Over 200 New Year New Me Part 26

cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hey girls here is the new link.

My logging streak has officially ended....I did not log in at all yesterday! Oh well this day was bound to come!

I overate all weekend and I am up 6lbs this morning. Still have one more cook out to go to today so, likely hood is that I wont be 100% back on track today.

Hope everyone that is on vacation is having fun!

I'll be back tomorrow in full stalking mode!




  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris, I am with you on the over-eating! Just added my drink calories in to yesterday and am up to 2000. Oh well...it's a great holiday!

    I'm sure today will be pretty quiet since it's a holiday. Hope everyone has a great day and I'll see you tomorrow or later tonight.
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    Chances are it's not really 6lbs. With the likely hood of your sodium intake being high, you can hopefully recover over the next couple of days.
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    I didn't log any of my calories or water this weekend. I'm thinking now I will go back and log as much as I can so that way I will know exactly how bad I was, and I'm gonna weigh myself when I get home from work so I know how bad I am on that aspect. I ate really bad, but I was way more active than normal.

    I saw on the other thread that I was supposed to give a challange for the week, as the biggest loser.

    I thought and I think that my challange is to eliminate all alcohol this week. :devil: I know this will be difficult for some people ( me for one, I like my drink before bed somedays ) But one week is do-able and an easy way to free up empty calories!!
  • shawnalmil
    shawnalmil Posts: 137
    the last 4 days for me have been horrible, i have been skipping meals to make up for what iam going to eat at dinner, and well HAHAHA dinner has been like a big gorge fest, i have been tryen to watch what i eat so i have been eaten more of the healthier things that im gorging on, like last night i had a cheese burger plain on an 80 cal wheat bun, some dip, chips, a pepsi, but i was eaten a ton of watermellon, like im serious like 12 slices, and i cut the mellon into quarters and then sliced the quarters into thinner slices
    , then at the fireworks i had a rootbeer. plus 2/3s of a nasty beef hotdog without a bun
  • shawnalmil
    shawnalmil Posts: 137
    I didn't log any of my calories or water this weekend. I'm thinking now I will go back and log as much as I can so that way I will know exactly how bad I was, and I'm gonna weigh myself when I get home from work so I know how bad I am on that aspect. I ate really bad, but I was way more active than normal.

    I saw on the other thread that I was supposed to give a challange for the week, as the biggest loser.

    I thought and I think that my challange is to eliminate all alcohol this week. :devil: I know this will be difficult for some people ( me for one, I like my drink before bed somedays ) But one week is do-able and an easy way to free up empty calories!!
    well it wont be a challenge at all for me, i dont drink at all, but good luck
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    I did not do such a great job the past few days. .. Still trying to workout some things going on in my life. I too am up 6lbs and I am sure a good amount of it is sodium as I ate tons of sodium the last few days.

    Worked out this morning and it felt good to get those endorphins released so, I am going to have to try and make myself go for a walk or a bike ride instead of emotional eating. Working on it....

    The family won and we got a new dog. Her name is Janie and she is the sweetest black lab I have ever met. Very nervous and out of her element right now but, in time I think she will fit in well! She is about 1.5 years old and the people we got her from had a hard time letting her go. However, they simply had tooo many dogs eight to be exact and they were downsizing to 3. They just felt like they could not give that many dogs the attention they needed. So, now Janie is adapting and learning what is like to live inside a house and have a grass yard to run and play ball in.

    Well, I need to go drink more water and try to flush some of this sodium out of my system. Have a great day girls!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Colorado - congrats on the new dog...she sounds precious.

    Back on track today...went to another dance class mixed with a little weight class...Didn't burn as much as i did friday, but my knees and ankles were sore and hurting today and I just oculdn't do it, ...but that class pluse some swimming burned like 380 not great like i have been but pretty good.

    I am up like 6lbs too this morning uggg...i can feel my body just swelled up...

    HOpefully i will get back down and under 265 this week.
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Well I just put in my calories for saturday and sunday. It was bad but not AS BAD as I thought it'd be. I was 2000 over for saturday (after my excercise) and 1400 over yesterday. I feel better now that I've taken responsibility for those calories! :bigsmile:
    Now I'm gonna go home and weigh myself and I'll take accountability for that too. I think if I ignored it I'd be that much more tempted to try and "get away" with stuff. So I'm gonna be extremely honest with this endeavor.
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Well I just weighed myself and have gained 6.2 lbs. :sad: BUT at least I'm taking responsibility for it!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Six seems to be our unlucky number after the Fourth festivities. I am up 4. Ugh. But I am back on track today (even got rid of the wine hangover) and am ready to see my beloved threederville again! :heart:

    :drinker: :drinker: Let's all commit to making this a GREAT week - NO EXCUSES!:drinker: :drinker:

    Thanks, myworld, for the challenge. That is going to be a tough one for me but I need it, especially this week. I am going out tonight to celebrate a birthday and I am drinking only water! I mean it! :drinker:
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Six seems to be our unlucky number after the Fourth festivities. I am up 4. Ugh. But I am back on track today (even got rid of the wine hangover) and am ready to see my beloved threederville again! :heart:

    :drinker: :drinker: Let's all commit to making this a GREAT week - NO EXCUSES!:drinker: :drinker:

    Thanks, myworld, for the challenge. That is going to be a tough one for me but I need it, especially this week. I am going out tonight to celebrate a birthday and I am drinking only water! I mean it! :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey girls,

    I just got home from a weekend in New York..Yes, we went to NY instead of WIldwood Crest NJ. I told everyone my hubbys is a last minute planner..we had a blast. We watched the Macy's firework special on the Hoboken Nj side because we went to see Carlo's bakery ( the cake boss on TLC).

    I will chat some more tomorrow...I need my coffee and relax for a long car ride.

    Miss ya. be back tomorrow :)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm home I'm home I'm home!! Oh it feels so nice to sleep in a real bed and have a real shower! I missed everybody and feel like I missed so much! Going to try and catch up tomorrow at work if there is time. I have a feeling we might be busy! Hope everybody had a great 4th of July! See you tomorrow to stalk! YAY!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    i am sooo not ready to go back to work tomorrow...a 4 day weekend is soo hard, i guess at least only a 4 day week.

    Got me a busy week,tomorrow taking srena to counselor, wed she goes to the ENT and Friday Abby to the ENT..Got to get birthday inviations made out...ugg..i am getting worn out just thinking about it.

    I still can't belive my baby is going to be 7 next week.

    I am soo bloated, i hope i get the energy this week to work out.

    I took a dance/toning class this morning and i was struggling to get through it ..my dang ankles and knees...i wasnted to do it i was just not able to , makes me so mad when i want to do things to get in shape and myh knees and ankles are inhibting that.

    Interesting thought, in my class was a girl from the biggest looser..For those of you that watch it , she was Tracy, not from this past season , but the one before it. I kinda wanted to go say something to her, but i didn't. She just didn't seem super friendly , kinda snobbish.

    She still looked good though,
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    deb - I'm trying to remember which Tracy it is. What does she look like?

    Well, I *almost* made the challenge today. I kind of forgot and drank about 3 oz. of Guinness and then realized it - ooops! The good news is I stopped drinking the pint!

    OK I am praying that tomorrow I get super focused again. I want to make 100 pounds before school starts in August!

    check in:
    cals: barely made it
    water: 96
    exercise: 40 mins Old Bessie, arms, PT exercises
    proud: I stopped at 3 oz. of Guinness? :smokin: Is that really something to be proud of? :laugh: I am NOT proud of the TWO different pieces of birthday cake I ate! :embarassed: But I am proud that I am admitting I ate them. :blushing:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Morning ladies! Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. I haven't finished reading all the posts & don't have time to comment on everyone right now.

    I was bad but not too bad this weekend. I didn't bother weighing this morning since I know I'm retaining water thanks to pizza for dinner. :wink: My personal goal this week is getting to the gym at least 3 days between today and Sunday. :drinker: I WILL lose 5 pounds this month.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay so I braved it and weighed in this morning. Not as bad as I thought for as much beer as I drank! :drinker: I'm up 2 pounds from when I left. I was up 4 pounds from my lowest when I left. I been stuck around 215 for what feels like forever. So total of 6 pounds up from my lowest. I'm okay with that! Ready to get my booty into gear big time! I have a dress to fit into! Hope everybody had a fabulous weekend!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    blue - she was the one , that collapsed when they were running on the 1st episode and was in the hospital then she got out , and she was a nasty and nobody liked her

    I am soo not feeling it today...Still back over 270 this morning:sad: :sad: :sad: I know that it is water weight, but still...these 5 lbs need to leave the building NOW!! Going to start drowning in water here in a few (had to havce diet coke this morning i was soo dragging)..I am debating on going to the gym today or not...if i don't , i can't go tomorrow or friday, i was almost tempted to take another 1/2 day off and take both girls to the ENT like 1 afternoon...don't know.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Six seems to be our unlucky number after the Fourth festivities. I am up 4. Ugh. But I am back on track today (even got rid of the wine hangover) and am ready to see my beloved threederville again! :heart:

    :drinker: :drinker: Let's all commit to making this a GREAT week - NO EXCUSES!:drinker: :drinker:

    Thanks, myworld, for the challenge. That is going to be a tough one for me but I need it, especially this week. I am going out tonight to celebrate a birthday and I am drinking only water! I mean it! :drinker:

    I'm totally in for this!! I need a week of no excuses and no drinking! :tongue:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    blue - she was the one , that collapsed when they were running on the 1st episode and was in the hospital then she got out , and she was a nasty and nobody liked her

    I am soo not feeling it today...Still back over 270 this morning:sad: :sad: :sad: I know that it is water weight, but still...these 5 lbs need to leave the building NOW!! Going to start drowning in water here in a few (had to havce diet coke this morning i was soo dragging)..I am debating on going to the gym today or not...if i don't , i can't go tomorrow or friday, i was almost tempted to take another 1/2 day off and take both girls to the ENT like 1 afternoon...don't know.

    Now I remember who you are talking about...she was the one who was teamed wiht "coach Mo" purple team. She was a snob on the show and selfish too..she *only* care about herself not her team ( or team mates).

    don't worry about your weight...just stay on track all week and hopefully it will come back off. I gain 1 -2 pounds, but I am not really sure since my bathroom scale give me Lobat.. and I am backed up. SO with that said I am stay on track all week..no junk whatsoever...I am back in control.

    I hope the ENT appointment goes great. Keep us posted :)
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