Gym Hogs Vent



  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited January 2017
    Nevermind. I see it's been addressed. :)
  • HG210
    HG210 Posts: 103 Member
    You guys are really ridiculous the way you all go off on a fellow MFP. I agree no one should call anyone out of his or her name but this is the second post I've read that you all were going off on someone that is venting or asking for support. So it makes you the better person when you start ranting and going off on something you don't like that someone said or did? Hmmmm let me check......NO!!!!! So he should have asked, so he could have handled it different, but who the heck are you all to chastise someone. Get over yourselves. The gym is very intimidating and most people are not as accommodating as you all are saying. The people that are going off I am sure you are one of them.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited January 2017

    Darn. Too slow again. :)
  • HG210
    HG210 Posts: 103 Member
    I meant what I said. I guess you the trains conductor.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    edited January 2017
    HG210 wrote: »
    You guys are really ridiculous the way you all go off on a fellow MFP. I agree no one should call anyone out of his or her name but this is the second post I've read that you all were going off on someone that is venting or asking for support. So it makes you the better person when you start ranting and going off on something you don't like that someone said or did? Hmmmm let me check......NO!!!!! So he should have asked, so he could have handled it different, but who the heck are you all to chastise someone. Get over yourselves. The gym is very intimidating and most people are not as accommodating as you all are saying. The people that are going off I am sure you are one of them.

    Darn. Too slow again. :)

    Physician, heal thyself!
  • richln
    richln Posts: 809 Member
    HG210 wrote: »
    You guys are really ridiculous the way you all go off on a fellow MFP. I agree no one should call anyone out of his or her name but this is the second post I've read that you all were going off on someone that is venting or asking for support. So it makes you the better person when you start ranting and going off on something you don't like that someone said or did? Hmmmm let me check......NO!!!!! So he should have asked, so he could have handled it different, but who the heck are you all to chastise someone. Get over yourselves. The gym is very intimidating and most people are not as accommodating as you all are saying. The people that are going off I am sure you are one of them.

    So you are ranting against people who are ranting? There is a support and motivation forum that might be better suited for people who are too sensitive for unfiltered opinions. This forum tends to have knowledge that isn't always packed with kindness and rainbows.
  • HG210
    HG210 Posts: 103 Member
    That is funny since no one shared any knowledge.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    edited January 2017
    To bring it back to something constructive, OP if I'm ever without a bench, I just substitute a stability/yoga ball. Stability ball with dumbbells will give you a pretty fierce workout due to all of the stabilization needed.
  • donjtomasco
    donjtomasco Posts: 790 Member
    Thanks HG210. And I am guilty of snarking back after being taken apart a little. Seriously, I am not upset any more at the gym people who do that. I just speed walk till they are done and I am getting some cardio done till they are done on the only station in the gym. Trust me, I am not going to just lean on a machine and wait, I am going to be moving and trying to use every minute in the gym in a calorie burn way. I was pretty out of sorts after leaving the gym that day which was when I posted this. Note I said "Vent" in the title. That is what I was doing venting. I usually will sleep on something but thought it was okay to let lose with other MFP'rs but I did not communicate very well. My bad.

    But no, I am not going to go up to a station where I will have 20 pounds on each side, to ask a guy who lives in the gym and has multiple plates on each side to work in with him. Maybe I will get over that one day. Till then, it will just take longer to get my workout in but I will get a lot more cardio done while I wait.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    This is an extremely sensitive group. I probably should not post anymore here. There are 4 squat stations at our gym. I think there is a difference in taking a 10 minute break in-between sets when there is only one station like the incline bench, versus 4 stations to squat at. Plus there are two squat machines which work fine for most people like me probably, should all four squat stations be taken by people taking 10 minute breaks for their 5-6 sets. I get it, almost an hour at one station. I just did not know that this was normal gym behavior. But now I know.

    Lucky! There's only 1 squat rack at my gym.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited January 2017
    SideSteel wrote: »
    I know rest times have been mentioned but for what it's worth:

    If cutting your rest times short cause you to lift when you're not 100% ready, you are then reducing either the total number of repetitions done (lower total work done) or you are being forced to use a lower weight. Simply put, if you lift before you are ready to maximally perform, you are compromising work output.

    Both of these are likely sub-optimal from a muscle growth standpoint and the latter is definitely sub-optimal from a strength standpoint.

    For either strength OR hypertrophy, you should usually rest until you are ready to perform maximally on the next set.

    Would lack of recovery time not also raise the risk of injury?
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    HG210 wrote: »
    You guys are really ridiculous the way you all go off on a fellow MFP. I agree no one should call anyone out of his or her name but this is the second post I've read that you all were going off on someone that is venting or asking for support. So it makes you the better person when you start ranting and going off on something you don't like that someone said or did? Hmmmm let me check......NO!!!!! So he should have asked, so he could have handled it different, but who the heck are you all to chastise someone. Get over yourselves. The gym is very intimidating and most people are not as accommodating as you all are saying. The people that are going off I am sure you are one of them.

    I've found everyone (especially those who are taking longer rest times) to be very accommodating at my gym. I've asked several people to spot me on bench press and they are always happy to do so, even asking if I will need help again. We only have 2 squat racks, and people are great about asking how many sets you have left and saying take your time and don't rush just because they're waiting. You really just have to talk to people sometimes instead of assuming they're all asshats.
    And as mentioned above, if there are alternatives such as a squat machine vs squat rack, why couldn't OP do that if he really couldn't stand waiting or working in? Do incline DB press instead. He seems to think it's ok for legs, so it should be for pressing as well, right?
    My gym also has only one incline bench station, and it rarely gets used. If someone wants to nap there it'd be fine by me. Just say something and people will most likely always accommodate.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    This is an extremely sensitive group. I probably should not post anymore here. There are 4 squat stations at our gym. I think there is a difference in taking a 10 minute break in-between sets when there is only one station like the incline bench, versus 4 stations to squat at. Plus there are two squat machines which work fine for most people like me probably, should all four squat stations be taken by people taking 10 minute breaks for their 5-6 sets. I get it, almost an hour at one station. I just did not know that this was normal gym behavior. But now I know.

    Nobody's being sensitive, even the person you insulted. People are telling you that it's 100% normal and fine for you to ask to work in. In fact, if you had just asked that person how many sets he had left, there's an excellent chance he would've asked you if you wanted to work in (especially since he was taking rest periods on the longer side). They're trying to tell you that there is a more effective way to deal with that situation that would've gotten you what you wanted.

    Plus, not everyone lifts the same way, and that's okay. People have different goals, and they lift at different percentages of their max. What would be an excessive amount of rest for me can be an appropriate amount of rest for someone else. The majority of gym regulars are more than willing to cooperate with other people to make sure that everyone gets the chance to use the equipment they need, but you have to ask. He's a meathead, not a mind-reader.
  • donjtomasco
    donjtomasco Posts: 790 Member
    Funny thing is, people who are bent out of shape by what I said don't have to read this thread and comment. You choose to do so. And I appreciate your opinion. But if I get ripped I might do some ripping too, since I did not start this thread to start a hullabaloo. I did not jump in this thread and take it sideways, I started it. Sounds like it might be helping some people get over their bad days and let off some steam which is not a bad thing. Glad it helps some if that's the case. I take no offense.