Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    WR50 wrote: »
    JFT Thursday: Practice what I have learnt from the book. ✅ Two days binge free!

    JFT Friday: Continue to work on controlling my urges to binge.
    -Clean my darned oven- yuck. Been avoiding this for weeks.

    Great job!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    edited August 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Lol my partners just text saying he will have fish fingers!

    Ok, I have to ask: what are fish fingers?

    Oh I'm sorry, fish sticks to you :sweat_smile:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,518 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Lol my partners just text saying he will have fish fingers!

    Ok, I have to ask: what are fish fingers?

    Oh I'm sorry, fish sticks to you

    LOL :smiley:

  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    @joan6630 We all have days where we don't feel like we have succeeded but just remember what you've told me, "Look at all the other things you've accomplished." Sometimes family precedes our fitness goals!! Emotional eating is always hard to overcome, I wish I knew the trick but I do not. I try herbal teas for stress and anxiety. I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers! Chin up, you CAN do this!! B)
  • lydia4462
    lydia4462 Posts: 19 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    WR50 wrote: »
    JFT Thursday: Practice what I have learnt from the book. ✅ Two days binge free!

    JFT Friday: Continue to work on controlling my urges to binge.
    -Clean my darned oven- yuck. Been avoiding this for weeks.

    Great job!

    Me too! Thumbs up to us!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Ah @joan6630 , I feel you too. Last night I was driving home from the feed store, it was about 6 and I had nothing new planned for dinner. (We've been eating off a Boston butt all week and I was tired of pork.) I have not been getting enough sleep. (Need to set a bed time as a JFT again) I called my husband and the words that came out of my mouth were, "I'm too tired to fight the urge. Do you want anything from McDonalds? I have to drive past that new one." I had fries and a cheeseburger - the really big quarter pound one. The fries were great, the burger - meh. But now my sodium bloat continues.

    It is hard to fight the easy way when we are tired. We are tired cause we are not getting enough sleep (and maybe not enough exercise - the irony), we are not getting enough sleep cause we are overwhelmed and have so much to do in all the parts of our life. Work, home, kids, parents, termites. If this does not calm down in the next week I am going to have to make a few priority lists and decide what simply has to wait.

    I too will look up this Calm app. Can't hurt. I'll have to put that on the list. :p
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    skymningen wrote: »
    1) Go to the gym after work. Done. Loved it. Back to my 'old' strength. Wednesday was an outlier.
    2) Eat lunch for lunch. Um. Half of it. The other half I had at 10 am.
    3) Be effective at work. Get all three things I planned to do done. Nope. But it was not my fault. Instead, I got the servers back up and running and generally did my best.

  • lydia4462
    lydia4462 Posts: 19 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    How do you NOT reach for junk food when:

    The kids had to be put in their room just so I can clean the house downstairs. I've got the lounge spotless but the kitchen is still a bit of a tip.

    The drs have rung and said my thyroid is too low and now need to run out and pick up my meds.

    Whilst telling my partner that the dr called (he was in the bedroom) the dog pissed outside the door, came downstairs and ate the lamb off the kitchen side which I had just got out the fridge for prepping, which was our tea. Now there's only one lamb steak that neither me or my partner will eat because we don't know if he's licked it. And he also knocked a coffee off the side in the process and now there's coffee splattered everywhere.

    I actually feel like crying.

    I don't know what to do for tea now. It's 4.30pm and I start tea at 5, don't have a microwave to defrost and can't buy anything.


    Holy Moly! Not only would I be tempted to comfort myself with food, I would eat all the junk in my house! BUT.....! If I talk out loud to myself in the 2nd person about the mess I have to deal with and respond with conviction that I'm NOT going to start on junk food because it's all downhill from there. ...I can usually power through it. As for what to serve...I'm sorry I have no suggestions other than rinse off the remaining lamb?
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Our daughter, who has paranoid schizoaffective, distorted thinking, panic attacks, depression, etc. and many problems, was out - and not a good nite. WIth her having paranoia, anything we say she misinterprets as us controlling her, so it is very hard. So after 15 minutes here, she storms out the house and back to her apartment. I worry like crazy, as I can see her going downhill again, but am helpless to do anything. HIPPA laws prevent us from doing much other than leaving a message with her doctor. So what do I do ..... eat.

    I'm so sorry this is how it is for her.
    It must be incredibly difficult for you.
    Have you been offered support, or support as a family? To see what helps her in terms of communication and what doesn't?
    I had to have long discussions with my partner of what I say and how it can sometimes affect him badly.
    It's pretty hard having to think of how to reword something as to not trigger anything.

    When my partner goes off on one. I just remember
    - I didn't cause it
    - I can't control it
    - I can't cure it.

    I don't know why but it helps, reminds me it's not my fault (even when he's telling me it is!)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @Bex953172 Honey, your day sounds like it just went from bad to worse. I think I would feel like crying too! (HUGS)

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    lydia4462 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    How do you NOT reach for junk food when:

    The kids had to be put in their room just so I can clean the house downstairs. I've got the lounge spotless but the kitchen is still a bit of a tip.

    The drs have rung and said my thyroid is too low and now need to run out and pick up my meds.

    Whilst telling my partner that the dr called (he was in the bedroom) the dog pissed outside the door, came downstairs and ate the lamb off the kitchen side which I had just got out the fridge for prepping, which was our tea. Now there's only one lamb steak that neither me or my partner will eat because we don't know if he's licked it. And he also knocked a coffee off the side in the process and now there's coffee splattered everywhere.

    I actually feel like crying.

    I don't know what to do for tea now. It's 4.30pm and I start tea at 5, don't have a microwave to defrost and can't buy anything.


    Holy Moly! Not only would I be tempted to comfort myself with food, I would eat all the junk in my house! BUT.....! If I talk out loud to myself in the 2nd person about the mess I have to deal with and respond with conviction that I'm NOT going to start on junk food because it's all downhill from there. ...I can usually power through it. As for what to serve...I'm sorry I have no suggestions other than rinse off the remaining lamb?

    Do you know what, I didn't eat a single thing.
    I just made everyone else fish sticks (or fish fingers to me) chips and peas lol whilst I tidied everything up!
    Gonna make myself some eggy bread later! (Please tell me you know what that is @cschmitz110515 :sweat_smile: )
  • lydia4462
    lydia4462 Posts: 19 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    Ah @joan6630 , I feel you too. Last night I was driving home from the feed store, it was about 6 and I had nothing new planned for dinner. (We've been eating off a Boston butt all week and I was tired of pork.) I have not been getting enough sleep. (Need to set a bed time as a JFT again) I called my husband and the words that came out of my mouth were, "I'm too tired to fight the urge. Do you want anything from McDonalds? I have to drive past that new one." I had fries and a cheeseburger - the really big quarter pound one. The fries were great, the burger - meh. But now my sodium bloat continues.

    It is hard to fight the easy way when we are tired. We are tired cause we are not getting enough sleep (and maybe not enough exercise - the irony), we are not getting enough sleep cause we are overwhelmed and have so much to do in all the parts of our life. Work, home, kids, parents, termites. If this does not calm down in the next week I am going to have to make a few priority lists and decide what simply has to wait.

    I too will look up this Calm app. Can't hurt. I'll have to put that on the list. :p

    ...and some days it's OK to give in to the urge. Just try to do better the next day. And the next.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member

    Just for Thursday:
    * Hydrate :D
    * Journal every bite - failed miserably at this yesterday :D
    * Do not work over 9 hours today. I've been working 15 hours a day again and it's my first week back. I wasn't going to do that again! :(
    * Try to either change the things in my life that are stressing me out, or change the way I react to them. :(
    * No CANDY or ice cream tonight :(
    * Keep a smile in my voice. ;) kind of?
    * Have a positive attitude during my 1:1 meeting with my manager today. :'( This was not a good meeting. I was basically told "If you're not happy, perhaps you should look for another job" Really? After 24 years, I should just scoot out the door? I wanted to cry. Thus, I failed on my goal to not eat candy or ice cream, and failed on my goal not to work over 9 hours.
    * Continue to keep my eye open for other jobs and don't be afraid to apply for them. You don't know if you don't try. :/
    * No complaining about work to my husband. He cannot fix it and it makes him so upset. It's not his problem to fix and I need to stop making him feel helpless. :/
    * Bed one hour early and unplug :(

  • lydia4462
    lydia4462 Posts: 19 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Our daughter, who has paranoid schizoaffective, distorted thinking, panic attacks, depression, etc. and many problems, was out - and not a good nite. WIth her having paranoia, anything we say she misinterprets as us controlling her, so it is very hard. So after 15 minutes here, she storms out the house and back to her apartment. I worry like crazy, as I can see her going downhill again, but am helpless to do anything. HIPPA laws prevent us from doing much other than leaving a message with her doctor. So what do I do ..... eat.

    I'm so sorry this is how it is for her.
    It must be incredibly difficult for you.
    Have you been offered support, or support as a family? To see what helps her in terms of communication and what doesn't?
    I had to have long discussions with my partner of what I say and how it can sometimes affect him badly.
    It's pretty hard having to think of how to reword something as to not trigger anything.

    When my partner goes off on one. I just remember
    - I didn't cause it
    - I can't control it
    - I can't cure it.

    I don't know why but it helps, reminds me it's not my fault (even when he's telling me it is!)

    I am sorry that you ard both suffering. Maybe a mantra might help or meditation. Remind yourself that you are strong, worrying will deplete this strength, and loving her, even from a distance, is healing in its own way. Also, know you are doing all you can in the best way you know how.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member

    The baby dropped her plate on the floor.
    The one I mopped.
    Peas. Everywhere.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    I got to work this morning and found out a woman I work pretty closely with, one of the nicest women I have ever met, was tragically killed last night, along with her daughter. They were out walking together and hit by a drunk driver. Her daughter was 18 years old and she just told me yesterday that she was taking next week off so her and her husband could move their daughter into her new college dorm. I'm in shock. I am incredibly sad. I was emailing her last night about work stuff and unbeknownst to me, she was already gone. It is just heartbreaking. What a senseless tragedy.

    This horrible news really put things into perspective for me today. So, here goes...

    Just For Friday:
    * Water
    * Log every bite
    * Leave work on time today and go home to my family
    * Smile and greet everyone I see today with a smile.
    * Hug my family and tell them I love them every chance I get.
    * Try not to eat candy or ice cream, but if I do...oh well. I'm not going to beat myself up.
    * Be grateful for the day, and thank God for always making sure we have what we need. Maybe not what we want, but always what we need.
    * Hug my dog who no longer can hear, walks so much slower and with a limp, and who just wants to make us happy. Extra treats tonight. Poor boy is getting old on us.
    * Don't sweat the small stuff, especially at work, because at the end of the day....it's all small stuff.

    Thank you all for being here every day offering encouragement. Even though we have not met, I consider you my friends and you all matter so much to me. This is such a fantastic group!

    Happy Friday!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    I got to work this morning and found out a woman I work pretty closely with, one of the nicest women I have ever met, was tragically killed last night, along with her daughter. They were out walking together and hit by a drunk driver. Her daughter was 18 years old and she just told me yesterday that she was taking next week off so her and her husband could move their daughter into her new college dorm. I'm in shock. I am incredibly sad. I was emailing her last night about work stuff and unbeknownst to me, she was already gone. It is just heartbreaking. What a senseless tragedy.

    This horrible news really put things into perspective for me today. So, here goes...

    Just For Friday:
    * Water
    * Log every bite
    * Leave work on time today and go home to my family
    * Smile and greet everyone I see today with a smile.
    * Hug my family and tell them I love them every chance I get.
    * Try not to eat candy or ice cream, but if I do...oh well. I'm not going to beat myself up.
    * Be grateful for the day, and thank God for always making sure we have what we need. Maybe not what we want, but always what we need.
    * Hug my dog who no longer can hear, walks so much slower and with a limp, and who just wants to make us happy. Extra treats tonight. Poor boy is getting old on us.
    * Don't sweat the small stuff, especially at work, because at the end of the day....it's all small stuff.

    Thank you all for being here every day offering encouragement. Even though we have not met, I consider you my friends and you all matter so much to me. This is such a fantastic group!

    Happy Friday!

    Oh my that's awful
    Are you okay x
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @Bex953172 Yes, just incredibly sad and I think still in shock. I have work questions and I go to pick up the phone to call or send an email and then I remember... It's just so horribly sad. :'(

    P.S. I'm sorry you have peas all over the floor, by the way! Babies are good at that. I think you should just bring in the dog and have him clean them up for you! (unless he is too full from eating the lamb earlier...) LOL!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    @Bex953172 Yes, just incredibly sad and I think still in shock. I have work questions and I go to pick up the phone to call or send an email and then I remember... It's just so horribly sad. :'(

    P.S. I'm sorry you have peas all over the floor, by the way! Babies are good at that. I think you should just bring in the dog and have him clean them up for you! (unless he is too full from eating the lamb earlier...) LOL!

    LOL that's what annoys me more!!
    He's in big trouble and will not be having his tea tonight but I need his help!
    I'm just gonna have to clean it again! Not going to give the little *kitten* the satisfaction!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I got to work this morning and found out a woman I work pretty closely with, one of the nicest women I have ever met, was tragically killed last night, along with her daughter. They were out walking together and hit by a drunk driver. Her daughter was 18 years old and she just told me yesterday that she was taking next week off so her and her husband could move their daughter into her new college dorm. I'm in shock. I am incredibly sad. I was emailing her last night about work stuff and unbeknownst to me, she was already gone. It is just heartbreaking. What a senseless tragedy.

    This horrible news really put things into perspective for me today. So, here goes...

    OMG - this brought tears to my eyes. I am so very sorry - what a horrible thing. One of my very good friends daughter was killed by a drunk driver - she was less than 1 mile from her home. So tragic. Things like this do make us all think about the important things in our life, and how quickly they can be snached away. Prayers for your friends family,and also for you. So very sorry.