Things people do that annoys you in the gym.



  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    Rosie_TG wrote: »
    People who glare at me with a look of distain just because I don't fit their idea of a "proper" gym member.

    pfft.... those people aren't worthy of your regard.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Rosie_TG wrote: »
    People who glare at me with a look of distain just because I don't fit their idea of a "proper" gym member.

    LOL. It's probably just Resting B____ Face. I doubt anyone really cares. ;)
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    katyjane49 wrote: »
    I don't use the gym equipment but do go to classes and get annoyed with people who leave 5 or 10 minutes before the end of the class. Commit to the whole class. One week I was in an aqua class and one woman decided to leave but stopped to chat with her friend when I was boxing. I swore at her under my breath. Hopefully she heard me. Another one in aqua is the ones that put no effort in and stand there chatting the whole time. Firstly u can't hear the instructor and secondly if u only want a chat why not just go for a coffee. I think some of them think just turning up is enough to get fit

    this! and you just know the chatters in the pool are telling everyone (Drs included) that, 'they swim 5 times a week and do aqua classes' and that they, 'just can't seem to lose weight/tone up'

    people annoy me in BodyPump when they set up right behind me. Ok, I was set up here first and there is tonnes of room, back off and give me my planned lunge space back!!
  • MrStabbems
    MrStabbems Posts: 3,110 Member

    Get on with your workout or build a home gym.
  • yoherbs421
    yoherbs421 Posts: 160 Member
    I'm kinda stunned by all the judgemental posts here.

    Honestly you people are thinking about others way to much. I can guarantee that the super fit people, the athletes and the staff members aren't paying you any attention or letting you annoy them.

    Guys, you're allowing strangers to affect your feelings.. WTF?

    Yea pretty much.

    I make the "uhhhh" grunting sound too when I squat and deadlift. Nobody cares my gym is cool!
  • Joehall1975
    Joehall1975 Posts: 4 Member
    Has sweat or crap down the crack of their pants/shorts then gets up and walks away without wiping the bench down! I spray cleaner all over it and just look straight at them while imaging them getting stuck under a barbell!
  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    When the signs clearly say to make sure you are dry before walking into the locker room from the showers or pool, and people ignore it.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    SusieQ842 wrote: »
    People who make the sound "uhhhhhh"

    I would drive you crazy. I make a lot of angry sounds when I'm lifting heavy. If I'm at the end of my capacity I tend to do that cause it helps you with the lifting.

    Can't really help it, don't really care if it were to bother anyone anyhow. I'm focused on my own workout, not anyone else.
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    Just put your weights back where you got them on the rack and its all good!
  • neilhoopy
    neilhoopy Posts: 280 Member
    People trying to talk to me
  • DasItMan91
    DasItMan91 Posts: 5,753 Member
    kaizaku wrote: »
    Just today when I was using the reverse fly machine. A guy tapped me on my back to ask whilst me doing my set. I think he also had a towel in the same hand. I hate people touching me. Why can't you wait then ask. Sweaty hand touches me, irritated the hell of of me.

    Anyone who reads this, please don't tap on people to ask how many sets. Wait till he is done then ask.

    I tend to wave my hand in their direction to get their attention especially if they're wearing earphones or headphones, I try not to touch anyone.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    edited June 2017
    kaizaku wrote: »
    ...I hate people touching me...



    This is the look you will get if you get too close to me. I may even bite:

  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    DasItMan91 wrote: »
    kaizaku wrote: »
    Just today when I was using the reverse fly machine. A guy tapped me on my back to ask whilst me doing my set. I think he also had a towel in the same hand. I hate people touching me. Why can't you wait then ask. Sweaty hand touches me, irritated the hell of of me.

    Anyone who reads this, please don't tap on people to ask how many sets. Wait till he is done then ask.

    I tend to wave my hand in their direction to get their attention especially if they're wearing earphones or headphones, I try not to touch anyone.

    That's fine, wave your hand. Even if someone stands next to me, I will look. Since I train on my own and don't expect anyone to be standing and staring at me close. So no need to touch.
  • megemrj
    megemrj Posts: 547 Member
    I had someone repeatedly rap on my squat rack with a water bottle to get my ask if a power-rack two slots away from me was being used.

    If someone's earbuds are in and they are squatting don't distract them. Friggin ask someone else, please, like the person you passed by to ask me! Or wait!

    The look I gave him probably shriveled anything he prized on his body. I'm surprised fire didn't shoot out of my eyes and mouth.
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    Jus the other day, a guy went past me shaked his towel. Do it on the side not front when I'm walking past. Are people that stupid.
  • drimbruno2016
    drimbruno2016 Posts: 8 Member
    People that don't clean after themselves.... Hello MRSA :neutral:
  • Carillon_Campanello
    Carillon_Campanello Posts: 726 Member
    1. (clearly already stated in this thread) Not racking your weights/plates.
    2. #1 and leaving your plates on the leg press as such...

  • J_NY_Z
    J_NY_Z Posts: 2,540 Member
    Lollygag! Knock it off I'm here to work.