

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Happy Sunday
    Not too good on the food front yesterday but did 45 min Leslie Sansone vid with weights and went for an hour walk in the afternoon sunshine

    Forgot to put the clocks forward last night but heyho not the end of the world. Today is Mothers Day here in UK already had my Amazon vouchers (which I ask for) and cards, will be out later with DH for drinks and entertainment in bars in town

    Will do some exercise this morning

    Kate UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Feeling a little bit sad today. My younger son rang me to wish me Happy Mothers Day, but said he had the card he had forgotten to post in his hand. ;):* He asked if we were doing anything. :sad: I said DH says I am not his mother.
    It is DDIL's birthday and Mother's Day, so she is being made a big fuss of. Jealous? Moi? >:)
    Recently I asked DH to take me out to a house and garden I've wanted to see for a long time. I asked him again yesterday. He has done nothing about arranging anything. As usual I will have to organise it all myself. Just occasionally it would be nice to be taken out without having to do all the booking and organising. I guess that is not going to happen. :'(:'(:'(
    Perhaps I will go on my own.
    Sorry for the pity party. I don't have one very often, but the thought of the eight days on my own over the holidays and the fact that he can't be bothered to do something nice for me to compensate is getting to me. He doesn't know how I feel, so I guess I can't blame him.
    He is going out for lunch this week with his cricket friend very near where I want to go. :sad:

    Thanks for listening.

    My cancer friend rang this morning for a nice chat. Her chemo is not happening on Easter Monday, so it may be that I can go up for the following Friday if it's rescheduled for that day. DH will be going to cricket, but could drop me off at the station. I'm toying with the idea of staying over at a B&B if that's the day. Would solve one of my empty weekends if the trains are running.
    Thank goodness for girlfriends!

    Kim - Fantastic idea, but late booking for the Easter weekend would break the bank I think!!! San Franco is on my bucket list. :D

    Love to all from a warm and sunny Hampshire UK XXXXXXX
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Update - Just received a delivery of flowers from DYS. :D That's great. <3

    Feeling a lot better, but still pondering Easter etc.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Good Morning beautiful OLIVIA!

    Beth fantastic return on your baklava, and in no way is baklava simple, dealing with Phyllo dough is so difficult!

    Accountability check list for this week:
    ~gym after work
    ~no coffee after 12:00 p.m.
    ~vegetables with breakfast lunch and dinner
    ~stop eating after 7:00 p.m.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :'( My walking friend called this morning to say she won't be walking for awhile. She seems to have many physical complaints so I don't know what she cancelled for this time. The other walking friend is using the walking time to work on the house she just bought. She can leave her husband home alone only for the hour or so first thing in the morning before he wakes up. Fortunately, I have a great audio book to listen to.

    :) Let me know today if you want a copy of "Strong Women Stay Young". It appears that there is at least one copy available to me from Paperback Swap.

    <3 Barbie (now one year older) from beautiful NW Washington
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Becca - glad you got that app to work. I finally got MFP loaded on my little Fire tablet so can check out this group. It's kind of slow and clunky but I was happy to see that it worked. Haven't tried entering food on it yet but will fiddle with it.

    Loved your spending and pantry hints!

    I created a budget sheet in excel to start logging expenses to see how we are doing keeping the spending down. It's kind of like logging food - makes me think twice if I buy some un-needed doo-dad and actually see what I paid for it - am more careful now and really question do I need this, do I already have it or something I can use?

    I discovered right off our Keurig coffee machine is a big budget buster. Even on sale those K-cups can be over 60 cents each. True, it's not like paying $4 for one cup of coffee at Starbucks (haven't been there in decades) but a couple cups per person per day really add up. It's DH's joy to have a cup of his Tulley's French Roast in the morning and he's normally quite frugal, so it's his treat. I've learned to like Safeway brand K-cups which come in at around 31 cents if I get them one sale.

    I'll grab a cup of that then switch to a one-cup Melitta pour-over that sits atop my coffee mug and use ground coffee. I figured that comes in at 13 cents a cup including the cost of the paper filter, and tastes just as good.

    Coffee is good for our brains so this is like medicine, right?

    Barbie, Sorry your walking partners fizzled out. Do you have good walking trails or brightly lit areas for your night (and day) walking? Having 2 dogs - I think you'd be the last person a mugger would want to mess with. I should probably pack some pepper spray - I see they now make little Taser type devices for personal safety. DH has a fit when I walk "in the dark" even when I don't go on the main road.

    Karen - wow, Olivia has really grown! Look at that sweet baby smile. So glad she's home and thriving.

    Katla, I think your hummingbirds made it to our house. Had five at the feeder the other day, chasing away the larger and more timid Anna's. The weather report in our area for this coming week shows sun (or at least very little rain) starting Thursday through Tuesday - maybe that high water will recede for a while!

    Kate in UK - good for you doing the Leslie Sansone walk with weights. Which one is it? I have several of hers, not sure if I have a 45 minute one. When it's warmer I take my laptop into the potting shed and put in one of her DVD's - right now it's jammed with dirt and pots it seems. Love her DVD's tho because all I need is about 4' square and a counter to set the laptop on. I think most of the steps register on the Fitbit.

    Happy UK Mother's Day to you and Heather! Yinka too! And anyone else I may have missed.

    Beth, WTG on the Baklava - those auctions are so much fun, sounds like this one was successful.

    This is the time to start a massive de-cluttering. Our senior center is opening a thrift shop to help with costs now that the county won't be supplementing their budget next year. They want to open the doors May 1st. Boy, do I have stuff to give them - items still in wrappers/with tags on, collectible doo-dads, kitchen appliances, dishes, even some furniture and an extra TV. I think DH is a bit nervous about what's going out of here but I plan to be relentless. >:) DH doesn't want me to have a garage sale = people tramping around peeking in the garage, driving on the lawn, etc.

    I'm not going to donate him so he need not worry. :*

    Better close and head to town for the weekend shopping - get some Walmart steps in.

    SW WA State - waving HI at everyone I haven't mentioned!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Happy Sunday Morning! I surprised myself by sleeping in til 8 AM. Very unusual for me.

    I am reading the classic book, Rebecca, again! I loved the old movie version and wish that Netflix would let you see it. They have it only on cd's which cost more each month. Yes, I am an old movie buff. There was a daily movie called Armchair Playhouse that I watched each day as a child. When it went off the air I was very sad.

    The pups and baby are all adorable. Thanks for sharing! :)

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited March 2017
    Heather: Happy Mother's Day! I'm so glad your son sent flowers. He is a gem. I always did something with my mom and after she passed that has been to take flowers to her in the cemetery. Our Mothers Day is May 14th this year. :heart:

    Karen: Thanks for sharing the baby pics! :bigsmile:

    Barbie: Happy Birthday! It seems like you were younger only yesterday. :wink: :flowerforyou:

    Sarah: Captive Escape room sounds like a fun place to go. :smiley:

    Birgit: Welcome! You've done an amazing job meeting your goals. Several of us are here to maintain our new weight and others are working on shedding pounds. :flowerforyou:

    Lanette: I'm a coffee addict. It is miracle brain food, whether you drink caf or decaf. The only time we drink Keurig coffee is in a hotel or at a business that provides it. I think all those little plastic cups are unnecessary waste at home that will end up in a landfill. They are a nice convenience in a business environment. :smiley: At this moment I've been waiting over half an hour for my morning coffee because this is the day I take bone density medicine and I'm not allowed anything else for half an hour-not even brushing my morning teeth. :grumble: My timer just went off. I'll be back with a cup of coffee in seconds. :wink: (Brushing teeth will come next. )

    Carol: We watched Armchair Theater when I was growing up. Thanks for the reminder. :star:

    We have no plans for today so far, but I'd like to do something fun. I'm thinking about going out to lunch. I'll talk it over with DH when he gets up.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-32X 10 X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    I will get 2 miles in today.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    I'll post accountability later today. Headed out on a day trip to visit a cousin.
    Have a great day folks.
    --Ginger in Texas
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Dessert/craft auction was a success. My simple batch of Baklava sold for $60! My husband donated an afternoon of fly-tying lessons for fly fishermen ... it went for $200! These people are crazy in their generosity! I won an intense bidding war for 16 handcrafted cards that were made by a woman in her 90s ... they are beautiful in their detail! Also bid on and won two jars of beet pickles, a plate of some kind of pretzel/chocolate thing (for my son who can't have eggs) and a beautiful vanilla cheesecake with red raspberry sauce. My husband and I each had a sliver of the cheesecake ... delicious ... but I'll be freezing the rest in individual portions for use at another time.

    Beth near Buffalo

    That sounded like a blast!!! We r going to our yearly silent auction thing this April? Can't wait
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    It's raining outside. I just finished feeding the kids. Kirby is making breakfast last morning here. Mmmm
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    If you really like keurig coffee machines, you can purchase a filter to fit the machine, you just spoon in your own coffee grinds- I think it's called a K-cup filter. Cheap alternative to buying those land fill fillers!

    Off to buy lots of food for my lawn--oh spring- please come to ny soon!!