Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Gaaah, I just wrote a mammoth post and then clicked send and it disappeared. So annoying!

    Anyway... I'm back after a bit of an extended absence!

    I was busy at work, and also was using my commute to watch House of Cards rather than post. I think I was avoiding, to be honest - I'd fallen off the wagon due to stress/feeling down. Then I went on holiday for a week, where lots of food was eaten.

    So.... The October challenge is not going so well for me! I am quite a bit heavier than I was on Oct 1. I can't tell exactly how much as l still have quite a bit of holiday bloating/water weight going on, which should come off this week if I cut down/detox. I will post how I'm doing on Friday, by which time it should have come off.

    The good thing is that I think I am done with over indulgence (for the time being, anyway). I'm feeling pretty annoyed at myself for letting it go, and am also feeling a real craving to start being healthy again. I feel too big, and my insides feel like they're coated in oil (I ate lots of tapas!). I am determined to get back on track and shift this weight I've put on, and then start going downwards again.

    It's probably not going to be possible for me to get back to my Oct 1 weight AND lose another 5lb (and keep it off) by the end of the year. However I reckon it's perfectly possible for me to get back to it and stay there until the end of the year (and maybe even lose a tiny bit). That will set me up nicely for the New Year - I really don't want to have to start again in January (Jan is depressing enough!)

    So, that's what I'll do.

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - NO snacks except Ryvita (including the holiday snacks I brought for the office due to social convention)
    - No alcohol
    - Go to gym after work
    - Be in the green with 300+ deficit

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Leave work by 5.30
    - Be calm, whatever happens!

    Glad to be back - I missed you all!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Finally back on! Awesome to read about the progress some of you are posting-thank you for sharing!

    Monday Weigh In 202-creeping back up! Need to make better food choices.

    Getting house ready for my mom's arrival. Some safety concerns needed to be addressed b/c of her limitations. Can't wait to give her a big hug and spend some quality time with her.

    Drink 11 cups of water.
    Walk dog 30 mins.
    Listen to to the new Half Size Me podcast.
    Plan meals for the week.
    Plan activities for the week.
    30 crunches.
    Prep veggies for snacking.
    Early bedtime-aim for 9:30.
    Plan menu for paint Nite fundraiser - be sure to add some healthy choices.

    I've heard about this book called "The Morning Ritual". Has anyone read it? Heard it's very inspirational.

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap Sunday 11/12
    1) Bible class & church = done / done :smiley:
    2) Assisted hubby as he replaced door handle = done :smiley:
    3) Walked dog 3.28 miles & happy dog :smiley: Fitbit 15, 118 steps, 250+ steps 10/14 hours & 28 floors :smiley:
    4) Two loads laundry while watching Packers beat da Bears = done & done :smiley:
    5) Make apple crisp for work, bake acorn squash & wash dishes = done / done / done :smiley:
    6) Floss & retainers / bedtime & TV off 10:30 = done / done :smiley:

    Can't believe I forgot my CICO goal yesterday. Net calories green, sodium red & 12c water. :smile:

    JFT M 11/13
    1) Walked dog 3.03 miles before work...glad Saturday's snow melted, only patchy ice where road is shaded, not so dangerous to walk. Happy me & happy dog. :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Net calories green
    4) After work: grocery shop / clean up pile of mail / review Teatime Holidays (borrowed magazine)
    5) Floss & retainers / bedtime & TV off 10:15 (remember seminar all day Tues.)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Welcome back @skymningen @slittlemeister @Saragirl2 @bcTRAI <3 So glad to see everyone return, and the newbies @theyoginurse @70sjam !!! Sorry if I missed anyone. For a while, it felt like I was posting to myself. :wink:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    So.... The October challenge is not going so well for me! I am quite a bit heavier than I was on Oct 1.

    It's probably not going to be possible for me to get back to my Oct 1 weight AND lose another 5lb (and keep it off) by the end of the year. However I reckon it's perfectly possible for me to get back to it and stay there until the end of the year (and maybe even lose a tiny bit). That will set me up nicely for the New Year - I really don't want to have to start again in January (Jan is depressing enough!)

    For the challenge, you can also just maintain. With all the celebrations coming up, I'm settling for maintenance. I've already decided that, on certain days, I will eat / drink what I want & NO LOGGING FOOD involved. Bonus if I lose during the challenge, but not required. :wink:
  • theyoginurse
    theyoginurse Posts: 82 Member
    @cschmitz110515 you’re doing wonderful! Hello to everyone who is in the group! Please add me as a friend if you’d like to stay in touch with more accountability. My commitment and goals for today:

    1. Do not binge no matter what (delay gratification, drink water, go to bed, walk away, come on here, think about goal)
    2. Track all my food on here
    3. Take mom to orthopedic doctor (she needs a knee replacement)
    4. Costco
    5. Return to Ulta
    6. Prayer request for mom and her surgery
    7. Send love offering to my church member for her event to celebrate on Dec 30

    Going to get in bed early tonight because I didn’t sleep well. Have a wonderful day everybody! My goal is to laugh and stay strong to inspire my mother.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    skymningen wrote: »
    I missed you guys (girls, mostly, as far as I know ;) )! I am sorry I just left, but somehow to be able to get away from thinking about food and weight, I needed to take a break from the community, too. I will try to read up, but right now I am often very tired after work, so maybe that has to wait until next weekend.

    I'm glad you got a much needed break! Don't ever be sorry about just leaving when you need to! The whole point of this is to do what we need to do to feel good, and that's what you did! We are happy for you! :)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Gaaah, I just wrote a mammoth post and then clicked send and it disappeared. So annoying!

    Anyway... I'm back after a bit of an extended absence!

    I was busy at work, and also was using my commute to watch House of Cards rather than post. I think I was avoiding, to be honest - I'd fallen off the wagon due to stress/feeling down. Then I went on holiday for a week, where lots of food was eaten.

    So.... The October challenge is not going so well for me! I am quite a bit heavier than I was on Oct 1. I can't tell exactly how much as l still have quite a bit of holiday bloating/water weight going on, which should come off this week if I cut down/detox. I will post how I'm doing on Friday, by which time it should have come off.

    The good thing is that I think I am done with over indulgence (for the time being, anyway). I'm feeling pretty annoyed at myself for letting it go, and am also feeling a real craving to start being healthy again. I feel too big, and my insides feel like they're coated in oil (I ate lots of tapas!). I am determined to get back on track and shift this weight I've put on, and then start going downwards again.

    It's probably not going to be possible for me to get back to my Oct 1 weight AND lose another 5lb (and keep it off) by the end of the year. However I reckon it's perfectly possible for me to get back to it and stay there until the end of the year (and maybe even lose a tiny bit). That will set me up nicely for the New Year - I really don't want to have to start again in January (Jan is depressing enough!)

    So, that's what I'll do.

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - NO snacks except Ryvita (including the holiday snacks I brought for the office due to social convention)
    - No alcohol
    - Go to gym after work
    - Be in the green with 300+ deficit

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Leave work by 5.30
    - Be calm, whatever happens!

    Glad to be back - I missed you all!

    I'm right there with you!!! I'm so mad at myself for how badly I let myself go with emotional stress eating! I've actually been craving salads, which I NEVER crave, so I'm pretty sure my body is telling me STOP IT!!! So, let's just start over again today and take it One Day at a Time, One Meal at a Time! :smile:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited November 2017
    SO happy to see you guys back!!!!! I missed you all so much!!!! Lots to read to catch up on everyone, but I love having you all back posting.

    I am struggling also - did not post last nite, because I had a awful nite binging. First, made the mistake of buying a box of Rice Krispies treats - I think I ate like 5 of those little pouches. This time of year I struggle a lot. Both with seasonal/holiday depression, and just the time of year - too many goodies and junk around.

    This is why we have to keep coming - especially from now until New Years. I always make the New Year Resolution to lose weight, and always do OK in January and Feb, but this time of year it is so hard. I just don't want to gain..... So for the October Challenge -- thats why I said even to just maintain!!!

    I'll write more tonite - but, a big welcome to any newcomers also! You will love this group of people. And again, so happy to see you guys back !! :):):) With everyone's help, we'll all get through these holidays!

    SO JFT, MOnday
    1. detox again from sugar.
    2. log all food
    3. drink water --- min 6 glasses
    4. already been to the gym - but lay out clothes for tomorrow
    5. get back on here - be accountable
    6. remember how much better I will feel come january if I don't gain weight
    7. read response cards today to remind myself of why I want to lose weight
    8. when wanting to cave into a craving - drink 2 glasses of water and wait
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Sunday:
    1. Journal every bite and stay in the green ;) I journaled every bite but overshot my calories by a few hundred. It's so hard to stay under 1200!
    2. 80 oz of water :)
    3. Meal plan for week :) I started...finishing up this morning.
    4. Plan healthy snacks :) Finishing up this morning also, as I make our grocery list.
    5. Start cutting fabric for baby quilt to send to (BEX) :smiley::) Started!
    6. Reach my FitBit step goal :( Nope. Sat too much today and watching the Packer game didn't help! But what a great game! :blush:
    7. Read success stories and look for ideas to incorporate into my new lifestyle. :)
    8. Listen to today's podcasts :/
    9. Read today's chapter for Simple Abundance book, write in my gratitude journal before bed. :)
    10. Start a "donate" box and declutter (Goal is a box a week.) :)

    Just for Monday
    1. Do not check email from old job! Let it go...
    2. Journal every bite
    3. 85 oz of water
    4. Weigh my portions
    5. 30 minutes of activity
    6. Bills & Budget for rest of month since I'm not working for two weeks between jobs.
    7. Work on quilt
    8. Add 5 things to donate box
    9. Listen to podcasts while quilting
    10. Read today's Simple Abundance chapter, Gratitude Journal (5 things I'm grateful for today) and meditate tonight.

    @Saragirl2 I have not heard of "The Morning Ritual" but I love inspirational books so might have to look it up! :wink:
  • klimbinghgh84
    klimbinghgh84 Posts: 2 Member
    Starting weight: 225 Goal weight: 195
    Body fat percent 12 Goal 8
    Current climbing grade V3, 4 Goal 7

    Moday goals:
    1. 24 hour fast. It'll be over by 11 at night EST
    2. Get back to hitting the heavy bag
    3. Log in all my meals from the previous 2 days no matter how bad they are from the weekend.
    4. 1 hour of Dumbell/Bodyweight workout circuit
    5. Get a weekly eating schedule together
    6. Get a 8-12 week workout schedule together
    7. Yoga (super stiff this morning)
    8. Hang board work.
    Trying to aim for the middle of March to achieve these goals.

    If anyone is into climbing or has a great nutriotion plan they have been using, I would love to hear about any pointers or tips that they use. Vice versa, if anyone would like some advice on gaining muscle, let me know.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »

    I've heard about this book called "The Morning Ritual". Has anyone read it? Heard it's very inspirational.

    I have not heard of this book - have to check this out!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    SO happy to see you guys back!!!!! I missed you all so much!!!! Lots to read to catch up on everyone, but I love having you all back posting.

    I am struggling also - did not post last nite, because I had a awful nite binging. First, made the mistake of buying a box of Rice Krispies treats - I think I ate like 5 of those little pouches. This time of year I struggle a lot. Both with seasonal/holiday depression, and just the time of year - too many goodies and junk around.

    This is why we have to keep coming - especially from now until New Years. I always make the New Year Resolution to lose weight, and always do OK in January and Feb, but this time of year it is so hard. I just don't want to gain..... So for the October Challenge -- thats why I said even to just maintain!!!

    I'll write more tonite - but, a big welcome to any newcomers also! You will love this group of people. And again, so happy to see you guys back !! :):):) With everyone's help, we'll all get through these holidays!

    SO JFT, MOnday
    1. detox again from sugar.
    2. log all food
    3. drink water --- min 6 glasses
    4. already been to the gym - but lay out clothes for tomorrow
    5. get back on here - be accountable
    6. remember how much better I will feel come january if I don't gain weight
    7. read response cards today to remind myself of why I want to lose weight
    8. when wanting to cave into a craving - drink 2 glasses of water and wait

    I get pretty low and hibernate-y in the winter.

    I think I read somewhere that Vitamin D can help because it’s darker we don’t get enough from the sun as we did in the summer m? But don’t quote me on that.

    Also, about that denim rag quilt.

    I can picture in my head doing the squares and washing it to get the frayed bits. That I can imagine and know I can do.

    But what goes on the back? (This is the bit I need to learn in terms of making stuff like this)
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    Hello All!! :D

    Sorry I have been MIA for several weeks. Unfortunately I have been on this roller coaster ride of pregnancy depression. Luckily I'm not overeating, just emotional and sleepy. Our family did go to the mountains last week / weekend to try and de-stress from everything. It was relaxing and enjoyable but when you have kids then you suddenly become the "babysitter" for everyone, so that is a bit annoying! Just because I do a good job with my children doesn't mean I want to raise your children, LOL :D (Sometimes I think my husbands friends forget this.) Well moving on from that little rant.....I still don't think I am completely recovered from my depression, but I am going to try to ignore it (if possible) and force myself into some-sort of routine. Now that I have reached the second trimester, I am feeling physically better. Therefore, I think I will be able to start on my elliptical and prenatal yoga again. That usually makes me feel better. Also the holidays are approaching, which makes me very happy. Since I have been so focused on school, I have not cooked a Thanksgiving meal in about 5 years or so. I love to cook so I am very happy that I have the time to cook a Thanksgiving meal this year. (A little traditional music, fresh cooked food and candles lit will go along way to setting a comfortable mood next week.) With all this said, hopefully I can overcome this silly depression. Life suddenly and abruptly changed as soon as that little pregnancy test turned positive. :D

    Therefore, I plan to get back to my JFT postings and see if I can stick to a plan. I usually do so well, but these stinking hormones have me all over the place. My JFT for today will be slightly odd, we are in the middle of our remodel, we have delivery's of furniture coming, I have some grocery shopping and house-cleaning to do. So we will see, because we all know how delivery people can be ("sooo predictable and timely") LOL!!

    Monday 11/13 JFT:

    Regular A.M. routine for kids
    Enjoyed nice breakfast with hubby
    Cleaned and organized house for furniture delivery
    Receive furniture delivery and inspect everything!!
    Post JFT
    Grocery List
    Grocery Shop
    Finish research project #2 and email mentor by this evening!!
    Run by mailbox (kiddos have package from Grandpa :) )
    Pick up kiddos & teeno from school
    Elliptical ~ 20 min. (main goal is to just do something on my elliptical today!!)
    Prepare dinner (dinner by 7 pm)
    Prep backpack and meeting info for school tomorrow
    Review research documents (necessary for meeting tomorrow)
    Bedtime by 10 pm
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    Hello All!! :D

    Sorry I have been MIA for several weeks. Unfortunately I have been on this roller coaster ride of pregnancy depression. Luckily I'm not overeating, just emotional and sleepy. Our family did go to the mountains last week / weekend to try and de-stress from everything. It was relaxing and enjoyable but when you have kids then you suddenly become the "babysitter" for everyone, so that is a bit annoying! Just because I do a good job with my children doesn't mean I want to raise your children, LOL :D (Sometimes I think my husbands friends forget this.) Well moving on from that little rant.....I still don't think I am completely recovered from my depression, but I am going to try to ignore it (if possible) and force myself into some-sort of routine. Now that I have reached the second trimester, I am feeling physically better. Therefore, I think I will be able to start on my elliptical and prenatal yoga again. That usually makes me feel better. Also the holidays are approaching, which makes me very happy. Since I have been so focused on school, I have not cooked a Thanksgiving meal in about 5 years or so. I love to cook so I am very happy that I have the time to cook a Thanksgiving meal this year. (A little traditional music, fresh cooked food and candles lit will go along way to setting a comfortable mood next week.) With all this said, hopefully I can overcome this silly depression. Life suddenly and abruptly changed as soon as that little pregnancy test turned positive. :D

    Therefore, I plan to get back to my JFT postings and see if I can stick to a plan. I usually do so well, but these stinking hormones have me all over the place. My JFT for today will be slightly odd, we are in the middle of our remodel, we have delivery's of furniture coming, I have some grocery shopping and house-cleaning to do. So we will see, because we all know how delivery people can be ("sooo predictable and timely") LOL!!

    Im sooo glad you’re back!

    But sorry to hear you’ve been feeling low. Tbh, I’ve been feeling the same.
    I’ve been monitored closely by my Drs and stuff in terms of my medication.
    I stopped going to antenatal appointments and they noticed. So got an appt tomorrow which I have to go to otherwise they’ll be doing a home visit and stuff and will have to ring social for more support.

    But hormones do not help in the slightest!
    Just when you think you’re having a good day it all goes pear shaped!

    I find keeping kind of busy and making sure I get out the house daily helps!
    So yeah a routine will probably help!

    Sounds like you’ve been very busy anyway with a remodel too!
    Bet that’s stressful!

    But glad to see you back :)

    I decided on a name. Casey-Leigh x
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited November 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Also, about that denim rag quilt.

    I can picture in my head doing the squares and washing it to get the frayed bits. That I can imagine and know I can do.

    But what goes on the back? (This is the bit I need to learn in terms of making stuff like this)

    Just the denin. On the back, it just looks like you sewed all the seams. Denim is so heavy, there is no need to put a backing on or batting or anything!!! Here is a youtube video for you to watch if you want. (The video though shows that you put batting in between - don't do this.
    There are 2 pieces that you sew together - a top and a bottom.


    The only thing that takes a long time is snipping all the edges, but I do a little at a time while watching TV. I love making them - you can also make them out of flannel, which makes great little baby blankets -- so soft! Let me know if you have any more questions! Love to have more people sewing - its my best therapy!
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    I think I read somewhere that Vitamin D can help because it’s darker we don’t get enough from the sun as we did in the summer m? But don’t quote me on that.

    We need sunlight to process the pre-vitamins, basically. I got a prescription of vitamin D last winter because I was feeling extremely tired all day, also depressed and generally slow and down. Honestly, I don't think it helped that much. I ended up taking a general multivitamin additionally and just working on my mental health myself. But it can help, the light deficiency just probably wasn't why I was feeling down.
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    skymningen wrote: »

    Plans for today:
    1) Log food again :| Well, as said I guesstimated lunch and dinner. Because I got so hungry working late that I ate tomorrows lunch for dinner
    2) Stay hydrated :D Lot's of water and tea
    3) Do a lot of work, but also read at least one more paper. :| I read two papers, did some work. Not that effective though, for the number of hours I spend on it.

    Just for tomorrow:

    1) Log food
    2) Stay hydrated
    3) Read more papers (it helps me go forward)
    4) Write at least a little on the thesis
    5) Organize yourself at work
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Im sooo glad you’re back!

    But sorry to hear you’ve been feeling low. Tbh, I’ve been feeling the same.
    I’ve been monitored closely by my Drs and stuff in terms of my medication.
    I stopped going to antenatal appointments and they noticed. So got an appt tomorrow which I have to go to otherwise they’ll be doing a home visit and stuff and will have to ring social for more support.

    But hormones do not help in the slightest!
    Just when you think you’re having a good day it all goes pear shaped!

    I find keeping kind of busy and making sure I get out the house daily helps!
    So yeah a routine will probably help!

    Sounds like you’ve been very busy anyway with a remodel too!
    Bet that’s stressful!

    But glad to see you back :)

    I decided on a name. Casey-Leigh x

    Casey-Leigh is adorable!!

    Sorry to hear you've been having a rough time too. I really think having a plan and goal each day should help, my only caution is to not overwhelm myself! The remodel is a lot but thankfully my husband is the builder so I really do not do much other than approve his ideas, LOL!! (My husband is a builder and carpenter by trade, so I really do not have to worry.) Sometimes it is inconvenient because his paying clients take priority and our projects get paused occasionally. However, it is exciting because we are making our studio into a teenage-suit then turning his old room into a nursery. So that is fun to do!! It has been 7 years since we've had a nursery so we are starting all over again. :)

    Well I feel good about being back on here. I appreciate you all allowing me to share my personal journey. Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Also, about that denim rag quilt.

    I can picture in my head doing the squares and washing it to get the frayed bits. That I can imagine and know I can do.

    But what goes on the back? (This is the bit I need to learn in terms of making stuff like this)

    Just the denin. On the back, it just looks like you sewed all the seams. Denim is so heavy, there is no need to put a backing on or batting or anything!!! Here is a youtube video for you to watch if you want. (The video though shows that you put batting in between - don't do this.
    There are 2 pieces that you sew together - a top and a bottom.


    The only thing that takes a long time is snipping all the edges, but I do a little at a time while watching TV. I love making them - you can also make them out of flannel, which makes great little baby blankets -- so soft! Let me know if you have any more questions! Love to have more people sewing - its my best therapy!

    Love this video! Thank you for sharing!!