
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Hugs to everyone.

    Paula Y.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hugs PAULA! From Oregon to U!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Today is almost over. Played golf, afte we had a luncheon for one of our members who is turning 90 tomorrow. After that had a pedicure in preparation for my trip. Feel like going to bed but it is too early.
    We've had lots of scammers call us, IRS, Micrsoft, grandchildren arrested and needing money etc,etc,
    The lavender fields in France are beautiful I have seen the ones in Central Texas.
    Lisa-great news!!
    Can't think so will say goodnight.
    SueBDew in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Becca,I have seen several of your meals now or lunch and dinner. Are you eating enough calories/day?

    Katla, sometimes I think I am eating to much sodium but my blood sodium level is either normal or a little closer to the low side. And my cardiologist tells me I need extra sodium. Do I use that as an excuse?????/Maybe. I took it this evening and it was 141/74 so I am content.

    Mia is so precious looking, so content and good color. Of course oxygen does help that! I know she has a lot of people who love her. I love it that we have so many pictures of babies of different ages that we love on.

    Am watching Bones, it's the final season and they are really winding down, wrapping up peoples journeys in their lives and showing us some hints as to what the ending may be. It is a bit gorey at times but I love the show. I have watched it since the beginning.

    Mummoid, I have my first quilt i made as a wall hanging also. It's right above my bed since I don't have a head board. I really need to change that though since my sleep number mattress keeps on slipping on the box springs. I have a big body pillow at the top of the bed and it keeps on slipping down the wall.

    Charlie is getting slower and slower. Come spring an summer he loves to go down to the river and walk. Other times he goes to a local mall that once our big mall opened up, the smaller mall started going downhill. It is mainly doctor's offices so it's a big walkers place. It is even plane so he isn't going up and down a hill. But the river slight terrain just busts his butt. I have suggested he use one of the many benches and rest so that he doesn't get so tired that he falls. But Charlie doesn't 'give up' and sit to rest. After walking he went to Walmart. He does that often. He is a stubborn man and I guess a person needs that with Parkinson's.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,084 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Kate – I’ve heard a lot of things like ‘your body will fight very hard to NOT allow you to starve it’. But, I don’t know if there is a certain weight that it just decides it doesn’t want to get to. I know I have been told the closer you get to your goal the harder it is to lose that last few pounds … got to be more aware of what and how much you are eating, what you are drinking, and how much exercise you are getting. I’m about 12lbs away from my goal and I keep losing and finding the same damn 2 – 5lbs. So frustrating. I want to get within the range of ‘normal’ weight. I think I am now on the charts as ‘overweight’; but, not obese, mildly obese, or morbidly obese. There are days, and today is one of them, that I just don't feel like exercising. I am looking forward to the middle of May when we will open the pool. It'll be cold for 2 weeks; but, once it is warm enough so that you have shock to get into it, I'll be there, every day it doesn't rain.

    My middle granddaughter is mildly allergic to mosquito bites. She breaks out in welts when bitten, so now I understand why she stays covered, even in the summer.

    We had a housekeeper that wanted me to buy oil of turpentine (from the drugstore) to put in a bowl under the boys’ beds when they were congested. I’ve also read (recently) that you should NOT put Mentholated cream on babies. Not on their chest and not right under their noses. Gee, so much has changed concerning babies since I had mine; I am not sure I would know what to do with one.

    I’m not sure I would like to have to apply for a job over the Internet, you never know one way or the other ‘if’ they have hired someone or why you did not ‘get the job’ which can help you the next time you ‘apply’ somewhere. I had had a job offered to me in the morning after setting up an interview for the 2nd. I was honest with them and told them that I had already set up an appointment for an interview that afternoon and I thought I needed to be ‘fair to myself’ to go on it. I’m glad I did – so much more interesting working for that type of law practice than to end up typing deeds all day long. As a teenager, working for my Daddy, I’d go to the Clerk’s office and handwrite the deeds, verbatim – right or wrong; and then draw out the plate. If there was a misspelled word we’d put [‘sic’] to show that it was known that the word have originally been misspelled.

    I went on an interview with the Clerk’s Office because, at the time, the decision about a judgeship had not yet been made. Boss basically told me to do so, because it had the benefits I really needed for my family. When I got asked by the Clerk, if my boss got the Judgeship, would I apply for his secretarial position? I answered ‘yes I would’. My boss got a little upset because there was ‘no way’ he could provide those benefits for me. I’m glad I waited, he got appointed and I now have a nice retirement and benefits. I think I just ‘felt inside’ that he’d get appointed. He was on the ‘short list of 3’.

    Michelle – I love the bee, too. I took ceramics as a teenager, and loved it. How big are most of your things? Bee looks like it could be [no pun intended] a cookie jar.

    I’ll check my friends list to see if I can figure out Sylvia’s user name. I haven’t made a lot of friends; and, I do think she was one of them. Made some when I first got on here.

    My DYS doesn’t do FB either. I don’t say squat about where I am or where I’ve been. I don’t want anybody to ‘tag’ me either. Took a while before DDnL#1 realized that (even when I would tell her NOT to do it).

    We get so many phone calls from places outside of the State. I know they have to be ‘someone wanting to sell something or try to get information. The IRS, nor any Sheriff’s Department, or Clerk’s Office, or Court will call you to tell you that you owe them money and you will be put in jail if you don’t pay it. The IRS and most places will send you a ‘certified letter’. If you don’t show up to Court, they will ‘send’ the Sheriff to bring you there (and the Judge will decide what to do). Hang up! When we get several calls during the day from the same ## or place; I will pick up the phone and says, “Fire Department, where is your emergency!” The longer the phone does not connect, the more I say things like “Captain, you need to pick up, this is a crank call!” The bad thing about telemarketers and their companies is they have a bank of phones, therefore it is almost impossible to block them all.

    Lisa – I ‘hate’ telemarketers and if they ask ‘if I can hear them, I hang up’! Maybe it would do all of us some good if you would post your story here. I think the instinct to answer “Yes” to a question like that is easy to break, you just have to ‘think’ first. Like my sons and my DH tell me, all the time, especially at dusk and dawn (but really any time) … if a deer runs out in front of you, do NOT swerve to try to miss it. It’ll run off and you’ll probably be ‘dead’. Chances are, if you hit one, it is going to bounce over your car; and, now that cars have airbags, you’ll be more likely to be hurt by the airbag instead of the deer. Sweetie, thyroid medication can make you start feeling almost like a Million bucks, for whether you are hyper- or hypo-thyroid. The first sets you ‘on edge and running like a maniac’, the second makes you ‘drag along and feel tired’. Since mine was ‘hyper’ I went through a procedure where they ablated my thyroid with radiation, then they gave me replacement. Every time I go to the MD, they will normally check my thyroid levels to make sure I am taking the correct dosage. When I was taking “Lithium” and “Synthroid” each would ‘whack out the other’. After about 2x of this, I told my PsycheMD to tell my GP to stop messing with it, at that point it was more import for my Lithium levels to be where I needed them to be, not the thyroid. They can’t try to get me ‘textbook therapeutic’ on a lot of the medications I take. A lot has to do with ‘how I feel about myself’. My PsycheMD is the first one I talk about ‘maybe my medications are whacked out’. I don’t like feeling like I am standing on a ‘wire’ and that I could fall down on either side. My preference is to be 1 step to the side of manic. Depression SUXS!

    KJ – When we get calls that ask ‘If this so-and-so’ and it is a number that I have answered because maybe I have been ‘expecting’ a call, I will answer, ‘who’s calling’ or ‘maybe I ask the nature of this call’? I don’t even answer at all if I get a call and that person calls me by my ‘legal’ name … it is either someone who does not know me’ or ‘it is a MD’s office’ (then, they usually announce who they are).

    I wish I could figure out why I cannot somehow get FB from notifying me on FB when a ‘friend’ posts something. I don’t even have FB on my phone. So it should not be doing this. Or so the Verizon guy told me, still doing it.
    Scammers also move into a city and get jobs in offices where they are able to get ‘personal information’ … that happened to me; and, someone ‘used’ my identity to file a tax return. When I realized what had happened, my friend, who worked for the IRS was able to get the information about it and we could prove it had not been me. Sad thing is, IF my BF had NOT worked for them, I would have ‘played HELL trying to prove that it was not me’. Probably a better way to answer would be to say, ‘speaking’. That is also non-committal.

    I used to salt my food all the time, now the ‘only’ thing I salt are ‘fresh tomatoes’.

    Lanette – We won’t answer any calls that we do not recognize, especially if it is from out of the area code. So many people call my DH at home for him to come give them a quote, that we do answer some cellphone numbers.

    I love the ‘cat’!!!! Friend sent me an email with pictures of ‘wood piles’ that looked like pictures. Maybe I ought to do this on my last ‘cat’ and ‘dog’s’ graves.

    He ends up having to have this done every 6 – 8 months. I had to go pick him up from his job this afternoon right after lunch, he was in excruciating pain. Got home, took another pain pill and antibiotic and then went to empty it out and figured out why he was so miserable; they (I guess the nurse, maybe the MD) had taped the bag to his leg and it was pulling down on the tubing; he ‘fixed’ that by taking the tape off. He hasn’t been moaning and groaning since. He is asleep in his chair with feet on ottoman. Been that way for about an hour-and-a-half. Last night I woke him several times; but, could not get him to come to bed until I told him I’d help him up. I think the position he is in doesn’t strain him. It’s difficult to watch this happen. Last time he had it done, they had to go in and flush it out 3 or 4 days later; then the MD decided that it would be best to just remove it. This will be a procedure that he will have to go through for the rest of his life.

    Louis has vitiligo – what is also said to be the “Michael Jackson” disease by some people. DOGD called tonight and asked if he had ever been diagnosed with having it. He could not remember the ‘name’; but, remember that it began with a “V”. Looked it up and that is what he has. Just affects his hands and arms mostly, beginning to affect his legs. He is glad that he doesn’t have it on his face. It burns from being out in the sun really bad. Even tanning lotion hasn’t helped much. When he first started with it, he thought it might have been the mineral spirits he used. I don’t think they know why it happens. He does have a few people ‘stare’ at it.

    Janetr OKC and Yvonne in TX – I count my coffee AND the sugar I put in it.

    Becca – Louis aunt used to say things like, ‘well … hellooooooo there’ to strange men when we went to visit his uncle (for his birthday) – sister and brother; and were all sitting in the lobby. Every man, whether there was a woman with him or not; she had the ‘sexiest’ voice ever. The only other woman I knew that had a ‘sexy’ voice … totally did not look all that sexy. I can remember working for an insurance company that dealt a lot with dealership and one of the salesmen had the most ‘come hither’ voice of a man I had ever heard; then I met him. He was a ‘nice’ looking man; but nothing like I thought he’d look like. Short, totally gray; but, the ladies in the office just loved him and enjoyed when he came in. He spoke to everybody.

    Glad that he took them out. Navy would have probably made him ‘take them out’; but, then again, they might not have even considered him. My DDnL#1 had the inside of her ear pierce after being told it would help with migraines. Did NOT work and it got infected and she had to have it taken out. It hurt bad enough getting my ears pierced in the fatty lobe of my ear; but, I hear piercing the cartilage really hurts. I don’t believe in other body piercings; but, that is just IMHO.

    You could fool me with that smile. Boys sure have grown up!

    Love your ‘food pictures’.

    When I wasn’t working and had small children (even after they were grown) when a telemarketer would call with them reading their ‘canned speech’; I’d lay the phone down on the counter and every few minutes would pick it up and ‘ask the person to repeat that last thing they said’. Then I would scream like I was yelling at the kids and come back and say, ‘now where were you’? They’d finally hang up (frustrated); but, apparently that made them take my number off their list. Now they have a computer/robot dialing numbers all the time. When we had a fax number, it would ring several times a hour. I’d get medical records all the time. I would be a pissed one if that had happened to me. Now with the H.I.P.P.A. laws I don’t know what they do. This was several years ago, when I needed one. Also, occasionally I can go outside and sit in a certain area and pick up conversations on my cellphone. They apparently cannot hear me; but, I hear them as good as if I am on the line with them. This has happened 2x (apparently between 2 MDs). One ‘on call’ and the ‘other one [hopefully] home ‘drunk as a skunk’. They’d talk about a patient and had a ‘code name’ for her. Apparently, she was a ‘frequent flyer’.

    HP used to sell their inks and billed through their own company. Now they use PayPal and I’d rather pay more for the inks at the local office supply than to deal with the rudeness I encountered with PalPay. I told the guy that I was going to pay the damn MF bill and when it got there I wanted him to ‘shove it up his @$’! I had a plan with HP where I did not have to pay interest or a late fee and then they turned their billing over to PayPal. IF you did NOT pay the bill ‘in full’ they charged you $35 as a late fee. Speaking of having to change your email accounts. I started getting very graphic emails that would NOT delete and attached themselves like leeches. I call my ISP and they change it, then got another one while I was ‘on the phone’ with them, so they opened it up and saw what I was talking about. Changed the password AND the email address. Haven’t had any problems since. But, I also use Outlook and I can set it up to have a reading pane at the bottom, and can roll my cursor over the email subject and I can see what is in the email and I don’t have to open it like I did back then.

    Ginger in Texas – I think I would just let “Karma” take care of her. Not worth having to go through changing all your user names and passwords to contact her.

    PIP – Just don’t double it!

    Cheri – Love the afghan.

    Joyce – My GP told me to keep a check on my BP; and if the top number was consistently over 135 or the bottom number was consistently over 85 that I would need to go back on the BP medication … only problem with that is, it then overcorrects it. One reason he took me off it after GYN had put me on it 2 or 3 weeks earlier and he had cut it in ½ before taking me off it completely. I’m feeling fine now. I need to keep up with BP before I have to go in to have a sonogram on my breast.

    I have Parkinson-like tremors (or as my Neurologist calls the ‘essential tremors’). I don’t see ‘anything’ essential about them. They’re not absolutely ‘necessary’ or ‘extremely important'. They are very ‘irritating’. They say that ‘seizure’ medications are used to ‘help control them’. I would disagree with that … I take 3 (maybe 4) medications that are ‘seizure medications’ and it hasn’t helped. It is almost like they are what started them.

    My Mimi was thin as a rail most of her life; but, when my Mama was born, she was a ‘fat’ baby; because back then a ‘fat baby’ was a ‘healthy baby’. Mimi always had sweets in the house; my Mother rarely had sweets in the house. We grew up NOT having them available to us and I don’t crave chocolate; but, I do enjoy my chocolate covered protein bar at night with my coffee. But, it is funny that I cannot eat them at any other time of the day or they make me nauseous. Go figure!

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Jyce. I eat 1200 calories a day. Its all good.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    18,000 steps
    224 minutes walking Sasha and Bess
    169 minutes riding the exercise bike

    :'( Jake is still sick and has spent the day coughing, sneezing, and whimpering so I've gone to my "self-soothing" behaviours and walked the dogs and ridden the exercise bike while knitting and watching TV

    <3 Barbie
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Made it to the bottom of pg. 67. Will post when I get caught up so most of it will probably be outdated. See you all tomorrow

    Sharon in Lethbridge, Alberta
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Marvelous Madames!

    I have updated my crusty old resume and submitted my application...We shall see what we shall see....

    I had to take the photo off of my resume, though... It was 13 years and 150 lbs. out of date.

    I have my fingers crossed for a good outcome.

    Money is nice - and I have had uncanny luck in employment - The right jobs have come along and I have only been sorry, once, in 23 yrs. I think that's a pretty good record. I have always had just the right job to weather the downs in the economy and the right job to broaden my skillset.

    Think good thoughts.

    Can you believe it's almost April? Wow... I know we had March... there are all sorts of baby/puppy/travel/food pictures to prove it... but man, it seems to have gone by fast...

    Hugs for everybody!!

    Re in TX
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    lisa great numbers on the thyroid :)

    Love the Afghan Cheri I used to crochet but the repetitive motion hurts too much. Now I admire them even more :)


    -no coffee after 12 +
    -no eating after 7. +
    - gym :/ But I did 15 Leslie sansone :)
    - Veggies with every meal +
    - Wrist exercises +

    Here's to a warm spring day ahead! I will embrace it with a walk after work today!


  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    Confession...I ate a bunch of vanilla wafers last night. I have no idea why, not even a favorite treat . I use them to make cheesecake crust and they were taunting me from an upper kitchen cabinet. Three times I got on the step stool to grab a handful. That took effort, the craving was intense. Haven't experienced that in a long time. I'm usually more disciplined, but after more than 3 months of eating clean I guess I just needed a splurge. The scale reflected my indiscretion as if wagging a finger at me this morning. Done and dusted. Hopefully my sugary carb craving has been satisfied for 3 more months. I think a long walk in the mall after work is in order.

    Everyone have a good day. Love and hugs.

    Off to the shower to get ready for work.

    Chris is MA where the birds are singing but Spring has not sprung yet
  • pamfgil
    pamfgil Posts: 449 Member
    edited March 2017
    Weather is just starting to get colder here, Sunday was 35c, then Monday on dropped to below 25c all week, I had to go to my six monthly ear vacuuming appt which is a twenty minute walk from work, then to the gym and the rain held off until I was just across the street from the train station, got soaked in the last 10 metres. 21000 steps today, the dogs were very enthusiastic about a walk when I got home