Over 200 New Year New Me Part 26



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris - I'm starting to wonder! I try not to google/webmd symptoms ever because it always ends up that you're pregnant. Regardless of the symptoms! Cramps? Nausea? Hang nail? Dandruff? Make way for a baby!

    Strange thing is... I just had the weirdest TOM ever. almost 7 days long... on again and off again. So weird.

    Whatever it is... something's gotta give. I'm not a fan of this feeling. I just want to crawl back in bed.

    My TOM was 9 days last month. NINE. I thought I was going to die. Or punch lots of people in the face.
    I must be pregnant, too. :tongue: Pretty much this entire year has been one big pregnancy scare for me. :laugh: My ovaries & uterus are apparently freaked about me dropping so much weight.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris - I'm starting to wonder! I try not to google/webmd symptoms ever because it always ends up that you're pregnant. Regardless of the symptoms! Cramps? Nausea? Hang nail? Dandruff? Make way for a baby!

    Strange thing is... I just had the weirdest TOM ever. almost 7 days long... on again and off again. So weird.

    Whatever it is... something's gotta give. I'm not a fan of this feeling. I just want to crawl back in bed.

    My TOM was 9 days last month. NINE. I thought I was going to die. Or punch lots of people in the face.
    I must be pregnant, too. :tongue: Pretty much this entire year has been one big pregnancy scare for me. :laugh: My ovaries & uterus are apparently freaked about me dropping so much weight.

    A few months ago I had 2 or 3 months in a row mine lasted 2 weeks. That's just madness!! My doctor said it's just my body trying to adjust and catch up to my "signifficent" weight loss.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Loving my meal plan today! I'm on so much of a better track already. :smile:

    The slowcooker is my salvation. :tongue: Leftovers for lunch rather than a frozen dinner. And dinner is cooking while I'm at work. All I have to do is cook quinoa & steam frozen broccoli I'll have an uber healthy homemade meal ready about 20 minutes after I get home. Tonight's menu is Applesauce Chicken. Last night was Cranberry pot roast. it was yummy and SO freaking easy. Here's the recipe:

    2-3 pounds beef or pork roast or stew chunks
    1 tablespoon dried onion flakes, or 1 medium yellow onion, diced
    2 tablespoons soy sauce (La Choy and Tamari wheat-free are gluten free)
    1 (16-ounce) whole berry cranberry sauce (or 2 cups homemade!)

    Use a 4-quart slow cooker (I used my 6 quart & it was fine). Plop in the meat (frozen is fine), and add the onion and soy sauce. Pour in the entire can of cranberry sauce over the top. Do not add water. Cover and cook on low for 7-9 hours, or on high for 5-6. If you are cooking on high, you may need to "help" the meat break apart by taking it out an hour or so before serving by cutting it into chunks, then returning to the sauce. I like it when the meat is tender and the juice has fully soaked in.

    I served it over mashed potatoes with steamed frozen green beans. It was yum.
    I used a 2.5 pound very lean london broil type roast. I portioned mine into 8 servings and that was plenty for me despite the fact the original blog said this serves 4. She must have either been using really fatty beef or her portion sizes are seriously out of control! :smile:

    Here's the nutritional breakdown of mine per serving (which was about 3oz of cooked meat & some of the sauce:
    Calories: 290
    Fat:8 21 30 246 1
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Loving my meal plan today! I'm on so much of a better track already. :smile:

    The slowcooker is my salvation. :tongue: Leftovers for lunch rather than a frozen dinner. And dinner is cooking while I'm at work. All I have to do is cook quinoa & steam frozen broccoli I'll have an uber healthy homemade meal ready about 20 minutes after I get home. Tonight's menu is Applesauce Chicken. Last night was Cranberry pot roast. it was yummy and SO freaking easy. Here's the recipe:

    2-3 pounds beef or pork roast or stew chunks
    1 tablespoon dried onion flakes, or 1 medium yellow onion, diced
    2 tablespoons soy sauce (La Choy and Tamari wheat-free are gluten free)
    1 (16-ounce) whole berry cranberry sauce (or 2 cups homemade!)

    Use a 4-quart slow cooker (I used my 6 quart & it was fine). Plop in the meat (frozen is fine), and add the onion and soy sauce. Pour in the entire can of cranberry sauce over the top. Do not add water. Cover and cook on low for 7-9 hours, or on high for 5-6 (I set my slowcooker timer for 7 hours & then let it keep it warm after that since I'm gone for work for about 9.5 hours and it was fine). If you are cooking on high, you may need to "help" the meat break apart by taking it out an hour or so before serving by cutting it into chunks, then returning to the sauce. I like it when the meat is tender and the juice has fully soaked in.

    I served it over mashed potatoes with steamed frozen green beans. It was yum.
    I used a 2.5 pound very lean london broil type roast. I portioned mine into 8 servings and that was plenty for me despite the fact the original blog said this serves 4. She must have either been using really fatty beef or her portion sizes are seriously out of control! :smile:

    Here's the nutritional breakdown of mine per serving (which was about 3oz of cooked meat & some of the sauce:
    Calories: 290
    Fat: 8
    Carbs: 21
    Protein: 30
    Sodium: 246
    Fiber: 1

    A serving of mashed potatoes was about 110 & green beans were 25 so my dinner total was about 425 calories. Yum.
    I have leftover roast & green beans for lunch today for a total of around 315 calories.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Morning! Had a great yoga session last night, then came home and had chips, cheese, and a Pepsi! I don't even LIKE Pepsi! I was just super craving soda and that's what we had in the house. Get it together Lauren!!

    Heather - If you lost 2.8 lbs, then your percentage should not be 0. Please update with your fabulous loss. Remember it will be 4.6/whatever you weighed last week.

    Pos - Take some time, you know we'll be here. Will miss you!!

    Pos_me....................0 = 0.0%
    tstout.....................-4.6 = 1.97%
    HeatherMN............-2.8= 0%
    Littlespy.....................0 = 0.0%
    kerri..........................-1 = .33%
    Cris20056................0 = 0.0%
    Jessica.....................0 = 0.0%
    Elmox........................0 = 0.0%
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Maybe we are being too nice to each other?! We shouldnt be telling one another that its ok to skip excercising and thats its ok to eat badly....maybe we do that too much? We are trying to be encouraging but maybe we are being enablers?? Just a thought

    I give full permission for you all to be 100% direct with me. That includes telling me to suck it up and quit whinning. Sometimes to get where we are going we need a little push...or shove :devil: :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Maybe we are being too nice to each other?! We shouldnt be telling one another that its ok to skip excercising and thats its ok to eat badly....maybe we do that too much? We are trying to be encouraging but maybe we are being enablers?? Just a thought

    I give full permission for you all to be 100% direct with me. That includes telling me to suck it up and quit whinning. Sometimes to get where we are going we need a little push...or shove :devil: :laugh:

    I agree! Tell ya what Cris, I'll shove you if you shove me!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Maybe we are being too nice to each other?! We shouldnt be telling one another that its ok to skip excercising and thats its ok to eat badly....maybe we do that too much? We are trying to be encouraging but maybe we are being enablers?? Just a thought

    I give full permission for you all to be 100% direct with me. That includes telling me to suck it up and quit whinning. Sometimes to get where we are going we need a little push...or shove :devil: :laugh:

    I agree! Tell ya what Cris, I'll shove you if you shove me!

    No problem! Let's set a goal for how many days a week we must excercise and hold each other to that goal. I plan on being good until my vacation, and even then I plan on working hard to make my goal of 190 by the end of July...it may be hard but its not impossible folks. IT TAKES HARD WORK!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Maybe we are being too nice to each other?! We shouldnt be telling one another that its ok to skip excercising and thats its ok to eat badly....maybe we do that too much? We are trying to be encouraging but maybe we are being enablers?? Just a thought

    I give full permission for you all to be 100% direct with me. That includes telling me to suck it up and quit whinning. Sometimes to get where we are going we need a little push...or shove :devil: :laugh:

    I agree! Tell ya what Cris, I'll shove you if you shove me!

    No problem! Let's set a goal for how many days a week we must excercise and hold each other to that goal. I plan on being good until my vacation, and even then I plan on working hard to make my goal of 190 by the end of July...it may be hard but its not impossible folks. IT TAKES HARD WORK!

    Ok I'm pumped, lets do this. I'm going to forget the donut I ate this morning! Make the rest of today better and no bad food this weekend. ZERO!! I must behave! I want to workout at least 3 days next week! Minnimum! I'm going to shoot for 4! What's your goal? I want you to be brutal to me and not let me use excuses. Tell me they are like a holes. Everyone has them!
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    I agree! I am vowing to eat healthy with NO cheats this weekend! I am vowing to workout at least 5 days a week (mon thru Fri) but I will push myself to workout on Sat too!

    We can and WILL do this! Together!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Pos_me....................0 = 0.0%
    tstout.....................-4.6 = 1.97%
    HeatherMN............-2.8= 0%
    Littlespy.....................0 = 0.0%
    kerri..........................-1 = .33%
    Cris20056................0 = 0.0%
    Jessica.....................0 = 0.0%
    Elmox........................0 = 0.0%
    Meokk......................-1= 0.55%

    I am in total agreement with you Cris and Jess, we do allow ourselves too many excuses especially at the weekends. Our cheat days have turned in to cheat both days EVERY weekend and it has to stop for the sake of our health.
    It's not about a race to a certain number but a change to healthier living. I'm not saying don't plan in a treat every now or then but don't have that treat unless you have planned for it and it's in your calories etc. I for one really need to pick up the exercise and please push me to do so.

    Pos Me - tough love time - I don't see why you can't stick around and re-evaluate your goals at the same time ??? Have you noticed that everybody who goes away for a while gains weight????. What if you just check in every day and weigh in at the end of the week, no pressure to read& reply every post. Could you do that right now???
    I don't want to see you go away and come back in a month having gained 5 lbs and lost all motivation :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    well i have no loss this week...actually 1.5 lbs gain ..ouch...i know that isn't real weight and still water....that is what i am telling myself at least...I have been horrible about drinking water this week. I am not changing my ticker cause i am sure it will come off by next week...hopefully that pluse some !!!

    Pos_me....................0 = 0.0%
    tstout.....................-4.6 = 1.97%
    HeatherMN............-2.8= 0%
    Littlespy.....................0 = 0.0%
    kerri..........................-1 = .33%
    Cris20056................0 = 0.0%
    Jessica.....................0 = 0.0%
    Elmox........................0 = 0.0%
    Meokk......................-1= 0.55%
    lildebbie ...............+1.5 = 0%

    That given...i took measurements and i have lost 5 1/2 inches since june 18th...that seemed like a lot to me.

    Got serena's surgery scheduled for July 30th. Got msy sister to volunteer to take a day off work, and be with her and i am sure my mom will too , so this recovery time may not be using a whole week of vacation.

    Abby's visit with the ent went well too, her ears are great, hearing test passed with flying colors, re-check in 6 months !!!

    i am soo ready for today be over with.

    I havfe no choice but to eat good this week, as i am waiting on money from our rent house and we have very little as i have to pay rent here, day care and groceries for next week.

    Of course i will make my full round of gym visists this weekend, dance class tonight , doing just some cardio tomorrow, hubby hurt his shouldar so we aren't doing lift class, and then spin calss with the crazy lady on sunday...the next 3 days i am sure i will burn around 1500 calories or more.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I'm in agreement with you. As they say on the Biggest Loser, the nicest people are usually the fattest because they put others first and tell each other it's okay to be bad. It's a fine line between enabling and encouraging, so let's work on not confusing the two. Feel free to direct and honest with me.

    Jess: I'm with you on the minimum three workouts next week. I definitely need it! Oh, and thanks for your word vomit story. It's something I would have done, too. In my world, guys aren't worth it if they don't know how to care for their vehicles or if they don't care. Afterall, who would I call if I had problems if my boyfriend couldn't handle it? Does Mike even know how to change a tire? If not, he's not a real man!

    Julie: Maybe your body isn't trying to make you think you're pregnant, but thinks you already had a baby instead. I mean, you could have had sextuplets with all the weight you've lost!

    Lauren: Thank you for the encouragement on changing my weight loss percentage, but I'm counting all losses at 0% until I get back to my low of 190. I don't feel like I deserve credit for re-losing the same 5 lbs.!

    Someone here on MFP posted an article about how your "diet" could be making you gain. One of the items mentioned, that definitely affect me, is the habit of saving the bulk of my calories for dinner. They said eating so many calories at dinner makes you not hungry in the morning, making you skip breakfast and repeating the vicious cycle. Your body also stores the fat from doing this because you don't burn as much when you sleep and this can lead to insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes.

    This being said, starting tomorrow I am going to try eating meals roughly equal to one another instead of loading up at dinner. We'll see if this helps over the course of a week. I'm starting tomorrow because I already have my prime rib dinner planned out for tonight.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess: I'm with you on the minimum three workouts next week. I definitely need it! Oh, and thanks for your word vomit story. It's something I would have done, too. In my world, guys aren't worth it if they don't know how to care for their vehicles or if they don't care. Afterall, who would I call if I had problems if my boyfriend couldn't handle it? Does Mike even know how to change a tire? If not, he's not a real man!

    Someone here on MFP posted an article about how your "diet" could be making you gain. One of the items mentioned, that definitely affect me, is the habit of saving the bulk of my calories for dinner. They said eating so many calories at dinner makes you not hungry in the morning, making you skip breakfast and repeating the vicious cycle. Your body also stores the fat from doing this because you don't burn as much when you sleep and this can lead to insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes.

    This being said, starting tomorrow I am going to try eating meals roughly equal to one another instead of loading up at dinner. We'll see if this helps over the course of a week. I'm starting tomorrow because I already have my prime rib dinner planned out for tonight.

    You know funny you said that because after I saw that I started to wonder if he does. I'm going to have to ask him. Because I'm with you. I want a man who knows how to do that kinda stuff. I like manly men! :laugh: If he doesn't know how, major turn off! We're supposed to go to a baseball game tomorrow night and if he doesn't get that fixed, I'm not getting his truck. That's dangerous. And if he doesn't know how to change a tire, even worse! AHH!! I'm definitely on board for the tuff love. I give you permission to be all over me about eating and working out. I encourage it, please!! I think a lot of us have crossed that fine line. I'm pumped now, not gonna lie!! :bigsmile: I've heard that too and noticed I got into the pattern of having large dinners. Going to try and even out my meals more. I hear breakfast needs to be bigger and I have been slacking in that department. And I have been munching on this stupid candy that someone stuck all over our branch! :grumble: So now candy for me! NONE! 3 worksouts next week, no excuses! :drinker: Let's do it! I'm tempted to go squeeze one in tonight before I go out dancing!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay...I went and laughed my naughty breakfast and then what I plan to have for lunch and my dinner. If I stick to plan with NO snacks today I will be 155 calories over. I plan on dancing my booty off tonight to burn those calories. Don't plan on drinking any beer either. Isn't that the challenge for this week anyways? I missed that post! This is my plan and I'm sticking to it!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    LOL about manly men & I agree! I love my husband. He's such a perfect blend of genius and handyman while maintaining a decent bit of consideration at the same time. My only complaint is that he can be *REALLY* insensitive which is weird to me because he's much more considerate than others in a lot of ways. I'm pretty sure it's a ridiculous defense mechanism about some emotional stuff that happened when he was a kid but he'd probably die if I approached him with my psychobabble bs evaluation (but that's kind of just what you get when you marry someone with a degree in psyc :laugh:). I have thicker skin because of it, that's for sure. I'm way overly sensitive, highstrung, and naively sympathetic so I kind of need someone like him to keep me grounded sometimes. :love:

    Edit: Oh, I went off on a tangent, sorry. I was going to say the downfall of being a manly man in dh's case is that he thinks he can do all this stuff himself (and he can) but then... he won't do all of it. We haven't had hot water in the kitchen for 2.5 years because the fixture has a broken seal that he can "fix himself" but hasn't. :tongue: When I said I was going to take my car to get my tires rotated he said "I can do that, why would you pay someone?" My straightforward answer would have been "because I want it done now and quickly and I don't want to have to listen to you whine about how hot it is outside." :tongue: My actual answer was more like "um... just because I don't want you to have to do it." :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Yes, please find out if Mike can change tires. I would not get in his truck with the bands showing through on his tires. I had a tire fall apart on me one time when driving. The rubber literally flew off and exposed the bands...I re-routed myself to Tires Plus immediately to buy new tires. It could have been so scary had the bands given way! For the record, I know how to change tires! Yay me!

    Julie: I used to have a boyfriend who thought he could fix everything and then just didn't. He'd then get mad when I would have someone else take care of it. So glad I got rid of him because that on top of his other problems was ridiculous. Yes, I said on TOP of other problems; I didn't get rid of him for just this reason. Anyway, the new boyfriend CAN and DOES fix everything under the sun. I'm a lucky girl!

    Ooh, I forgot we're supposed to be staying away from alcohol. If I don't drink the glass of wine I had planned, I shouldn't be over calories. Yippee!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Oh, here's an article I read in Fitness Magazine yesterday and thought it was good motivation for working out; especially doing the strength training.

    "Fitness gave me the strength to fight off an attacker."

    The encounter started like a bad horror flick. It was still dark outside one morning last September when Katy Vander Roest, 24, suddenly woke in her Cincinnati sublevel apartment. "The room felt strange somehow, and I sat up in bed," she recalls. "I put my arms at my sides, and then I felt a gloved hand." Screaming, she looked down to see a man crouching on the floor.

    Katy, a student and bartender, wasn't about to be a helpless victim. First she punched the intruder in the face. Hard. Then she jumped out of bed and pinned the would-be rapist, who police estimate was six foot one and 185 pounds, over a low dresser. "I held him down with my left hand and hit him in the face with my right," says Katy, who is five foot eight and 145 pounds. "I was yelling at him to get out, and he was begging for me to stop."

    She maneuvered him out of her room, down the hall and through the front door. She literally punched him out of her apartment, an outcome Katy credits to CrossFit, an intense strength-and-conditioning program that is especially popular with police academies and military units. Katy, who had played soccer and basketball and run track as a kid, was introduced to the tough training regimen by her boyfriend; she'd been doing it daily for several months. She loved the challenge and variety of the constantly changing workouts and was putting in up to 12 hours a week at her local CrossFit gym. At the time of the break-in, she had five new pounds of solid muscle to show for her dedication and hard work.

    Police arrested the intruder that night; he was eventually convicted and sentenced to five years. "Looking back, I realize how scary it was," Katy says. "Other girls I've talked to say that if the same thing had happened to them, they would've frozen. But I felt as if I were physically ready to fight back, and that made me less afraid. I feel strong on the outside and the inside."
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-Wow! That's a crazy article. Thanks for shareing that with us. I think my work is offering free self defense classes here soon, thought about trying to attend those! I'm trying to figure out how to casually bring us asking if he knows how to change a tire after I pointed out he needed new tires. :laugh:
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    LOL about manly men & I agree! I love my husband. He's such a perfect blend of genius and handyman while maintaining a decent bit of consideration at the same time. My only complaint is that he can be *REALLY* insensitive which is weird to me because he's much more considerate than others in a lot of ways. I'm pretty sure it's a ridiculous defense mechanism about some emotional stuff that happened when he was a kid but he'd probably die if I approached him with my psychobabble bs evaluation (but that's kind of just what you get when you marry someone with a degree in psyc :laugh:). I have thicker skin because of it, that's for sure. I'm way overly sensitive, highstrung, and naively sympathetic so I kind of need someone like him to keep me grounded sometimes. :love:

    Edit: Oh, I went off on a tangent, sorry. I was going to say the downfall of being a manly man in dh's case is that he thinks he can do all this stuff himself (and he can) but then... he won't do all of it. We haven't had hot water in the kitchen for 2.5 years because the fixture has a broken seal that he can "fix himself" but hasn't. :tongue: When I said I was going to take my car to get my tires rotated he said "I can do that, why would you pay someone?" My straightforward answer would have been "because I want it done now and quickly and I don't want to have to listen to you whine about how hot it is outside." :tongue: My actual answer was more like "um... just because I don't want you to have to do it." :laugh:

    Little Spy~ you could SO be talking about my hubby! Except for the degree in psyc. :laugh:
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