Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    @cschmitz110515 Thank you for thinking of me. I've missed you guys!

    @josephinebowman Welcome to our group! I'm sorry to hear of your loss. (((Gentle Hugs))) One day at a time, one hour at a time and one minute at a time can be applied to so many things...sometimes it's all we can do.

    Hey guys, I'm back! I've had a pretty rough few weeks. Things falling apart all around me while i watch and feel helpless. But today I start a week of vacation, and I'm hoping to use this time to de-stress from work, heal my spirit and just plain unwind and find some peace. I've been not able to hop on here much and quite frankly have been so torn up that I have not cared at all if I take care of myself or not. I'm actually supposed to be on vacation on a houseboat with my sister and my brother and their families, and my dad, island hopping all week in the Canadian boundary waters. It has been planned since January, and I had to cancel at the last minute, so today I'm feeling pretty sad and bitter about it.

    Time to turn things around and look for the positives. So, today not only begins my vacation, it also marks a new beginning. I plan to only do things that bring me peace. I plan to quilt, read, sit outside and watch the birds in the backyard, maybe take a ride in the country and take some photographs, take some walks and strengthen my knee, go fishing, maybe even take a ride along the lakeshore exploring the different piers and lighthouses. Whatever my heart leads me...that is what I will do that day. It is time to go deep inside and heal.

    Sorry if that got a little philosophical but life has been quite the opposite of a bowl of cherries lately and I needed to get that out.

    I have missed all of you so much. You not only motivate me to work on my physical health, but you help me mentally. Thank you for that!

    Just for Monday, 8/7/2017:
    1. Journal every single bite
    2. Water, at least 64 oz
    3. Watch a few quilting videos and pick one to begin making this week
    4. Take a walk, perhaps along the river walk downtown. I've never been to the river walk and I hear it is lovely.
    5. Write 5 things I am grateful for today in my Gratitude Journal before I go to bed tonight
    6. Try meditating with either Headspace or Calm
    7. Try not to think about work or family drama
    8. Be happy for this day, every single beautiful moment of it

    Tracie in WI

    2017: The year I find Serenity.

    I've missed you!

    I need someone to laugh at my stupid jokes!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    OK -- I am in BIG trouble today!!! Calories are at 1082, and I've only had lunch and breakfast :/ A cookie at Arbys was 430 calories!!! Now I really have to close the kitchen!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Nooooo what happened!!!!
    Why are you back on day 1!!

    Ha --- I decided to start over since I overate so much over the weekend. But .... at least I didn't do binge eating -- just too much good stuff! Not off to a very good start today --- once I get sweet stuff in me, now I have to fight off those cravings. A arbys cookie just happened to jump in my bag, and I scarfed it down on the way home. THen.... looked up the calories. 430 calories for just ONE COOKIE!!!! :s So I better be good the rest of the day. At least I worked out this morning
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    @cschmitz110515 Thank you for thinking of me. I've missed you guys!

    2017: The year I find Serenity.

    We missed you!!! Glad to see you back, and enjoy every minute of your vacation! You deserve it!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Nooooo what happened!!!!
    Why are you back on day 1!!

    Ha --- I decided to start over since I overate so much over the weekend. But .... at least I didn't do binge eating -- just too much good stuff! Not off to a very good start today --- once I get sweet stuff in me, now I have to fight off those cravings. A arbys cookie just happened to jump in my bag, and I scarfed it down on the way home. THen.... looked up the calories. 430 calories for just ONE COOKIE!!!! :s So I better be good the rest of the day. At least I worked out this morning

    How big was it lol!!
  • formaggio
    formaggio Posts: 15 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Nooooo what happened!!!!
    Why are you back on day 1!!

    Ha --- I decided to start over since I overate so much over the weekend. But .... at least I didn't do binge eating -- just too much good stuff! Not off to a very good start today --- once I get sweet stuff in me, now I have to fight off those cravings. A arbys cookie just happened to jump in my bag, and I scarfed it down on the way home. THen.... looked up the calories. 430 calories for just ONE COOKIE!!!! :s So I better be good the rest of the day. At least I worked out this morning

    How big was it lol!!
    One of my favorite fast-casual places here has cookies that are 720 ... and they don't even look that big!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    formaggio wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Nooooo what happened!!!!
    Why are you back on day 1!!

    Ha --- I decided to start over since I overate so much over the weekend. But .... at least I didn't do binge eating -- just too much good stuff! Not off to a very good start today --- once I get sweet stuff in me, now I have to fight off those cravings. A arbys cookie just happened to jump in my bag, and I scarfed it down on the way home. THen.... looked up the calories. 430 calories for just ONE COOKIE!!!! :s So I better be good the rest of the day. At least I worked out this morning

    How big was it lol!!
    One of my favorite fast-casual places here has cookies that are 720 ... and they don't even look that big!

    Oh my!! Now I don't feel quite so bad. And yes, even at 430 calories - this cookie was not all that big!!! I was going to get a cookie at McDonalds - theirs are 160 calories! Gee, I could have eaten 2 instead!! But ... next time .... fight off the urge to get a cookie!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    formaggio wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Nooooo what happened!!!!
    Why are you back on day 1!!

    Ha --- I decided to start over since I overate so much over the weekend. But .... at least I didn't do binge eating -- just too much good stuff! Not off to a very good start today --- once I get sweet stuff in me, now I have to fight off those cravings. A arbys cookie just happened to jump in my bag, and I scarfed it down on the way home. THen.... looked up the calories. 430 calories for just ONE COOKIE!!!! :s So I better be good the rest of the day. At least I worked out this morning

    How big was it lol!!
    One of my favorite fast-casual places here has cookies that are 720 ... and they don't even look that big!

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    I'm typing this post on my brandy new laptop! Well...it's not techinically brand new. It's an awesome PC that my Dad's computer whiz friend rebuilt and sold to me for $50! I havent even paid him yet but Daddy was at his house today and brought it home for me! I'm sooo excited! I love it so much!

    It was a pretty good day even though I put a wrong hold on a check at work on Saturday and the couple came in to complain today so I got "coached". Pretty much means I got sat down and asked "Do you know why this is wrong? And what can we do to make sure that you dont do it again?" It wasnt a terrible meeting, in fact it wasnt bad at all. But when anyone gets singled out and told that they did something wrong, it never feels good. But other then that work was great! A 8.5 hour today but I got an hour lunch. I had to run an errand so that was nice that I had that time. I never got enough hours at the Point Pleasant Beach branch to qualify for a half an hour break, let alone a whole hour. So that was a nice surprise! Lol. The only issue with today was that there were four tellers and three desk and definitely not enough customers to go around. Lol. But if that's the biggest issue I have all day then it's a good day. Went waaaay over calories today though. One of my favorite "healthy" dinners that I make isn't that high in calories if you only have one serving but it's just so good that I can never stop at just one. I try not to make it that often for that exactly reason. Lol.

    What I accomplished today 8/7

    1. Logged all food
    2. Did not stay under calories
    3. Kept drawer balanced
    4. Asked for help when I needed it
    5. Picked up meds after work before I went home
    6. Made a yummy dinner
    7. Hanging out with the DH now
    8. Bed by 10pm.

    As for tomorrow, 8/8, I will:

    1. Wake up by 8:30 at the latest
    2. Shower/coffee/quiet time
    3. Log all food
    4. Keep in green
    5. Keep drawer balanced
    6. Ask for help if I need it
    7. Put food in crock pot before work
    8. Have a good evening with the DH
    9. Bed whenever(I'm off on Wednesday)

    It's 8:45pm and I still have a bunch of stuff to do on this laptop! WOOHOO! Lol! I have a new laptop! Sorry for my over enthusiasm.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    I'm typing this post on my brandy new laptop! Well...it's not techinically brand new. It's an awesome PC that my Dad's computer whiz friend rebuilt and sold to me for $50! I havent even paid him yet but Daddy was at his house today and brought it home for me! I'm sooo excited! I love it so much!

    It was a pretty good day even though I put a wrong hold on a check at work on Saturday and the couple came in to complain today so I got "coached". Pretty much means I got sat down and asked "Do you know why this is wrong? And what can we do to make sure that you dont do it again?" It wasnt a terrible meeting, in fact it wasnt bad at all. But when anyone gets singled out and told that they did something wrong, it never feels good. But other then that work was great! A 8.5 hour today but I got an hour lunch. I had to run an errand so that was nice that I had that time. I never got enough hours at the Point Pleasant Beach branch to qualify for a half an hour break, let alone a whole hour. So that was a nice surprise! Lol. The only issue with today was that there were four tellers and three desk and definitely not enough customers to go around. Lol. But if that's the biggest issue I have all day then it's a good day. Went waaaay over calories today though. One of my favorite "healthy" dinners that I make isn't that high in calories if you only have one serving but it's just so good that I can never stop at just one. I try not to make it that often for that exactly reason. Lol.

    What I accomplished today 8/7

    1. Logged all food
    2. Did not stay under calories
    3. Kept drawer balanced
    4. Asked for help when I needed it
    5. Picked up meds after work before I went home
    6. Made a yummy dinner
    7. Hanging out with the DH now
    8. Bed by 10pm.

    As for tomorrow, 8/8, I will:

    1. Wake up by 8:30 at the latest
    2. Shower/coffee/quiet time
    3. Log all food
    4. Keep in green
    5. Keep drawer balanced
    6. Ask for help if I need it
    7. Put food in crock pot before work
    8. Have a good evening with the DH
    9. Bed whenever(I'm off on Wednesday)

    It's 8:45pm and I still have a bunch of stuff to do on this laptop! WOOHOO! Lol! I have a new laptop! Sorry for my over enthusiasm.

    I'd love a new laptop
    In fact I'd love a laptop in the first place!
    But with the kids I think it's safer just to have my iphone lol!
    Can't keep a laptop in my pocket lol!
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Good early morning! I did do my list yesterday! Okay, maybe I did not get laundry folded and put away but it is washed and dried... And as it started to rain, I ran the mower over the grass by the street that the riding mower won't get. And I got weed eater fixed even though I had to chase men through Home Depot. Ha, I am smoking it here!
    Wow, cookies are evil. I am wondering about this. When I make food at home and that's recently for the purposes of weight loss, I think I use about the same ingredients as restaurant foods but my calorie counts from ingredients are not at all what the restaurant ones are. Still, my lovely pumpkin high-fiber muffins were up there in calories (and they are a bit like rocks).
    Today's plan--
    1. Stick the goal on calories and exercise. Should be able to get to pool either early or late.
    2. Get boy to camp, do Heritage Center help, pick boy up on time and get him to Martial Arts in white gee pants. Pants are probably in car and find his belt. Might need to wash the pants.
    3. Vacuum floor. Threaten dogs about their hair falling out. Sweep off steps to back door so cut grass gets in less.
    4. Put trash cans out with recycle by end of day. Remove 1 bag of trash from car and get rid of newspapers in bedroom.
    5. Drink more water. Pray. Fold laundry and look under bed for any missing boy clothes.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    First day back at work today after a month of sick leave!

    Very mixed feelings about going back. Primary feeling is not wanting to go back. Everything was so stressful just before I went on leave. And in my month off, the extent to which I care about my job has gone right down. I just can't be bothered!

    But... In another sense it's good to go back. It was starting to get a bit boring just watching House of Cards all day.... and I was starting to get a bit down having no interactions with people (other than my boyfriend).

    I just have to be good this time and make sure work doesn't take over my life again. My job is important, but so is the rest of my life! I need to be strict with myself and impose boundaries.

    So... Today's commitments :

    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks other than banana
    - Be in the green
    - 30 minute walk at lunch
    - Leave work by 4.20 latest
    - Stay positive!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    8/5 Saturday JFT:

    ✔Slept in until 8am :D
    ✔Lazy until 10 am :D
    ✔Brunch with the family
    ✔Now it's time to focus!!!! B)
    ✔Physics HW and Online HW
    ❌Physics Lab HW
    ✔Physics Exam Prep
    ✔Budget meeting
    ❌Manage Saturday chores
    ✔Dinner by by 7pm
    ✔Bedtime by midnight

    8/6 Sunday JFT:

    ✔Awake at 8am
    ✔Physics Lab HW
    ✔Premade Breakfast tacos for the week
    ✔Went to the theater w/ the fam. We watched "The emoji" movie :D
    ✔Physics HW and Online HW (Ch. 31 done)
    ✔Physics Exam Prep
    ✔Dinner by 8pm
    ✔Bedtime by 11pm

    8/7 Monday JFT:

    ✔Awake at 4:30am
    ✔Physics Exam Prep
    ✔High Cal breakfast
    ✔Packed lunches
    ✔Play "bus driver" for kiddos :D
    ✔Physics Exam 8 am
    ✔Run Errands btw 10-11:30am
    ✔Attend Classes 12-3pm
    ❌Run by WM on way home
    ❌Jog on elliptical (may go for a walk, we'll see)
    ❌Dinner with friends around 7/8 PM
    ✔Bedtime by midnight

    8/8 Tuesday JFT:

    Awake at 4:30 am
    Morning routine stuff
    Drop kiddos to daily destinations
    Run by ATM
    (Riding bicycle on campus today so don't stress over elliptical)
    Attend class
    Run by WM
    Home by 4pm
    Dinner by 7pm
    Physics, Physics, Physics!! Final Exam Thursday!
    (Don't get distracted!!!!)
    Bedtime by midnight
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Woke up with a cold so need a little cold med & TLC.

    Pretracked most of the day.
    Drink 9 C water
    Walk the dog in the rain. She loves it :smile:
    Meditate with Calm app after lunch.
    Plan a healthy supper.
    Listen to "Primal Potential".
    Bedtime-9:30 to get rid of this cold.
    Day 5 reducing sugar.
    Drink tea & honey.
    Read something inspirational.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Junodog, good for you for donating blood!! :smiley:
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Bex953172 My old laptop I got in 2009. The screen was almost completely detached from the keyboard. Lol. I've had my Dad's friend fix it a bunch of times for me but it just seemed like it was done for. Lol.

    @Saragirl2 I hope you feel better! Being sick is the worst and I can't even imagine dealing with it while taking care of kids! I haven't gotten to the kids part yet. Lol!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,521 Member
    edited August 2017
    @Saragirl2 Hope you feel better soon!

    @MLHC1 Good luck on the exam! Happy for you being almost done. :smile:

    @slittlemeister Have a good day back. Hope you have healed. We've missed you!

    @josephinebowman Shedding dogs are the worst! :D

    Recap M 8/7
    1) Walked dog 1.91 miles before work (sorry for short route, dog) :smiley:
    2) Keep net calories in green = Red 33 I'll take it! :smile:
    3) Keep my cool at work...don't let issue gnaw at me b/c I did what I could = Yes/No...I have problems with letting things go, and issue hasn't actually been resolved...I have to wait for management's answer. :neutral:
    4) Evening, brew tea, boil eggs, wash dishes, recyclables in bin, sort laundry for T a.m. = All done by 8:30! :smiley:
    5) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 = In bed by 10 w/ TV on & fell asleep. I count that! :smiley:

    JFT T 8/8 - Gorgeous day, the sun is out and no chance of rain (for a change) B)
    1) Before work, walked dog 3.09 miles and washed / hung 2 loads of laundry on clothesline :smiley:
    2) After work, fold laundry before spa appt.
    3) Evening, enjoy my massage and relax!
    4) Keep net calories green
    5) Bedtime 10:15 & TV off (no need for unwind time :wink:)
  • formaggio
    formaggio Posts: 15 Member
    @MLHC1 How do you make it through the day with such little sleep??

    @Saragirl2 Hope you are feeling better!

    I'm again sitting here drinking a Diet Coke and a hot tea at the same time to try to clear the sleep-fog from my head, after sleeping nearly 9 hours and not getting up all that early. I've been taking some Benadryl at night, so maybe that's it.

    Is anyone else's' kids' nighttime schedules completely off in the summer? Mine (they're 5 and 7) go to bed at 7 during the school year, and we're lucky if they fall asleep by 10 pm recently, which is wreaking havoc with my sleeping patterns. It doesn't help that they are currently sleeping in the same room (the coolest one) due to a heat wave.

    1. Track everything and stay in the green
    2. Exercise, including some cardio
    3. Stay positive
    4. Fall asleep earlier.
    5. Give a nice deep cleaning to something after work/exercise: is kitchen, bedroom, bath
    6. Make packing list, food list, for camping trip #1 on Friday
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited August 2017
    formaggio wrote: »
    @MLHC1 How do you make it through the day with such little sleep??

    Two cups of French Roast Coffee and either one green coffee refresher OR Hot Green Tea........needless to say "CAFFIENE" :D

    This is why I detox after every semester of school.

    :):) Thank you to everyone wishing me luck on my exam.....I dropped the ball on Exam II so now I have to do good on the final exam.