5. Go to Home Depot and get husband's weed eater fixed.
    These little lists are helpful to me. Reminders to keep moving.

    After a quick Google we do have drive-thru pharmacy! One opened (a Boots) in 2008 as a pilot to see how it would work before they rolled it out in other places.
    But can't see if they have done more!

    They used an old McDonald's premises lol
  • bhurley100
    bhurley100 Posts: 201 Member
    Clean eating by hiding candy, chocolates and chips.. drink a glass of water if cravings start. Chew my gum if cravings persist. Eat only pre prepped food. Complete a full workout session. Keep going and push through the whole dvd. Do a quick round of core exercises and practice a few pole conditionings. Just for today. . .
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    edited August 2017
    Recap: Just For Today 08-06-2017
    :) 64+ oz of water - must track this and movement when alone at office
    :p Three vegetables / 2 fruits - HA HA HA 1 Fruit & 1 Veg
    :'( Job search work
    :| Work catch up
    • :( →RT-6 payments
    • :) →Schedule time for review of accreditation work
    • :) →Time off allocations for staff

    Just For Today 08-07-2017
    • 64+ oz of water
    • Fiber!
    • C25K W5 D3
    • Clean bathrooms
    • Prepare for Accreditation meeting
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    8/5 Saturday JFT:

    ✔Slept in until 8am :D
    ✔Lazy until 10 am :D
    ✔Brunch with the family
    ✔Now it's time to focus!!!! B)
    ✔Physics HW and Online HW
    ❌Physics Lab HW
    ✔Physics Exam Prep
    ✔Budget meeting
    ❌Manage Saturday chores
    ✔Dinner by by 7pm
    ✔Bedtime by midnight

    8/6 Sunday JFT:

    ✔Awake at 8am
    ✔Physics Lab HW
    ✔Premade Breakfast tacos for the week
    ✔Went to the theater w/ the fam. We watched "The emoji" movie :D
    ✔Physics HW and Online HW (Ch. 31 done)
    ✔Physics Exam Prep
    ✔Dinner by 8pm
    ✔Bedtime by 11pm

    8/7 Monday JFT:

    Awake at 4:30am
    Physics Exam Prep
    High Cal breakfast
    Packed lunches
    Play "bus driver" for kiddos :D
    Physics Exam 8 am
    Run Errands btw 10-11:30am
    Attend Classes 12-3pm
    Run by WM on way home
    Jog on elliptical (may go for a walk, we'll see)
    Dinner with friends around 7/8 PM
    Bedtime by midnight

    Sorry for the long post, I'm "catching up" from the days I missed :D

    Only 3 days until Physics is DONE!!!! Then I'm dieting for 7 days and detoxing to reset myself.

    Be blessed everyone :)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,361 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    For my friends from across the pond!
    I found this today..
    £1.85 per can!!
    Outrageous but last time I drank this I was 12!


    Ha! I just asked my husband the other night if we could go to A&W for a big frosty mug of root beer! Had such a craving! From what I understand, most people who are not from US think root beer is NASTY tasting. What did you think?
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    1. log all food :/ But .... I ate OK. Just so busy all day I didn't get it logged in
    2. skipping the gym, as my legs are still sore, but I will go for a nice long walk :):) Went on a 5 mile walk, then came home and mowed the grass. Cleaned house before that, and did 4 loads of laundry! So I guess having 2 lazy, rest days was worth it!
    3. visit with a good friend this afternoon :/ Just visited over the phone - going to get together this week
    4. eat healthy - be mindful :)
    5. CLOSE the kitchen except for meals, and a planned snack. I am going to start my days over with this, so going on DAY ONE again. My goal -- do this 7 days in a row! :) DAY ONE!
    6. Spend time with my daughter if she comes out :/ She only stayed about 5 minutes, but at least she came out to say hi.
    7. enjoy the day with hubby :)
    8. sew! :) And then my sewing machine broke! Luckly I have a backup, but hope hubby can fix it :'(
    9. try and clean the house a little while hubby is at the gym :) Got SO much done yesterday!!

    JFT, Monday1
    1. log all food
    2. be mindful of what I eat!
    3. close the kitchen except for meals and planned snacks. Going on DAY TWO again!
    4. drink water
    5. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning. Already went to the gym this morning - even though I didn't want to! It is so easy to get back into the habit of sleeping in and skipping the gym,but I know how much better I feel when I go!

    I will have to go back later and read all the posts! You guys are doing great, and my motivation!!
  • formaggio
    formaggio Posts: 15 Member
    Aug. 6 JFT:
    :) log everything
    :) exercise
    :# stay positive
    :) eat a reasonable dinner
    :) no wine

    Aug. 7 JFT. Have to love the water weight loss the first week of eating better, it's always so motivating
    1. log everything
    2. exercise after work
    3. stay positive
    4. eat a reasonable dinner
    5. no wine
    6. Fall asleep earlier! I'm great at going to bed earlier, I just can't seem to fall asleep this summer. My babysitter was already there when I woke up this morning ; )
    7. Think through and plan how to attack the next week ... two camping trips coming up between now and next Wednesday
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,361 Member
    @cschmitz110515 Thank you for thinking of me. I've missed you guys!

    @josephinebowman Welcome to our group! I'm sorry to hear of your loss. (((Gentle Hugs))) One day at a time, one hour at a time and one minute at a time can be applied to so many things...sometimes it's all we can do.

    Hey guys, I'm back! I've had a pretty rough few weeks. Things falling apart all around me while i watch and feel helpless. But today I start a week of vacation, and I'm hoping to use this time to de-stress from work, heal my spirit and just plain unwind and find some peace. I've been not able to hop on here much and quite frankly have been so torn up that I have not cared at all if I take care of myself or not. I'm actually supposed to be on vacation on a houseboat with my sister and my brother and their families, and my dad, island hopping all week in the Canadian boundary waters. It has been planned since January, and I had to cancel at the last minute, so today I'm feeling pretty sad and bitter about it.

    Time to turn things around and look for the positives. So, today not only begins my vacation, it also marks a new beginning. I plan to only do things that bring me peace. I plan to quilt, read, sit outside and watch the birds in the backyard, maybe take a ride in the country and take some photographs, take some walks and strengthen my knee, go fishing, maybe even take a ride along the lakeshore exploring the different piers and lighthouses. Whatever my heart leads me...that is what I will do that day. It is time to go deep inside and heal.

    Sorry if that got a little philosophical but life has been quite the opposite of a bowl of cherries lately and I needed to get that out.

    I have missed all of you so much. You not only motivate me to work on my physical health, but you help me mentally. Thank you for that!

    Just for Monday, 8/7/2017:
    1. Journal every single bite
    2. Water, at least 64 oz
    3. Watch a few quilting videos and pick one to begin making this week
    4. Take a walk, perhaps along the river walk downtown. I've never been to the river walk and I hear it is lovely.
    5. Write 5 things I am grateful for today in my Gratitude Journal before I go to bed tonight
    6. Try meditating with either Headspace or Calm
    7. Try not to think about work or family drama
    8. Be happy for this day, every single beautiful moment of it

    Tracie in WI

    2017: The year I find Serenity.

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,110 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    1. log all food :/ But .... I ate OK. Just so busy all day I didn't get it logged in
    2. skipping the gym, as my legs are still sore, but I will go for a nice long walk :):) Went on a 5 mile walk, then came home and mowed the grass. Cleaned house before that, and did 4 loads of laundry! So I guess having 2 lazy, rest days was worth it!
    3. visit with a good friend this afternoon :/ Just visited over the phone - going to get together this week
    4. eat healthy - be mindful :)
    5. CLOSE the kitchen except for meals, and a planned snack. I am going to start my days over with this, so going on DAY ONE again. My goal -- do this 7 days in a row! :) DAY ONE!
    6. Spend time with my daughter if she comes out :/ She only stayed about 5 minutes, but at least she came out to say hi.
    7. enjoy the day with hubby :)
    8. sew! :) And then my sewing machine broke! Luckly I have a backup, but hope hubby can fix it :'(
    9. try and clean the house a little while hubby is at the gym :) Got SO much done yesterday!!

    JFT, Monday1
    1. log all food
    2. be mindful of what I eat!
    3. close the kitchen except for meals and planned snacks. Going on DAY TWO again!
    4. drink water
    5. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning. Already went to the gym this morning - even though I didn't want to! It is so easy to get back into the habit of sleeping in and skipping the gym,but I know how much better I feel when I go!

    I will have to go back later and read all the posts! You guys are doing great, and my motivation!!

    Nooooo what happened!!!!
    Why are you back on day 1!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,110 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    For my friends from across the pond!
    I found this today..
    £1.85 per can!!
    Outrageous but last time I drank this I was 12!


    Ha! I just asked my husband the other night if we could go to A&W for a big frosty mug of root beer! Had such a craving! From what I understand, most people who are not from US think root beer is NASTY tasting. What did you think?

    Yeah a lot of people hate it!
    Lots and lots (probably why it's so hard to come by over here!)
    But I've always liked it!
    Loved it in fact. But I've always liked what people think as awful!