Is this offending?



  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    Caporegiem wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    Wow that's terrible.

    Did you just bring your own old thread back to life?

    You read my mind, isn't this the OP of the original thread?

    Sure seems that way. Maybe she has PTSD?

    Pastry Thoughts Slowly Deteriorating?

    Probably should have been PTCPD

    Pastry something something something something. I'm so close!

    People Tasting Crappy _______ Desserts?

    People Tasting Crappy Puff Desserts?

    Pastry tally counter person designator
  • xFunctionalStrengthx
    xFunctionalStrengthx Posts: 4,928 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    Anyone ever see "Van Wilder"?

    Will make you think twice about anything related to "cream" pastries.

    Hahaha. Yes and ewwww

    And dont drink the beer as of "American Pie"

    And, along those same lines, I don't like "community" type food. Dishes of candy, holiday popcorn, etc. Far too many people dig into them with nasty hands. Such as blowing nose, going to the bathroom, etc. without washing their hands. No thanks, I'll gladly pass. Save on the empty calories, as well as the disgusting germs, etc.
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    Post Traumatic Cream Puff Disorder

    Dang it i was so close. Ish.
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    The cream puff thread! :love:

    I’ve heard so many good things.. and to have the op come back and bump it? That’s gold
  • strongerbytheday
    strongerbytheday Posts: 116 Member
    While on a cruise I was getting a bowl of fresh fruit salad, from the buffet and an older women in line behind me said, “Leave some for the rest of us!” I turned to her and smiled warmly and replied, “Don’t worry, they will keep refilling the buffet. There’s plenty for everybody!”
  • ButterIsGood
    ButterIsGood Posts: 201 Member
    Wow that's terrible.

    Yeah that’s what everyone else told her too, a year and a half ago.

    I think @ButterIsGood is the OP....

    It was for laughs. 😀 Seems like cream puffs have been the topic of many threads since the original post.
  • ButterIsGood
    ButterIsGood Posts: 201 Member
    Wow that's terrible.

    Yeah that’s what everyone else told her too, a year and a half ago.

    I think @ButterIsGood is the OP....

    It was for laughs. 😀 Seems like cream puffs have been the topic of many threads since the original post.

    It made me laugh just now. Lol Did she invite you to another party? Do you guys still talk?

    No, I have not seen them since. I think the cream puff situation was the last straw. 😂😂
  • AmberGlitterSparkles
    AmberGlitterSparkles Posts: 699 Member
    Wow that's terrible.

    Yeah that’s what everyone else told her too, a year and a half ago.

    I think @ButterIsGood is the OP....

    It was for laughs. 😀 Seems like cream puffs have been the topic of many threads since the original post.

    It made me laugh just now. Lol Did she invite you to another party? Do you guys still talk?

    No, I have not seen them since. I think the cream puff situation was the last straw. 😂😂

    Good for you!
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Wow that's terrible.

    Yeah that’s what everyone else told her too, a year and a half ago.

    I think @ButterIsGood is the OP....

    It was for laughs. 😀 Seems like cream puffs have been the topic of many threads since the original post.

    It made me laugh just now. Lol Did she invite you to another party? Do you guys still talk?

    No, I have not seen them since. I think the cream puff situation was the last straw. 😂😂

    yeah, cream puffs have a way of doing that....
  • AmberGlitterSparkles
    AmberGlitterSparkles Posts: 699 Member
    Wow that's terrible.

    Yeah that’s what everyone else told her too, a year and a half ago.

    I think @ButterIsGood is the OP....

    It was for laughs. 😀 Seems like cream puffs have been the topic of many threads since the original post.

    It made me laugh just now. Lol Did she invite you to another party? Do you guys still talk?

    No, I have not seen them since. I think the cream puff situation was the last straw. 😂😂

    You should send them a box of cream puffs. For S&Gs. :D

    Hahaha! I like your style!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    The cream puff thread! :love:

    I’ve heard so many good things.. and to have the op come back and bump it? That’s gold

    Isn't it though?! Sadly this was the highlight of my craptastic day.
  • DreamAmalfi
    DreamAmalfi Posts: 211 Member
    Cream puffs are good though...
  • Mandylou19912014
    Mandylou19912014 Posts: 208 Member
    You get invited to a bday party. You're just eating a few cream puffs and just enjoying yourself. Then the party host comes to you and tells you to eat less so others can have some of the cream puffs also. Would you be offended?

    I would laugh and say would you like me to go out and buy some more for you? Then they can be the one to act all offended and it makes them look really silly ..
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    This seems to be a really petty thing to be offended about. Someone invited you to a birthday party to share a moment with you and they felt that you were close enough to be part of it. Perhaps more people showed up than expected. Maybe the host had something important come up and couldn't run to the store to get extra cream puffs and was trying to make the most of what they had. Maybe they are poor planners and figured that cream puffs wouldn't be that popular. Usually when I go to a party that someone has invited me to, it's to spend time with those people. It is an added bonus when they provide food and drinks.

    This sounds like you throw *kitten* parties to me

    I don't throw any parties because 1) I don't like people 2) they *kitten* complain about everything if it isn't right

    People should only stick to stuff they are really really good at as to not be judged by others for falling short. I only go to parties hosted by party planners because I don't have time or patience for amateur hour

    It's ok @GnothiSeauton23 we'll have our own party, with black jack! And Hookers!

  • jlsmith4439
    jlsmith4439 Posts: 53 Member
    I would of felt awful and embarrassed but also would of taken on of the gift cards out . Sorry but that would of totally ruined my mood
  • PersianKitty94
    PersianKitty94 Posts: 623 Member
    You get invited to a bday party. You're just eating a few cream puffs and just enjoying yourself. Then the party host comes to you and tells you to eat less so others can have some of the cream puffs also. Would you be offended?

    I would laugh and say would you like me to go out and buy some more for you? Then they can be the one to act all offended and it makes them look really silly ..

    That woulda been a good idea! I had a chance to offend someone and I didn't. Smh.
  • kindalikevelma
    kindalikevelma Posts: 1,337 Member
    edited October 2018
    Im offended that the host didn’t provide enough food for everybody to eat comfortably. But then again I’m basically a grandma and try to overfeed everyone who comes to my house.
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    What triggered you thinking about this thread today? Show me on the doll where they took your creme puff.

    Right here...and here. And too. I'm feeling dirty now.