Over 200 New Year New Me Part 26



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    LilDeb - GREAT news about Serena!!

    Meokk - Got try on dresses! It's fun and you get to feel all pretty! They have alterations for a reason!

    Heather - Those quotes are fantastic! Thanks for sharing.

    Off for the evening. Going to a meeting where there is delcious food. Will probably be dinner....hoping I have some self-control!
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Check in

    Calories: under by 300
    Water: 96
    Excercise: again none.
    Proud: I got back on track with my calories

    I feel awful. I have had a headache for 2 days now. And this awful sinus drainage and now my face feels funny. I think I may be getting a summer cold, or a sinus infection. I am exhausted and feel emotionally drained. My daughter is being a pill and I'm 5 days from having a week off, and now I'm starting to wonder how I'm gonna do when I'm at our family campground for a week. ugh! I am also getting frustrated with my excercise. I went for a walk with my hubby on Monday night, and pushed myself further than I normally would so I felt good about that but I WANT to do more but I am having a hard time making the change and doing it. I work 2nd shift get to bed about 1am and then my son wakes up at 3 am and is in bed with us for the rest of the night. I love cuddling, but I miss sleeping by myself (or rather only with my husband) I feel so tired and drained and it's worse cuz I think I'm getting sick. But we usually get up about 10 or 11 and then I have to leave for work at 215. SO I have no time to excercise. I'm sure I'm just making excuses but I am reluctant to give up any more of my sleep because it is already so crappy with my little one squashed up against me through the whole night.

    Vent vent vent.....thanks for listening, today's just "one of those days" if I didn't know better I'd think it's gonna be TOM soon, but I haven't started yet after my son's birth so I doubt it.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Thanks to all for the advice. I'm going to go to jcrew with a friend next week and just try stuff.
    They have regular dresses up to size 14 and more high fashion ones up to size 10 so it will give me a good idea of what styles suit me and what might fit.
    I am not getting a wedding dress though justt a regular dress in a color. I've never been a fan of wedding dresses so don't want to wear one just because of tradition.

    Deb - great news about the surgery approval!!
    Jesyka-welcome back !!!!!! Missed you
    Cris - yes it's THIS October and my to do list has just started to sink in.... Quiver.

    I might as well check in:
    calories - right on
    water 100ish ounces -it was HOT today !!!!
    Exercise - lazy
    proud that I got up early today, finally. I've been very lazy lately.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks everyone...hopefully everhythig will start working better for us.

    I told serena to think of a few people to invite to her party from day care, she came home with a list of 14 people (in addition to the 4 we were already invitiing).

    I started getting nervous that is a total of 19 kids with abby, but Dh said that we can count on some not coming (even though the kids said they wanted to come , i am betting some of the parents probably won't let all them come?? )

    What do you think.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Deb- I'd count on some not coming. Even though the kids may all want to come the parents make the plans and will have a conflicting party. I know personally we have a bday party every weekend it's impossible to attend them all!!

    Meook- my friend got her dresses at jcrew they are really cute! I was surprised at all the selections!! Happy shopping!!

    Checking in:
    calories- 1155, yay for once!
    Water- lot and lots
    sodium- 2100
    excercise- too hot!!! I suck
    proud- I'm proud that I'm still here and I'm proud that we are sticking through this battle together

    Gnight traveling sisters

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Deb- I'd count on some not coming. Even though the kids may all want to come the parents make the plans and will have a conflicting party. I know personally we have a bday party every weekend it's impossible to attend them all!!

    Meook- my friend got her dresses at jcrew they are really cute! I was surprised at all the selections!! Happy shopping!!

    Checking in:
    calories- 1155, yay for once!
    Water- lot and lots
    sodium- 2100
    excercise- too hot!!! I suck
    proud- I'm proud that I'm still here and I'm proud that we are sticking through this battle together

    Gnight traveling sisters


    Yeah i am hoping that some of there parents won't let them come, i am just sweating that many kids., they said 1 room can handle like 15 kids i don't want to have 2 rooms...

    Calories - over by 4 :sad:
    water - 36 oz
    exercise - water aerobic class
    Proud - not a whole lot today..
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome back, jessyka! We missed ya! :flowerforyou:
    Heather - congrats on the tankini! Mmmm that sounds like martini...oh wait, no alcohol - this week's challenge. :smokin:
    lstpaul - I meant to tell you earlier that your pic is so cute! You are lookin' great!
    And kerri - I think that was you with a new pic and you are so cute, too! Lookin' great!
    meokk - wowsa, I have NO advice for you on that one. I understand the settling thing, though. I was a size 24 for my wedding and NO bridal shops accommodated that, so it was pretty depressing. I did find a 22 I fell in love with and promised myself I'd lose weight. Remember I told you all about the love affair I had with Jenny Craig and Doritos before the wedding. Well, the comments from the seamstress during the "letting out" of the 22 were not pretty.... So basically I wore a too small wedding dress on my wedding day and looked like the StayPuff Marshmallow. :tongue:
    Thanks bluenote ... I hope you realize that is my 16yr old daughter in my picture and not me ... I WISH I still looked 16 and that thin! and I was never that tall. That was taken after she, my husband and son climbed the hill by my Uncle's farm in wisconsin on the 4th ... it was pouring rain most of the time but it was still beautiful. I didn't make the climb - not wanting to get soaked. I probably should have gone though - maybe next year.

    Oops. Far away shot, you can never tell. :ohwell:

    Did I mention your pic is cute and your daughter is lookin' great? :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Deb - I'm glad the ENT was on board; he has to look at it from a medical perspective, and Serena's multiple streps is a huge red flag for him. I think it is best to get them removed when young anyway. I used to get sick as much as Serena, but my parents could not afford the surgery. I suffered with throat ailments all the way through college, and still do to this day (as a matter of fact, I usually get strep once in July, usually near my birthday...hmm..should be arriving soon :tongue: ). I just don't want to get them out now - too old, professional singer, and I am allergic to anesthesia. I am glad you are doing this. If the behavior gets better, that's an added plus. :happy: You get the GREATEST MOM award! :heart:
    I made it to .5 mile on the elliptical tonight! That is huge for me!!! :bigsmile:

    check in:
    cals: a wee bit under
    water: 100
    exercise: elliptical & treadmill
    proud: I lost the 2 lb. gain over the holidays! I am back at 398! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning ladies!

    My calorie deficit was not to be overcome yesterday... I went to rugby and then all I could eat when I got home was a salad. I still don't feel much like eating... but hopefully today will be better. On to checking in...


    I'm anticiapting a slow day at work, so hopefully I have time to catch up with all of the reading!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    tstout: Glad you're here with us. We're all here because we need someone to vent to and bounce ideas off, so I'm glad you're sticking with it even when you're struggling.

    myworld: I don't blame you for not wanting to give up sleep. Remember that getting 7+ hours of sleep a night is just as important to your overall health as nutrition and exercise. Focus on the pieces you can first, such as sleep and calorie intake, and then move to exercise when you have the first things under control. You have to do this in a way that works for you long-term in order to get and keep the results you want!

    I'm pretty proud of myself for being very good last night. My volunteer work was canceled last night due to rain, so I went to Eclipse with my sister. Before I left work, I figured out my dinner plan so I could have a Junior sized popcorn with butter and salt. The protein shakes for a meal definitely save me when I'm running low on calories! The movie was good, but it felt like it went by too fast...I wanted to see more of Taylor Lautner's delicious abs...Yum!

    When I got home from the movie, I immediately changed into my workout clothes and did two levels of 30 Day Shred, which burned 536 calories. Since I wasn't at 600 yet, I went back downstairs and did 18 minutes of Walk Away the Pounds. My mom thought I was being ridiculous and overdoing it, but I told her I had a challenge to meet! My total calorie burn for last night was 691, which gave me a 529 calorie deficit for the day. This morning, I am back down three of the six pounds gained over the holiday weekend. I'm hoping I can get the last three off tonight for tomorrow's weigh in. Either way, I plan on changing my ticker so it isn't lying.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 529 deficit
    Sodium: On target
    Water: 64 oz. (I'm getting better at this one!)
    Exercise: Levels 1 & 2 of 30 Day Shred and 18 minutes of Walk Away the Pounds.
    Proud: That I planned my movie popcorn ahead of time AND met the 600 calorie challenge.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning ladies!

    My calorie deficit was not to be overcome yesterday... I went to rugby and then all I could eat when I got home was a salad. I still don't feel much like eating... but hopefully today will be better. On to checking in...


    I'm anticiapting a slow day at work, so hopefully I have time to catch up with all of the reading!

    Oh dear... it's not Friday, is it?

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Morning ladies!

    My calorie deficit was not to be overcome yesterday... I went to rugby and then all I could eat when I got home was a salad. I still don't feel much like eating... but hopefully today will be better. On to checking in...


    I'm anticiapting a slow day at work, so hopefully I have time to catch up with all of the reading!

    Oh dear... it's not Friday, is it?


    Nope dear...it is only thursday :smile: I really wish it was friday though.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Morning ladies!

    My calorie deficit was not to be overcome yesterday... I went to rugby and then all I could eat when I got home was a salad. I still don't feel much like eating... but hopefully today will be better. On to checking in...


    I'm anticiapting a slow day at work, so hopefully I have time to catch up with all of the reading!

    Oh dear... it's not Friday, is it?


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Yeah, you had me going for about 10 seconds. I thought maybe, just maybe somehow it really was Friday without me realizing it. I was sorely disappointed.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Hi Everyone! I haven't disappeared for good I promise. I have been swamped at work since being back from vaca and starting to study for my CPA. I really hope that I am able to catch up on everything and get back to the daily grind. I have been doing okay. Not great in the eating category but I will make sure that I get back to eating right really soon. Miss all of you! Hopefully I will get to talk to all of you soon!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I heard a joke about this once....two people were in an elevator...the lady turns to the man and says TGIF! The man replies "****!" The woman is appalled and just repeats...TGIF! Thank Goodness Its Friday! ...the man turn to her and agains says "****!!! Sorry Hon Its Thursday :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    THank you thank you! I'll be here all week :wink: :laugh: :tongue:

    Scale was at 196.8 this morning so still up 2.8lbs but I think I just lost a few in the bathroom...TMI I know blah blah

    I called my Dr about hte cramps and explained my symptoms. It went from severe sharp imobilizing pain to just a big pressure that is causing major discomfort. Then this morning I started spotting...ming you I just finished my TOM last week so I dont know WTF is going on! Of course the internet is telling me Im pregnant again...big surprise. I swear I put "ear infection" on google and it tells me Im preggo! Anyway, she booked me for my yearly on July 27th she says its prob nothing to worry about just take motrin...yea thanks lady I can barely move at times and I have a 1yr old...you do the math!

    Ok be back later to stalk, got some work to do right now

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    damn it....MFP blocked it! the ****** should be self explanatory but he was saying S - H - I - T

    RUINED MY JOKE...BAH! :grumble: :noway: :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Checking in
    Calories: 1746...still had some exercise calories left over
    Water: TONS!
    Exercise: I attempted w9d1 of c25k...I failed. I got the horrible horrible cramps in my back and side at 15 minutes and was trying to fight it and drink water, focus on my breatheing etc but I coulnd't do it. I had to stop. So I stopped at 20 minutes. UGH! I didn't want to start back up so I sat for a min till they went away and did the elliptical for 40 minutes. WHEW!
    Calorie Burn: 619
    Proud: That I didn't quit and leave the gym even though I was in dier pain!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay now I'm caught up from yesterday!

    LilDebbie-So glad to hear that she qualified for the surgery. Gotta love those outrageous out of pocket and deductibles. Mine is $1000 just for me. Yikes! And like Cris said, I'm sure not everybody will be able to show up to the birthday party.

    tstout-I wish it were Friday!! 1 more day!!

    Myworlds-Sounds like you have quite the hectic schedule. I agree with Heather, take it 1 thing at a item. It's all about changes that you can make for a lifetime.

    Heather-So proud of you for busting your butt and planning ahead! BTW how was Eclipse!? I want to go see it soon!!

    meokk-Good luck trying on wedding dresses! We want details when you get back!!

    Cris-Sorry you didn't make it to the gym. And I couldn't do w9d1 to motivate you either. I suck too. :laugh: I got side tracked and didn't go to the gym as early as I wanted to. So I didn't eat dinner till 9:30. The scale didn't show numbers like I had hoped. Only 1 pound left to my pre-vacation weight! :bigsmile:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris, I'm glad you spelled out (hahahahha) the joke for me. I was not quick enough to get it. It's funny. :laugh:

    So I have a Bible study on Wednesday nights and someone always brings snacks. In previous groups, it has been like fruit/veggies, dip, chips, etc. Nothing major. This new group seems to take it a little more seriously and there has been some great stuff the past two weeks. Last night was ridiculous. The girl in charge of snacks brought in an electric grill and made sliders/burgers. On the second hottest day of the year, she brought a grill inside and made burgers. Oh, and she made potato casserole. And blackberry cobbler with ice cream (the ice cream amazingly enough was not homemade). So I get it, girl likes to cook. However, it also sets a pretty high standard in terms of money and time spent on the meal. Yes, not everyone has to meet that standard (I'm still going with the basics when it's my turn), but I don't really think that it's very fair to do that. Maybe she just wanted to be kind and make a big spread, but I have the feeling that this girl gets her "value" from being the person who goes all out on snacks. Which for whatever reason, does not sit well with me.

    I also acknowledge that me complaining about someone's action in my Bible study is less than Christian of me, but it really ticked me off. Am I being crazy bee-otchy here??

    Checking in from yesterday:
    Cals - Over by 248 = 1448. See above - had a slider, a small bit of cobbler and ice cream. I didn't have any potato casserole, I'll count that for self-control!!
    Water - TONS!! 112 oz!!!
    Exercise - Nada nada. Heat = lack of motivation. Tstout, you are a rock star.
    Proud - I did up my veggie intake yesterday, which is something that has been lacking. I'll also say hooray to no potato casserole.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    lauren- that is one hell (no pun intended) of a snack! I did find it amusing that you were talking about a girl in bible study..although I prob would have done the same thing :laugh: :laugh:

    mmm sliders sound good