Gym Hogs Vent



  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    You were flagged cuz you melted a snowflake, they were offended.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    HG210 wrote: »
    I read all the post and have been reading them from the beginning. I call it like I see it. Making it seem like the gym is a place you can tap someone on the shoulder and they kindly accommodate you is crap. That is why there are gyms like planet fitness advertising "Judgment Free Zone". Call me what you want.

    But people really do try to accommodate each other. I've asked to work in with someone and someone has asked to work in with me, and we accommodated each other. I've hogged equipment and someone has asked if they could have the bar I currently wasn't using, and I've let them b/c I already had the squat rack and was being a hog; plus I knew a different move that could still work my glutes on the squat rack. Granted, I've only ever lifted at the YMCA, so maybe people are friendlier there. At the moment, a girl and I always go to the gym at the same time and we both use the squat rack at the same time. While I'm resting she's on the rack, while I'm resting she's on the rack. It does really happen that way. It's just a matter of stepping out of one's comfort zone and asking. I get it, it's hard; especially, if your an introvert like me, but it can be done.

    I couldn't agree more. It was really hard for me to go out of my comfort zone at first, but now most of the regulars and I are on a fist bump basis lol. People have even offered to let me use their personal liquid chalk and helped load/unload the bar. Nicest people I have met have been at the gym.
  • jagodfrey08
    jagodfrey08 Posts: 425 Member
    edited January 2017
    Ugh. We had a similar issue at our gym Tuesday. 2 flat benches for bench press. People waiting. We did incline first while this guy sits on the flatbbench, staring into space for 5 minutes. He does 1 rep, sits up and stares into space for another 5 minutes. After my husband and I each finish 4 sets on the incline, we walk towards the flat bench, thinking he's gotta be done because he's getting up. Nope. He gets up, puts his jacket on the bench and walks out of the weight room. We move to the fly machine and each do 3 sets there while he continues to stare into space and do one rep. We finally finish that and stand there, waiting for the flat bench. He FINALLY gets done with whatever he was doing and goes to another area. Even so, he left chalk all over the bar, which our gym has asked people not to do.

    I can handle the weight slammer, the BO people, and even the ones who don't wipe stuff down. It's just really frustrating when people aren't aware of others waiting on equipment.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    Ugh. We had a similar issue at our gym Tuesday. 2 flat benches for bench press. People waiting. We did incline first while this guy sits on the flatbbench, staring into space for 5 minutes. He does 1 rep, sits up and stares into space for another 5 minutes. After my husband and I each finish 4 sets on the incline, we walk towards the flat bench, thinking he's gotta be done because he's getting up. Nope. He gets up, puts his jacket on the bench and walks out of the weight room. We move to the fly machine and each do 3 sets there while he continues to stare into space and do one rep. We finally finish that and stand there, waiting for the flat bench. He FINALLY gets done with whatever he was doing and goes to another area. Even so, he left chalk all over the bar, which our gym has asked people not to do.

    I can handle the weight slammer, the BO people, and even the ones who don't wipe stuff down. It's just really frustrating when people are so rude.

    Edited to include - This guy did not even appear to be a powerlifting, and he didn't not have a what would be considered heavy weights on the bar.

    Maybe he has health issues and has to take things slowly? I have to take long rests,though I work out at home so it doesn't affect anyone else.
  • jagodfrey08
    jagodfrey08 Posts: 425 Member
    We did our best to work around and wait, but it's just inconsiderate honestly. When the gym is that packed, you shouldn't spend that much time, sitting on a bench, especially if people are waiting.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    I guess I'm in the minority, but it sounds like dude was just being a *kitten*.

    Yes, it's possible he was just resting between sets, but the whole checking himself out in the mirror bit after each set and going to get a sip of water after each set just seems excessive.
  • jagodfrey08
    jagodfrey08 Posts: 425 Member
    Because there were multiple people waiting on the equipment. Not just us. It was absolutely obvious that people needed to use it. It wasn't like there were 3 people in the gym, and we kept silent. The gym was in full swing with 20 people in the weight room, and at least 6 of them waiting on the bench press.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited January 2017
    We did our best to work around and wait, but it's just inconsiderate honestly. When the gym is that packed, you shouldn't spend that much time, sitting on a bench, especially if people are waiting.

    Did he know you were waiting?
    Did you ask to work in?

    I take time to recover in between my lifts. I am not looking around to see who wants the equipment I am on and I don't pay attention to my surroundings like that. But if you ask me to work in I am more than happy to let someone work in. People are not mind readers.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Ugh, I had just jumped on the treadmill yesterday and this pouty thing was staring at my like I had just stolen the only available treadmill (okay, maybe it was the only one), and continued to stare at me like I had kicked her on my way. Through the whole workout! She never once said anything to me, not a peep about how long I would be, just stared. It was rather uncomfortable. I should perhaps mention that my treadmill is in my living room, and I did teach my dog to use the treadmill, so she seems to think it's hers. OP, do you think this guy might be telling a different story to his friends today? You didn't ask. This is on you, not him.

    This is the best post I've read all day.
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    Havent commented on this yet, but are my general thoughts. Most people at my gym unrack their weights so empty bar means free station. Bar with weights in it usually means in use, but I think there is a responsibility to remain by the station during your rest periods, not withstanding a quick water or bathroom break. I also think someone who plans to take 10 min rest breaks should factor that in when deciding when to go, and maybe avoid high traffic times. But I do agree on the idea of OP at least asking "how many sets you got left?"
  • donjtomasco
    donjtomasco Posts: 790 Member
    It wasn't me JoRocka, I am at the gym waiting for a meathead to finish his campout on the incline bench. But I am not complaining, besides I never flag comments, pretty lame thing to do.
  • donjtomasco
    donjtomasco Posts: 790 Member
    Carlos, that was not me who commented in-between your last two comments. Will you now be going back months and years through the old threads to pull out old comments that I have made to comment on in this thread? I don't think that would be very constructive to our members. But help yourself if this helps you feel better.