Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    :D C25K W6 D1 yep

    This is so awesome!!! :smiley:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    1. I didn't want to have the beer. So had a unsweetened ice tea instead!
    8. close the kitchen except for planned snacks. Going on day 5 :):)

    You're doing fantastic with this! This summer, I have brought unsweet iced tea to work instead of drinking my daily diet MD. :smiley:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    I have a baby quilt to complete (my baby is 8).

    I have unfinished projects way older than that in a closet. Maybe someday lol. :D
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    Weekly Weigh-In = When I'm active I eat back calories / sometimes too much. My weaknesses: my sweet tooth, especially chocolate, and portion control. I weigh myself daily and log weekly / posting my Saturday a.m. weigh-in here. [My digital scale only shows half pound increments.]

    Height 5'4"
    GW #1: 150
    GW #2: 145
    Ultimate Goal Range: 140 - 145 [anything less is probably unsustainable]
    August Goal: lose 4# and reach 170

    11/5/15 = 195.0 joined MFP with no real plan except It's. Not. A. Diet.
    5/31/17 = 180.5 two end of month celebrations
    6/3 = 177.5
    6/10 = 179.5 pre-10K spaghetti supper night before
    6/17 = 179.5 numerous meals away from home, several occasions w/ alcohol, happy no gain
    6/24 = 178.0 fluctuated during week, but ended ok
    7/1 = 176.0 Yay!!! Achieved June goal to stay <180
    7/8 = 177.5
    7/15 = 176.5
    7/22 = 175.0
    7/29 = 174.0 saw at least one daily w-i below 174
    8/5 = 174.5 dined out for Girls Day Out & ate Dad's cooking & baking
    8/12 = 173.5 scale flirted with even lower numbers on daily weigh-ins :smiley:

    Reminder: Weight loss is not linear. At least not for me. :smile:
  • WR50
    WR50 Posts: 96 Member
    JFT Sunday: Say no to sugar. ✅

    JFT Monday: Anniversary dinner and movie tonight so I will need to stick to my eating plan.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    Recap Sat. 8/12
    1) Farmer's market by 7:30 = close, I arrived 7:40 and got lots of great produce :smiley:
    2) Walk dog long route = 3.58 miles & happy dog :smiley:
    3) Spend time with hubby / I would love if we went to hot air balloon rally in evening. = We did errands and yard work, then I did some hubby arm-twisting to get him to go to the balloon rally. It was so cool! We saw 17 balloons take flight, then return for the balloon glow after sunset. Absolutely beautiful, and the weather was perfect. Hubby was glad we went too. <3:smiley: Eating-wise, I didn't even bother to log after breakfast, since hubby and I went to Chinese buffet (his choice) for late lunch, and we had late supper at DQ after the balloons. Sure I went over net calories, oh well, that's the past. :#

    I didn't update any Sunday goals online, but I did them. Church, dog walk 3.6 miles, washed jeans & towels (partially lined dried), played Rummikub on patio with hubby, then made couscous salad, strawberry/banana smoothies, and grilled chicken & sweet corn for supper.

    JFT M 8/14 = too lazy to get up early for dog walk before work
    1) At work/home > 25 flights of stairs
    2) Practice mindful breathing with Calm & let work stress go
    3) Keep net calories green
    4) Make zucchini recipes in evening...rain forecast, otherwise walk dog
    5) Unwind 9:30 & bedtime w/ TV off 10:15
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    Weekly weigh-in

    Starting weight Jan 1: 217
    Current weight 195.6!!
    Goal weight:175
    (5'11" tall)

    Progress so far:
    Jan 1: 217
    Feb 1: 211
    March 1: 205.4
    April 1: 202.6
    May 1: 204.6
    June 1: 200.4
    July 1: 199.2
    August 1: 195.6

    Month of August: Goal is to lose 4 lbs

    August 1: 195.6
    August 6 195.4
    August 14: 193.8 :):):)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    Busy day, and I wrote what I wanted to, and lost it all! So I'll read and write more later....

    but JFT,
    1. log all food
    2. keep the kitchen closed - going on DAY 8 I think! Didn't break this over the weekend!
    3. drink water
    4. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice on the patterns!

    Although my dad just rang me, he's been clearing out all my Nana's stuff from her house. He came across a huge bag of wool, like.. seriously so much!!, a craft bag to keep project work in (lots of pockets on it lol) a quilling kit so will give that ago one day, A set of knitting needles and crochet needles (x3!!) and he's just rung me again to say he has thousands of patterns! Thousands.

    Is it bad that I'm miffed that he gave the cross stitching stuff to my sister in law, I really specified cross stitch as I remember nana was the one who taught me. Or am I being greedy lol

    How interesting is it that you recently posted you were looking for crochet pattern (albeit gloves) and your dad is letting you know about his find? I'd love to try quilling. Quite an art form.

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    Just for today, Sunday 8/13/17

    2. Attempt to stay in the green :'(
    3. Go to the gym for some treadmill time :)Took a 45-minute walk instead!
    4. Finish HP challenges :/
    5. Make dinner(I didn't do this last night) :'(Ended up just reheating leftovers
    6. Spend time with the DH :)
    7. Wind down by 9:30 :)
    8. Bed by 10:30 :)

    Well looking at my list from yesterday...I guess I didn't do so hot...although I did get a good walk in and did two loads of laundry. Didn't do much after that though. Hung out on the couch and watched baseball and read. Work was rough today. I'm mainly at the branch I like now, but I feel I can't go a day without doing something wrong. I let a customer walk out of the branch with an extra 3k in cash. Thank God she realized something was wrong and came back in. I thought my manager was going to blow a gasket. She can be cold and unfeeling at times. But she got me through it. I then went on break and almost broke down in the break room because I was convinced I was going to get written up and the rest of the day was going to be Hell. Turned out not to be so. I didn't get written up(yet anyway, there's still Friday) and it wasn't even mentioned after I got back. I dont hold out much hope for not getting written up but at least the rest of the day went by well. My drawer was fine. Thank Goodness! And the questions I did have, I asked and got answers to.

    But now I am off for the next two days! I dont have to report back to work until 11 am on Thursday! AND the DH is off tomorrow as well! He doesn't have to report back to work until 1:45 pm on Wednesday! Woohoo! Gonna be a good few days off.

    So this will JFT will be a mix of what has been done and what is still left to do.

    1. Log all food!
    2. Give myself some leeway calorie wise(If I'm in the red, that's okay.)
    3. Fold clothes
    4. Get some reading done
    5. Cuddle with the DH and watch some baseball
    6. Go to bed whenever.

    I think that that is good!
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    cschmitz TAKE DOG FOR WALK. I am pea green with envy about the balloons and about the buffet, too!
    I mostly did my today's goals. Stayed in calorie goals but son did take about 1/3 of my dinner. Going to drink some sugar-free flavored water to be sure I had enough to drink. Swam/played in pool for 30+ minutes. Son helped clear 1 room and worked on trashy newspapers. Laundry folded and put away plus 2 loads more done. Dishwasher going on soon. Attempted to start his classes online but hit several obstacles. We will read a book tonight. Had just $5 on gas card so that needs re-doing with new card tomorrow. Ordered missing cord for only 4.50! And cancelled son's martial arts class but that takes 3 months so we will keep going through November and I signed him up for more swimming lessons. WALKED to post office and sent SS letter registered mail! Not that big a deal as post office is just a few blocks but it was so muggy I threw off my clothes and sat in kitchen in underwear to cool off when we got home. I did not make progress on getting my missing medicine--argh, where does the time go? I am sending the dogs out into the thunder and possible rain shortly. I missed Jeopardy tonight-sigh, I will never be a contestant there anyhow.
    Tuesday is busy so let me plan ahead.
    1. Observe calorie goals. Figure out when/how to exercise.
    2. Have son work on lessons and organize his work area.
    3. Do Family Heritage Center 10-noon and 6-8. Will help son do his bookwork if no one comes.
    4. Call about meds. Get son to Martial Arts 4:30-5:30.
    5. Put out the trash, empty the dishwasher, and work on lonely sock bag.
    6. I expect to have a good day.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    edited August 2017
    1. log all food :)
    2. keep the kitchen closed - going on DAY 8 I think! Didn't break this over the weekend! :) Had my Outshine Juice bar, and have enough calories for some popcorn - but the kitchen is closed for anything else!
    3. drink water :/ Filling my glass up now, and plan to sip on water while I sew tonite!
    4. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow :)

    Today was one of those days where I started the pot of coffee, went to the gym, only to come home and find coffee all over the kitchen counters and on the floor!! Yes -- I completely forgot to put the coffee pot back - so yes, coffee was made, just no where for it to go! So thats how my day has been all day today! So hubby and I sat out in the patio, I had my glass of wine, and now to relax the rest of the evening and do some sewing!

    But ..... I stayed on plan, got my exercise in, and hope for a better day tomorrow.

    I have so much to read up on all the posts - I am so proud of you guys! Not only do you keep me going everyday, but I love reading how your days go, and reading your goals, and how great you are all doing with reaching those goals. We are all going to be success stories! .
    @HGSmith0920 - I'm sure that was scary with the miscount in money. So happy the customer was honest. But ... mistakes do and can happen, and I'm sure your supervisor knows this!
    @Bex953172 - Yes, I am still trying to do the Beck Diet Solution. I read the responses cards often - and have one taped to my computer. As for eating slowly, and eating only while sitting -- I still have a lot of work to do on that one. But I am getting better!

    Going to post my goals for tomorrow, as my days get away from me, and its always late in the day when I get on here

    So JFT, Tuesday, 8/15
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate more on drinking water during the day. 2 glasses with each meal
    3. eat only planned dinner and snacks. CLOSE THE KITCHEN at all other times --- going on DAY 9!!!!!
    4. get to the gym in the morning
    5. lay out gym clothes for wed morning
    6. think positive thoughts. Remember, I cannot change other people - I can only change my own attitude and how I handle stressful situations.
    7. Take this one day at a time
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice on the patterns!

    Although my dad just rang me, he's been clearing out all my Nana's stuff from her house. He came across a huge bag of wool, like.. seriously so much!!, a craft bag to keep project work in (lots of pockets on it lol) a quilling kit so will give that ago one day, A set of knitting needles and crochet needles (x3!!) and he's just rung me again to say he has thousands of patterns! Thousands.

    Is it bad that I'm miffed that he gave the cross stitching stuff to my sister in law, I really specified cross stitch as I remember nana was the one who taught me. Or am I being greedy lol

    This is so neat that your dad found all this stuff!! A great thing to do while you are pregnant!!! I love Counted Cross Stitch -- always wanted to learn crochet or knitting, but I have so many other hobbies - there just isn't enough time in the day. Maybe someday when I retire! But have fun!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    A little update weigh-in, 8-13-17 = 190
    Yup, that's correct I'm back up there :'(
    I'm just being honest.

    It is only numbers --- think how far you have come in so many other ways!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    Weekly Weigh-In
    8/12 = 173.5 scale flirted with even lower numbers on daily weigh-ins :smiley:

    Reminder: Weight loss is not linear. At least not for me. :smile:

    Great job!!!!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    I must not have posted goals yesterday or today! Darn it! I did really good too! LOL

    Yesterday was Day 2 of no candy or ice cream. So that was good! My husband took me for a ride in the boat down the river and it was just beautiful and so relaxing. I couldn't stop stressing about returning to work today, so he took me for 3 hours to help me get my mind off of it. When we got home I went right to work getting ready for the week. My hope is that by getting food ready for the week and my clothes ready the evening before, my mornings will go smoother and my day might not be as stressful. We'll see...

    Today was my first day back after my week off. I have 943 unread emails waiting for me, and I had to teach two classes back to back today. I am trying not to stress about how far behind I am after being off for a week, and my classes both went well, so I'm leaving it at that. I am not working from home tonight. I worked 9 hours and that is enough. I need to still pack tomorrow's lunch and set out my clothes tonight, but I will. That part really did help a lot this morning. I was out the door and got to work a good hour earlier than normal. So that was nice.

    I slept horrible last night though. Visions of email filled my head all night! So, it's definitely going to be really early tonight.

    P.S. I got all my steps in yesterday and today so happy about that too. And I'm down 1.5 lbs after two days of no candy or ice cream so that is positive too! Really trying to stay positive. I cannot do anything about how stressful my job is...so I'm trying to change how I approach it. That ought to last about a minute!!! LOL!!!!

    I'll post goals tomorrow. Missed you all today. I really prefer to start my day out on here! Puts me in a good mood!


  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    @joan6630 Well done on getting through the weekend with closing the kitchen! I just realised!!
    Was it as hard as you thought it would be? :)

    Also as for the patterns, I don't work as such so I'm always at home but I still have 2 kids and a partner to look after so I still don't have much time!
    My partner has banned wool from being everywhere :sweat_smile:
    I've actually had to vacuum-pack all of it apart from the 2 projects I'm working on and put it in the attic!!! (Was a pretty silly amount lol)
    Although he's buying me a proper set of step ladders so I can get in there to get it safely because it's not safe for either of us to be giving each other a "leg up"
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Was there someone else here who crocheted? Where do you get patterns from? Do you pay for some online? Where else can I get free patterns other than Pinterest and google

    I'm looking for a pattern, gothic/Victorian fingerless gloves (don't even ask, a family member has requested it)
    Or if something like a bracelet, with a triangle pattern that covers the back of the hand with a small loop on top that goes over the middle finger.
    Like a ring bracelet?

    Anyway I'm struggling to find it and need to make it before October if possible

    I used to crochet/knit. Maybe I will take it up again in winter. There are lots of free patterns for just about everything on Ravelry.