Tonight I had the dumbest conversation with target staff



  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Usually indicates that a man has more than one significant other (in a consensual way, not as an affair). Although have seen the term mean afew other things as well.


    And it affects you how exactly?

    @elphie754 I'm glad you got a good response from the manufacturer and from Target Head Office. The stupidity of some people just never ceases to amaze me...
  • buffalogal42
    buffalogal42 Posts: 374 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    Contact Target headquarters. They'd probably love to know one of their stores is selling food expired for a year and employees laughing it off when a customer brings it to their attention.

    I have found Target to be very responsive on Twitter when I have had issues.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    TmacMMM wrote: »
    Yes, to each their own. Let's move on, shall we? Ancient egg sandwiches are the topic.

    And suddenly the disgusting thought of the "100 year old egg" delicacy crossed my mind. Just looking at pictures of that is a huge nope.
    Heh, this is my fault and can't be blamed on Target or any other retailer, but on the weekend I cleaned out my baking shelf and threw out a container of Gelatine that had expired in...

    ... wait for it...


    I don't even know how it got there, I was living in another country in 2009, for goodness sake, and certainly didn't bring any ingredients home with me.

    Oh geez. When I first went on light duty at work for being pregnant, I was cleaning out the back storage closet, that was very rarely used. Found pieces of equipment that hadn't been tested since 2001. Okay, forgivable, no one is usually back there and I'm convinced that somewhere in the creepy room there is a skeleton.

    Then I started going through all the bags (the ones that are supposed to be checked by the crew taking them) and found things that expired 3 months ago. Needless to say, they all got written up.
    jgnatca wrote: »
    After the Fort McMurray fire the local Wal-Mart has been charged for restocking the shelves authorities had identified as contaminated. No excuse.

    That's sad. Anything to make that extra dollar, right???
    Elphie, I hope that mystery shopper (?) nails them! A year past expiry.... nope!
    Heh, this is my fault and can't be blamed on Target or any other retailer, but on the weekend I cleaned out my baking shelf and threw out a container of Gelatine that had expired in...

    ... wait for it...


    I don't even know how it got there, I was living in another country in 2009, for goodness sake, and certainly didn't bring any ingredients home with me.

    Mmmmgross. :laugh:

    My husbands grandmother had a can of cheddar soup that expired in 1989 that she refused to throw out. That was fun.

    Hahaha, we found similar things in my grandmothers cellar when we had to make her move (closer to family since everyone lived 2+ hours away). I lost count of how many times we heard "you shouldn't waste food....."
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Usually indicates that a man has more than one significant other (in a consensual way, not as an affair). Although have seen the term mean afew other things as well.


    And it affects you how exactly?

    @elphie754 I'm glad you got a good response from the manufacturer and from Target Head Office. The stupidity of some people just never ceases to amaze me...

    I'm actually surprised I got such a good response. I was expecting them to just say "whatever" and hang up.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    Got some chuckles out of reading this thread! I'm pleased to know that Target stores are carrying more GF items, so will have to check that out (along with the expiry date). And, yes, I do have a gluten allergy as if anyone cares.

    Along the same topic, I recall a few years ago finding a package of very moldy cheese in the dairy section at Safeway. It was nearly covered with green mold inside the package. I carried it up to the cashier and said "this cheese is moldy". Her response - "do you still want to buy it?" WTH??! :s
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    Got some chuckles out of reading this thread! I'm pleased to know that Target stores are carrying more GF items, so will have to check that out (along with the expiry date). And, yes, I do have a gluten allergy as if anyone cares.

    Along the same topic, I recall a few years ago finding a package of very moldy cheese in the dairy section at Safeway. It was nearly covered with green mold inside the package. I carried it up to the cashier and said "this cheese is moldy". Her response - "do you still want to buy it?" WTH??! :s

    Why yes, I would love to buy this cheese and spend the rest of my week in the hospital. In fact, let me pay double.... lol
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Actually, many years ago I worked in a large hotel, in the room service department. Every morning when we refilled minibar, we would do a "best by" date check on one floor of the hotel. The floor-check related to the date, so that no floor was missed (on the 1st we did the first floor, 2nd on the 2nd etc - it was a 24 floor hotel).

    One morning we found a can of cashews which was 3 years out of date. We were never able to explain it, that room had to have been checked damn near 36 times since the expiry date. All we could figure was that a guest had replaced a can of cashews they ate with that one - though buggered if we could work out where they got the old one from.

    It was the second weirdest thing that happened to me in that job. The first being walking in on a hardcore porno being filmed in the penthouse.

    What did you do?

    I used to work room service. I walked in on a threesome with two fellas and a gal. They left the door unlocked and yelled "Come in!" when I knocked. Naïve of me to do that, but I did. They signed the bill and tipped generously but my knees were a little shaky when I left and I felt a bit nauseous.

    Then on another occasion, the old man who ordered the meal told me to enter the room and place the tray on the bedside table. The bed was covered with a wide variety of rubber, impalable coochies which he had intentionally put on display. I saw it from the doorway, placed the tray on the floor and scrammed.

    I told my boss about both occurrences. After the second thing happened, they changed the policy forbidding the room service staff from entering the room. For our own safety!

    Sorry for the derail, but I love room service stories.

    I was pretty freaked out but also wildly amused. I was only about 20 and had knocked, got no answer, knocked again then used my key to enter and yell "minibar!" I heard someone call me in. I walked down the hall into the main room (the kitchen was on the other side, and there is this woman spread-eagled on a fluffy rug on the grand piano, with 2 guys.. umm. yeah.

    Lights, cameras, and about 6 other people standing about, including one other naked women and a couple of naked guys. I totally did the deer in the headlights thing, and one of the (dressed) guys just basicallly ushered me in. I said I'd come back later, skedaddled and went down and let the F&B manager know. They were all escorted out fairly shortly after. Apparently fancy Gold Coast hotels don't like their penthouses appearing in pornos!
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Hahaha...wait, you're serious?

    I thought they were joking as well, but nope-they were serious.

    And makes you wonder how did those retarded staff get a job. The job requirement must been real low.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Actually, many years ago I worked in a large hotel, in the room service department. Every morning when we refilled minibar, we would do a "best by" date check on one floor of the hotel. The floor-check related to the date, so that no floor was missed (on the 1st we did the first floor, 2nd on the 2nd etc - it was a 24 floor hotel).

    One morning we found a can of cashews which was 3 years out of date. We were never able to explain it, that room had to have been checked damn near 36 times since the expiry date. All we could figure was that a guest had replaced a can of cashews they ate with that one - though buggered if we could work out where they got the old one from.

    It was the second weirdest thing that happened to me in that job. The first being walking in on a hardcore porno being filmed in the penthouse.

    What did you do?

    I used to work room service. I walked in on a threesome with two fellas and a gal. They left the door unlocked and yelled "Come in!" when I knocked. Naïve of me to do that, but I did. They signed the bill and tipped generously but my knees were a little shaky when I left and I felt a bit nauseous.

    Then on another occasion, the old man who ordered the meal told me to enter the room and place the tray on the bedside table. The bed was covered with a wide variety of rubber, impalable coochies which he had intentionally put on display. I saw it from the doorway, placed the tray on the floor and scrammed.

    I told my boss about both occurrences. After the second thing happened, they changed the policy forbidding the room service staff from entering the room. For our own safety!

    Sorry for the derail, but I love room service stories.

    I was pretty freaked out but also wildly amused. I was only about 20 and had knocked, got no answer, knocked again then used my key to enter and yell "minibar!" I heard someone call me in. I walked down the hall into the main room (the kitchen was on the other side, and there is this woman spread-eagled on a fluffy rug on the grand piano, with 2 guys.. umm. yeah.

    Lights, cameras, and about 6 other people standing about, including one other naked women and a couple of naked guys. I totally did the deer in the headlights thing, and one of the (dressed) guys just basicallly ushered me in. I said I'd come back later, skedaddled and went down and let the F&B manager know. They were all escorted out fairly shortly after. Apparently fancy Gold Coast hotels don't like their penthouses appearing in pornos!

    The nerve of those degenerates. Good thing they got kicked out. I don't think the two episodes I complained about resulted in an eviction. But I think they're way stricter about this kinda thing nowadays in hotels :smile:

    The only other room service story that comes to mind was me getting there one morning to find that the room service supervisor and one of the apprentice chefs had both been sacked overnight.

    The room service night shift worker went in to do the minibar on a room that he thought had checked out super early, interrupted 2 people in bed and reported it to the front desk (not because he was suspicious, more so because if the couple complained reception would already know about it and be ready for the complaint). The people in that room had indeed checked out, so security went up and found the aforementioned supervisor and apprentice getting dressed... :/
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Wait, was it frozen or refrigerated? If frozen, it's not dangerous (but almost certainly dried out and nasty after that length of time).

    Freezing doesn't stop food from rotting/going bad - it just slows it down. The colder the temp, the longer it (generally) takes. But freezing won't stop the process - not unless you hit 0 K.

    Tell that to the frozen baby mammoths!

    Seriously, you're mistaken on this. Freezing to -18C (0F, which is the temperature of a home freezer) stops microbial activity and guarantees food safety indefinitely. What it doesn't stop is drying out and deteriorating due to enzyme activity.

    So frozen food still deteriorates, but safely - it does not rot and it does not go bad. It just dries out and gets nasty, and possibly rancid in the case of fatty food - but rancidity is not dangerous, it just tastes bad.

    If you don't believe me (and why would you? I'm just an Internet stranger) check out the USDA's word on the subject -

    I made the mistake of cooking and eating chicken that I thought was safe because it was frozen-never again. Not I labelmwhen it goes in the freezer.

    Assuming the freezer was working properly, it must have already have been bad before it was frozen. Otherwise there was a fault with the freezer.

    What I've quoted above is the science on the subject and USDA's official advice - and they are not cavalier when it comes to food safety, they are firmly towards to anal end of the spectrum.

    What about Listeria? A la Blue Bell ice cream?

    You can't blame the freezer for something that was bad before it was frozen. The same applies to the two chicken stories. All the freezer will do is stop it going bad, it can't magically make it better if it's already off/contaminated.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Heh, this is my fault and can't be blamed on Target or any other retailer, but on the weekend I cleaned out my baking shelf and threw out a container of Gelatine that had expired in...

    ... wait for it...


    I don't even know how it got there, I was living in another country in 2009, for goodness sake, and certainly didn't bring any ingredients home with me.

    On Monday, my wife and I cleaned out the refrigerator and freezer. We found several things that had been expired for several years (my wife speculated that some of it was purchased on our very first grocery shopping trip when we got married in 2012). We filled 2 garbage bags with old food.
    Then we cleaned out the cabinets and filled 2 more bags.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I thought this thread had gone poof but realized it got moved to cesspool, which i have unfollowed. Shame.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I thought this thread had gone poof but realized it got moved to cesspool, which i have unfollowed. Shame.

    I had to go back to MFP homepage to find the link.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I thought this thread had gone poof but realized it got moved to cesspool, which i have unfollowed. Shame.

    I feel dirty now...
  • JackKopCh
    JackKopCh Posts: 8,042 Member
    Just one question..... dafuq is an isis pizza? :fearful:
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited February 2017
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Heh, this is my fault and can't be blamed on Target or any other retailer, but on the weekend I cleaned out my baking shelf and threw out a container of Gelatine that had expired in...

    ... wait for it...


    I don't even know how it got there, I was living in another country in 2009, for goodness sake, and certainly didn't bring any ingredients home with me.

    On Monday, my wife and I cleaned out the refrigerator and freezer. We found several things that had been expired for several years (my wife speculated that some of it was purchased on our very first grocery shopping trip when we got married in 2012). We filled 2 garbage bags with old food.
    Then we cleaned out the cabinets and filled 2 more bags.

    I did that last week with the pantry. Found some interesting stuff shoved waaaaay in the back on two of the lesser-used shelves. Almost filled a garbage bag, too. :D