Gym Hogs Vent

My Gold's Gym has 1 incline bench and 1 decline bench. Yesterday a guy got on the incline bench right before me and the only thing I did not do right was ask him how many sets he had to go. I did not 'hover' over him waiting. I simply walked on the inside circular type track waiting for him to finish.

This guy did 6 sets, which was not the problem. The problem was after each set he would pose in the mirror, then go get his cushy ball to sit on and do individual sets of one legged sit ups, then would put the ball back in the corner after bouncing it a few times, then he would walk all the way to the other side of the gym to get his drink of water, after each set. Twice he thought it would be a good idea to take even longer to do some texting on his phone.

I could not ask to work in with him since he had two plates on each side. I did not want to skip that exercise since my next exercise was the decline bench which was also being used by 3 young guys who took equally long to laugh and talk between each set. It is somewhat important for me to stick to my routine, regardless of how long I had to weight, so THAT is my issue and not theirs.

I just really have a problem with 'meat heads' who obviously know the gym and that there might be people politely waiting for them to finish, but not making themselves obvious. It was an interesting display of absolute extreme narcissism to see this guy plant his flag on this only station for doing incline bench's while doing multiple exercises and not exercising time management for the benefit of other gym members.

I wrote a complaint to the gym last night but I doubt it will do any good. There just always seems to be "THAT PERSON", usually a dude, who is oblivious to other members wanting to just get their workout in. And enough of the flexing in the mirror. Seriously, no one is impressed with your muscles when you are hogging the only incline bench station in the gym.


  • richln
    richln Posts: 809 Member
    You should see the dirty looks I get when I am running GVT. Deep down, I am not really a bad person.
  • donjtomasco
    donjtomasco Posts: 790 Member
    What is GVT?
  • richln
    richln Posts: 809 Member
    It involves 10 sets of 10 reps, with some resting required in between sets because it is hard.
    If you ask to work in, most people will let you if they are taking long rests. It only takes a few seconds to change out plates.
  • annmareeofoz
    annmareeofoz Posts: 7 Member
    Maybe see what other gym options you have in your area? With better patrons/atmosphere and more equipment? Although easier said than done if you're in a smaller town and you're locked into a contract at your current gym.

    I've certainly heard horror stories about gyms and their patrons - but I am so glad joined a really good one where we don't have any real meatheads or anyone simply posing to take up time. The people are easy going and just get in and do what they have to do, no one worries about looking at anyone else, or judging anyone, or showing off.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    I don't consider it extreme narcissism, just a dude doing his normal workout that probably called for a 3-6min rest between sets. And he filled in that time with some ab work, getting water, some preening (yeah, that's a little narcissistic). He didn't know you were waiting.

    I'm working with heavy enough weights right now that the recommended rest period is 3-4 minutes. That's a LONG time. If I see someone nearby, I politely ask if they would like to work in. Otherwise, there is nothing else to do but finish your workout.

    I do feel your frustration however. My gym only has one squat rack and nothing is worse than doing your warmup with one eye on the empty squat rack only to see someone saunter over there right before you do. That's gym life.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,996 Member
    edited January 2017
    You won't get much sympathy, if you don't even say anything to try to get access to the equipment, especially if using that gear is so critical to your workout.

    The only possible solutions would be to: 1) say something, 2) join a gym w/more equipment that you need/use so that you will be less likely to have to wait or 3) if you have the $ and space, set up the equipment that you need in your house.

    I chose to do the latter.
  • Soccermavrick
    Soccermavrick Posts: 405 Member
    Next time carry the shotgun with you, it will probably go further than the letter.

    Honestly I would have asked to work in, but not everyone likes doing that, but the gym is a community. Unfortunately if you are lifting solo it is too easy to lose track of time. Because four to five minutes between sets is NOT normal no matter how heavy you lift. (Obviously he does not have a life outside of the gym to get back to.) Muscle grow based on the amount stress put on them, not the amount of rest between sets, so you would probably be doing him a favor pacing him.
  • hellobaconplease
    hellobaconplease Posts: 108 Member
    This is why I don't get what the appeal of a gym is. Much better having my own weights at home.
  • samhennings
    samhennings Posts: 441 Member
    What is GVT?

    German Volime Training, I believe. As the reply stated, 10 sets of 10. A lot of work!

    I would certainly be resting between sets on that.

    Its fairly accepted that if you go and ask how many sets someone has, they will happily let you work in.

    I did exactly that yesterday morning, someone wanted to know, I offered they share the bench.

    The weights he was using were different, so we just switched them between sets, really no big deal.

    However, without him coming over to ask, how am I to know he even wanted the bench? Generally Im too focused on what I am doing myself to notice someone patiently waiting over the way...
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    Back when I had a gym membership (a while now) it was a smaller mom and pop owned outfit that regularly had 15-25 people at a given time. I made it a point to get to know folks, and everyone with the exception of the owners son lol, was pretty willing to work sets around each other.

    Most folks are fairly easy going and might enjoy the banter you can have.
  • HG210
    HG210 Posts: 103 Member
    Gym life is hard. You have to find a way to insert yourself in there in order to get a consistent work out. I say try early morning or late night and avoid the gym rats. Can't be mad at them.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    You didn't ask to work in. That's on you.