

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    KJ, DH uses tea tree oil on his toenails (fungus) and says it works great. Has some in a bottle with an eyedropper and gives them a good coating every day.

    I make air freshener sprays with drops of jasmine and/oil lavender oil, wild orange, and peppermint-- fill a small spray bottle half full of cheap gin or vodka (even water B) and drip in a few drops, shake well. Smells great, I spray it on towels and the light bulbs in the bathrooms. Smells good for a couple days.

    I have a couple recipes for "solid" body lotion made with coconut oil or shea butter mixed with beeswax melted in the double boiler, and essential oils. I keep it in little mason jars - it's great on feet and keeps them from drying out. Becomes liquid at body temperature. Love the wild orange and jasmine in it and maybe a drop of sandalwood.

    I want to try making my own body powder with finely ground arrowroot powder and cornstarch and a few other things, adding in essential oils.

    Some of the oils are Do Terra, some I got at the grocery store which has a lot of "natural" items. Seems like they are all expensive no matter where you get them but they do last a long time. I keep them tightly capped in a dark cupboard so hopefully they don't lose their fragrance.

    As far as bug repellent, I don't know - but as a gardener, there are classes about "companion planting" where smelly plants such as peppermint, onions, and garlic planted among other veggies and flowers will repel the bad bugs.

    So it stands to reason bugs don't like certain scents. Do you know what the make-up is of the bug repellent?

    Becca - aren't those elk majestic? Pretty brave tree trimmers when it's not hunting season. I hear they like to look in windows too like that moose was peeking at the quilter. B)

    SW WA State
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Becca Are those elk?

    Kate I could tell you had a lovely day cuz you signed your name "Kat" instead of "Kate". <3t0306.gif

    Charleen Loving Drama Queen~

    Janetr Whoa! That's some coffee habit Jack has. Lots of brain food! I would never sleep if I drank coffee regularly.

    Karen in Virginia

    Jack sleeps like a log, any time any where. I think that is from flying for so many years and staying in hotel rooms all the time and different time zones, countries, etc. He had to sleep when he got the chance. :)

    Janetr okc
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    STAYSTRONG ~ Hi! I also live in an Atlanta suburb...Marietta (East Cobb).

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :) For those of you who liked "The Bootlegger's Daughter", I just started "Southern Discomfort", the book that's next in the series. It's great so far.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited March 2017
    Kate: I don't have osteoporosis as a diagnosis, but I have osteopenia and have broken both wrists in separate falls on ice a few years apart. Taking the medication seems like a good idea. I also do weight bearing exercise several times a week. I'm hoping that my bone situation doesn't get worse and doing everything I can think of to keep my bones healthy. :ohwell:

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited March 2017
    Kelly I use essential oils. They are expensive because it takes thousands of plants to make a small amount of oil. Try to find a place that sells them so you can smell them before you buy. They should be in small brown or blue bottles not clear. Even if it is the same oil different vendors products can vary in smell. You only use a few drops per application and mix it in a carrier oil like almond, coconut, avocado oil. You do treat them like medicine. If you use too much or incorrectly they are ineffective or not good for you. There are many good books written out there that help with use and dosage. I do not sell them or the oils.

    I like to wear Jasmine, sandalwood, bergamot (this is in earl grey tea) as a perfume. I use ylang ylang in my bath for relaxing and clary sage mix with oil to rub in my feet at night for relaxation. In the morning I use eucalyptus or peppermint as a foot rub to get myself going. I use clove(do not use in bath) and cinnamon mix with carrier oil on my sore knee. I use a mixture of orange and rose geranium for bug repellent. If I am exposed to someone who is sick I sometimes just breath an oil like eucalyptus without putting it on me. I spray myself with a mixture of lavender and water before going into school to prevent getting lice.

    Many plants are the basis for the drugs that are used today. So I do treat this oils with respect. It is also best to do a patch test and make sure you are not allergic. Some oils can be off putting so again best to find the ones you like and work for you. If you are taking medications make sure they are safe to take with your medications. Example if on an antidepressant I would be careful using clary sage and ylang ylang. If you are using a stimulant peppermint is suspect. Blood thinners ginger and turmeric oils are not for you. Never use them around sensitive parts of your body like you eyes. They are too strong.

    Many essential oils are anti inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-viral. Unlike antibiotics your body does not grow resistant to them. Despite all the stress I have been under and working in a variety of schools I have had only one minor cold in the past year. I attribute this to the essential oils and drinking Kombucha or having unsweetened yogurt everyday.

    Fun history fact: In WWll they issued every soldier a bottle of tea tree oil so they had it on hand to try small wounds so they didn't get infected. Explains why my dad used campho phenique to treat everything from insect bites to small scrapes.

    I am still in the process of learning about oils and their uses and precautions.

    I guess I am an "Oilies".

    :heart: Margaret
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Karen in Virginia. Yep those are our small Hammond herd that ambles about the area.
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello, Lovely Ladies;

    I have a co-working on vacation, so I am being two people this week. I won't be around much. Just wanted to pop in and wave at y'all.

    I am so frustrated... the scale simply will not budge - so, I have changed up my calorie goals.

    Back in the day - I put myself down as "Lightly Active" and then did NOT eat back my exercise calories. It worked like a charm for a very long time - until my knee got all snarky. I had sound reasoning for changing my status to "sedentary" at that point, but, I also started eating back the exercise calories...

    For whatever reason - that whole plan - while not an EPIC fail - IS a fail - as getting the scale to move is taking an act of Congress. So I am going back to what worked... set my goal at "lightly active" and I no longer will eat back the calories. I guess I am just an all or nothing kind of gal. I couldn't quite force myself to leave half the calories on the table - but, I was quite successful at leaving all the exercise calories for a very long time.

    So, it's back to making sure I get my 500 calories of burn every day so that pound drops away... Keep your fingers crossed for me.

    I had hoped that maybe I was getting stalled because I was getting more muscle tone in my lower body from all the PT - but the measuring tape doesn't bear that out... :/


    Allie - Hugs! So sorry for your loss.

    Sarah - Awesome that you didn't gain any weight on your trip! Way to make great choices!

    Charleen - I can't wait to see the finished masterpiece. You are a true artist.

    regarding Coffee: I have all but given it up - mostly because I use a lot of half and half in mine. Now-a-days, I drink gallons if Chai Tea... Love me some spicy, non-sugar sweet tea.


    I have to run - there are several tasks awaiting me.... and I am a little rusty at them since they aren't my normal daily thing.

    Hugs for Everybody!!

    Re in TX
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Lanette in SW WA. Oh no worries, they are protected around here. Its illegal to hunt these Elk, or feed them for that matter. They are majestic!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited March 2017
    Found this recipe for bug spray:

    60 drops Eucalyptus Citridora (mosquitoes)
    16 drops Rose Geranium (ticks)
    16 drops lavender to protect and protect skin)
    15 drops peppermint (repels insects and cools skin)

    Mix in 4 oz spray bottle with 1 Tbsp vodka or vinegar swirl. Fill the rest of bottle with water. Shake. Apply often.

    Or mix with carrier lotion or oil and apply often. Eucalyptus Citridora is as effective as Deet if used correctly.

    With all oils make sure you keep caps on tight.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Margaret ~ It was so interesting to read what you wrote about essential oils. So many uses. You are very knowledgeable.
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    edited March 2017
    Good afternoon ladies:
    Lisa Hope this week passes by smoothly
    Mary Hope you had a nice walk
    Carol I love when children make that great play in sports - it just fills them with confidence. I can see him beaming!
    Charleen The quilt is absolutely breathtaking
    Janet Your story about the tornado 4 years ago is terrifying. When is tornado season over?
    Heather I love the vibrant colored broccoli and cauliflower - they are so gorgeous
    Margaret I also use essential oils regularly. I make mixes for headaches, sore throats/congestion and use them in my cleaners. My favorites are lavender, tea tree and eucalyptus
    Re Aw Re, it is such a long hard journey but you are doing so well. I think it is a great idea to re-assess and make some changes

    So saw my trainer today and beat my own personal best: plank 2 min 20 seconds. I am working toward 3 min but it is hard for me. Looking forward to pasta with homemade pesto. So in prep for dinner, I couldn't eat much today, just a small quinoa salad and a boiled egg.

    Well we got another blast of snow and now it is raining so this is a great formula for flooding. Really need the rain to stop.

    <3 Sarah, waterlogged in Ontario
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Do any of you read the Brunetti detective series, set in Venice, by Donna Leon? I have just ordered the latest. We've read every single one of the series.

    I'm also reading some proper literature for a change. I read so much non fiction and detective novels that it sometimes is a while since I read a serious novel. Just read Mothering Sunday by Graham Swift. I loved it. My problem is that I am so jealous of his beautiful style it almost makes me cry.

    Off to bed now to start reading Exposure by Helen Dunmore. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited March 2017
    Mary my cousin sent me another trick you can use to prevent ticks is after being outside and working in garden or a walk is to take a lint clothes roller that has the sticky stuff on it and roll it on your clothes. It can help to get the ticks off before they get you. We both live in areas that are have ticks.

    :heart: Margaret
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited March 2017
    Leftovers Queen! That's me. Leftover spaghetti. 1/2 cup of sauce, some roasted asparagus, mozzarella cheese, and four little mini hotdogs that I had cooked up yesterday. Yummy!


    Have a good day all!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Sarah tornado season is pretty much over by the end of May but you never know.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Margaret - what a great idea! I have one of those that I could use for that. I can put it inside of the screen porch so I could use it before I went into the house.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Margaret. What is a carrier lotion?