Over 200 New Year New Me Part 26



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I am commiting myself to 3 days at the gym next week- and by next week I mean M-F!!!!

    I am going to try to go tonight and tomorrow too, just because Im really pumped up right now! :laugh: :laugh:

    My fiance totally lied to me!!! When we met I told him I loved country music, that I was into pick up trucks, and something else...oh I liked a man who could fish (dunno it just seems sexy to me). Well he told me he had a truck loved country music too and was an avid fisher mann.....truth be told...

    He fishes maybe once or twice a year when we go to the beach- but really enjoys fishing SHOWS. Yes, as in on TV. He did not have a truck, in fact he had no car at all, he had crashed and totalled his Bronco (NOT PICK UP TRUCK) a week before we met. And he does NOT listen to country music...he likes RAP! Or crap as I like to call it!

    Yet....we made it through 6 years :laugh: :laugh: I seriously thought he was just gonna be a summer fling !:love:
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Ok I lost 6.8lbs. And I am taking credit for all of it, because I am changing my ticker everytime I weigh myself. I'm not sure how most people do this and maybe I shouldn't but at this point and time I NEED to keep myself motivated my taking credit for everything, including gains. So anyway....-6.8lbs....-2.35%

    Pos_me....................0 = 0.0%
    tstout.....................-4.6 = 1.97%
    HeatherMN............-2.8= 0%
    Littlespy.....................0 = 0.0%
    kerri..........................-1 = .33%
    Cris20056................0 = 0.0%
    Jessica.....................0 = 0.0%
    Elmox........................0 = 0.0%
    Meokk......................-1= 0.55%
    lildebbie ...............+1.5 = 0%
    myworld898..........-6.8 =2.35%
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Myworld- it is always up to you in regards to what loss you want to show. I guess the best way to explain the "no loss" theory that a lot of us posted this week is like this:

    Lets say Lisa (fictional character) and I both weigh in on Friday and we both weigh 195. During the weekend Lisa is fairly good and stays within calories, where as I decide to drink and eat everything in sight. Monday morning after the weekend has come and gone Lisa is still at her 195 or maybe even at a 196....whereas I am at like 200lbs Monday morning. I know that I did not eat enough calories to constitute a 5lbs gain and that its mostly water...still by the next weigh in I might still have 2lbs left of the 5lbs to re-lose. So lets say the following Friday I weigh in at 197. Then the next Friday I am at 190. I am not going to count that as a 7lbs loss, only a 5lbs loss because Im counting it from my lowest previous weight....does that make sense??

    Otherwise you are kind of fooling yourself into believing you lost 2 extra lbs when it was really water weight. Also, it kind of sabotages poor Lisa who has been working hard and not cheating from being able to claim the biggest loser title for the week because her loss was lower but it was all fat, no water

    Ok I hope this explains why some people choose not to re-claim weight theyve already lost.

    In Heather's case she did lose 2+lbs of whatever water shes retaining thats why she put 0% it wasnt a real loss from her previous lowest weight
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    What Cris posted is what I do.
    My lowest weight is 195.0 (2 Saturdays ago). However My lowest weight recorded on a weigh-in day was 195.4 (last Friday). This morning I was at (cringe) 198.8. I won't count any loss at all again for weigh-in with this group until I'm under 195.4. So, if next week I'm 194.0 (haha), I'd only count 1.4 pounds lost even though that's 4.8 pounds down from today. I was majorly retaining water this morning (as proven by the 3 very necessary trips to the bathroom between 11pm and 1pm today when I've only had about 3 cups of water to drink all day). I'm not claiming 198.8 on my ticker since I know the weight gain I'm showing this week is water. If that 198.8 stuck around for a week or 2, I'd probably log it on my ticker just to be honest with myself, but even then I personally wouldnt count a loss for the weigh in here until I was below my lowest weight again.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    lol you said it in a much simpler way!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Oh and yea, I dont change my ticker every time I weigh myself....usually I only record my Friday weigh ins. Unless its a gain then I leave it the same. If I am still gaining or my ticker hasnt been accurate for a long time, like 2+ weeks, then I may change it to reflect the weight I put back on just to be honest like Julie said

    Ok hope that helps
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm with Little Spy and Cris. I'll change my ticker to hold myself accountable but I don't count anything as a weight loss on Friday unless it's true weight loss from my lowest weight. I haven't shown a loss in a month because I can't seem to get back down to 210. But I don't have a lieing ticker anymore. Well said ladies! :drinker:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Someone here on MFP posted an article about how your "diet" could be making you gain. One of the items mentioned, that definitely affect me, is the habit of saving the bulk of my calories for dinner. They said eating so many calories at dinner makes you not hungry in the morning, making you skip breakfast and repeating the vicious cycle. Your body also stores the fat from doing this because you don't burn as much when you sleep and this can lead to insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes.

    This is EXACTLY what my PT JUST said to me last week. I tend to hoard my calories for my dinner (and I eat that wayyyy too late) and he said I need to eat small amounts every two hours, and that breakfast is the MOST important of them all! I tried this for a week and I finally lost again. I think we all need to re-evaluate our eating schedules. I am serious about this!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Blue: Thank you for having actual evidence to back the loaded dinner theory up. I'm going to start doing this and see if it helps me. I don't know why I can't seem to lose even when I'm doing everything "right." I've tried upping the exercise, experimenting with calories and drinking a lot more water but nothing seems to be working. I don't know if my body is mad for giving up 30 lbs., but we'll see if this helps.

    Cris: In these parts, people seem to think Bronco means truck but in my world, it's only a truck if it's a pickup. My boyfriend had a truck when we started dating, but since it's owned by the company he and his dad own, his dad took over the truck when they had to turn the second one back in at the end of a lease. Bummer! I think it's great that what started as a summer fling became so much more. I didn't want to date someone who'd been married and had a kid, but two years later I'm still with my boyfriend. Go figure. I have a few good stories about getting what was best for me instead of what I thought I wanted.

    As for me, I also follow the same "rules" that Julie, Cris and Jess do for weigh-ins. I won't count it as a percentage if it isn't lower than my lowest weigh-in (190 for me). I try to change my ticker for gains only if the weight has stuck around for a full week and I only change it for losses on weigh-in Fridays. Of course, don't feel like you have to follow any specific rules for changing your ticker; that's all personal preference. As far as the weight loss percentage, as Cris said, we only count it when it's a true loss so we don't take away from those who are truly losing more weight if that makes sense.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    lol you said it in a much simpler way!

    Cris your explanation was good, too. I was rooting for ya! And happy for Lisa! :laugh:

    I do the same. That may be because I don't change my ticker for a water weight gain, so I still go by my lowest weight, which is my ticker. UNLESS it becomes a pattern and I gain two or more weeks in a row - then I change my ticker.

    OK Julie and Cris's expanations were MUCH better than the one I just doled out!!!! :embarassed: I don't even make sense to myself! :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I would just like to be known that I like men who drive trucks, listen to country music and work with their hands. Just throwing that out there! :laugh: And ya know what!? I Found one! Can't let this one get away! :tongue:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Whew! Finally! Being that close to the fours for two weeks was scaring me!

    Pos_me....................0 = 0.0%
    tstout.....................-4.6 = 1.97%
    HeatherMN..........-2.8 = 0.0%
    Littlespy....................0 = 0.0%
    kerri..........................-1 = 0.33%
    Cris20056................0 = 0.0%
    Jessica.....................0 = 0.0%
    Elmox........................0 = 0.0%
    Meokk......................-1 = 0.55%
    lildebbie .............+1.5 = 0.0%
    myworld898.........-6.8 = 2.35%
    Nancyblue............. -2 = 0.50%
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I edited it so that it looked pretty! :laugh: I know, I know - anal.

    Pos_me - I am going to have to agree with meokk. I think leaving is not the answer. Of course I do not know the full detail of your wanting to take a break, but can I suggest you continue to stay with MFP and if it's posting that is not easy, then just lurk for a while? Meokk is right - almost everyone who "takes a break" , aka gets out of her routine, always has a gain. I care about you, we all do. When one sister is hurting, we all hurt. Please let us share your burden and try to help you through this. If not, then please know we are always here for you when you need us! We love you! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    There is truth to our discussion about enabling. And I think this thread is VERY special in that we have ALL come to be so close with each other, we are truly more like sisters. Let's use this positive bond to KICK EACH OTHER'S BUTTS INTO GEAR! We can't let summer take us over like it did in June! I lost four stinking pounds in June! And only ONE in May! Nuh - uh, no way. Summer is meant to be fun, yes, but we sisters need to start re-focusing and getting it together! I like the re-commitment to working out! Let's do it! Together we are strong!

    Nancy walks away from the megaphone.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I edited it so that it looked pretty! :laugh: I know, I know - anal.

    Pos_me - I am going to have to agree with meokk. I think leaving is not the answer. Of course I do not know the full detail of your wanting to take a break, but can I suggest you continue to stay with MFP and if it's posting that is not easy, then just lurk for a while? Meokk is right - almost everyone who "takes a break" , aka gets out of her routine, always has a gain. I care about you, we all do. When one sister is hurting, we all hurt. Please let us share your burden and try to help you through this. If not, then please know we are always here for you when you need us! We love you! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    There is truth to our discussion about enabling. And I think this thread is VERY special in that we have ALL come to be so close with each other, we are truly more like sisters. Let's use this positive bond to KICK EACH OTHER'S BUTTS INTO GEAR! We can't let summer take us over like it did in June! I lost four stinking pounds in June! And only ONE in May! Nuh - uh, no way. Summer is meant to be fun, yes, but we sisters need to start re-focusing and getting it together! I like the re-commitment to working out! Let's do it! Together we are strong!

    Nancy walks away from the megaphone.

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Nancy, I love you and your megaphone!

    Alright, it's almost prime rib time. Tomorrow morning will be the day of renewed dedication and the end of enabling. The boyfriend has even printed out his food plan shopping list and menus and is ready to get back on track without me...and I didn't even tell him to! Did I mention he drives a truck (sometimes), listens to country music and works in construction? Oh, and he also knows how to fish and has a fishing boat...are you gals jealous yet? Just kidding.

    Have a great evening and I'll try to stop in tomorrow sometime!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    busy girls today !!

    Loved the loading up discussion...i know i do it, i do eat breakfast , then a snhack and lunch then a snack, but my dinner and the after dinner snacks uasally make up 1/2 my daily intake.

    i am soo glad today is almost over!!!! I am ready for the weekend, nothing exciting but the though of not working is a good enough reason !!

    I feel awful, i told serena if she got up today with no fight that i would let her have a treat, she got up at 6 with her alarm then came in bed with me, got up when i told her to, then she asked for her treat i told her to get breakfast first...(she has a grab bag that she can get stuff from), then i got busy doing other stuff, and she was writing in her book on the couch, well i came to sit down and it says big fat liar all over it, just realized she is talking about me. :sad: :sad: and that she was mad cause i didn't get it for her, I don't know if i am more mad cause she was writing bad things about me, or upset cause i forgot about her, or annoyed that she wouldn't of just asked me again (never stopped her before).

    Going to my bootie shaking class again tonight :smile: hope my ankles and knee can hold up.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Lildebbie: I would feel awful too ... but I do think it seems like a big step for her to verbalize her thoughts on paper instead of acting out with a tantrum or in some other physical way? Have fun at your bootie shaking class - you are doing GREAT with going to all kinds of classes.

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good AGAIN! woohoo
    exercise: good - an hour of step
    water: not great
    proud: that I am HERE on a Friday (that hasn't happened for awhile) .... and that I did lose a little of the 5 pounds I had gained in the last month. I'm feeling more motivated and any progress is good progress! :happy:

    Pos_me....................0 = 0.0%
    tstout.....................-4.6 = 1.97%
    HeatherMN..........-2.8 = 0.0%
    Littlespy....................0 = 0.0%
    kerri..........................-1 = 0.33%
    Cris20056................0 = 0.0%
    Jessica.....................0 = 0.0%
    Elmox........................0 = 0.0%
    Meokk......................-1 = 0.55%
    lildebbie .............+1.5 = 0.0%
    myworld898.........-6.8 = 2.35%
    Nancyblue............. -2 = 0.50%
    lstpaul....................-1.8 = .75%
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    deb- I agree its better that she verbalized on paper, maybe next time before you promise her a treat you can tell her what it is and where it is so she can get it herself and you dont forget? i dunno, good luck! but i think her writing it down is MAJOR progress

    Eating- I try to eat every 2 hours and my meals are all around 300-400 cals. I snack between all meals...it works I guess?

    Heather- lol, I cant say Im jealous because my fiance would kill me but good pick! Bobby is an electrician which supposedly qualifies him for construction worker too, they only do commercial buildings. I like it when he wears his tool belt and hard heat hehe:laugh: :love: :smooched:

    Jess- hang on to that one!

    Blue- I love your megaphone! SPEECH SPEECH!!

    Momma contacted me and says she misses us all and shes starting to work on a plan that works for her so lets all keep praying for her!

    Did I forget anyone?!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in 7/9:
    calories- 1180
    water- yup
    sodium- 2355
    excercise- elliptical and bike
    cals burned- 599...couldnt stay on to burn that extra cal right...oy
    proud- that I went to the gym and have a renewed energy for getting to my goal

    ps- it aint a truck unless there's a bed in it!!!

    "But there's nothing wrong with a hard hat and a hammer
    Kind of glue that sticks this world together
    Hands of steel and cradle of the Promised Land
    God bless the working man" ~Alan Jackson

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    thanks girls, i asked her and she said it wasn't about me, i told her she wasn't in trouble but she still said it wasn't about me., i let her have her treat though...

    went to my dance class..my bum knee and weak ankles are really irrating me...i want to do more, but i can't do any like jumping stuff cause they hurt so bad, a couple time i felt they were going to just collapse

    I fee i didn't do as good tonight, i only burned liek 455 in the calss (did over 500 last time), but i did 20 min of ellip/bike for a total burn of 600...

    have a heating pad on my knee now hopefully it will feel better....sometimes i just think i have done permeant damage and i will never get to do stuff that i should be able to do , i am 35 not thinking that is really old, and just want to be able to move more freely...

    sometimes i think yeah i lost 50 lbs but i got soo much more to do,