Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    It's very sad to have the family dog die :(

    Our first dog got to 10 years old and his bark went funny. And he stopped doing as much. He wouldn't even get out his bed To bark at the door he just barked from his bed.
    So we took him to the vet and they put him under anaesthetic to do a biopsy on his throat and the poor thing had throat cancer. We decided not to bring him round :( as they said he probably was in pain.

    And our second dog had to be put down at I think 6 years old due to violence. He nipped at too many people and most people were okay, they understood he had severe anxiety from previous abuse but when he went for my 1yo niece my dad said enough was enough
    That was even harder.

    But his severe anxiety wasn't giving the dog a good life.
    It's such a hard decision to make, and one you don't want to make.
    I think wanderinglights points are very good Ines to go by xx
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    I did the list. Woo-hoo.
    Tomorrow - Sunday
    The usual --> watch calories and drink water and exercise. Don't be late for church. Do the shot first thing without whining. Drive out to cemetery and talk to my husband. If it doesn't rain and the grass is dry, might ride around on mower.
    Hoping you all are having peaceful and laughing days.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Drive out to cemetery and talk to my husband.

  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    @OConnell5483 I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. You are very strong to see the positive through this. I hope you have a blessed weekend o:)

    @skymningen Congratulations on your success thus far!! The fellowship that was meant for you WILL happen ;) Good luck and we'll be praying for you.

    8/19 Saturday JFT:

    ✔Day 6 of my 6-Day Slim-Down Diet :D
    ✔Finish strong!
    ✔Take son to football ~ 9 am
    ✔Football scrimmage game ~ 11:30 am
    (I truly believe coaches "throw" their "weight" around and force parents to conform to their schedule in life, this is frustrating :# . The little ~ means the coaches aren't really sure about the timeline.)<---American Football (maybe that's the problem, LOL)
    ✔Run by bank
    ✔Eye appt
    ✔JCpenney Sale :D
    ❌Run on elliptical
    ✔Dinner by 7pm
    ✔Bedtime by 10 pm

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    It's only been two days but I feel like I have missed so much!

    @OConnell5483 I'm so sorry about your friend! I dont know how I would have handled that news, let alone work through it! We had to put my first dog down about 8 years ago. We had her most of my life. I have never cried as hard as when we had to put her down. She was my Daddy's baby. But we were lucky. We found a vet that would put her down at home. So we all sat in my backyard and held her and let her know she was so loved. The last thing she saw was my Daddy's face. He buried her in the woods(in our little pet cemetery). I hope you found something wonderful and peaceful to do today!

    @Bex953172 My DH doesn't really do much other than work. He'll switch the trash if I ask, and he helps pick up the living room if I ask him to. But that's about it. And in the beginning of our marriage, I was really bitter towards him that he didn't help. And then I realized that 1) the health of his body is quickly deteriorating and 2) he walks between 8-10 miles a day at his work. So once I came to grips with that(and came off the midnight shift at my former job) I started to let that bitterness go and (almost) enjoy keeping the house clean. Granted, I dont have a child, let alone two, to take care of as well as cooking, cleaning, and a husband. Lol, So more power to you and keep up the good work! Lol

    @joan6630 I'm sorry you're having trouble with your daughter. I suffered severely from Bi-Polar when I was a young adult. I was on and off my meds and living at home. I think I put my parents through hell during those years. How they managed to deal with me during those years I have no idea but the Lord definitely blessed them and me in return! I hope that your daughter finds a way to help herself. I'll be praying for you and your family!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    No idea where my last goal post is, probably 3 pages back! Lol. So I'll just do what I've done so far today!

    1. Logged all food
    2. Kept in green
    3. Kept drawer balanced at work
    4. Didn't need to ask for help
    5. Took a nap
    6. Got Sozo-ed at church this afternoon
    7. Cuddled with the DH
    8. New mattress got delivered!
    9. Remade bed and DH and I laid on it for about a half an hour
    10. Gonna do an online grocery order to pick up tomorrow afternoon
    11. Might run to Wawa to get a frozen fruit bar

    Super long list today. Lol. Had a great day! Work was pretty dead! OH! I didn't get written up for 3k issue I had on Tuesday! Woohoo! Had a great counselor led prayer session(Sozo) at church today! It was amazing! I worked through a lot of nagging issues. Mom and Dad bought us a really nice, new Sealy mattress that was on sale at BJ's. It's our anniversary present from them. The one we had was terrible! It sagged in the middle and was terrible on our backs but we just couldn't afford it, so thank God for awesome loving parents!

    So here's my list for tomorrow as well!

    1. Church at 9
    2. Pick up groceries
    3. Go to Aldi's
    4. Wash dishes
    5. Food in crock for dinner
    6. Laundry
    7. Clean living room
    8. Dinner and baseball with the DH
    9. Wind down by 930
    10. Bed by 1030
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    1. log all food :)
    2. don't let emotions get to me. Realize that there are many things I have no control over - and food is not the answer :)
    3. drink water :)
    4. go to fish fry with hubby, and enjoy 1 piece. :)
    5. sew on my quilt :)
    6. take a short afternoon nap. I think when I am tired I tend to overeat junk food and binge :)
    7. close the kitchen - brush my teeth and grab my water. :)
    8. if Ice cream is on sale - no matter what price - Do not buy it. Just knowing it is in the freezer is a trigger for me. :) If I want ice cream - go to McDonalds and get a "portioned" ice cream cone.
    9. think positive thoughts. Concentrate on the good things in my life, not the negatives :)
    10. get back on here tomorrow, no matter what :) even though it is now almost 11 PM!!!!

    I am SO late getting on here, so my only goal for the rest of the day is:
    Saturday, 8.19
    1. get on and log all food from today - yes even that margarita I had!
    2. No more wine - just 1 glass
    3. brush teeth and floss
    4. lay out gym clothes for sunday

    I had a very nice day today, thus, only now getting on here! I see I have SO many posts to go back and read -- what a active thread this has become! I love it!
    I made it to the gym, and did 90 minutes. Then hubby and I went to a book/record sale - I bought several really nice books for my daughter, and hubby got a ton of CDs - all at $.50 each!
    Then we went out for dinner. A nice day, to sit back, and enjoy our time together. I appreciate my husband so much, after being together 46 years, still love spending the day with him. So I have to remember this when things in life overwhelm me.
    Our daughter came out in the evening, and I took her to the candle store for some new candles. The aroma of candles helps her. She confided in me though that the voices never go away, and I am so sad for her. I am so proud of what she has to live with and how couageous she is, but also, I would give my life to take this from her. The meds help with the symptoms, but not the voices, which are awful. So all I can do is be there for her in any way I can.

    So here are my goals for tomorrow
    Sunday 8/20
    1. log all food
    2. get to the gym
    3. work in the yard - need to transplant 2 hydrangeas to another spot in the yard
    4. work on the quilt I am making for my friend
    5. drink water - concentrate to get my water in.
    6. weigh myself for weekly weigh-n - record here no matter what
    7. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    I did the list. Woo-hoo.
    Tomorrow - Sunday
    The usual --> watch calories and drink water and exercise. Don't be late for church. Do the shot first thing without whining. Drive out to cemetery and talk to my husband. If it doesn't rain and the grass is dry, might ride around on mower.
    Hoping you all are having peaceful and laughing days.

    Hugs to you. I cannot imagine losing your husband, and pray that you can always have the memories to keep you going.
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    Another busy weekend day today, but first let's see what I managed to do yesterday.
    skymningen wrote: »
    1) Go grocery shopping, shop mostly healthy stuff but also one treat :)Actually already did that.
    2) Do three runs of laundry :)Done.
    3) Cook Pasta with Zucchini and Scampi Yes. Somehow I had expected it to be more tasty, though.
    4) Do a short workout. Any that I feel like doing. Just 10 minutes. :/I forgot about it. Then I was tired... So, no.
    5) Check the work that is running on the server every once in a while (It crashed twice yesterday... so far it is running since yesterday afternoon, fingers crossed. If it runs until tomorrow afternoon there is a chance is will actually finish.) I did that. It was running the last time I checked.
    6) Write something for my thesis. :)Did that, too. Not as much as I hoped, but it is a start.
    7) Try NOT to touch the treat. It is still in the pantry.

    So up for today. I am nervous about tomorrow, I need to keep myself busy.
    1) Got to the gym.
    2) Try to do 2 more runs of laundry. (I might not be able to, depending on the space left to hang it. I don't have a dryer.)
    3) Eat a large salad with lamb.
    4) Pre-cook for tomorrows lunch.
    5) Check the work stuff again, if it does finish in the afternoon, start running second part so I am all set tomorrow.
    6) Work on my thesis and/or the book chapter
    7)Don't touch the treat.
    8) Don't feel overwhelmed. Just do not let it get to me.
  • tretan
    tretan Posts: 9 Member

    -Run 4 miles :neutral:

    Didn't get myself to run today. My scraped knee still hasn't completely healed and I'm paranoid of tearing the cut even further during jogging. But I walked 5.5 miles instead!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Is anyone watching the eclipse tomorrow (obviously I'm not!)
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Is anyone watching the eclipse tomorrow (obviously I'm not!)

    There was a full eclipse around where I live about, I don't know, 15 years ago? People made some kind of mega event out of it. While I was fascinated by the science, the actual act of watching it was slow and disappointing. There were too many clouds and it just does not look like fancy timelapse videos of it.
    In case I accidentally have time, I might watch one again, but I won't put any effort into being able to do so.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    skymningen wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Is anyone watching the eclipse tomorrow (obviously I'm not!)

    There was a full eclipse around where I live about, I don't know, 15 years ago? People made some kind of mega event out of it. While I was fascinated by the science, the actual act of watching it was slow and disappointing. There were too many clouds and it just does not look like fancy timelapse videos of it.
    In case I accidentally have time, I might watch one again, but I won't put any effort into being able to do so.

    Where do you live :)

    And yeah we've had one in my lifetime (25 years) where I live (uk).
    Don't really remember it though!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,594 Member
    Recap Sat. 8/19 = today's challenge is evening boat cruise with alcohol and food
    1) Farmers market = done :)
    2) Oil change & tires rotated = posting my update in waiting area :) done and tires didn't need rotation yet :)
    3) Gas in car for road trip = done :)
    4) Walk dog long route = 3.6 miles B)
    5) Make wise choices at evening cruise and limit adult beverages = food was appetizers and not much so hubby and I ate again when we got home at 9 p.m. :s I had one beer. :)

    JFT Sunday 8/20 challenge today is after choir sings in installation service this afternoon for new associate pastor, meal to follow and I have no idea what
    1) church 9:00
    2) Walk dog
    3) depoop yard so hubby can mow
    4) 2 loads laundry
    5) bedtime 10:30

    Will have to catch up all other posts later. Have a blessed Sunday everyone!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Is anyone watching the eclipse tomorrow (obviously I'm not!)

    My kiddos and I are going to watch it from the comfort of our own yard B) We over paid for our solar eclipse glasses but it'll be a memory for us to share! It'll only be a 75% eclipse but it's something ;)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Is anyone watching the eclipse tomorrow (obviously I'm not!)

    My kiddos and I are going to watch it from the comfort of our own yard B) We over paid for our solar eclipse glasses but it'll be a memory for us to share! It'll only be a 75% eclipse but it's something ;)

    Ooo if it's safe to would you mind taking a picture for me :)
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    @Bex953172 Yes, I will take some pictures. My eye doctor said that it's safe as long as we have the solar eclipse glasses on B)

    8/20 Sunday JFT:

    6-Day Slim-Down Diet Completed :D
    Just to update everyone, last Sunday weigh-in = 190 lbs and today's weigh-in = 181 lbs :D
    I feel sooooo much better too!!!!
    I am going to continue with a lower caloric intake but an increase from the diet (as instructed).

    House cleaning and organizing
    Clean out closets
    Plan weekly meals
    Run on elliptical
    Dinner by 7pm
    Bedtime by 10 pm
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    edited August 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    skymningen wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Is anyone watching the eclipse tomorrow (obviously I'm not!)

    There was a full eclipse around where I live about, I don't know, 15 years ago? People made some kind of mega event out of it. While I was fascinated by the science, the actual act of watching it was slow and disappointing. There were too many clouds and it just does not look like fancy timelapse videos of it.
    In case I accidentally have time, I might watch one again, but I won't put any effort into being able to do so.

    Where do you live :)

    And yeah we've had one in my lifetime (25 years) where I live (uk).
    Don't really remember it though!

    I live in Germany... but I am planning to move to UK next year, as my boyfriend is there. I am 5 years older than you, so we probably speak about the same eclipse. I researched it. I thought it was in the 21st century but I found out it must have been in August 1999.

    Somehow now I feel a little old. :D
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    skymningen wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    skymningen wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Is anyone watching the eclipse tomorrow (obviously I'm not!)

    There was a full eclipse around where I live about, I don't know, 15 years ago? People made some kind of mega event out of it. While I was fascinated by the science, the actual act of watching it was slow and disappointing. There were too many clouds and it just does not look like fancy timelapse videos of it.
    In case I accidentally have time, I might watch one again, but I won't put any effort into being able to do so.

    Where do you live :)

    And yeah we've had one in my lifetime (25 years) where I live (uk).
    Don't really remember it though!

    I live in Germany... but I am planning to move to UK next year, as my boyfriend is there. I am 5 years older than you, so we probably speak about the same eclipse. I researched it. I thought it was in the 21st century but I found out it must have been in August 1999.

    Somehow now I feel a little old. :D

    Haha yeah 1999 would have put me at 7years old :sweat_smile: so that would be about right
    That makes me feel old!!

    Where abouts in the U.K. Are you moving to :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Here's a little fun question for you all! (I'm sure you will all find it hilarious)

    I put my washing machine on a 2hr cycle.. now.. who can tell me what's wrong with this photo..
