

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Once my son and I opened pods we got at the food bank to put in our brew pot! Those are kind of pressurized so it was like defusing small coffee grounds "bombs"! Haha!! OK son put the scissors point in Slowly!
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Lanette, did you know you can get a little plastic container for you Keurig by which you can use your own ground coffee? It fits in the place where you put the pods. Much less expensive that way, you can probably get one inexpensively on eBay but I'm sure you can also get it from Keurig.

    Chris in MA
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    dj time to give away those clothes that are too big for you! Exciting news that your daughter is coming home!

    I have looked up some hand exercises on webmd and facing the fact that I can no longer play violin in pain-in fact that is what has been bothering me and I've just admitted it to myself. My general practitioner gave some names of ortho docs to see and I will schedule for April break but I will add these stretches to my daily accountability goals and see how a routine of stretching will help ease my wrist pain--not carpal tunnel--but severe sharp pain if I play too much.

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good afternoon Ladies!

    Catching up with you while dinner is in the oven. The aroma of rosemary pork roasting in the oven is making me hungry. Will have it with the carrot soup I made last night.

    A friend called this morning to ask if I wanted to go to the thrift store with her, one of our favorite activities, and she had a 30% off coupon she was going to share with me. I decided to get some jeans because I had to keep pulling up the the size 8's I was wearing yesterday. Bought 2 pairs of size 6 and a pair of size 4, they all fit perfectly. I am officially down another size! Got 4 tops and a water bottle also and spent less than $36! Two of the jeans are brands that sell for more than $100 new. Went through my closet this afternoon and weeded out all the size 10's. My original goal when I began to lose weight was size 10.

    I've done my exercise for the day and awaiting for dinner to be done.

    It's been a good day.

    Love and hugs to everyone.

    Chris in MA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited March 2017
    DJ - That is a looooooong journey for your DH, but if he wants to do it ............ Might be good for him! Pleased that your DD is moving nearer. <3 I'm still thinking about what to do for Easter. :o
    I'm feeling better, but still determined not to let my life be determined by DH's choices. Be Heather.
    I typed up 600 words of memoir this afternoon. :D

    Heather UK xxxxxxx

    PS - For coffee I just use the little filter thing that goes over your mug. We like ours very strong. I add the milk afterwards and put it in the microwave for latte. Fantastic. No other coffee comes near!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited March 2017
    Janet #1 Good news. I know you and your husband are thrilled. You've mentioned several times how much you miss your daughter. :)

    Janetr okc
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Chris, yes I have a couple of those reusable pods - found them to be a bit messy so I just use the ground coffee in a little Melitta drip doo dad that sets atop my coffee mug and uses a paper filter. I know some folks use the reusable ones and love them tho. WAY YO GO with your thrift store shopping! Make sure to put rocks in your pockets if you go out on a windy day so you don't blow away into the next county! :)

    Becca, when DH and I were drinking a lot of coffee we had a Mr. Coffee or similar and I bought a lot of coffee in the 3# cans - remember when they were metal? Loved them and still have a few stashed away, they are so useful and almost collector's items. I have a little camp stove made from one. I reuse the plastic ones to store garden seeds, and keep them in the fridge. Got a 12 oz bag of ground coffee today at Safeway for $4.49 which should last me a month-I have a little sealed container to keep it in. Used to keep coffee in the fridge but niece who was a barista said it needs to be kept at room temp. I couldn't tell the difference.

    DJ - Glad your DH is getting excited about the trip to see Joaquin.

    NY Karen, hope the exercises and/or ortho doc can help your wrist. We want you to be able to continue playing that violin! <3

    Kate, I'll look up that walking routine on YouTube - I too use the spare bedroom when the weather is cold, just finished one of Sansone's 30 minute (2 mile) walks - 2900 steps. I took it kind of easy as my knee started complaining especially with the kick-backs, but kept up with the pace. I really could do a 30 minute workout of some type each day if I just put my mind to it-I know there are all kinds of stretches, "punching", etc. that might not get me steps but still would be working some muscles and improving general health.

    Lenora, I think I'd probably squirt myself with that pepper spray. Seems like I manage to get a good spray of "Liquid Fence" when I'm spraying my fruit trees to keep the deer away. :s I don't care which way the wind is blowing, it shifts in milliseconds soon as I pull the squirter. Nothing like rotten eggs to get the dog interested.

    The little Taser thing doesn't shoot the little darts from what I understand, the prongs stay attached so you'd press the device onto the offender's skin when he grabs you and push the button....ZZZAAPPPP!. Like a cattle prod. That should take the lead out of his pencil. >:) Has a "key" you then pull out so he can't use it on YOU! I bought a screecher I sometimes carry. It's like a little tube of canned air-when you press the button, it emits a very loud and shrill sound! Supposed to repel dogs (four and two legged as well, I'd imagine) that chase bikes and walkers. It does the best if blasting within a foot or two of the offender.

    Kim, glad you made contact with Sherri. Hope she's safe. It was heartbreaking that she wasn't able to keep her kitty.

    Have a great week everyone!

    SW WA State
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    chris. So happy for you, you are an inspiration. I saw a funny planter on Pinterest made out of old jeans, too cute and a good use for all those size 10s you don't need anymore :p

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Kim - so glad to hear you found your FitBit :)

    Janetr OKC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Barbie t3332.gif

    Sarah Ontario Your puzzle solving adventure is something I would LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! OMG I got so jealous and excited just thinking about it, LOL!!! I must have been a detective in another life.

    Chris in MA Wasn't Hidden Figures a wonderful movie? It's going to be one of my favorite watch-it-again-and-again kind of movies. Loved it.

    Birgit Welcome!

    Happy UK Mother's Day to Yinka, Kate, Sharon, Heather...!!!

    Beth Sounds like it was so worth it to make the Baklava. That must have been very satisfying, to see it go for that much.

    Katla Taking your mother flowers in the cemetary made me boohoo big time. I do miss my mother so.

    Kuerig lovers Do any of you use the Reusable "My K-Cup"? It looks pretty nifty.


    Add: Oh, I see NYKAREN and Kim and Janetr and Chris already mentioned the "My K-Cup" option...

    Pip I really love your dog pics. Here are 3 of my pups:


    Janetr Olivia's kidneys are fine! Glad Mia is coming along, can't wait for her to get off the oxygen. Woohoo! At 6.5 lbs, she's a regular bruiser now!

    Sarah Ontario I like home, too. Always ready to come home no matter how much fun I have had travelling.

    Kim I hope you dropped your fitbit in your car or purse or trunk...I hate losing things especially things like glasses, phones, and fitbits. Add: Oh happy day, it was under a turnout sheet. Now why didn't I think of that? s0210.gif

    Kelly I am a bit sappy today. Just got my tears dried up from reading Katla's post when I got all teary again at the thought of your husband's reaction to seeing sweet littl Joaquin. God I'm a mess today.

    Charleen I am originally from southwest Nebraska so I am familiar with the feisty weather out there. It can be dramatic. I remember some hailstorms that would leave the yard covered inches thick in ice balls and ruin plate glass windows, crops, tractors, automobiles, roofs, and even livestock in a matter of minutes. Scary. Also some pretty impressive thunderstorms and tornadoes. I love the Plains, though, every aspect including the weather. <3

    Love the Diva quilt! Who is perimenopausal Drama Queen? LOL!

    spikeyhair wrote: »
    LANETTE - The Leslie Sansone vid is on Youtube there's BurnBody Fat 2 mile and Burn Body Fat 3 mile
    2 mile is 33 min and 3 mile is 48 min I like the youtube vids because I can do them in the spare bedroom using my ipad so I don't disturb hubby in lounge

    New FitBit arrived will setup tomorrow as have had a few wines today

    Kat UK

    LOL!!! Hi, Kate, sounds like you thoroughly enjoyed Mother's Day!

    Karen in Virginia glad to be home after a longish day at work
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Chris. OK officially, you are my hero. Congrats on your size 4- ness!!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Kim, happy dancing with you for finding your Fitbit. I am so addicted to mine. After walking our 3 miles after church today, I settled into my recliner to binge watch some Jeopardy. When I'd had enough, I decided to get a few more steps, but my Fitbit was dead as a door nail. So, of course, I plugged it in to charge then flopped back down in my chair to check in with you guys. I'll do some more chores when it's charged up a bit.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited March 2017
    Lanette: I just reread my post and I am embarrassed that it was so negative about Keurig. I apologize. I am not usually so thoughtless. :embarassed:

    I last had a bone density done a couple of years ago and will have one coming up sometime this year. Your description fits my recollection very well. It wasn't embarrassing or painful. My last test showed that my bones were thinning, which is why I now have medication and a "bone density day" every week. I've also broken each of my wrists in separate ice related falls within the past few years. I hope to find out that there have not been additional losses of bone. Two good things about the medicine-it is inexpensive AND I take a version that is only once a week. I started out with a daily version and that was a pain. I didn't care for it at all. :noway: Can you imagine getting up every morning and not being able to brush your teeth or have coffee until half an hour after taking your bone density pill? I can deal with it once a week, but everyday was no fun. :grumble: In addition to pills I make sure I get enough calcium and do weight bearing exercise regularly. :smiley:

    Kim: Thanks for the update on Sherry. I'll send good thoughts her way. :flowerforyou: I know a bit about horse blankets from putting them on and taking them off. Embroidering them is a big task because of the size of the project. I love your embroidery. I'm impressed that you are able to get everything aligned correctly. I doubt I could manage it. :smile:

    Lenora: According to AARP, coffee is brain-food. No sarcasm at all. They say that caf and decaf are both good for our brain health. :smiley:

    NYKaren: I hope that you are able to find a way to protect your wrists so that you can enjoy playing your violin. :heart:

    Chris in MA: Congratulations on your fabulous NSV. Needing smaller clothes is proof you are succeeding. :bigsmile:

    Charleen: The moose peeking in the window would sure startle me. :smiley:

    I am getting restless. Oregon has a reputation for rainy weather that is usually undeserved, but just now it fits. The rain has been relentless. According to a USGS map I found, we've had 16-20 consecutive days of rain in our little spot, but surrounding areas have had 21-25 days of consecutive rain. I'm thankful for the recreation center where I take yoga and the covered arena for riding. Thanks to them I can stay active.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Very, very little rain here this afternoon but they are having some hail and tornadoes trying to form to the south and to the east of us.

    Janetr okc
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Katla - no problem! All this discussion about the reusable K-cups has been great - I dug out the ones I have and will try them again - they look just like the ones currently sold on Amazon so maybe I'll change my mind about them. Would be easier than using the little drip thingie, that's for sure.

    Janet - would gladly send you our rain!!! You and your neighbors are in my prayers that no one is hurt and property won't be damaged. Go away, hail and tornadoes!!

    I think it's incredible they are now able to show the severe weather thanks to better equipment (Doppler Radar? Satellites?) I remember when I was a kid in Northern Indiana, a band of tornadoes came through - of course no one had any warning. We'd just gotten back from church on Palm Sunday, 1965. (Look up Palm Sunday tornadoes if you want to find out more.) I looked out my bedroom window and saw a funnel cloud behind the barn. My whole family ran into the yard and watched it hit a town not far from us, we didn't know at the time there was one a few miles on the other side of us hitting another town. All of a sudden there was a sudden gust of wind and our pickup camper tumbled off the jacks and a flat barn roof maybe 100 yards from us lifted and folded back on itself....we didn't see any funnel. We were not harmed. Within a couple minutes heard fire trucks and ambulances heading toward the towns that were hit.

    I still get shivers when I think about that. It was the most helpless feeling. We've been through a few hum-dinger damaging windstorms out here in the Pacific Northwest and I still don't like them! :(

    For those of you on Amazon Prime - check out Goliath with Billy Bob Thornton. We marathon watched it over the past couple days and we thought it was darn good.

    SW WA State - very wordy today!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Hi all.

    Well I thought we were going to have to transfer to an ark after church this morning. It rained and rained and rained. I knew it was predicted, skys looked like it when I left but stilll didn't take an umbrella. We knew it was raining but when our deacon of the month was reading a passage from the Bible about the reign of God, get it..reign of God, it started a torrential rain. We have a new metal roof and i don't know if that was what made it sound so bad or what. It calmed down by the time church was out but was still raining. We have an umbrella crew if needed and so I ahd a big burly guy walk me to my car with a big umbrella. They use different men and the youth to do this. But it was still raining when I got home so I used my lumbar pillow to put on top of my head. Our intersection was completely underwater. But this afternoon it was pure sunshine.

    I love watching shows on the tiny house movement. But my husband is adament that people who live in a tiny house are just plain stupid. I agree that some of the houses that some people build are built with very little thought on using every little nook and cranny. But I love the shows that use companies that are proffessional tiny house builders. And they are geniuses at making one thing act as many more. Like right now he is making a coffee table that you lift up on it's end and it opens up and it makes a table for a computer and stuff. On the floor where the coffee table was is then the bike trainer that is connected to a generator. This couple are proffessional triathaletes and need much in their tiny house. DH fails to see that with forethought and planning,a small 300 sq ft house can be bigger.

    Oh well, that was just one of our arguements today. So much for having a coming home after having a nice service at church. I guess it all started out when I unlocked my dead bolt and then left that key ring on the ledge by the door. So I locked myself out of the house. When I got home I rang and rang the door bell with no answer. So I knew he always keeps an open ear for the phone so I called him and he let me in.

    Heather, DH is the same with me. I am not his Mom. But then he has nothing to say when I ask him what he got for his Mom. Speechless.

    Joyce who saves money in Indiana by not drinking coffee at all. I hate it!