Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    9/6 Wednesday JFT:

    ✔Read P.Chem guide book & drank coffee
    ✔Prep lunches
    ✔Take kiddos to school
    ✔Grab breakfast
    ✔Take teeno to school
    ✔Attend class
    ✔Return home ~10:30 am
    ✔Read research articles
    ✔Run on elliptical
    ✔Back to university for research
    ✔Pick up kiddos & teeno
    ✔Take teeno to youth group
    ✔Resturant --> dinner by 7 pm(Had 1 margarita)
    ✔Pick up teeno from church
    Still up working on HW so I'll try -->Bedtime by midnight (might be a little past this bc I am behind with homework)

    Well I didn't do this all in the order listed but it did get done, hahahaha I'm surprised I pulled this off. What's really amazing is getting my homework caught up :D
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,594 Member
    Since I'll be in seminar Th 08:00 - 16:30, updating W evening.

    Recap W 9/6
    1) Even with less sleep, I walked dog 3.09 miles before work, heard cranes & saw geese on the move, a sure sign of autumn. = Happy dog :smiley:
    2) Have prelogged (yay!) all meals / snacks for today / stick w/ plan & net calories green = Stuck close to prelogged food, and green 26! :smiley:
    3) Prep/test survey email & schedule email blast; do same for CPEs if time = Everything ready! :smile: Also had to reopen registration this afternoon for 2 individuals, then re-do the check in list, and add name tags. Such a pain in the *kitten*! :s
    4) To-Do list after work = 4 1/2 items checked off :smiley:
    5) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 / walk dog short route before seminar Th = Unwind not so much, bedtime uncertain. Still want to walk dog in a.m. if not raining. Hope clock does not misbehave again. :neutral:

    JF Thurs. 9/7 - Very sedentary day with all day seminar. Choir rehearsal resumes season at 18:30 (more sitting).
    1) Walk dog short route since I have to arrive early, set up and handle check in table
    2) Eat full breakfast at home, not seminar refreshments
    3) No idea what lunch will be provided / practice portion control and healthy choices if available
    4) Bedtime & TV off 10:15

    For those in Irma's path, stay safe! I'm praying for you. :smile:

    @Bex953172 I live in Green Bay, Wisconsin, which in the mid part of the US. Far, far away from Irma.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Are you all safe from hurricane Irma? X

    I'm more than 3000 miles from where Irma will hit. The worry for us in the Northwest is forest fires right now. This beautiful place almost got wiped off the map yesterday...there is a 30,000 acre fire just on the other side of that hill which is 0% contained. The whole west is on fire.

  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Day 14 (Sept 6) Goals:

    1. No sugar ❌
    2. Keep under Calorie goal✅
    3. Drink even more water❌
    4. Keep calm... don't let work stress me out✅

    Ok. So I got 1/2 of my day right. Lol. I'm totally dehydrated from too much coffee and not enough water. I did eat a small ice cream and a bite of frosting off a free cupcake at work. Otherwise I was sugar free. Calories were low and tomorrow I plan to keep them that way...

    Day 15 (Sept 7) Goals:

    1. Stay under cal limit
    2. Drink loads of water
    3. Stay calm & happy (I have some major stressors at work right now that I'm dealing with)
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    You’ve just gave me an idea.
    What about.. a pair of booties and a bib (crocheted) with either pink/blue or edging for girls/boys and i personalise the bib with their name with embroidery?
    That sounds like what I would call a perfect "you can't go wrong with it" gift for new parents. :);)
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    And it is another day. I woke up with a slight headache, but I am not letting it get me down.

    1) Don't worry too much about bf. Be loving and care, but don't let it get me too scared.
    2) Drink enough water
    3) Get the next conference task done
    4) Do the dreaded long database upload process and finish it, so we can submit the publication.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No snacks except ryvita :| I had a mini flapjack instead. Though, it was only slightly more calorific than ryvita...
    - Order pre-planned meal at Pizza Express (the pizza with the hole in it, NO starter, NO dessert) :) pretty proud of myself for this one!
    - G&T only :/ I had a small glass of wine. But otherwise was very good.
    - One water for every G&T :/ No as the barman didn't give me my water despite asking for it three times!!! I didn't have much alcohol though (two drinks only) so less important
    - Be in the green :) -40 but I'm going to call this a success!
    - 30 + minute lunch break :smile:
    - Meditate :smile:
    - Stop procrastinating (thinking about the job application) and get some stuff done :smile:
    - Arrange chat with colleagues to discuss alternative opportunities :smile:

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks except ryvita
    - Plan what to eat at meal out tonight beforehand - and then order it!
    - Two small drinks only
    - One water for every alcoholic drink
    - Be in the green

    - 30 + minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Stop procrastinating and get some stuff done
    - Print off my job spec and work out how I'd like to change it
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member

    I think that I stood out (I am a VERY good public speaker), but so did one other guy there, and he has experience that is more directly relevant to the position. On the other hand, he had a horrible hipster beard, whereas I had the same hairstyle (big curly bun updo) as three of the five panelists, so perhaps I have a chance based on sartorial style alone. :) Anyhow, I feel good about giving it my best try.

    Good luck for the results! Sounds like a fairly stressful experience, but seems like you did well - hopefully your experience (and hairstyle) will see you through! :smile:
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Feeling a little scattered today (esp. after deleting my post by pressing "done" instead of "post reply"). Set timer when needed to stay on task.

    I will charge through this day!

    Walk dog before it rains...again.
    Pretracked most meals for the day. Picking up salmon for supper. Include lots of veggies.
    Drink 9 cups if water.
    Keep up with monitoring sugar intake.
    Do crunches on living room floor.
    Meditate w/calm app for 25 mins.
    Prepping food for friend until she's on her feet. & back to good health.
    Review daily "To Do" list. DONE
    Keep giving away the sweets I foolishly bought on vacation-I have to control what's in my environment.
    Read something for inspiration-maybe a success story.

    Consistency will get me closer to my goal!

    Have a great day everyone.

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Bex: I live in Green Bay, WI, same as cschmitz so we are nowhere near the hurricane. I feel horrible for those who are. My stepson, his wife and our grandkids live a few blocks from the Atlantic in southern Florida, about one hour north of Miami, so we are worried about them right now.

    @azulvioleta6 Good luck! I would have been a nervous wreck doing an interview like that. Good for you! I think the hair and your skills will pull you to the next level! :blush:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I wish I had time to reply to more people but I'm having a *kitten* storm of a day already.

    Just for Thursday:
    1. Stay calm and do not let negative people bring me down
    2. Put a smile in my voice and be a positive influence in the office and classroom today
    3. <29 g added sugar, <75 g carbs, increase protein
    4. Hit my step goal today
    5. Take 30 minutes today for some "me" time after work
    6. Meditate / Read / Prayers
    7. Do not bring work home with me tonight, literally and figuratively speaking.

    Have a GREAT Friday Eve everyone! <3
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member

    Have a GREAT Friday Eve everyone! <3

    I wish it was Friday... Uh. But I love the "not bring home work tonight". Sounds like a very good idea.

  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Are you all safe from hurricane Irma? X

    I'm more than 3000 miles from where Irma will hit. The worry for us in the Northwest is forest fires right now. This beautiful place almost got wiped off the map yesterday...there is a 30,000 acre fire just on the other side of that hill which is 0% contained. The whole west is on fire.

    My heart is aching for you all right. Fire is so devastating.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Are you all safe from hurricane Irma? X

    I'm in Central Florida and it is looking better for us every update. We will likely have the effect of a tropical storm so the biggest worry we will have is tornadoes. I do not live near water.

    My mom is on the coast in Jacksonville (NE Florida.) She will evacuate inland just a little to my brother in Jax who did not flood last year in Matthew.

    Another brother of mine is in SW South Carolina and it may be making a beeline for him. :s Poor guy. He had a surprise layoff in August, has a daughter in private university and his son is getting married at the end of September.
    My stepson, his wife and our grandkids live a few blocks from the Atlantic in southern Florida, about one hour north of Miami, so we are worried about them right now.

    I hope they have listened to our Governor and are on the road to elsewhere.
    JUST FOR TODAY (and the next 14 days):

    Enjoy my honeymoon in Italy and Amsterdam.

    I hope you have a most excellent trip!

    I think that I stood out (I am a VERY good public speaker), but so did one other guy there, and he has experience that is more directly relevant to the position. On the other hand, he had a horrible hipster beard, whereas I had the same hairstyle (big curly bun updo) as three of the five panelists, so perhaps I have a chance based on sartorial style alone. :) Anyhow, I feel good about giving it my best try.

    Hoping this works out and you win the job!!!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    So JFT 09-05-2017
    :) Stay in the green - you may not get much exercise so eating is critical. Doing well the last two days
    :| Drink water. Lots of water. Need to do better
    B) And, as the Hitchhiker'g Guide to the Galaxy says, "DON"T PANIC!"

    Thanks to the Hogwarts challenge I am getting my exercise time back up. Yay!

    Off work time is limited the rest of this week and what there is has been used doing property clean up in prep for Irma's winds. Had to travel an hour south and back last lnight to secure BIL's property. He is up in New England & Canada traveling around in his RV. As is usual a few days before a hurricane the skies are beautiful. Last nights full moon was a grand display on the drive home.

    JFT 09-07-2017
    • Today I will eat up to maintenance as it is my daughters 23rd birthday and she would like us to meet her and friends for dinner.
    • Drink Water
    • 10,000K Steps
    • Bowling match - goal is to kick the other schools behind and make them cry, but as coach I can only say I want to win
    • Open Twitter account for bowling score announcement - I don't know how to tweet. :cold_sweat:

  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    I am early again today, because I had a long day with a headache and lots of work. So now I am crazy tired. I already ate all my calories, but I really want the last serving of ice-cream. I don't know. I might overeat today. :s
    skymningen wrote: »
    1) Don't worry too much about bf. Be loving and care, but don't let it get me too scared. :) I was a little scared. He just called and he is still stressed, but sounds a little better than the last two days. And I just listened and cared.
    2) Drink enough water :DToo much probably, judging by the number of bathroom breaks I needed.
    3) Get the next conference task done :)Yep. And got praised for it by the main organizer a lot. So proud.
    4) Do the dreaded long database upload process and finish it, so we can submit the publication. :DI even got that done. And more. I was so effective at work despite the headache. No idea why.

    So doing really good other than... I am so hungry!!! I drank so much to not eat all the time. Otherwise I would have eaten my calories for the day by 11 am.

    Ice-cream or no ice-cream... that's the question. :#
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »

    Thanks to the Hogwarts challenge I am getting my exercise time back up. Yay!

    What is this Hogwarts challenge???

    I'm a massive Harry Potter nerd so this sounds very exciting!!!!
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    mepeiffer wrote: »
    @skymningn - What are you taking for lavender? Posting at work is my stress reliever - so glad you are all here with
    me. What is your thesis about?
    I just take random cheap pills I got in a local store. A supplement of sorts. You wouldn't know the brand, it's the store brand and I am in Germany. But it's just lavender oil and B vitamins.

    My thesis... I am a bioinformatician. I develop ways to analyse the data generated from DNA samples extracted from an environmental sample (metagenomics, often from the gut and related to medicine) and also genomes in general (for bacteria and recently also for a moth which can interestingly be used as an animal model of human immune reactions instead of mice).
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. swim for 60 minutes
    2. finish canning tasks
    3. under 100G carbs
    4. under 1200 calories
    5. 8+ freggies
    6. 10+C water