Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited August 2017
    joan6630 wrote: »
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    Prep Quarterly Taxes
    Begin cleaning out closets

    Keep up the 6-Day Slim-Down Diet :D

    Not quarterly taxes --- you scared me! I do our quarterly taxes, but the quarter does not end until Sept - right????

    I was also wondering what is the 6-day slim down diet?

    Yes, you are correct. However, I begin classes again Aug. 28 so I prep the taxes then send them to our CPA. My prep work saves us around $300 :D



  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    1. Log all food :)
    2. Attempt to stay in green :)
    3. Put lasagna in the crockpot :)
    4. Fold clothes :)
    5. Got to the gym :/Did a really thorough cleaning of the bedroom and wiped down the bathroom
    6. Clean the dishes :)Just have to finish the dishes that are soaking from last night
    7. Do some reading :)Stayed up until about 1 in the morning but finished it!
    8. Hang out with the DH tonight and watch baseball :)
    9. Stay up and hang out with his friends(Optional) :/He actually didn't play with his friends last night
    10. Bed whenever :)About 2 lol

    Yesterday was a great day! Got a lot of things down around the house(dishes, cleaning, vacuuming, etc) and had a great day with the DH. Made a yummy yummy dinner in the crockpot and had a good night cuddling and watching baseball and reading. OH! And had a good conversation with my brother on the phone. I think his fiancee is making him a better person. That's the second time out of the blue that I got a phone call from him in two months, and had a really good Facebook Messenger talk with him last month. My brother left home when I was 12 and never really came back home. We did not have a very good relationship until about a year ago. I was pretty convinced he wasn't going to come to my wedding too. I think that that shocked him into realizing that I didn't really have much faith in him. But since he and Raven got engaged he's been trying to be better and I have noticed.

    Just for today, 8/16/17
    1. Log all food
    2. Attempt to stay in the green
    3. Do something active
    4. Clean the kitchen/living room
    5. Heat up the leftover lasagna for dinner
    6. Go to meeting at church
    7. Home by 10
    8. Wind down by 10:30
    9. Bed by 11:30

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @MLHC1 Have you done it before? Does it work? I've always had trouble sticking to things like that.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Grrr - had my update almost done, then clicked on the wrong thing. So do over.

    This happens to be fairly regularly as well. Do you type it up on a laptop? If you do, every once in a while hit Ctrl+A and then Ctrl+C. That will highlight the whole post and then copy it. So that if you do lose it, just hit Ctrl+P and that will paste what you last copied. I try to do this regularly but I tend to forget, lol. Just a little hint to try!

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    Fit into a pair of jeans that I couldn't wear last month.... :smile:
    Start doing yoga/Pilates again, check class time.

    I fit into a dress that I bought as an inspiration the other day! Apparently, the girls I work with have decreed that Friday's are dress days. Lol. But it's very exciting! But Yay jeans! That's so awesome to hear! You should be proud!

    Lucky you! I wish I could afford/had time to go to a yoga class! I do youtube video's at home sometimes but I'm always afraid my form is wrong and that I am going to hurt myself. I wish I could have an instructor show me how to do it the right way!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    @MLHC1 Have you done it before? Does it work? I've always had trouble sticking to things like that.

    Yes I have. It works for resetting yourself and your habits :D It is not easy but it is worth it!!
  • lydia4462
    lydia4462 Posts: 19 Member
    So this is day 2 on this thread for me. I love reading everyone's goals, struggles, successes!

    JFT I am going to do some sort of activity for at least 20-30 minutes.
    JFT I am not going to eat more than the 450 calories I have left.
    JFT I am not going to emotional eat because I am stressed with my teen

  • lydia4462
    lydia4462 Posts: 19 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    WR50 wrote: »
    JFT Tuesday: Long slow run and eat clean- no bingeing.
    -Did the run. Failed on the binge.

    JFT Wednesday: Began reading Brain Over Binge- get through as much as I can today.

    I have such a problem with binge eating also. Last month, I had a free assessment at the gym, and the trainer told me I need to eat more food during the day. So I have been trying that - I have my calories set between 1400-1500. I still try to eat around 1300, but if I go over, then I am OK with it. It has really helped me, that, and brushing my teeth early in the evening. The evenings have always been my hardest time.

    I also have the book, the Beck Diet Solution. Of all the books I read on Binge eating, this one has helped me the most.
    I will have to check into the Brain over Binge book though. But .... know that you are not alone. It has been a struggle for me for so long

    I binge eat too and then go to sleep or nap. Usually it's tied to emotions, hormones, stress. It's a dark secret only my family knows. I'm grateful I don't purge though. Right now I'm keeping my weight loss goal a secret (aside from all my FP friends) because I tend to talk about it more than actually do it.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Yesterday's JFT:
    1. Weigh and log everything :)
    2. Meditate :)

    Today's JFT:
    1. Weigh and log everything
    2. Remember to take my afternoon supplements
    3. In bed by 9:30pm, lights out by 10:30pm
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    lydia4462 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »
    WR50 wrote: »
    JFT Tuesday: Long slow run and eat clean- no bingeing.
    -Did the run. Failed on the binge.

    JFT Wednesday: Began reading Brain Over Binge- get through as much as I can today.

    I have such a problem with binge eating also. Last month, I had a free assessment at the gym, and the trainer told me I need to eat more food during the day. So I have been trying that - I have my calories set between 1400-1500. I still try to eat around 1300, but if I go over, then I am OK with it. It has really helped me, that, and brushing my teeth early in the evening. The evenings have always been my hardest time.

    I also have the book, the Beck Diet Solution. Of all the books I read on Binge eating, this one has helped me the most.
    I will have to check into the Brain over Binge book though. But .... know that you are not alone. It has been a struggle for me for so long

    I binge eat too and then go to sleep or nap. Usually it's tied to emotions, hormones, stress. It's a dark secret only my family knows. I'm grateful I don't purge though. Right now I'm keeping my weight loss goal a secret (aside from all my FP friends) because I tend to talk about it more than actually do it.

    That, is a very good idea!
    Some people find that non MFPers alway have something to say about it! And usually negative and can even hinder your journey!!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited August 2017
    lydia4462 wrote: »
    So this is day 2 on this thread for me. I love reading everyone's goals, struggles, successes!

    JFT I am going to do some sort of activity for at least 20-30 minutes.
    JFT I am not going to eat more than the 450 calories I have left.
    JFT I am not going to emotional eat because I am stressed with my teen

    I have a 15 yr old boy so I feel what you're saying. My solution....I just picture him as that little 5 lb baby :D Even though he is 6'1" and 135 lbs, viewing him as that little guy eases my stress and calms my anxiety. I know he is a growing young man so I treat him accordingly but sometimes their hormones make teens monsters :# that is when the visual helps! Good luck, remember you are the parent, don't let the teenage rampage take you down, LOL :blush:
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So I'm finally starting to work on an outline for the story that's been rattling around in my head for YEARS! I have finally written a premise, which is pretty much a little blurb about the story. What to read the premise?
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    8/16 Wednesday JFT:

    ✔Help Husband get ready for motorcycle trip
    Need more than one day :p Prep Quarterly Taxes
    ❌Begin cleaning out closets
    ✔Maybe review some online shopping opportunities for back to school kid clothes
    ✔Keep up the 6-Day Slim-Down Diet :D
    ✔Run on elliptical
    ✔Dinner by 7 pm
    ❌Bedtime by 11 pm---> going to watch another movie with my kiddos so whenever it's over, if I stay awake, then go to bed, Lol!!

  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Had to go copy what the goals for today were-- PERHAPS ONE SHOULD WRITE DOWN THE GOALS AND PUT ON FRIG!--on Wednesday
    pick-up pills (there were no pills-Sigh), eat within calorie limit (YES), exercise (YES), clean floor (What? Who typed that in here?), get gas (YES), and baby-sit carefully for boss's baby (DID IT). Son will do 4 lessons or else (ELSE-we did nothing but he listened to some educational YouTube!).
    If some miracle happens, I might weed-eat (NOPE-but I did riding mowing until dark-in morning we will see what I missed.).
    It was a good day-the scales say under 180...
    Thursday--make kid send aunt HB e-mail, stay within calorie guidelines and exercise, chase missing thyroid pills, use push mower and think about weed-eating another day.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    Wednesday, 8/16
    1. log all food :) Yes, unfortunately almost 1800 calories today. But ..... tomorrow is a new day.
    2. get to the gym in the morning :) I did much longer at the gym - usually I do 60 minutes of cardio, and 20 minutes weights. Today I did almost 90 minutes of cardio, and the 20 min of weights. So I am not sure if this was why I am SO hungry all day long!
    3. pick up daughter for breakfast while we go and pick up my rugs from cleaners :/ She ended up having to work, so I went myself. But ... I stopped at my favorite shoe store, and they had sandels on sale 50% off!
    4. drink water :)
    5. wash 4 more windows (trying to do this a few at a time so it gets done!) :/ Just too many other things going on today
    6. Close the kitchen except for dinner and planned snacks. Going on day 10 - trying to make it to 30 days in a row! :/ Big fail at this. I had my outshine fruit juice bar ...... then another fruit juice bar ...... then some walnuts! Now, I am stuffed! I should have remember brushing my teeth and the water. I think I am going to put a big sign by my sewing machine, to remind me that the cravings will go away.
    7. think positive thoughts. Accept what I cannot change, but try and change my attitude about the things I have no control over :)
    8. go to farmers market with daughter :/ Maybe saturday we'll try this.

    JFT, Thursday 8.17
    1. log all food
    2. drink water
    3. gym in the morning
    4. lay out gym clothes for friday morning
    5. Day 1 again of closing the kitchen. Put a sign on my computer to brush teeth, and wait 10 minutes before eating something
    6. read my response cards!!
    7. go to meeting -- do not eat any of the yummy snacks they provide. Just because they are free, they really are not free. Take a bottle of water instead. When I get home, I will be happy I didn't give in
    8. try and wash just 1 window
    9. work on business expenses - I have not done any on this since june, so very far behind
    10. think positive thoughts
    11. get back on here tomorrow - no matter what
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    Just for today, 8/16/17
    1. Log all food :)I actually got so caught up in what I was doing that I had 4 cups of coffee and didn't eat anything until about 630
    2. Attempt to stay in the green :)Made it by 13
    3. Do something active :DGot caught up working on my story
    4. Clean the kitchen/living room :)Did this before I opened my computer
    5. Heat up the leftover lasagna for dinner :)
    6. Go to meeting at church :)
    7. Home by 10 :)
    9. Wind down by 10:30 It's currently 10:05 and I am waiting for the DH to get home. Then I will
    10. Bed by 11:30 Maybe, but not likely Lol

    Had another really great day today! Had the house all to myself after 1 pm. Did some cleaning, started looking for a new book to read(didn't find one) but started reading a book I've had for a while that shows you step by step how to outline a novel. I've had this story running around my head for 7 or 8 years. It was supposed to be a collaboration with my best friend but life got busy and we separated for a time. By that time I had put some words on paper and over the years added a few sentences here and maybe a paragraph there. I have around a chapter and a half on paper but that's about it. I had originally bought the outlining book to help with a different project and just never got around to finishing that one either. But I feel this one has more promise and I'm excited to try it. I'm still in the very beginning of the outlining process but I have a rough premise down...it's kind of like a tag line for a movie, I guess. But I have all of these ideas running through my head and I'm trying to catch them all and get them down on paper. So I have a feeling that is what I am going to be doing for the next couple of days. I have a little steno notebook that I keep with me in my bag so I have a feeling that that is going to be getting a lot of use. Lol.

    But here are my goals for tomorrow!

    1. Log all food
    2. Attempt to stay in green
    3. Keep drawer balanced at work
    4. Ask for help if I need it
    5. Write down every single idea that pops into my head good, bad or ugly
    6. Spend some time brainstorming everything(setting, characters, scenes, conflict, etc)
    7. Spend some time reading my Bible
    8. Put dinner in the crock pot before I leave for work
    9. Eat the yummy dinner when I get home
    10. Spend time typing up ideas from notebook(if any)
    11. Enjoy couch time with the DH
    12. Wind down by 9:30
    13. Bed by 10:30(gonna be an early morning on Friday)

    Have a great night/day everyone!
  • lydia4462
    lydia4462 Posts: 19 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    lydia4462 wrote: »
    So this is day 2 on this thread for me. I love reading everyone's goals, struggles, successes!

    JFT I am going to do some sort of activity for at least 20-30 minutes.
    JFT I am not going to eat more than the 450 calories I have left.
    JFT I am not going to emotional eat because I am stressed with my teen

    I have a 15 yr old boy so I feel what you're saying. My solution....I just picture him as that little 5 lb baby :D Even though he is 6'1" and 135 lbs, viewing him as that little guy eases my stress and calms my anxiety. I know he is a growing young man so I treat him accordingly but sometimes their hormones make teens monsters :# that is when the visual helps! Good luck, remember you are the parent, don't let the teenage rampage take you down, LOL :blush:

    Easier said than done lol. But I will definitely try using the visual trick. Thanks!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    So I'm finally starting to work on an outline for the story that's been rattling around in my head for YEARS! I have finally written a premise, which is pretty much a little blurb about the story. What to read the premise?

    Yes I want to read :)

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Guess what guys, I'm writing goals today!!

    Just for Thursday!

    - Be within calorie limit (1500 - 1800)
    - Do shopping with OH.
    - Get the house spotless (it's annoying me now, feel like it's never tidy!!)
    - Get myself ready properly! Hair and makeup!
    - Remember to buy batteries for BOTH scales! (Kitchen and bathroom!)
    - Walk the dog (3-5K steps)
    - ring consultants secretary, was not happy about yesterday's appointment!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Just updated my goal settings
    To lose 0.5lbs leaves me with 1922 cals per day
    To lose 1.5 leaves me with 1422

    So I've had to set it for 1lb a week so it's around 1642. Think that's as close as I'm going to get to what I actually want!