Over 200 New Year New Me Part 26



  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Sorry all Im a little slow today. I actually had a busy day at work!!! I can not believe it!

    LilDebbie-I am so happy for you that you got the results you wanted. I really do hope that helps!

    Myworlds-I struggle with it all too from time to time. I actually just had a huge rant and rave session on my status last night, but I am so much better now. I know you will get back on track soon and if I can help you in any way, just let me know

    Heather-I thought Eclipse was GREAT!! I adore Edward, but Jacob is so fine! I know he is young and I am 34 so does that make it wrong??? lol I am actually have a Bootleg copy of it (sorry! I know thats wrong) and watched it at home, but I liked it so much I am going to see it at the movies this saturday.

    meokk-I agree you should try on the dresses, that will be so much fun. I only ever tried on one dress because I loved it instantly, but thinking back I wish I would have done more.

    Cris-I understand about the heat! I live in Houston and summers are brutal down here too. I am sure you will get back in the swing of things soon. Take one thing at at time, just like was said ealier. You can do it !!

    I know I am missing lots on here, but I am just not that good! lol

    My stats for yesterday and Today are below:

    Cals 7/7 over 95 and today under I dont know how much (I dropped my daily calories to 1500 just to see if this will work)
    Water: 100 oz each day
    Exercise: I did it! I worked on the dreaded elliptical for 20 mins yesterday and today! I also burned 619 cals 7/7 and 648 today!!
    Proud: I made a calorie decision and am sticking to it! Also that I did the fitness challenge!!!
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    myworld: I miss my snuggle time with my babies (not babies anymore 16 and 9)- I always liked them to climb into bed with me ... but wasn't always great for sleeping (or for closeness with hubby). It is important for you to make sure you are getting a good night's sleep for your overall health and weightloss - I think there have been some recent studies that I remember hearing about that lack of sleep can make your crave more food. As far as trying to fit in exercise - it's tough with a full schedule like that - but maybe if you try to plan it into your day it would be easier? I'm still not great at getting it in every day - but the exercise times that I have scheduled into my routine I rarely miss now. For me going to an exercise class was easiest to plan around and to not skip. When I'm on my own I tend to find more excuses. Good luck, you can do it! :flowerforyou:

    Yeah I can totally understand this because I have been craving sweets and I haven't been sleeping well at all since last weekend. I feel ready to give up (not on my diet) I am just in a defeatist attitude.

    Check in:

    Calories: a tad bit over
    Water: 88oz
    Proud: nothing comes to mind....

    I do have a plan, hopefully I can follow through. I am off of work tomorrow 7/9 and then I work day shift (instead of evenings) on 7/10 and 7/11. SO I am going to do some type of excercise tomorrow. I don't know what yet. I do have Jillian Michaels 30 day shred that my husband bootlegged off the net somewhere, maybe I'll do that. But I also plan on going for a walk with my hubby tomorrow night too. We have committed to going for a walk whenever I'm off work in the evening. Which is about 7 days every 14 so that'll be something I suppose. But hopefully I can do something tomorrow and then again of saturday and sunday. Monday is out I work 12 hours. And then I'm off for a week, so I'm gonna *try* to do lots of activity that week.
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Heather: that is so cool about the photo shoot! I'm sure they'll get great photos.

    Eclipse was great. I am a huge fan of Edward and Taylor (who grew up just down the road from where I live!) and I work with someone who used to babysit him! But I think the books are better....lol
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Julie- $2000 sounds excellent, you're booked!

    Heather- That sounds awesome! I was thinking of including a "boudoir" session with my photography package but I dont think Id go through with it.

    Checking in:
    calories- 1110
    water- yup...ran to the bathroom a lot today lets hope it pays off
    sodium- 1875
    excercise- spin class, still loving it!
    cals burned- 650+...i logged 600 but it doesnt matter i dont eat them
    proud- I made it to spin class and stuck to my plan.

    gotta go spend time with the fiance, talk to everyone tomorrow

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    good evening girls !!

    LOTS OF posts today, can't keep up today :sad: today was hectic at work..spent all afternoon researhcing stuff that wasn't broke uggggg

    I have been aboslute horrible about water the last few days...Not sure how the scale will treat me in the morning, if i am even i think i will be happy , really don't want to see a gain...

    Got abby ENT appt int he morning, for them to re-check her ears.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Strippers also love MAC, at least here in the Twin Cities.

    I just learned that MFP doesn't let its users send more than 5 friend requests in a period of 10 minutes. I was trying to add any of you ladies who are not officially on my friend's list. If it missed any of you, don't be disappointed...I will try again!

    Heather - I was amazed we weren't friends ages ago! LOL I think the photo shoot sounds FAB! (in my best drag queen voice - I am in theatre and have even danced in drag shows! LOL)
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I went to the downtown farmer's market today with my dad, and he told me he'd spring for buying anything I want because I am his baby girl and he is so proud of me for doing so great losing weight! I love my dad! Yes, I am 46 and yes I took the handout from my father who is 85. OK now that that's in the open...LOL But I am still and ALWAYS will be his little girl! :heart: :heart: :heart:
    I bought lots of yum yum veggies and fresh blackberries! Mmmm!

    check in:
    cals: great
    water: 100
    exercise: PT kicked my *kitten* for 90 mins.
    proud: I made it through PT with my broken toes! I had to really concentrate when getting on and off the 10 inch step, but I did it!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I guess I will be the first ( today) to weigh in...remember I don't have a valid scale (I am still looking for a bathroom scale battery) still so


    I might not be on board for awhile..I want to give myself some time to *re-evaluate* my goal(s). I hope you all understand. I will miss you all:cry:. But I want to be in this journey wholeheartedly and I am about 70% in and I need to be 100%. I am not sure what is goiing on with me but I want to find my motivation. I hate this feeling of not giving it my all as when I first started my journey.

    Have a great weigh in girls!:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    cals: Still way under... but for the first time in 4 days, MFP didn't yell at me for not eating enough
    water: 64 oz.... also known as not enough
    exercise: long walk with the boyfriend
    proud: I ate something at every meal... and only felt like throwing up instead of actually doing so.

    I think that my self-challenge is going to be the same as yesterday... eat stuff. I just have no desire to do so... I don't even feel hungry. Just nauseous coated in yuck.

    Weighing in for real... since it's ACTUALLY Friday this time :)

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    AWESOME tstout & Heather!!
    This morning was the worst weigh in for me all week by far. I know it's water retention. I feel very bloated. I think 3 days of sodiumriffic pizza this week finally really caught up to me because I was pretty good on sodium yesterday.

    This morning I weigh what I weighed in the middle of freaking May which is 3.8 pounds over my lowest weight 2 weeks ago and 3.4 pound over last Friday. Even if I haven't been exercising as intensely as before, I *have* been eating at what *should* be a calorie deficit. However, I seem to be steadily gaining weight. I know at least some of it is water because I'm up 2 pounds from Wednesday. But I'm pretty convinced my metabolism is effed again. Because even if I am retaining 4 pounds of water that still means I've only lost 4 pounds since May 20th. And that's like... best case scenario. But I'm not going to feel defeated. I am going to lose 50 more pounds or die trying.

  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Good morning all!
    Great job everyone because even if you did not lose any weight, you didn't GAIN ANY!!! yeah!

    I dont really know what to put on here. Last Friday I weighed 301 and by Tuesday I had gained 5 pounds to 306.
    I weighed in today and I am back down to 300!!!! Yeah only 1 pound until I am outta the "3's"!!!!

    So if you go by last friday I lost 1 pound (which I am happy with) or if you go by Tuesday then I lost 6!!!! I am ok only counting the 1 though!!!! I don't do the oz thing, its just too confusing for me! :ohwell:

    Start weight was 331
    Start weight for MFP was 325
    31 pound weight loss in total!! So excited!!!

    POS_ME -- I understand and I really hope you get to the place you need to be soon. I know you can and if you need us for support, just "stalk" quietly here. Much love going out to you!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Kerri: I'm just such a book freak that although the movies are good, I'm a bigger fan of the books. The funny thing, though, is that I that I actually think they did a great job casting the actors for the Twilight series. Usually I have a mental picture of the characters and get irritated when the movies don't cast them the way I think they should be cast! I'm definitely in love with Jacob's character and Emmett (can we say yum?). As far as Taylor Lautner goes, he turned 18 in February, so I don't feel bad about checking him out anymore!

    Pos_Me: I understand needing to re-evaluate your goals, but please continue to lurk and log your food. We'll miss you, but will be waiting when you're ready to return! Best of luck in the meantime!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 158 under
    Sodium: 395 over
    Water: 78.7 oz (9.85 servings)
    Exercise: Walking at volunteer work.
    Proud: I didn't have ice cream last night even though I had enough calories for a Weight Watcher treat.

    I'm a bit frustrated this morning because even though I've been very good and on-track the past few days, the scale went the wrong way this morning. I know I can't expect big changes overnight, but one can hope, right? I have tonight's splurge meal planned and should be less than 100 calories over. The rest of the weekend I plan on being good and getting in plenty of exercise.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Only .4 pounds to go to pre-vacation weight!!

    Be back later to catch up!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Heather- I know what you mean...I was up 3.8 lbs from the holiday weekend and was hoping to at least get back to my 194 this Friday but no such luck...Im still up 2.6lbs....so frustrating!

    Julie- I think we have all come to realize that these summer months are being tough, knowing you I know you are just going to work harder and lose those 50lbs before you know it! I love your attitude you always give me a push!

    kerri- I added you to the list!

    pos_me- Im sorry you are feeling down, I totally understand. I hope you still lurk around and join us again when you feel up to it! I really really will miss your posts! (I mean it!) :flowerforyou:

    tstout- any chance your preggo? sounds like morning sickness to me...lol if you google it you will get the same response :laugh: :laugh:

    LW- 194
    CW- 196.6

    Pos_me............ ..........0.0%
    tstout..................-4.6 = 1,97%
    HeatherMN.............-2.8= 0%
    Littlespy.....................0= 0.0%
    kerri.........................-1 = .33%
    Cris20056................0 = 0.0%
    Jessica.....................0 = 0.0%
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I am trying to be positive because I know I could have gotten back to my 194 if I had excercise more than one day this week. So really I only have myself to blame. Also, I ate poorly Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, and Tuesday! So uhm...again only myself to blame.

    With my whole weird cramp thing I had going on I started spotting yesterday...I just finished my TOM last week but it seems to have come back??? So I may be retaining water from that too....at least thats what I like to tell my self :wink: :tongue: :embarassed:
  • BQJohns
    BQJohns Posts: 15 Member
    Good Morning, girls!

    You all seem so supportive of each other, I would like to become a part of that. I need someone to be accountable to. My wonderful hubby tells me I don't need to lose weight, which would be fine if I didn't feel like a beached whale. My biggest challenges are excercise and water intake. Any suggestions on how to improve this would be great!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Cris - I'm starting to wonder! I try not to google/webmd symptoms ever because it always ends up that you're pregnant. Regardless of the symptoms! Cramps? Nausea? Hang nail? Dandruff? Make way for a baby!

    Strange thing is... I just had the weirdest TOM ever. almost 7 days long... on again and off again. So weird.

    Whatever it is... something's gotta give. I'm not a fan of this feeling. I just want to crawl back in bed.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    POS Me-You aren't allowed to be gone long! We will miss you! Reevaluate and find your motivation. We're here for you! I miss seeing your posts. You are always so motivationg and inspirational. Take care of yourself. :flowerforyou:

    tstout-Hope you get to feeling better soon! Good job on trying to eat more though.

    Cris-That weight will be gone next week. Lets make a vowe to workout at least 3 days next week. Deal?

    Heather-Sorry the scale moved in the other direction. Stupid water retention!! It's gonna go the other way. Plus you did a lot of workouts the other night with weights. Your muscles are probably retaining water

    LittleSpy-I think my metabolisim is all jacked up too. Stupid holidays and weekends and summer is just crushing me. Making me more and more nervous about meeting my sisters wedding day goals. I definitely need to kick it up a notch too! I'm gonna lose it or die trying.

    So funny story for y'all. I am the youngest in my family, I only have 1 older sister and we're 8 years apart. I grew up as my dads little boy he never had I swear. Last night I had a moment that truely made me realize, I am my fathers child. I was out on a date with Mike and was getting in his truck and like word vomit it just came out. I just HAD to point out he needed new tires and that the metal was pokeing through and that was dangerous! And did I stop there? Nope! I told him his tires were worn unevenly and he clearly does not rotate them enough. Word vomit again. It just kept coming out. At least he thought it was funny! I think. :laugh: Happy Friday! :bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good Morning, girls!

    You all seem so supportive of each other, I would like to become a part of that. I need someone to be accountable to. My wonderful hubby tells me I don't need to lose weight, which would be fine if I didn't feel like a beached whale. My biggest challenges are excercise and water intake. Any suggestions on how to improve this would be great!

    Welcome to our chatty little group here! We weigh in every Friday and daily we check in with calories, water, exercise and something were proud of. As far as suggestiong on how to improve with those two. Water was tuff for me, I got a big huge cup and I keep it sitting right in front of me and just had to force myself to drink it. I put a time limit on it. Drink it by this time. Now it's 2nd nature to me. But you will DEFINITELY be taking lots of trips to the bathroom. Exercise, find something you at least kind of enjoy. I know that sounds weird but if you dread it you aren't going to make yourself do it and you wont get as good of a workout. Try new things. Try DVD's. I love doing the DVD's! Good luck and welcome!