Over 200 New Year New Me Part 26



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Challenge should be super easy for me this week...I haven't drank in months , i can't remember the last time i had a drink.

    Not that i don't drink, just haven't in a while.

    I will on the 24th thought, we are having a little high school reninun and i am sure there will be drinking there...it isn't a 'big" year, just like 5 years of graduating classes all getting together..it lisk '90- - '95 and i graduated in '93 so it will be a good mix.

    I am hoing to be down under 260 by then, not like people will be like you look good or anything...since i was always fat (but not to today's standards :smile: ) i gradudated at like 197, oh how i wish to be that again...so i am still 60 lbs over, but to know myself that at under 260 i will have lost almost 60 lbs , just makes me feel better about myself.
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    lildebbie and Jess41684, you guys will feel so much better once you go to the gym. I was really really not feeling it today, but I made myself go at lunch and I am way happier now! I haven't worked out since saturday and I really could tell!

    I keep hearing about all these HS reunions and I haven't ever gotten an invite to mine. I still live in the same house I graduated from HS in! I can't figure that one out. Unless my class just didn't get together, which would not hurt my feelings much since HS was not fun for this "chubby chick"!!! I am a different person than I was back then (not size wise but attitude wise) How do you go about finding out about HS reunions?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    lildebbie and Jess41684, you guys will feel so much better once you go to the gym. I was really really not feeling it today, but I made myself go at lunch and I am way happier now! I haven't worked out since saturday and I really could tell!

    I keep hearing about all these HS reunions and I haven't ever gotten an invite to mine. I still live in the same house I graduated from HS in! I can't figure that one out. Unless my class just didn't get together, which would not hurt my feelings much since HS was not fun for this "chubby chick"!!! I am a different person than I was back then (not size wise but attitude wise) How do you go about finding out about HS reunions?

    I would contact the school directly and ask.

    I never got an invite to my college graduation but saw a few friends talking about it on FB so I called the school and it turns out they were sending everything to my parent's house. So I was glad I called and updated my info...even though I ended up not going ot the reunion (I regret it now)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    my mom keeps telling me to make an appointment with the GYN...shes knows these pains Im experiencing are not common for me, and she also knows that I am not one to whine this long about pain. I am just scared that I will show up and theyll tell me its just gas, I'll be so embarassed
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Kerri- I have a friend who was really active in student council and stuff so she stays in contact with people who organize it. But if someone doesn't organize it you don't have one. I would try what Cris said and contact the school. And I actually want to go to the gym just don't have much energy I feel exhausted. But I will force myself to go. Just feel like there is so much I need to do and so little time!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    my mom keeps telling me to make an appointment with the GYN...shes knows these pains Im experiencing are not common for me, and she also knows that I am not one to whine this long about pain. I am just scared that I will show up and theyll tell me its just gas, I'll be so embarassed

    Now Cris mom knows best! Maybe you should make an appointment. Even if it is just gas I'm sure they have seen it a million times and much worse. Or at least call them and tell them what's going on and see what they suggest.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am friends with a lot of people from my highschool on Facebook...That is where i saw it, it was sent out to lots of us...but jesss is right, if there are not people to schedule it you won't have it, it is some people .

    i went to go workout at lunch , it wasn't a great workout but i did it. I tried my Hr mode (where i sually burn 410-450 cals, in 45 min. I tried it for like 10 minuts but i just couldn't keep upt..so i bumped it down to just a mnaual mode and my hr wasn't up that hihg, still burned 355 in 45 , so i will take that for feeing soo blah today.

    cris - i hope you feel better, go to the doctor, if it is just gas at least you know it isn't something more.
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    my mom keeps telling me to make an appointment with the GYN...shes knows these pains Im experiencing are not common for me, and she also knows that I am not one to whine this long about pain. I am just scared that I will show up and theyll tell me its just gas, I'll be so embarassed

    Don't be embarassed, I once took care of a lady in the hospital who had surgery because of pain and they found out she was constipated! She then had to have enema's every hour all night long, can you imagine that after abdominal surgery?

    Now that is embarassing. But yours doesn't sound like gas pain, gas pain moves not crampy like TOM.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have decided I need a wife. :laugh: I have zero food in my apartment and I need to go to the gym. I need EXERCISE!! So here is my plan of attack. I MUST go to the grocery store tonight otherwise I'm going to eat out and eat junk. So on my way home from work I will go to the grocery store. Go home cook dinner, eat dinner and then do Jillian Michaels DVD I think. Sounds like a good plan to me. Gym tomorrow! Somebody hold me to this, please!?
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    my mom keeps telling me to make an appointment with the GYN...shes knows these pains Im experiencing are not common for me, and she also knows that I am not one to whine this long about pain. I am just scared that I will show up and theyll tell me its just gas, I'll be so embarassed

    Now Cris mom knows best! Maybe you should make an appointment. Even if it is just gas I'm sure they have seen it a million times and much worse. Or at least call them and tell them what's going on and see what they suggest.

    I agree Cris - you really should go to the GYN - this isn't the first time you've had these pains, I remember you talking about it not long ago too. I wonder if you don't have ovarian cysts or something like that so that it is causing more pain when you ovulate or have pms? - best to get it checked out.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks girls, I decided to wait until tomorrow and see how I feel. Mostly because its too late to call the doctor now.

    Its 100 degrees in Baltimore today....have i mentioned that I HATE the heat?!:explode: :grumble:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm back ... trying again ... I haven't even weighed myself for at least a week because I know I've gained. Funny how much harder everything is when you weigh a few pounds more. Step class was challenging for me this morning, and walking up and down my stairs, etc. I just FEEL heavier. I need to get these new pounds off and get back on track.
    My physical therapist says I can resume body pump just nothing overhead or weights on my back during squats or pushups ... so I'll have to do some adjusting - but I hope to get to a body pump class in the next few days. My neck and arm are hurting less - but I have more numbness off and on in my right hand, it's probably a good thing that I'm still scheduled to see a neurosurgeon next Monday - to at least get his opinion. I don't want this numbness to cause anything permanent.
    I did make it to step this morning, the air conditioner was broken in our NEW studio though so it was really hot and humid. Because of the humidity we were sliding around like we were on ice ... kind of interesting to try to do a step aerobics class that way. AND they are remodeling the women's locker room so for some reason the men were moved to the new family locker room and the women were moved to the old men's locker room (I'm guessing a MAN made that decision!). The old men's locker room was gross! Smells like sweat and wet carpet, no outlets near mirrors for blow dryers or curling irons, no private showers - just one big group shower. I haven't had to shower in a group shower for probably 35 years! and believe me I was NOT very comfortable doing it.... I'm the one that wears a robe instead of just a towel to and from the private showers in the old women's locker room because I don't like to expose too much skin (and fat). At least there weren't many people there in the A.M ... but I filled out a complaint card when I left. I don't know if I want to go through 6 weeks of group showers! I may be driving home to shower after class - but it adds about 45 minutes to my drive because of rush hour traffic issues.
    Someone on MFP told me that I need to make a big change to get re-motivated.... and then I got a fortune cookie yesterday that said I needed to 'break out of my routine this week' ... so I guess I'm getting signs that I need to do something differently. I just have to wrap my head around what change I want to pick. I'm back into a few bad habits that I had quit (eating while I cook dinner, buying lunch instead of bringing it from home, drinking diet pepsi instead of tea, bad food choices, etc.) .... Before I kind of tackled them one at a time ... but I feel like maybe this time I need to stop them all cold turkey - but that seems daunting. I'm a little stuck with jumping in ... I guess I'm writing this to you guys to give myself a push. :huh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lstpaul-This is me pushing you...grrrrr....I don't know if I would drop everything cold turkey. When I do that I go into hardcore craveings. Cut them out one at a time just not a lot of time in between. One a week lets say. Or limit yourself to one diet drink a day. Something like that. That gym shower exeprience sounds brutal. I would of be mortified. I might of just spent the day all sweaty and nasty! What if you got some workout DVDs and did that at home for awhile? Or try out a new class at night possibly? Glad to hear you are feeling a little better though. Hop the numbness is only temporary.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Good to see you back 1st paul....missed you!!!!
    Welcome back from your trip Jess!!!
    Cris I do hope you feel better but pls go see a doc tomorrow if you don't, you never know when it might be something serious. I love watching those medical, ER shows and yesterday there was one with a woman with painful cramps and there was something seriously wrong with her intestines and not getting blood flow and she had to have life saving emergency surgery. :frown: :frown: Don;t mean to scare you :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I just love that stuff.

    I'm definitely with Cris on this heat thing. It's over 100 in NY today and I am staying inside!!!!!! I have fair, sensitive skin and after I went outside today for 5 mins I was red for an hour....it's that HOT, 5 more mins and I would have melted.

    Had a pretty good 4th and didn't eat too many calories but didn't eat the healthiest foods either on Sun & Mon

    Up for the weekly challenge...I have hardly been drinking at all since starting the diet in January so no problem there. I'm also challenging myself to do a strength training exercise every day this week. Yesterday I did triceps & chest press, Sunday I did push ups, today shoulder press while holding a deep squat.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Got my name changed on my license! Lied about my weight! :laugh: But lied 10 pounds less than what was on it from when I lied when I was 15. :laugh: It said 165 when I weighed 275. Now it says 175 and I weigh 195.

    Honey, mine still says 140! :tongue: I never changed it from 20 years ago, and every time I go to renew the cranky MoDot person says, "Are you SURE there is nothing you need to update?" And I gleefully respond, "Nope. Everything is perfect." :laugh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    cris - def doctor. And don't feel hopeless about the summer. I think we are all struggling in our own ways this summer, but we CAN do it! YOU can do it! I've decided recently that since obviously the summer is throwing me a curve ball, that I will just start ENJOYING the time I spend with family and friends and NOT stress about the numbers on the scale. I am not overeating or anything, and I am still exercising, but I refuse to look back in September and wonder, "Where did summer go and why did I cry about my weight every day?"
    deb - sending you positive thoughts for your nervousness. {{{hugs}}}
    lstpaul - SO happy to see you!!! I'd be furious about the gym situation. That is twisted! Complain you must (suddenly I am Yoda).
    Welcome back Miranda! We've missed you, too!
    meokk and all easterners - OUCH on your heat wave! One of my bros lives in Boston and he said it is brutal! And of course his a/c just broke, go figure.

    I am with you girls who do NOT want to go to the gym tonight. I am thinking of every excuse in the book to just watch TV!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Calories- way over, prob around 2100 if I logged properly
    water- not enough
    sodium- sky high
    excercise- no
    proud- not really I bad a good day then got home and ate everything in sight even though I wasn't hungry
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hello, hello! I've been lurking all day. I'm up 3.6 from last week, but after this weekend, I'm not surprised. Sunday I had about 2000 cals and yesterday I had movie theater popcorn and homemade nachos! YOWSA! Let's just say I enjoyed my long weekend. :bigsmile:

    Back in it this week. As my east coast sisters have noted, it's freaking HOT! So outdoor exercise ain't happening! My pilates class was cancelled today, there will be no 1.75 mile walk tomorrow, and I'm guessing yoga in the park will be cancelled as well. I'm going to try out a new yoga studio on Thursday if yoga in the park is cancelled. So I'm for sure going to get in exercise.

    I've been yo-yoing like crazy the past 4 weeks. Check it out...

    6/15 - 186.0
    6/22 - 188.4
    6/29 - 183.0
    7/6 - 186.6

    I didn't change my ticker on 6/22 and I don't think I'm going to change it this week. If I am up still next week, I will own that gain Right now I'm not sure how much of this is sodium retention (did I mention the popcorn and the chips yesterday?!?) and how much of it is legit gain. Seem fair?
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Seems very fair, elmox. Do what is right for you. I know I had a revisit by Mr. FOUR, but I refuse to acknowledge it right now. Now if he comes a-knockin' next week too, then I may reconsider.

    cris - tomorrow is a new day. And the good news is, we're all alive to experience it! Nothing else matters, really. Live the day with gusto until your mojo returns in full force.

    I said that to cris but I meant it for all of us. A good friend & his family were celebrating the fourth at his family's cabin at a lakeside resort of sorts (Innsbrook, for all you MO-ians). They went to see the fireworks, piled onto the golf cart, and drove up the hill to their cabin. My friend's brother turned his head toward his wife, who was next to him on the cart, only to find her not there. She had fallen off the golf cart and landed on her head. The force of the fall crushed her skull and caused her to have a stroke. She is paralyzed on the entire right side of her body, and lays unconscious in a hospital bed right now. All from falling off a little golf cart. Puts life and weight loss in an entirely different perspective for me.

    check in:
    cals: under a bit
    water: 100
    exercise: elliptical and treadmill, with a little water exercise thrown in for color. :)
    proud: I am doing the best I can right now with what I have. And I'm proud that you are all my sisters!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I bit the bullet & stepped on the scale this morning. No 2... whew! But too close for comfort at 197.whatever it was.

    For some reason I feel good about yesterday (I have no reason to and I'll tell you why). I had pizza for lunch and then I had a slice at work last night because I was starving. Then when I got out of the gym I wanted nothing more than vegetable maki and banana pudding... so that's what I had. :tongue: But that's the first time I've "made it" to the gym in 1.5 weeks. I only had 30 minutes before they closed by the time I got off work & got there so it would've been really easy to use that as an excuse not to go at all. But I got there and I busted my balls on the elliptical for 30 minutes. I thought my hips & quads were going to fall off. :smile: It's good to be back. I had also forgotten a sports bra so that was another good excuse I didn't use. I marched my forgetful behind right over to KMart and grabbed one. It was priced $11.99 but when I got to the register it range up $1.99!! :noway: You have no idea how happy that made me. $1.99 for an awesome sports bra. It's so much better than any of the other ones I have. Too bad that was the only one they had or I would've gone back and grabbed about 5 more. :tongue: You know I love a bargain. :drinker:

    The eating the same calories every day thing just isn't working out for me mentally. Turns out I'm really motivated by "earning" those exercise calories. :tongue: So I'm now at a 1260 base (to lose 1.5#/week) +exercise cals. I'm going to stick with that as strictly as possible this month & see what happens. I feel like I've been having too many "off" days lately when I don't exercise and I don't keep my calories down enough. In July, if I want to splurge I *have* to work for it. No excuses.
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