Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    8/2 Wednesday JFT:

    ✔Attend Classes
    ✔Physics HW and Online HW (Ch. 30)
    ❌Physics Exam Prep
    ❌Run on elliptical
    ✔Dinner by 7 pm (leftovers night!!)
    ✔Bedtime by midnight

    ❌Felt very depressed yesterday➡️Stay positive and focused!! :(

    8/3 Thursday JFT:

    Awake at 5am
    Quality quiet time
    Devotional time
    Run by ATM
    Attend class
    Physics HW and Online HW (finish Ch. 30)
    Physics Exam Prep
    Just get on elliptical for ~20min.!!
    Structure email for university FA
    FISD online registration
    Call united for school supplies ?
    Dinner by 7pm
    Bedtime by 10pm
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Just for today: 8/3
    Clean the inside of my car
    Walk--20 minutes
    Start logging food again
    Practice for church on Sunday
    Send two get well notes
    Spend 30 minutes organizing files (not my favorite thing to do)
    Work on bird journal
  • formaggio
    formaggio Posts: 15 Member
    My first JFT! :)

    1. Log everything
    2. Go to class at gym
    3. Stay positive
    4. No wine
    5. Eat a reasonable dinner -- the hardest time of day for me!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,114 Member
    formaggio wrote: »
    My first JFT! :)

    1. Log everything
    2. Go to class at gym
    3. Stay positive
    4. No wine
    5. Eat a reasonable dinner -- the hardest time of day for me!

    Nice to have you with us!

    You've got some good goals there!
    What makes dinner hard for you?
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Just for today-it is Thursday 8/3/17
    1. I will keep within calories guidelines.
    2. I will think fiber, water, and exercise.
    3. I will be nice to the install person with the dishwasher.
    4. I will buy dog food, take out the trash, and get the clean laundry folded and put somewhere.
    5. I will bring in ripe tomatoes and put them into freezer.

    Writing these down or else I will 'forget."
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
    edited August 2017
    joan6630 wrote: »
    August 1: 195.6

    This is SO GREAT!!!! :smiley:
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Sorry Joan, can't help you :(

    Pretracked most of the day.
    Make healthy food choices.
    Drink 9 C water
    Walk the dogs & hopefully a 2nd walk tonight.
    Meditate with Calm app after lunch.
    Self care - keep putting this off!
    Early to bed. 9:30.
    Looking into reducing my sugar intake. Anybody else tracking their sugar? I've been reading about the connection between sugar/grains & inflammation (plantar fasciitis).
    Complete a task on the household list (paint)!

    Control the day or the day will control you.

  • formaggio
    formaggio Posts: 15 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    formaggio wrote: »
    My first JFT! :)

    1. Log everything
    2. Go to class at gym
    3. Stay positive
    4. No wine
    5. Eat a reasonable dinner -- the hardest time of day for me!

    Nice to have you with us!

    You've got some good goals there!
    What makes dinner hard for you?

    Thanks! I think I just run out of willpower by the end of the day, my kids have run out of goodness and are screaming, and I end up using dinner as a comfort food opportunity. I need to find another way to unwind/reward myself for the day but haven't come across any good ideas to date.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    formaggio wrote: »
    My first JFT! :)

    5. Eat a reasonable dinner -- the hardest time of day for me!


    I recently started eating a high protein snack around 3pm and this has really helped with controlling my appetite. This has also helped me control my portion size at dinner.

    Welcome to the JFT thread!!!! B)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
    I'm back! Just caught up on this thread, so glad to "see" everyone again! And welcome newbies!

    Haven't logged anything since Mon. midday, yet my MFP streak keeps adding days. Maybe b/c I leave the MFP app open on my new phone, it keeps counting?

    Recap M 7/31 before I leave town for Girls Day Out
    1) Walked dog 3.43 miles on another gorgeous a.m. / little sticky....I could get used to these sunny days, but know it won't last B)B)B)B)
    2) Update weekly weigh-in log = Done! :smile:
    3) Update monthly goals / set Aug goals = Done! :smile:
    4) Balance checkbooks...behind again, such a pain with weekly payday & transfers = Done, but forgot to write check to Dad, now I have to mail him check :smile: :/
    5) Wash dishes = Nope :/ More important to have lunch & play quick game of Rummikub on patio w/ hubby before we both head off in different directions. <3
    6) Pack for GDO / remember walking shoes & clothes / planning to walk w/ sister & aunt W a.m. = Ready! :smiley:
    7) Big hug & kiss hubby goodbye when he leaves for work / won't see him until Th = <3<3<3

    Tues. had great GDO. We changed original plans T a.m. and ended up in touristy town 50 miles away with lots of shops and lots to eat. We can't do as much as we used to. Mom (80yo) and aunt (70) have had health issues that have slowed them both down, but I, sister and SIL just eased things up a bit and we all had a great day! And the weather cooperated. :smiley:<3:smiley:<3

    On T & W, I didn't log a thing on MFP. Indulged somewhat, plus ate Dad's cooking / baking (so good!). :blush: Sister and I walked to county park & back W a.m. = total 6 miles. Also learned MapMyWalk app doesn't track when phone is in battery-save mode. Oh well, if the app didn't track did I really walk? :wink: My Fitbit counted the steps at least. :smile:

    Th a.m. daily w-i not so great & rainy day = no dog walk before work, so....

    JFT R 8/3
    1) Log all meals / snacks and keep net calories w/i 100 of green
    2) Stairs at work/home > 25 floors
    3) Catch up emails at work / make progress on current assignment
    4) Complete > 3 items on to-do list at home
    5) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    Lately I am Just For Every Other Day. :blush:

    recap Tuesday - Just for today
    :) Stay in the green food wise
    :) Water
    :) C25K W5 D1
    :) Follow up on Resume work

    Just For Today 08-03-2017
    • Drink Water
    • No chocolate bits
    • Clear FRS for July
    • Plan Friday's food
    • 15 minutes breathing/mediation
    • 30 minutes dancing
    • 2 mile walk
    • More follow up on resume
    • Vacuum carpets downstairs
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    Just for today: 8/3

    Work on bird journal

    What is a bird journal? Just curious - I love watching birds, especially hummingbirds. Do you record what/when you see birds?
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Ever have one of those days where everything that can go wrong will!! I should have stayed in bed today :(. And .... I want something "good and fattening" to eat!! But ..... had my large bowl of strawberries with cottage cheese, and now drinking my water. The kitchen is closed until 6!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,114 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Ever have one of those days where everything that can go wrong will!! I should have stayed in bed today :(. And .... I want something "good and fattening" to eat!! But ..... had my large bowl of strawberries with cottage cheese, and now drinking my water. The kitchen is closed until 6!

    Do NOT crumble now!
    Like you said, "it's one of those days" if you can kick today's @ss in one way then don't let it win on the kitchen!

    Because tomorrow will start in one of two ways!

    - You'll wake up miffed because you're back to day one.
    - You'll wake up with a great sense of achievement because even on your bad day you managed to keep the kitchen closed! It will prove your determination.

    Now, which one is it going to be!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Ever have one of those days where everything that can go wrong will!! I should have stayed in bed today :(. And .... I want something "good and fattening" to eat!! But ..... had my large bowl of strawberries with cottage cheese, and now drinking my water. The kitchen is closed until 6!

    Do NOT crumble now!
    Like you said, "it's one of those days" if you can kick today's @ss in one way then don't let it win on the kitchen!

    Because tomorrow will start in one of two ways!

    - You'll wake up miffed because you're back to day one.
    - You'll wake up with a great sense of achievement because even on your bad day you managed to keep the kitchen closed! It will prove your determination.

    Now, which one is it going to be!!

    Thanks Bex!! Your the best diet coach :):)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,114 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Ever have one of those days where everything that can go wrong will!! I should have stayed in bed today :(. And .... I want something "good and fattening" to eat!! But ..... had my large bowl of strawberries with cottage cheese, and now drinking my water. The kitchen is closed until 6!

    Do NOT crumble now!
    Like you said, "it's one of those days" if you can kick today's @ss in one way then don't let it win on the kitchen!

    Because tomorrow will start in one of two ways!

    - You'll wake up miffed because you're back to day one.
    - You'll wake up with a great sense of achievement because even on your bad day you managed to keep the kitchen closed! It will prove your determination.

    Now, which one is it going to be!!

    Thanks Bex!! Your the best diet coach :):)

    :sweat_smile: you're goddamn right I am!! And no one messes with a pregnant lady hah
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,114 Member
    formaggio wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    formaggio wrote: »
    My first JFT! :)

    1. Log everything
    2. Go to class at gym
    3. Stay positive
    4. No wine
    5. Eat a reasonable dinner -- the hardest time of day for me!

    Nice to have you with us!

    You've got some good goals there!
    What makes dinner hard for you?

    Thanks! I think I just run out of willpower by the end of the day, my kids have run out of goodness and are screaming, and I end up using dinner as a comfort food opportunity. I need to find another way to unwind/reward myself for the day but haven't come across any good ideas to date.

    Ah kids :sweat_smile:
    Feeling your pain! How old?
    I have a 3yo, a 1yo and pregnant again!

    I would make a strict plan for your dinner (ask @joan6630 - she has set snacks after her dinner)
    Once my kids are in bed, I just sit. In all their mess and have a nice cuppa tea.
    And I sit in silence, no one bugging me. And I practice a bit of mindfulness to just calm me down and relax from the day! Then I get up and do the big tidy up!

    Just 10 mins to yourself. With your own thoughts.
    You could probably spend that time thinking about what you'd like to eat, and then rationalise it with "well I could eat that but it would not help me in my weight loss goals. Why not had X instead"

    I mindlessly eat. All the time. I eat without thinking, if I think about it, I make better choices every time!

    Even get a pair of headphones and listen to some music to unwind
    Sometimes I put headphones in earlier just so I don't have to listen to "mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy!"
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited August 2017
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    8/3 Thursday JFT:

    ✔Awake at 5am
    ✔Quality quiet time
    ❌Devotional time (AM)
    ✔Run by ATM
    ✔Attend class
    ✔Physics HW & Online HW (finish Ch. 30)
    ✔Physics Exam Prep
    ❌Just get on elliptical for ~20min.!!
    ✔Structure email for university FA
    ✔FISD online registration
    ✔Call united for school supplies ?
    ✔Dinner by 7pm
    ✔Devotional Time (PM)
    Maybe➡️Bedtime by 10pm

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Thurs, Aug 3
    1. log all food :)
    2. drink water :)
    3. eat only planned snacks and meals. CLOSE the kitchen the rest of the time. Going on DAY NINE! :) Did it!! This was a hard day - everything that could go wrong did. I didn't get to the gym this morning, so I was grumpy all day! But..... I managed to eat what I had planned, drank a lot of water, went to a zumba class tonite. Got home, made some popcorn for hubby and I, and now I'm going to grab my water, and sew until bedtime! One more day down .....
    4. work more on file cabinets to organize :/ Didn't even have a chance to work on one cabinet. One of those day.s :/
    5. go to the gym in the morning :/ So tired, and decided not to go. But plan on going tomorrow for sure!!
    6. lay out gym clothes for friday morning :) Already put them in the bathroom, so no excuse tomorrow morning!

    JFT, Friday, Aug 4
    1. Log all food
    2. concentrate on water
    3. eat only planned meals and snacks. The kitchen is locked with a key the rest of the time -- so don't even enter the kitchen unless its meal time, or time for my snack. Going on DAY TEN!!!!!!! Hoping I can make it to Day 30!
    4. work in the yard. The weather is suppose to be in the high 70s! Such a relief after triple digit temps!
    5. laundry
    6. go to the gym -- no excuses tomorrow
    7. lay out gym clothes for saturday morning

  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Well, some got done and some did not. Went to work so meatloaf did not get cooked, no swimming. It is 10 pm and a tv dinner awaits me. I was nice to the install men but they did not get the dishwasher done-turns out I have granite counters (yes, I told you) so $60 more dollars and reschedule installation. I did do the family tree and I have stayed under for calories but water drinking is weak. FIBER was too high. Sigh, tomorrow is another day. I said I would work then, too. My boss/store has been good to me but...this lady that calls out needs to get to work.
    For Friday,
    1. Observe calories and go swimming early.
    2. Will not hassle the fiber goal. Refuse to think fiber.
    3. Fold laundry and try the dishwasher which should work but is not attached to anything.
    4. Bake meatloaf, eat some before work.
    5. Work 3-8