Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    edited September 2017
    I’m doing well today :) just had this for my lunch :)

    Although it was 397 Cals?
    Is that too much for something like that?
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Keep a good attitude all day.
    Watch calories verra verra carefully having had pancakes for breakfast.
    Do the 45 minutes of exercise I said I would.
    Go to cemetery. Don't be late for church.
    Stop reading cschmitz's wonderful posts that I use to keep me going.
    And, given the weather and so forth, work on yard. Weed-eating is the most needful thing.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited September 2017
    Well, Saturday I only logged my food bc I felt sick all day. Not nausea this time, allergies and a little cold. I'm trying diligently to treat all sicknesses with home remedies bc I do not like to take medication during my pregnancies. Therefore, yesterday turned into a day of watching college football and relaxing on the couch with my hubby. Those days are needed sometimes :)

    I hope you all understand that I am all for maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy. However I do not want to set any goals regarding my weight gain during pregnancy. This stresses me out. My doctor told me specifically not to count calories or concern myself with weight gain. With every pregnancy I gain extra due to added water weight. They do not know why this happens exactly but it does. I am also high risk for preterm labor. So I cannot add stress to my already stressful lifestyle. My doctors feel that I'm doing good by eating healthy and incorporating walking or jogging everyday. I've been blessed with healthy babies, two were a few ounces shy of 8 lbs. @Bex953172 I think it is a cute idea to play off the lose 5 lb challenge, however I do not want to stress over this. I typically get depressed over my weight extremely easy and I am an overachiever of goals. This combination is just the wrong formula for a goal like that during my pregnancy. I hope you understand.

    Sometimes I think maybe I should just give MFP a break bc I do not want to get depressed over my weight. Then I decide to keep at it bc it is good information for nutrional guidance etc. I also hope to continue motivation thru JFT. My main goal is --> do all I can to keep my baby healthy!

    Anyways, I hope you all can understand my decision to not track my weight but keep an eye of nutrional content.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    Well, Saturday I only logged my food bc I felt sick all day. Not nausea this time, allergies and a little cold. I'm trying diligently to treat all sicknesses with home remedies bc I do not like to take medication during my pregnancies. Therefore, yesterday turned into a day of watching college football and relaxing on the couch with my hubby. Those days are needed sometimes :)

    I hope you all understand that I am all for maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy. However I do not want to set any goals regarding my weight gain during pregnancy. This stresses me out. My doctor told me specifically not to count calories or concern myself with weight gain. With every pregnancy I gain extra due to added water weight. They do not know why this happens exactly but it does. I am also high risk for preterm labor. So I cannot add stress to my already stressful lifestyle. My doctors feel that I'm doing good by eating healthy and incorporating walking or jogging everyday. I've been blessed with healthy babies, two were a few ounces shy of 8 lbs. @Bex953172 I think it is a cute idea to play off the lose 5 lb challenge, however I do not want to stress over this. I typically get depressed over my weight extremely easy and I am an overachiever of goals. This combination is just the wrong formula for a goal like that during my pregnancy. I hope you understand.

    Sometimes I think maybe I should just give MFP a break bc I do not want to get depressed over my weight. Then I decide to keep at it bc it is good information for nutrional guidance etc. I also hope to continue motivation thru JFT. My main goal is --> do all I can to keep my baby healthy!

    Anyways, I hope you all can understand my decision to not track my weight but keep an eye of nutrional content.

    Totally understand!!
    I’m eating at just below maintanence because 2000 is a lot for me anyway.
    I certainly don’t want you to have any added pressure as it’s hard enough growing a baby without worrying about other stuff!!

    As for sickness
    I’ve found things with ginger in are really good, ginger tea, ginger biscuits etc!

    Let’s face it, I’m now 17 weeks and not done anything health wise!
    I’ve still not exercised but have took up a bit more walking. I’ve eaten what I want when I want.
    I’ve not stressed over calories but still come back to JFT because you’re all my friends and it’s nice to have that support :)
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    JFT, 9/23/17

    1. Log all food :)Was in the red significantly though because I overindulged during dinner.
    2. AT LEAST 1 hr of Udemy :)Probably more than an hour. I'm working on character sketches at the moment
    3. DISHES!!!!!! :)I have a terrible habit of doing the dishes from the day before and then just letting dinner's dish hang out until I do them before I make dinner the next day. Lol, I need to change this!
    4. Laundry :)Did it but completely forgot about the clothes the DH leaves behind the bathroom door. Lol. So one more to go!
    5. Do some chopping of veggies for dinner, before dinner time to save on frustration of making dinner(maybe...) :DDinner ended up taking probably 45 minutes because there was A LOT of chopping...very frustrating
    6. Shopping :)Did this! Still, have to hit Wal-Mart for a thing or two but at least the bulk of it is done!

    Yesterday was good and bad. It started out really well. Some nice quiet time by myself and then some nice quiet time with the DH. Did some errands and such. But for some reason, right around dinner time, I got totally frustrated. It was probably because I'm still slowly withdrawing from my meds and I did a tough workout the day before and my chest/underarm muscles are incredibly sore so I didn't feel well. But I just felt like I got beaten down with no actual cause. After dinner, the DH and I watched the new Assassin's Creed movie. I probably would have liked it and understood it more if I knew anything about the games. It wasnt bad but obviously made by and for fans of the game series. By the time it was over I was so tired that I was incredibly cranky. Ya know the kind of cranky that a three-year-old gets when they're up past their bedtime without a nap? That's the kind of cranky I was. Lol. I kept snapping at the DH. I ended up going into the bedroom and just sitting on my bed. Didn't do anything except sit there and grump. The DH came in and just kind of laid there with me. We joked a bit and hung out in totally awkward positions on the bed. We stayed like that for probably 45 minutes. It was nice and just what I needed. He got up and went to play his game and I shut off the light and climbed into bed. It was a very nice end to the day.

    And today started well, although now, my SIL is being an issue at the moment. But that's neither here nor there. Lol. We went to church this morning and had a really good time, got home and had lunch. Now we're just hanging out on the couch. The DH is playing and I'm doing this(obviously LOL). Going to post my goals for the rest of the day and then work on some more character sketches. Lol

    JFT, 9/24/17

    1. Log all food
    2. Dont let my In-Law's get to me
    3. 2hrs Udemy/Character Sketches
    4. Finish laundry
    5. Dishes
    6. Attempt to clean the bathroom
    7. Walmart if possible

    @MLHC1 I dont think anyone minds that you aren't worried about your weight or calories! I know that I dont. I just want your friendship and updates on the little life inside you! You have to do what is best for you and if worrying about your weight causes you stress then dont worry about it. Use this website strictly for its community then. Dont even worry about logging or anything. But know that if you do decide to take a break from MFP, you will be dearly missed!
  • ashesnposies333
    ashesnposies333 Posts: 59 Member
    Just for today I want to log everything. Cleaning house. And not let my mother's negativity get to me
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Making goals for tomorrow, tonight. Been just a horrible weekend!

    Just for Monday:
    1. Journal every bite
    2. <29 g added sugar; <75g carbs
    3. Meet my step goal
    4. Eight 8-oz glasses water
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I’m doing well today :) just had this for my lunch :)

    Although it was 397 Cals?
    Is that too much for something like that?

    Looks delicious!! And that is a lot of food for 397 calories!! Is the white stuff tofu? Or cheese?
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited September 2017
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    I hope you all understand that I am all for maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy. However I do not want to set any goals regarding my weight gain during pregnancy. This stresses me out. My doctor told me specifically not to count calories or concern myself with weight gain. With every pregnancy I gain extra due to added water weight. They do not know why this happens exactly but it does. I am also high risk for preterm labor. So I cannot add stress to my already stressful lifestyle. My doctors feel that I'm doing good by eating healthy and incorporating walking or jogging everyday. I've been blessed with healthy babies, two were a few ounces shy of 8 lbs. @Bex953172 I think it is a cute idea to play off the lose 5 lb challenge, however I do not want to stress over this. I typically get depressed over my weight extremely easy and I am an overachiever of goals. This combination is just the wrong formula for a goal like that during my pregnancy. I hope you understand.

    Sometimes I think maybe I should just give MFP a break bc I do not want to get depressed over my weight. Then I decide to keep at it bc it is good information for nutrional guidance etc. I also hope to continue motivation thru JFT. My main goal is --> do all I can to keep my baby healthy!

    Anyways, I hope you all can understand my decision to not track my weight but keep an eye of nutrional content.

    I TOTALLY AGREE!!! With you two ladies, the last thing you should ever do while pregnant is worry about calories or losing weight. You are suppose to be gaining weight! In fact, I know when I was pregnant, my doctor told me to try and GAIN at least 25 pounds - and if I could keep it at that, it was mostly all baby weight. But no matter what, we want those babies to be healthy, plump little babies!!

    When I started the challenge -I certainly did not mean you or Bex. The 5 lb challenge that Bex suggested is a good one, but also, the health of your babies is the most important thing in the world!! After the baby is born, plenty of time to count calories (or if you nurse, I know for me, my doctor had me eating 1500 extra calories a day, and I dropped the weight so quickly!). So .... not to worry!

    But ... I hope you keep coming on here - we all love to see how you guys are doing, and are so anxious and excited for both of you. So please keep coming --- this is about support, no matter what.
    And @Bex953172, I cannot believe you are 17 weeks along?? !
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited September 2017
    1. go to the gym. Lay out clothes for monday morning :) Went to the gym, but not the best workout, but still, got a little in. Just tired today!
    2. log all food :) Going to do this shortly! But, it was a good day.
    3. try and plan menus for the week :/
    4. drink water :)
    5. relax, and enjoy the day, and be thankful for all that I have :):) I spent the entire day watching TV with hubby! The Vietnam Series was on TV today - it was quite a eye opener, and so good to watch. I grew up in that era, and have several friends who had to go fight in that war. I encourage you guys to try and watch it if you get a chance. It is 6 series though - each 2 hrs long! Today that ran all the series, back to back. So ,,, quite the lazy day!

    JFT, MOnday
    1. log all food
    2. drink water
    3. go to the gym.
    4. Lay out clothes for tues morning
    5. keep calories under 1400
    6. sip on water in the evening
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I’m doing well today :) just had this for my lunch :)

    Although it was 397 Cals?
    Is that too much for something like that?

    Looks delicious!! And that is a lot of food for 397 calories!! Is the white stuff tofu? Or cheese?

    Feta :) which made up 145 cals..
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    I hope you all understand that I am all for maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy. However I do not want to set any goals regarding my weight gain during pregnancy. This stresses me out. My doctor told me specifically not to count calories or concern myself with weight gain. With every pregnancy I gain extra due to added water weight. They do not know why this happens exactly but it does. I am also high risk for preterm labor. So I cannot add stress to my already stressful lifestyle. My doctors feel that I'm doing good by eating healthy and incorporating walking or jogging everyday. I've been blessed with healthy babies, two were a few ounces shy of 8 lbs. @Bex953172 I think it is a cute idea to play off the lose 5 lb challenge, however I do not want to stress over this. I typically get depressed over my weight extremely easy and I am an overachiever of goals. This combination is just the wrong formula for a goal like that during my pregnancy. I hope you understand.

    Sometimes I think maybe I should just give MFP a break bc I do not want to get depressed over my weight. Then I decide to keep at it bc it is good information for nutrional guidance etc. I also hope to continue motivation thru JFT. My main goal is --> do all I can to keep my baby healthy!

    Anyways, I hope you all can understand my decision to not track my weight but keep an eye of nutrional content.

    I TOTALLY AGREE!!! With you two ladies, the last thing you should ever do while pregnant is worry about calories or losing weight. You are suppose to be gaining weight! In fact, I know when I was pregnant, my doctor told me to try and GAIN at least 25 pounds - and if I could keep it at that, it was mostly all baby weight. But no matter what, we want those babies to be healthy, plump little babies!!

    When I started the challenge -I certainly did not mean you or Bex. The 5 lb challenge that Bex suggested is a good one, but also, the health of your babies is the most important thing in the world!! After the baby is born, plenty of time to count calories (or if you nurse, I know for me, my doctor had me eating 1500 extra calories a day, and I dropped the weight so quickly!). So .... not to worry!

    But ... I hope you keep coming on here - we all love to see how you guys are doing, and are so anxious and excited for both of you. So please keep coming --- this is about support, no matter what.
    And @Bex953172, I cannot believe you are 17 weeks along?? !

    Tbh I’m scared of having a whopper of a baby because it’s gotta get out somehow!!
    So (for me) as long as baby is growing at the rate it should I’m happy! Although it is all guesstimating tbh! Not like baby’s got a little scale in there!

    I know! 17 weeks! My 20 week scan is 12 Oct so will found out if it’s a boy or girl!!
    I THINK I’ve felt a couple of kicks but not quite sure atm!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Today will be a tough eating day - got a company away day which means there will be lots of free food - and it will not be healthy!

    I will do my very best to restrain myself though. Just because it is free, doesn't mean I have to eat it! I will save the calories for something better - and remember my goals. I want to look better than I do now.

    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat
    - Take sensible portions for lunch
    - Avoid sweet stuff and high fat stuff
    - No snacks outside meals
    - Go home after the away day - don't go to the pub this time
    - No alcohol

    - Focus on training slides before away day
    - Complete 2x tasks after the away day
    - Call friend this eve
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I just weighed in at a higher weight than I have ever been except when pregnant or on chemo. I am so depressed over this. What is wrong with me!? I think I already wrote my goals for today but I'm doing it again to keep them fresh in my mind today.

    Just for Monday:
    1. Sugar only from fruits and vegetables. <29 g added sugar. <75 g carbs
    3. Hit my step goal
    4. Weigh my food and journal it before it reaches my mouth
    5. Meditate and journal before bed
    6. Bed 10:00 pm

    If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you've always gotten.

    Goal weight 145 lb
    Today's weight: 171.4 lb

  • mepeiffer
    mepeiffer Posts: 105 Member
    September goals are:
    Daily plank
    Daily Yoga
    Heating healthy –
    Focus on lower belly fat loss
    Advocare challenge not started yet - mid week or next week time permitting
    Uplifted spirit and personal growth :)
    Support – needed and given - SHAPE :)

    Loose 5 lbs by 1/1/18 -

    I have gained 4 lbs not really very excited right now but I know it is a daily challenge and a lifestyle change hoping to see success soon.

    I am in for the challenge I can do this!!! added it as a goal above.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Pretracked most meals & snacks except supper-TBD
    Lots of lifting today so that should count towards my weightlifting goals.
    Keep up with 9 cups of water. Get back on track w/this.
    Meditate w/calm app for 25 mins.
    I've drifted back into unhealthy snacking in afternoons so I will work on that by having a healthy snack on hand. Struggling.
    We went the whole week w/home cooked meals....and nobody died!! :smile: Yes, there were complaints from DD but I resisted.
    Early bedtime-try for 9:30pm.
    Take some time today to organize a weekly plan to keep stress down.
    Read something inspirational.
    Try to preplan suppers this week and get the crockpot back out.

    Do what I NEED to do before I do what I WANT to do. :smile:

    Have a great week everyone-love having you all to check in with everyday.
  • mepeiffer
    mepeiffer Posts: 105 Member
    Saragirl2 great goals they struck a cord with my heart thanks for the inspiration. - knowing someone else is on the same thought pattern I am.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited September 2017
    Weekly weigh-in

    Starting weight Jan 1: 217
    Current weight Sept 1st: 192.8
    1st Goal weight:175
    2nd goal weight: 170
    (5'11" tall, 66 years old)

    Progress so far:
    Jan 1: 217
    Feb 1: 211
    March 1: 205.4
    April 1: 202.6
    May 1: 204.6
    June 1: 200.4
    July 1: 199.2
    August 1: 195.6
    Sept 1: 192.8

    Sept 4 - skipped
    Sept 11 - 193
    Sept 18 - skipped
    Sept 25 - 191.8. Even though for the month, this is not very much, considering the month that I had, I am just happy that it is going down a little

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »

    I've drifted back into unhealthy snacking in afternoons so I will work on that by having a healthy snack on hand. Struggling.

    Do what I NEED to do before I do what I WANT to do. :smile:

    Have a great week everyone-love having you all to check in with everyday.

    Sara - you are not alone in the old habits coming back. For awhile, I was doing so well with avoiding ice cream, etc. It is so easy for those old habits to slip back. But I think what you said is so true - having that healthy snack on hand. Last week I tried to stock up on things like cantalope, watermelon, grapes, etc., and had them washed, cut up, and ready to grab when I wanted a snack. I am learning that preparation is key!
    Hope you have a great week also!