March 2017 Running Challenge



  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    1/3/17 3.4m - faceplant!!!!
    2/3/17 2.7m
    4/3/14 9.8m
    5/3/17 2.9m
    8/3/17 3.8m
    9/3/17 4m
    11/3/17 10.5m
    15/3/17 3.5m
    16/3/17 5.1m

    Totals: 46.1/70

    Target 70 miles

    Planned races -

    29.4.17 HM Coastal Trail Series Pembrokeshire FULL!!!
    7.5.17 HM-ish The Ox Wiltshire.
    8.7.17 Cider Frolic?
    30.7.17 HM-ish Dorset Invader
    27.8.17 East Farm Frolic

    Ran with my club last night, off road, through the trees across fields with plenty of up and down-y stuff. I find myself struggling running with them, but it does mean I vary where I am in the group so I get to talk to different people during the run depending on how tired I am or how slowly I’m going!!! We tend to start and finish at a pub, so I get a beer and a burger for my troubles after.

    I’ve been having issues lately where the more I run the slower I seem to be getting and the harder it is. I don’t get into my stride until 2miles into a run so I’m wondering how to get my body better at handling it.

    Do I – continue with the running four days a week, with one long run? Or – do I run everyday but limit myself to 1-2 miles a day, with two of those days being longer (one proper long run, and one sort of halfway to that)? I just can’t work out how to better condition my body. At the moment the only other activities I am doing is one (intense) dance class and a T’ai Chi session. I’m building to a HM so I am concerned about the balance of my runs (looks like my long run is coming out at around 50% of my weekly mileage!!)
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    @dkabambe Good luck on Sunday, whatever else you do, enjoy it :)
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @7lenny7 I'm glad your son is alright!
    I can understand that he first told the driver he was okay - it's such a reflex. The only time I got hit by a car when I was on my bike, I did the same, which also resulted in the car driver leaving (at least with an excuse instead of any stupid comments!). It was only after he was gone that I realised one wheel was bent completely out of shape and I had a bleeding knee with matching hole in the jeans. I really hope I'll never ever hit someone with my car, but if I ever do, I promised myself I'll stay around, even if they say they are okay in the first shocked moment. Five minutes of time shouldn't be too much too ask if you hit someone with your car! I hope the police can track the driver down. In movies they always seem to have surveillance cameras at the next intersection...
    But it sounds like you have a great time with your sons despite the bike incident, that's awesome!

    @greenolivetree I hope times will be less stressful for you now, and that your knees hurting was just a one-time thing on a horrible day.

    @ddmom0811 I can't believe you call 5:30 sleeping in :D I'm a zombie if you drag me out of bed at that hour, I'm really impressed by how early you usually run.

    @RuNaRoUnDaFiEld If you don't live near that course, do you have other hills nearby? From the picture you posted it's hard to tell, but it looks like none of the hills are steeper than maybe 5%? Then I think you would be fine by running whatever other hills you come across instead. If you don't have any hills at all, you might have to get more creative by running stairs or bridges or parking garage ramps...

    @ereck44 Great 8mile run!
    I haven't got tight lower back muscles from running; but if the distance was new for you and the last two miles were really hard, it's probably not surprising that you felt still the next day. Especially if your running form "degrades" when you get tired towards the end.

    @KatieJane83 Glad you are feeling better!
    Of course a distance still counts if it's not tracked by Garmin - since my running watch is a Tomtom, otherwise I wouldn't run any distance at all. That's going to sound crazy, but when I started running (~10 years ago), I actually tracked my distance by estimating the route on a paper map! Hard to imagine now, but it was at least accurate enough to tell the difference between 3km and 6km, at least :p
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited March 2017
    Question for anyone with an optical heart rate monitor:
    My HRM has been acting really weird recently. For runs where I would expect the heart rate to be between 150-160bpm, it's sometimes climbing up past 200 or dropping below 100.
    Did anyone ever have problems like that, and did you find a way to fix it?

    With the optical heart rate measurement, I've often seen that it takes a few minutes to give good readings when it's cold outside, but nothing like this:
    That's yesterdays run, which was a nice, easy run. In the past, I might have gotten close to 200 at the end of a series of hill sprints with little recovery, but recently my HRM has shown me readings like this one during regular runs.

    Or the other extreme, where it suddenly drops down (the pace stayed the same):

    If my actual heart rate was doing funny things like that, I should notice, shouldn't I?
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    edited March 2017
    3/1 6.3r + 4.2w
    3/2 7.25r + 4.5w + 1000m row
    3/3 6.5r + 4.8w
    3/4 10.2r + 0.5w
    3/5 0.0r + 4.0w
    3/6 5.1r + 5.1w + 1200m row
    3/7 7.1r + 3.5w
    3/8 0.0r + 3.25w
    3/9 5.3r + 1.25w + 1000m row
    3/10 0.0r + 5.8w
    3/11 7.0r + 1.0w
    3/12 5.25r + 0.0w
    3/13 5.3r + 4.4w
    3/14 5.6r + 4.55w
    3/15 7.2r + 4.5w + 1000m row
    3/16 5.2r + 5.4w
    Total so far: 83.4r + 58.25w = 141.65 miles

    Today is a walking-only day for me. I had to bring my car into the shop early this morning (they open at 7, OOOF), so I arrived at work far too early. Decided to walk around the atrium until it was time to start. I've already gotten 1.5 miles done and it's not even 8:30 am. Determined to hit my 15,000 Garmin step goal without any running today. (Most days I'm over 20,000 when I do both walking and running.)

    One odd thing I noticed after my run last night was that my HR didn't get above 121 the entire time. Usually it gets into the 140s when I run. I did go easy yesterday, but I didn't think I was going THAT easy. Hmm.

    Hoping they can get to the bottom of whatever's wrong with my car. It's having the exact same problem it did when I brought it in a month ago. Apparently changing the spark plugs was not the answer. In the meantime, I have a loaner car, and it's always fun driving a new car for a while.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited March 2017
    Question for anyone with an optical heart rate monitor:
    My HRM has been acting really weird recently. For runs where I would expect the heart rate to be between 150-160bpm, it's sometimes climbing up past 200 or dropping below 100.
    Did anyone ever have problems like that, and did you find a way to fix it?

    With the optical heart rate measurement, I've often seen that it takes a few minutes to give good readings when it's cold outside, but nothing like this:
    That's yesterdays run, which was a nice, easy run. In the past, I might have gotten close to 200 at the end of a series of hill sprints with little recovery, but recently my HRM has shown me readings like this one during regular runs.

    Or the other extreme, where it suddenly drops down (the pace stayed the same):

    If my actual heart rate was doing funny things like that, I should notice, shouldn't I?

    A couple years back I wore an optical HRM and recall two things that gave me wild results. The first was placement, when it was new. I found a spot that gave me good results with some testing. It worked like a champ for months before it got weird again which was because it needed a new battery. Not sure if either of those apply for your situation.

    Yes, you would notice HR swings that were that wild. I can't imagine what it would feel like, but your entire cardio-respiratory system would give signs matching the data.

    The primary reason I chose my Garmin FR.630 with chest strap HRM over the newer 235 with built-in optical HRM was based on my optical HRM experience which used the same type sensor. I do hear a lot of good things from 235 users though, and since I was 99% happy with my old optical one I'm not surprised. I just enjoy not having those occasional glitches. I get all sorts of frustrated from data glitches. I don't miss my phone or various glitches caused by it either.
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    Question for anyone with an optical heart rate monitor:
    My HRM has been acting really weird recently. For runs where I would expect the heart rate to be between 150-160bpm, it's sometimes climbing up past 200 or dropping below 100.
    Did anyone ever have problems like that, and did you find a way to fix it?
    Optical HRM by default is less precise than chest-HRM, but not to the extent shown.
    On my Fenix3 I sometimes find irregularities as well. I tried using a chest-HRM to compare against as well, and the results can be very "varying". I have noticed with my Fenix that if I shutdown my watch before a run, so it got a fresh restart it was closer (never as accurate) with a run.
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    looks like a lot of us did a 5K/3.2Miler today :)
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    My plan had a 30 min. easy run set for last night, but I just needed a rest day. The plan had rest day today and tomorrow with a 8.1 mi. run on Sun. I was going to move that 8.1 mi. run to tomorrow, so now I'm contemplating whether I do the 30 min. easy run today or just figure I skip it entirely.

    So far, despite making changes to the generic plan (from an app), it has served me pretty well to increase mileage. I'm thinking I just say the 30 min. easy run is lost at this point.
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    @dkabambe - Good luck on your half this weekend!
    @MNLittleFinn - Good luck to your wife on her 5k. Hope this keeps her hooked o running.