Here's why I don't eat back my exercise calories.



  • ksimmons19
    ksimmons19 Posts: 223 Member
    I just did my first ever search on MFP. "Rude people on MFP" wow, over 50 pages! NICE

    I just did a search too. "People are too sensitive" another 50 pages. And oh yeah, aren't you the one who called someone unattractive yesterday?


    The argument could go both ways...just sayin'. You say you did a search about mean people and there are an equal number of hits for sensitive say we are rude...yet you hit below the belt....I think you just like to argue.

  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    Depends heavily on goals....
  • MelC2564
    MelC2564 Posts: 182 Member
    Hahahaha. Cant even.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I just did my first ever search on MFP. "Rude people on MFP" wow, over 50 pages! NICE

    I just did a search too. "People are too sensitive" another 50 pages. And oh yeah, aren't you the one who called someone unattractive yesterday?


    The argument could go both ways...just sayin'. You say you did a search about mean people and there are an equal number of hits for sensitive say we are rude...yet you hit below the belt....I think you just like to argue.


    I wonder if I can photoshop like blood coming out in there and changing the word mind to Vag and use that gif in my period thread...
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    For me it depends on how hungry I am. I always try not to eat them back, but if I am ravenous, I opt for some fruit and cottage cheese or a greek yogurt or protein shake. I am hypothyroid so losing weight AND keeping it off has proved to be especially difficult for the last 16 years (since age 22). I did want to mention that you thought MFP over-estimates the calorie burn for cardio....I have an expensive Polar watch/heartrate monitor that is programmed with my height, weight, age and I wear it while doing any exercise. MFP's calorie estimator is usually only about 30-40 calories higher for a 45 minute cardio workout than what my heart rate monitor says, so it really is fairly accurate.

    RE: HRM calculation and MFP calculation. Agree with what you write here. I see time and time again the claim that MFP is way over-estimated in calorie burns. Has not been my experience at all having used both MFP and HRM...there is some variance but not as significant as seems to be repeatedly suggested in the forums.
  • iTrainHARD
    iTrainHARD Posts: 41
    I eat most of them back, on average, throughout the week. So, I won't eat most of my exercise calories that same day, but it evens out eventually.
  • ksimmons19
    ksimmons19 Posts: 223 Member
    ^^ holy hot bod. Listen to what she says.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Miniscule...all African kids aren't starving.

    You are absolutely right; the number is so miniscule that only every five seconds one kid dies from hunger in Africa. That's 12 a minute, 720 an hour, 17280 a day, and120960 a week ( around 6.25 million children a year ). According to WHO about 40% of all black children in Africa eat less than 600 calories a day......of course for them " starvation mode " does not exist.

    Sarcasm end:
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    I have been reading lot of controversy on why one should or should not eat back their exercise calories. I have also been reading the entire spectrum of response, from those who believe if one does not eat back their exercise calories they will shrivel up into nothing and blow away as dust particles in the wind to those who believe that eating back your exercise calories will cause you to not lose any weight at all.

    Here's my take. I MOSTLY elect not to eat mine back. *gasp* (cue the waste away to dust crowd here.) However, before that bunch starts spraying me with sealant to keep me together before the next wind comes, allow me to elaborate. If I have a particularly brutal workout, and I am ravenously hungry that day then sure, you can bet your bottom dollar that I will eat back and not feel bad about it in the least. Most days, this doesn't happen. I am actually less hungry on days I have especially trying workouts than on my rest days. Now, on days where I run/walk/use the elliptical or stationary bike for 30-45 minutes I will not eat my calories back. I tend to believe MFP overestimates caloric burn in cardiovascular exercise and I feel like eating them back at the point where the calculated burn is somewhere around 500, or less that eating them back could be counteractive to what I'm trying to do. I honestly believe that if one is hungry then one should eat. Starvation is not necessary when making a lifestyle change.

    So. Do you eat back your calories that you burn while exercising? Why or why not? I am interested in opinions on this one and how well eating them back or not works for you.

    So you say you've read all the controversial threads on MFP, still want to believe what you want to believe (even though that is not using the system the way it is intended) and now you want even more feedback? Were the thousands of threads ALREADY on the subject not enough responses for you?

    I don't know why you're even asking the question as you've clearly made up your mind to believe what you want to believe.

    Sounds to me like you just created this thread because you wanted to post your justification for not eating your exercise calories back. Way to go?

    Wow, holy rude. You are completely incorrect. I asked the question because I find the topic interesting and I'm interested as to see what the response is in a more recent thread, so I posted one so I can see what other people say. Quite honestly, I'm not sure why you even bothered to answer if its not something you even wanted to talk about. So really, if you have to be such a jerk, please find another place to do it.

    I wasn't being rude or a jerk.

    In a more recent thread? We get these threads daily and the responses are usually pretty much the same. Would you like me to link you to some?

    No. I definitely am reading what you're saying as rude AND being a jerk. So you win both prizes. Ultimately, I'd like you to take a hike. :flowerforyou:

    Well ya see that is probably not going to happen being this is a public forum and I have to say I don't think she was being rude or a jerk. This topic comes up on here several times a day and always is answered the same way.... If you follow the MFP method then you should be eating back a large portion of your exercise calories. Your deficit is created already the eating of the exercise calories is to fuel your body for the workout you are demanding of it to do... I do not rely on MFP or machine for my constant state cardio, i prefer to use a Polar FT60 HRM to track my calories and yes I have been eating back my exercise calories since I started but to each their own..... Best of Luck.....

    This - and this guy knows what he's talking about having lost over 300 pounds.

    I didn't know about this "eat back exercise calories" when I lost 50 pounds eating 1200 calories a day and working out 12+ hours a week (an RD put me on this calorie goal knowing my workout schedule). So, needless to say I gained all the weight back and ruined my metabolism as i was gaining on 1500/1800 calories a day which was still clearly a deficit.

    So good luck to you.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    People who gain weight when they eat their exercise calories are people who have messed up metabolism. Unless calories burned was way off.
  • dancinmama
    dancinmama Posts: 47 Member
    People are sometimes rude when they are on a diet.....NO EXCUSE for rudeness...
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    I have an opinion to offer this thread.

    I think Taunto has a really cool profile pic.

    That is all.
  • Beata375
    Beata375 Posts: 68 Member
    Allllllllllright. Forget I even asked. Holy God in Heaven.

    I know how you are feeling right now. its like a gang/bully mentality on here with some. I've posted in the past and got FLAMED ~ some on here are ridiculous and get their high from bullying/being rude to others. Made me stop posting altogether. Which is sad. Think some tend to forget that they started somewhere at the beginning too at one point and think they are so above it all now that they can judge and ridicule. Its really too bad...
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    I have a long ways to go yet, but I do eat back most of my exercise calories and I am losing. I think that what some people, when they hit a plateau, have forgotten to do is to adjust their goals. You should be adjusting them every 5-10 lbs lost as your calorie requirements do go down. Boo hoo - LOL! I think I started out at around 1660, and it's gone down to 1540 now after 25 lbs lost. Due to a bad knee, I can't exercise hard every day so I go to the gym every other day, and try to split the extra calories over 2 days, otherwise on the non-exercise day I feel really deprived!

    Ah, good advice! I'm new and didn't know about the adjusting part. Thanks!
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    OP posts snide, sarcastic, argumentative thread.

    People respond with snide, sarcastic, argumentative remarks.

    OP is scandalized.

    and, scene!
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    Kudos if you have read 6 pages of responses! If you get to my post, congrats on being a patient reader! For anyone still reading, here is my strategy:

    I don't add all of my workout exercise calories to the food diary. I walk about 50 minutes on the treadmill every day. The treadmill and the website estimate the burn around 500 to 600 calories. I only count 100 calories on the site manually. I simply try to stay within a certain range on my calorie allotment.

    WeightWatchers had a system of "allowance points." These were points you could use additionally to your daily points throughout the week. This is essentially how I use MFP. Going a little over calories any day isn't such a big deal, because I only add 100 calories of exercise from my daily workouts.

    I also keep track of how many total calories I'm over for the week in the "Notes" section. Total overage calories are tabulated and added in an Excel file at the end of the week. This way, I can gauge how successful a week was on program or not. I have data going back to 2011 on this. Very useful for evaluating where your pitfalls are and when new foods you introduce aren't working out so well!

    Also, and I am going to stay out of this, but I didn't find the OP initial post to be snarky or rude. He stated his opinion and asked for others' opinions. Sometimes I get tired of the cattiness that seems to rising in the forums. My take on the community features is that we are here to be supportive of each other. Others might use the forums to snipe at each other, who am I to say they're wrong? But when I was with WeightWatchers, the "General Daily Thread" thread was extremely catty. I once complained to the thread that rudeness and insults were in direct violation of WW ToS for thread comments. The response I got from the permanent residents of "Daily Thread" was "We all know each other here and this is the way we like things. If *you* don't like it. . . leave!" I liked posting in the Daily Thread because it was where the most community traffic was. What I didn't like was the sniping that the lurkers staked out in violation of the ToS WW had posted but never enforced.
  • cayjeebee
    cayjeebee Posts: 2
    My physician recommended not eating back calories lost during exercise, if the goal is to lose weight.
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    I eat mine back for a couple of reasons:
    First, if I don't eat them back, I absolutely STARVE. I have had this reaction to aerobic exercise ever since I started losing weight a few years back. I need to eat my calories back or eventually I will let myself get so hungry that I snap and eat everything in sight.
    Second, the system works for me. If I track honestly every day and eat the calories I'm allowed (including those earned through exercise), I usually lose weight at about the predicted rate. If that ever changes, I will consider cutting back on the exercise calories I eat.
    Third, I'm a huge believer that losing weight slowly is the key to long term success and that losing weight too fast can do damage to your body and metabolism. Losing more than a few pounds a week usually means that you are burning muscle instead of fat and I feel that if I don't eat my exercise calories I will end up doing just that.
    And finally, I also firmly believe that when you lose weight by eating an exceedingly small number of calories per day (like less than 1500), you set yourself up for long term failure. Eventually your body has adjusted to living off that the small amount and, when you start trying to eat a little more normally again and bump the calories up a little, you can never get back to anything even approaching normal without gaining weight. So I just feel that it is wiser to eat as many calories as I can get away with and still lose weight. That way when I reach my goal and return to a higher calorie intake, it will be closer to a more reasonable calorie intake and I will be able to live with it for the rest of my life. If I get myself into a situation where I have to eat 1300 calories a day in order to maintain my weight loss, I guarantee that my butt is just going to end up fat again.