

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    Rita~ so sorry about you getting scammed.. I agree call the police and report it..
    Rori~ have a wonderful time... wish I was there with you...
    I would love to get into essential oils... I have a calming roll on one that I use every morning...
    working 9:30-6 today and a busy day
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Rita: I am really sorry you were scammed.

    About the essential oils discussion: I started using them several years back in multiple forms. Whenever I get a cold, I use a combination of oils in a cold air diffuser and buy a special oral mix that is good as a cold and sinus blaster. Also use them with almond oil for muscle pain.

    I went for a long walk with a friend last week on a bumpy terrain. My leg was not happy and my pain level leapt up, so have taken a few days off from walking. The pain is easing off, so will try to start back today or tomorrow. Oddly enough, the weight is dropping faster without the exercise than it was with.

    Hope everyone has a great week.

    -Leigh in France

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited March 2017
    Morning, all,

    Baby Mia looks healthy and lovely, hope the need for oxygen diminishes soon...

    Allie - I'm sorry for your loss, hope you get to go to the services.

    Rita - I write a lot about scams. Talk to your bank, too, and let them know. I know it feels embarrassing, but you might just help get someone nabbed. Basic policy is, if anyone wants you to do anything where you send cash in any form (Walmart, PayPal, whatever), it's often a scam. Those are untraceable forms, that's why they do it. You can stop a check, and are usually only liable for $50 for a fraudulent charge, but cash is king for scammers.

    This one's important for everyone
    - anyone you don't know who asks you a question on the phone that you could answer "Yes," hang up! Even if the question is "Do you want me to put you on our do-not-call list." Your recorded voice saying "Yes" can be used to sign you up for automatic withdrawals from a credit card or even your bank account. Simply hang up. I wrote about it weeks ago, and it's big enough now to hit the national news last night. Just hang up.

    Rori - Say "aloha" to Hawaii for us, and enjoy.

    The interview went quite well. Anytime they're talking about what they think your potential is to do new and better things with the position during the interview, it's a good sign. And I liked the CEO I'd be working directly for, as well. Virtual interview, over Skype, so I didn't even have to travel. Trying not to get my hopes up too much, but tough. I'd be able to work out of my home office except for a monthly meeting in Carlsbad, New Mexico, one of my favorite places, and any potential donor meetings.

    Corey's PT went well yesterday, they've got his arm taped up in the black tape again, looks like a jailhouse tattoo. :)

    The young reporter that's been working the city/county/hospital/water board meetings for us since December, and the one we had our eye on as a possible editor, sat down with my publisher yesterday to ask if there's room for her full-time. Serendipitous timing--she's got the potential, and the attention to detail that my other young reporter does not. As my old business partner used to say, "When everything's going right, stop arguing!" She lives in Alpine, about an hour and a half away, and wants to move to Fort Stockton, as it's where her grandmother lives. So, I'll have three papers to train her how to do what I do. She won't be able to be here for this one, but I'll have the April 7, 13 and 20 editions to get her grooved into the position.

    Today I find out from the doc what my blood test results are, and that will determine whether meds change for the thyroid. Should be interesting. Plus a Chamber Board of Directors meeting tonight at 5:30. And trying to edit the paper into shape for press day tomorrow. Long couple of days ahead. As Rori says, we can do this. :)

    Love y'all.
    Lisa in West Texas
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    LISA- Keeping fingers crossed for you (toes too) I always hated interviews and was never much good at them. My most successful was because I didn't really want the job but was forced to apply by fellow workers (long story) Anyway ended up in management post which I never really wanted to do but as it turned out was good as my pension is a final salary scheme.

    Kate UK <3
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning ladies! Happy Tuesday! Wow! Thank you all for chiming in on your experience with essential oils! I do believe in holistic medicine and healing and the power of plants and also alternative methods that at one time were controversial like acupuncture/acupressure; so I am not sure why I have been so belligerent about the benefits of oils. Maybe because they are the IN thing for all of the people who have the $$ to spend on it.?? After I posted, I did a little more homework on them and yes found out why they are so expensive. Looked up "making my own" and they do have crock pot recipes to get the oil and the hydrasol (the scented water), I also looked on wikihow to find out how to distill my own by making my own still, etc. I think I will invest in a basic starter set of oils and see how it goes with that. Making my own oils would be a process from growing the plants to distilling and bottling. IF I really like the oils, it may be something I decide to do in the future. Herbs are my favorite things to grow, (because they are hard to kill) so it could be something I could do with some planning.
    Rita- So sorry about the Craigslist scam! I just saw a segment on our local news about it. They have been preying on people in our area also. I agree with Lanette; you should definitely report it to the police. It seems that the scammers work an area code and make several attempts to scam people in your area code before moving on. Hugs and don't be hard on yourself! They are devious and always seem to come up with a way to get what they want. A new one I have heard about is one where the caller asks you a yes or no question, because they want you to answer "yes" or "no", so they can record your voice to use for voice recognition to get your money or account information. Advice is to always answer yes and no questions with a statement. Example: Q: Is this Rita so and so? you answer: This is Rita.
    Allie- Hugs to you for the loss of your uncle! <3
    Michelle- Cute little bee! Is it an outside ornament or is it a cookie jar or honey pot? Too cute! You are so talented!
    Mummoid- Trying to remember your name; is it Charlotte? Love your quilt! I stand in awe of all of you ladies with so much sewing/knitting, quilting talent.
    Janet- Baby Mia is adorable! She looks content and her skin is pink and healthy! I am sure she is well on her way to healthy and will be home soon! <3
    Margaret and Lanette- Thank you both so much for all of your insight and thoughts on the oils! Very nice to hear how they work from someone not trying to sell me oils.
    Rori- Enjoy your trip! Spring coming has got me yearning for warm days and toes in sand.
    Ooops, kiddos arriving and crabby husband awake. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,745 Member
    we'll.... back to the same o same o - it was a nice 4 days off w/kirby. he's off today. bought. a new goertex rain jacket. my other one was starting to leak thru on heavy rains. expensive but can't get any better than that
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited March 2017
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-26X 10 X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    I will get at least two- 2 mile walks in today. Maybe more! Yesterday I got an extra walk in and today is supposed to be just as beautiful out.

    Rita- i'm so sorry to hear about that scam! I hope you called the police and get some type of satisfaction from catching them.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi all!
    Lisa - Sending good wishes your way! <3

    Rita - So sorry! Someone tried to clone my FB account last week and sent out friendship requests to my friends. DH 's daughter spotted it. Facebook asked me if it was my account and I said no, so they took it down. Sooooooo annoying we have all this! My Yahoo has someone who is always trying to break in, but hasn't managed it. Grrrrrrrrrr! DH was once taken in by a bank account clone. No damage done (I spotted it) but it meant new cards and reporting it to the police etc. Luckily, touch wood, we don't seem to get the scam and nuisance calls over here so much.

    Happy to see all the babies doing so well. <3

    My friend loved the garage cartoon and is printing it out. Her garage looks exactly like the one in the pic. :laugh:

    I have noticed that last week's excesses (three meals out, alcohol and the long return journey to Nottingham) has caused a jump in my weight. I will have to take corrective action. :grumble: Not unexpected though. :noway:
    This afternoon I suddenly got the urge to makes scones (biscuits? ) . There are eight lovely ones sitting out there now. I will have one for my afternoon snack, with a sliver of cheese, and dock myself 150 calories. I had a super healthy salad lunch. :bigsmile:

    I love all the quilts - superb - and envy those with the patience to do them. When I was young I made all my own clothes, including suits and coats. I also knitted. Now I have no patience, but love to look at crafts. Embroidery is my favourite. I am good at crafts, but now days I want quick results. :o
    You crafters do share with me the problem of having to sit down a lot to pursue your skill. Writing my books is like that. Too much sitting! I sit (actually I lie down on my bed ) after my morning exercise, so it's not too bad. I can't do it for long hours like some writers. Short bursts are as much as I can manage.
    I think that's why I love cooking. Nothing takes too long to make!

    Thinking about my scones is making my mouth water! I make them by cutting up a circle of dough into 8 triangles. My father always did it like that, (he was the fancy cook in our house, plus a crafter - crochet, drawing, tapestry and pottery ) so it's a kind of memory of him.

    Lots of love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,745 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: If sodium is an issue for your BP, there are a lot of things to do that might help. I used to add salt to my food at the table 3, 4 or more times while eating although it had adequate salt to begin with. I called myself a salt-a-holic. It has been a challenge, but I no longer add salt to my salt. :embarassed: My mom used to lick her palm and then salt it, and lick the salt off again. :noway:

    Becca: DH uses Dr. Bonner's castile soap. He likes it. We decided to ban antibiotic soaps & shampoos from our bathroom and have had fewer ailments and colds ever since. He uses Bonners soap and I use Neutrogena glycerin bars on my skin and hair I still use shampoo once in a while. :smiley: I use liquid stevia that I buy from Fred Meyers. It is called sweet leaf sweet drops and is in the nutrition center. I didn't like the paper packet version becuase the portions was too much and it made my coffee taste way too sweet to me. I take packets along when I travel by air, and I don't use a whole packet in a cup of coffee. I can usually get 2 or 3 cups out of a packet. Stevia isn't as sweet as sugar and took a little getting used to. I don't use Truvia. As I understand it, Truvia is Stevia with chemicals added. You probably will want to investigate for yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I don't post much on facebook any anymore other than political comments and private conversations with friends. I suspect Vince and I may have similar views on it. I love the options for private conversations, though. :star:

    Lisa: Thanks for the warning about answering yes to an unknown caller on the phone. :flowerforyou:

    The dog goes to the groomer this morning, and I'm hoping to lure DH ourt for a meal or other adventure away from home. The river is deep but not too deep at our house. Things are still fine.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 50 Minutes of a Fit in Six DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to go to yoga and then take the deep water class.

    Rori - I know this is an added expense, but it might be worth it for your peace of mind. Have you thought about someone coming in, say during the day, to be with your hubby? I'm so sorry you're going thru this, I know how hard it can be. Safe travels to you. Have as much fun as you can.

    janetr - Mia just tugs at my heartstrings. So glad she's home

    Everyone who commented on the bee - when Vince picked it up last night (I was hosting mahjongg) he said that he was asked when the next time was we were going to the ceramic place in VA because they liked that bee so much. Thank you for all the nice comments. A butterfly next..... Do we have anyone on here who pours ceramic molds? I know Sylvia did, but she hasn't been on here in a long long time. Does anyone remember her MFP name? I may have her as a "friend", I can ask her that way. But I'm not sure which of the "friends" are her.

    Lisa - I was just listening on the radio today about how you should never say "yes" to anyone. They gave the example of "do you own you own home". Another thing they said, when you get a robo call, don't just hang up, but instead say "I know this is a robot". Evidently, the word "robot" triggers something and then you get a message that your number is being deleted from their system. I'm going to try this and see that if it really does happen. Sure can't hurt to try -- and it might help. Hoping for the best in your test results

    KJ that bee is one of the items that will go outside by the pool. See, all around the pool we have riverrock so it's all beige. I want something with color to brighten it up. Right now Vince is making a lighthouse. It's REALLY tall, it come in 3 sections because it wouldn't fit in a kiln to be fired if it were all in one piece. He did find a light that can be put in it, it blinks once a minute. All put together, the lighthouse is about 3' tall.

    Lanette - Vince doesn't answer the phone unless he knows the person on the caller ID. However, I do since a lot of Newcomers have cell phones with area codes from where they moved from

    katla - I never add salt unless it's sometimes in a baked good to enhance the flavor. Now it's really gotten to the point where i can taste salt in food, especially if we go out to eat. Vince's view on Facebook -- "I don't do Facebook". I do it very little, and I know he would absolutely kill me if I ever posted something like "Michele is at xxx Restaurant". I guess it's a good thing that we don't have young kids today.

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    edited March 2017
    Heather thanks for heads up about Facebook. Scammers can take your image and tweek the name by a Capital or not a capital and then approach friends to that old scam of I am in trouble etc... please send money. Someone tried this on me. What bothered me was Facebook did not have a quick easy way to report this. I think that is remiss in this day and age. I did find a way to report it, but they never did get back to me. They just sent me a generic how to stay safe on Facebook. I deleted the so called fake friend myself. I assume they took the fake person down.

    I have to be careful when I answer the phone I have caught myself just saying yes as a natural reaction. I think it is better to know about there things and be proactive than reactive.

    I hurt my knee again, so taking it easy today.
    :heart: Margaret
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Margaret- sorry to hear about your knee! Hope it feels better soon.
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Weed Appreciation Day!

    Charleen - Drama Queen is a stunner!

    Janet and other coffee drinkers - I'm curious, do you log your coffee? The only thing I log as water intake is water or herbal tea.

    SlayStrong - Welcome to the group!

    Katla - I love essential oils, but I think I've tried every herbal bug repellent known to humankind and none of them worked for me. If there's a mosquito anywhere in the county, it'll come find me. I'm enjoying all the other tips, though! When I had carpet I used to mix lavender buds into a big box of baking soda and use it as a carpet sprinkle.

    Becca - Wow, that's quite a view from your window.

    Margaret - That's very interesting about CamphoPhenique! It's a memory from my childhood, but I never realized it had tea tree oil in it.

    Rita - Oh, I am SO sorry to hear you were the victim of a scammer! That was an expensive lesson. Hope you'll report it to the authorities.

    Lisa - Congratulations on finding an editor!

    There are a lot of lavender farms in central Texas, and the town of Blanco puts on a big annual lavender festival. All this talk of essential oils has got me thinking I need to organize a girlfriend trip out there this year!

    Late last night the dogs started making a ginormous ruckus in the back yard and when I went out to check I could hear Luna jumping around in the potting area and going absolutely bonkers. I wasn't able to call them off, and by the time I'd gone in to get a flashlight so I could see what was going on they'd killed an oppossum. I hate it when they kill things, but when it comes to rodents in our yard, dogs will be dogs.

    Well, today is Philip's day off, and I've got a couple of small things I want him to do for me. Guess I'd better give him his marching orders and then get to work.

    Wishing you all a happy, productive day.

    -Yvonne in TX