No sugars and no carbs



  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    jeanieneni wrote: »
    Hi Microwoman, You are now on a ketogenic diet. Congratulations! Have a look at diet for guidance and amazing recipes. Care MUST be taken on a low-carb diet to eat sufficient fats (for energy), and sufficient sodium (salt). Very low carb levels mean we flush a lot of excess fluids out of our system, thereby losing sodium. With insufficient sodium in the blood, we die. It's THAT important. Once you get a handle on this, you will love it. It's DELICIOUS. You CAN eat cream and butter, and olive oil. Yoghurt and cheese are fine, since the cultures used in making these products have already dealt with any carbs, leaving none for you! And BTW, above-ground vegetables have little carbs, and should be okay for you to eat.
    I wish you well, but DO THE RESEARCH for your health's sake. Jeanieneni

    Ketogentic diets incorporate vegetables, most of the time.
    Above ground vegetables ARE carbs. They just have fewer than below ground vegetables. Vegetables are awesome. recommends lots of them.

    Ketogenic diets don't flush toxins.

    But yes, do your research if you decide to do a ketogenic diet. Like, for example, the ones Dr. whats his name on the diet doctor site, recommends. No where does he recommend "no carbs".

    OP: if you decide to follow a low carb or ketogenic diet, do your research. I would NOT recommend going from a standard American diet to "zero carb" with no transition, if ever. The dietdoctor website is a good place to learn. Note his "side effects" section.

    This. OP - I lost most all my weight on a liberal keto diet. I loved it. As a matter of fact, the primary reason I began to veer away from it was hunger. This seems to be very much a "Your Mileage May Vary" issue, but I was always ravenous within an hour of eating a huge meal.

    #1 I did track calories and found a restriction easier to manage going low carb.
    #2 Do that research on side effects!
    #3 I lost my weight on lchf, but seem to need carbs to manage hunger. Why? Don't know.
    #4 Research your recipes, plan and shop ahead of time. Last minute didn't work well with me.

    Enjoy your journey, and best of luck with it.

    Oh - I'm siding with the others regarding your doctors advice. My current doc is pretty excellent, but I went through some bad ones to get to him. Getting a registered dieticians advice may well be worth the time and money for you.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    I have not been tracking calories yet or sodium. Mostly trying to change my style slowly but for the most part I'm doing ok with the transition. I will start tracking what I eat so I can gauge it better. I remember when I was on my last diet I craved salt a lot. So I better watch that if that is what can cause leg cramps. No one likes cramps! There is one person in particular that has messaged me twice and I know they are trolling on here so they will see this message. Nothing nasty just rude. If I could block them it would make me feel better.

    I would definitely start tracking calories, macros and sodium. This way if you have questions we can actually provide a better response.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    have you heard of the NSNG way of eating (No Sugar No Grain) - it's not a 'low carb' diet - you basically don't eat sugars or grains (wheat, rice, pasta, flour, oats - etc). Research grains and sugar and what they do to the body. It's not the food that makes us fat, it's hormones that are disrupted by the FOODs that we eat!

    Fat is NOT the enemy - healthy fats (NOT CRAPPY FATS like vegetable oil, corn oil, partially hydrogenated oils -etc) are actually good for you. Avacados, heavy whipping cream, butter, bacon, beef, chicken thighs, olives- all good for you.

    NSNG is not a low carb diet, but from eating the right foods, carbs are automatically lowered. If you want more info, message me and I'll send you a link

    For the person who said "This site is based on calorie reduction...with guidelines on nutritional macros (fiber, sodium, protein, etc.) to aim for...and promoting it in a SUSTAINABLE way." THAT Is a crazy diet.

    calorie reduction is impossible to sustain. If it wasn't - jenny craig, weight watchers and all of those other 'calorie counting' diets would not be making money and getting repeat clients. Why? We all know, once you go back to eating all those calories, you gain the weight back.

  • kaytbugz09
    kaytbugz09 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been doing keto/low carb since Halloween and it's been GREAT! Everyone who is freaking out on @microwoman999 needs to stop. A lot of people are on a similar diet, Low Carb/High Fat, and have had great success. I'm not extremely strict on the diet. If I want to eat a sandwich with real bread, ice cream, etc., I go ahead and have it. Only if I really want it. Otherwise, my sugar/carb cravings have practically disappeared. All symptoms from my bad gall bladder have disappeared. My bloodwork, taken just before Christmas, shows great improvements in cholesterol in the past year. I've also lost 15 pounds and two pant sizes! Sure, it sounds sketchy, but it is sustainable and it does work. Don't just automatically assume that a doctor is crazy for suggesting such a diet!
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    watch some videos on sugars and grains by gary taubes - you will learn a lot and change the way you eat
  • RoToQ
    RoToQ Posts: 93 Member
    edited January 2017
    In my experience, the problem with sugar is how addictive it can become. Yes CICO is still the basic rule, but when your CI is hard to keep down because you're craving something (usually sugary), it doesn't make it easy to eat less. I've found keto to keep the hunger away.

    I personally wouldn't consider it a diet for life though, but I find it useful for losing fat in a cut and have had much more success with it that a standard 40/40/20 or 33/33/33 split in macros. Again, not because of the magical foods, but because I find it easier to eat less overall calories and feel less deprived/depleted.
  • GYATagain
    GYATagain Posts: 141 Member
    OP - you will find saying No Carb No Sugar gets many people's undies in a bunch. I sincerely hope you will find a happy medium. And go by how you feel and the energy you have and being able to lose weight doing deficit. I am "allergic" if you would (makes me puke fairly quickly) to the artificial sweeteners, so avoid those at all cost. Was diagnosed with Hypo Thyroid/Hashimoto a few years back and Post menopausal (so many fun things) so in my research found cutting/limiting wheat products, processed products, added sugar products has made me feel so much better. The 70# loss was actually a side effect of eating better and having more energy to get out there and walk/run. I concentrate on what I Can have as opposed to what makes me feel yucky. Good fats are a must! Fruits, Veggies and significant protein are what I have found does the trick. I'm sure none of this comes as a huge surprise - what did come as a pleasant surprise was how good I started feeling after changing my WOE for Life -- not just for now until I lose weight.... Life! Yep -- now, I indulge in a sweet thing now and then and sure as shootin' pay the piper in dragging my backside around from a few days. Find what makes You feel good and what You can sustain.
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    Are you getting this advice from a MD, a dietician, or an alternative medicine provider?
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Sugar didn't make you gain weight...EXCESS CALORIES DID!

    Well yeah, obviously! Overeating sugar ;) Bash fat all you want, but I can tell you that I have never sat with a tub of butter, unable to put the utensil down because I just HAD to have another bite. Substitute butter with ice cream however, and you'll see where my weight problems come from.

    If you re-read my post, I had nothing bad to say about restricting all calories and keeping sugar in your diet. It is (not-so-simple) physics of energy in, energy out (not-so-simple due to the variables that can change the rate (metabolism) of the individual's energy expenditure, but simple due to the easy to understand concept of what goes in, must come out) This was just my viewpoint on a type of diet that a lot of people seem misinformed about. I don't think many people just jump on the ketogenic diet without doing some research first. And the research predominantly states that it's hella good for my purposes.

    Oh, also you'd be surprised how many people jump onto any kind of diet with little to no research.