
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning ladies! Happy Wednesday!
    Lisa- Good news from the doc! Wahoo!
    Mummoid- Is it Charlotte? That letter from your son is fantastic! Warms my heart and gave me a little tear this morning! So happy for you (and him)! <3
    Chris- Don't sweat the vanilla wafers! I am sure you will walk/move it all off.
    Sarah- LOVE the pic of your daughter in the lavender field! Beautiful colors and I bet the smell was fantastic! <3 Was she there on a family trip or an exchange program?
    Ginger- LOve, LOVE, LOVE the Bingo task chart! I think I will implement this into my daycare next fall! I will definitely be making one for my family (mostly me). I do love to cross things off a list; but adding the desire to get a Bingo will definitely feed my competitive nature!
    Re- I would say "good luck" with this job/interview; but I think we make our own luck. Knowing you and your personality just from this site; I would say your skills and personality and the wonderful way you treat and respect others makes luck (or good Karma) a part of your life! You deserve all of the good life brings you! You got this!

    Been busy, busy between working my normal 11-12 hour days and getting ready to leave for TX on Friday night or Saturday morning. DH is adding to my stress however. I shouldn't say adding to; I generally don't stress. He IS my stress. He is not a traveler. He is now excited to get to TX and see Lauren and baby Joaquin; but he is dragging his feet about how we are getting there and when we are leaving. I(we) have been planning on driving for this trip. I have the route planned, maps printed, hotel reservations made at halfway point of drive, everything budgeted with a little extra leftover, EVERYTHING taken care of so that he doesn't have to worry about anything. Now, last night he had me looking into flying, taking a train, etc. Maybe I will just clunk him over the head, drag him into the car and take off. >:)

    Ah well, I love him; but he is a pill. ttyl xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    Mummoid love the letter!

    Lenora like suggestion of saying speaking or just hanging up.

    :heart: Margaret
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Kelly your description of DH and travelling made me chuckle. Remember how great it will be when he is actually holding that gorgeous baby Joaquin <3
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout B
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    OHP- 1X5X 45/50, 5X5X 55
    DL- 15X 95/105/115/120

    Kettlebell Swing
    Rest Day

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    Walk a 2 mile walk this morning then mall walking all afternoon!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    KJ - The book I ordered on your recommendation has just arrived! I think it had to come from the US. I'm looking forward to reading it. "The Kindness Diaries". :D

    mummoid - Beautiful letter. I can imagine how much you treasure it. <3 I really respect those who are bringing up children with disabilities.

    Lisa - Happy for you with the thyroid results. My DDIL has taken a low dose thyroid since her pregnancy with Edie. She is very happy with it.

    Enjoyed my soup. Double yum! :D 160 calories. Normally I put prawns in it, but didn't bother today.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Mummoid ~ Your son's letter brought a tear to my eye!

    Sarah ~ What a beautiful picture of your daughter in the field. Her red hair is lovely.

    Lanette ~ Those cheese croutons are a great idea. My Pom only eats lean chicken, pork and beef mixed with a bit of rice. He will not touch anything else. No dog food or dog treats. No fruit or vegetables. Drinks a lot of water. I will walk him again in a few minutes and see if he can do his business. If not today, will have to go to the vet.

    Rita ~ Look on eBay and see if the scammer has listed your item.

    Lisa ~ Great news that the meds are working.

    Love all the food pictures! :)

    Carol in GA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    MUMMOID- lovely letter bet you are so proud

    RITA - good luck on your travels

    KELLY - most hubs are probably pills at some time just as well we love em

    This morning - 15 min vid with handweights and some KB and Dumbell moves
    Then shopping for new shorts and tops for holiday in June as what I've got have already been taken in as much as possible but hey I'm not complaining

    Weather has changed so no walk this afternoon (I hate rain) will do another vid I think

    Kate UK <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Very wet day here in TX. Some severe lightening occurred this morning while we were at the gym. Just a drizzle at this point.

    Thanks for the afghan love being sent my way! I have been crocheting since high school. I have to pace myself as I suffer from "crochet elbow" if I do too much at a time. It is very relaxing for me.

    This week is #7 on the Naturally Slim program. No weight loss this past week. I'm trying to be okay with that fact. It helps that the inches are coming off! This week concentrates on Emotional Eating. The title is How Do You Know If You Are Eating Your Feelings? I'll watch the video and let ya'll know!

    We got a new dishwasher and refrigerator delivered yesterday. Such a blessing that the landlord went ahead and did this for us. They are no way near the quality of appliance we are used to and would have in our home however, it is making a world of difference here in this rental home. Larger fridge-CHECK! Larger dishwasher-CHECK! Since we are staying in the rental another year I got my husband on board to help with "cleaning up the joint" to my standards. He could just as much live in a hole for all he cares. Me - I have a bit higher expectation even in this rental home. We will tackle each room/area for a full clean down. We did the dining area this past weekend. Windows and screens inside and out. Blinds. Backdoor inside and out. Baseboards. Dog crate area. The tile flooring I will do (grout is disgusting) that when doing the kitchen. We switched around the layout of the living room. Much more space now. Will do the blinds/windows/screens this weekend. Then move on to next room/area. For the life of me I don't understand why this man I live with isn't bother by all the past renter's dirt!

    Off to watch my videos and have a cup of coffee.

    Have a good one!

    in wet College Station, TX

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Cherie ~ Please bring your energy to my house!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lisa: Great news on the thyroid results. Yay! :smiley:

    Cheri: I love the temperature afghan. My mom made afghans with squares like yours, but never thought to make one a temperature gradient. I love it! She once made me a skirt with squares in that pattern. I always wore it with a slip for modesty sake. Good memories. :heart:

    Joyce: I've always called myself a saltaholic. I add it to most things. I have been using less since starting with MFP, mostly because of DH's health situation. He's had high BP for a long while. My BP is on the low side. Instead of cooking with salt, I tend to add it at the table. :embarassed:

    mummoid: What is WOE? :huh: What a lovely note from your son! :heart:

    Re in TX: March has been the soggiest month in recent history. I hope April showers have decided to go somewhere else. :grumble:

    Heather: Food deliveries are unusual or non-existent in our area but my mom lived in near a grocery store in Salem that made deliveries. It was wonderful in her later years. She was blind in one eye and frail, so driving was not a safe thing to do. She did it anyway for too long. We moved her to an assisted living facility near us but didn't close up her home until after she passed away. We took her to visit, and discovered that the reason she wanted to go was a drawer full of packages of cigarettes. :sad: She died from emphysema. :broken_heart:

    Sarah, ON Canada: I love today's rant. Did you write it yourself or find it somewhere? :flowerforyou:

    Rita: I always log my food on my phone and have never missed a day. When I'm out of our service area, things magically get posted for me. Color me happy about that. Most places we travel seem to have internet service so that explains a good deal about staying connected. I hope you're able to stay in touch while on the road. (((HUGS)))

    Yoga today! Yay!!! I am considering calling the stable to see if today would be good to ride Arrow, but my own energy is on the low side so I'll decide about that later after I've been to yoga. I haven't got a riding lesson this week, and I'll get out there at least once, but more often is better for me and for him. I'm one of two or three people who are now riding him, and he is doing much better because of all the attention.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Smoke and Mirrors Day!

    Cheri - Your afghans are so colorful and pretty!

    Janet - I drink green tea too but I don't log it because it does contain some caffeine. My rule of thumb is I don't log anything caffeinated. I'm like you, though, I don't have any problem getting in a full ration of plain old water.

    Becca - How'd you like the black coffee? I used to sugar mine lightly, but when I realized I was putting less than half a teaspoon of sugar in each cup I decided to forgo it. I didn't miss it. Your son is a handsome guy!

    Carol - I've never had a dog that wouldn't eat pumpkin! Plain yogurt might also help, though.

    - Hurray for good thyroid results!

    Ginger - The bingo task list is such a cute idea! What do you get if you fill your card?

    Rita - Have you spent a test night or two in the RV? If not, between that and the rain you may want to pick a place close to home for a day or two, to give you time to settle in before you head out for the open road. You may find as you use it that you want to make minor tweaks to the way things are set up.

    Lots of rain last night - I woke up around 2 a.m. to a spectacular thunderstorm. Good thing, too, because our bedroom window was open so I was able to close it before anything got wet.

    Must get to work... my plate has been very full lately and I'm having to hustle to keep up.

    Have a lovely day!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Heather -
    Do any of you read the Brunetti detective series, set in Venice, by Donna Leon? I have just ordered the latest. We've read every single one of the series.

    No. I hadn't heard of that one. I shall be looking up book 1 and giving the series a try. I enjoy mysteries and police procedural books.

    Mia in MI
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    Rita, sounds like your scammer was very sophisticated factoring in the "moving costs" as part of the scam. Wonder where he was from? DH was able to trace our scammer back into Canada via ISP "pings" on email addresses somehow. I'd imagine texting is harder to trace unless you're the FBI or NSA. B)

    What's your planned itinerary? ..... have you decided what direction/destination is first on the list, you gypsy you?

    Sarah, I forgot to mention how lovely that photo was of your red-headed daughter in that lavender field. WOW. Who took that photo? It could be on a calendar or advertisement, very nice.

    Cheri, that afghan is just gorgeous. Where did you find the pattern? I have boxes of yarn I need to do something with - when I declutter, I'm not parting with that stash. Right now when I get the urge to crochet, I knock out a potholder in a day or two. Maybe if I get started on a big project the rain will stop and I'll be lured outside again!

    Kate, I'm waiting for the grey sky/rain to take a break so I can get out and walk! As long as blue sky peeks through I don't mind but the constant spatter, avoid if I can help it. Barbie you are a trooper to get so many dog walks in during all sorts of weather.

    Leigh - way to go on your 39.5 pound loss!

    Mummoid - so glad your son is communicating better. That letter is a treasure!

    To all of you gals stuck or backsliding a little - that is me too. Seems like when my PT job ended a few weeks ago, I had too much spare time/cabin fever and got out of my healthy routine. At least I've been walking and going to the gym more. Today I'm making a big batch of black bean/quinoa salad with lots of chopped celery/red & orange peppers and a bit of feta crumbled in - add dash of red wine vinegar and avocado oil. Lasts for days and is yummy. That and I'll make a couple low-carb muffins and just have them in the fridge in case I get hungry to thwart my trip to the goodie pantry.

    My PT job might be coming back - one of the staff in the department where I worked is moving to another department and they might need a "fill-in" until a new FT person gets on-board. That is perfect. It's mostly sitting for long periods of time doing data entry which my arthritic hands don't like a lot, but I was able to break it up into 4 hour "days".

    I am on an "anti-news" diet. Seems like every time I pick up the paper or see the news on TV, there's a story about government waste/ higher taxes/electric bills coming, animal abuse or a disaster somewhere that either makes me mad or sad. Same thing with Facebook - I don't want to hear about that stuff anymore so I just pop in to check a couple inspirational or cute animal websites and see if I have messages. Heck, I don't want to watch National Geo and see lions taking down gazelles. Don't want to be exposed to the stories and situations that used to be fascinating but now seem troubling.

    I think the light came on last weekend when we lost the internet for 4 days and suddenly didn't have that "noise" anymore.

    So this came into my FB feed yesterday - and I've been "chewing" it over: When we read a magazine, we consume. When we watch a television program, we consume. Whatever we consume affects our body and mind. If we consume toxic magazine articles, movies, or video games, they will feed our craving, our anger, and our fear.
    - Thich Nhat Hanh

    My decluttering has also ground to a slow crawl - the room that really needs it is one we don't heat and it's 58 back there right now. When we get sun it seems to warm quickly...so I'm going to wait it out. The electric rates rose last year and another gigantic one is coming. We have a heat pump we don't use much - we like the air conditioner in the summer tho - and rely on a little woodstove in the living room where we spend most of our time. We have to buy the firewood so not sure how much $$ we actually save, but DH gets some exercise and it keeps him busy during the winter bring in firewood, tending the stove, etc.

    So as a result of our super cold winter, we are nearly out of firewood. I found "pressed" logs at Tractor Supply yesterday - bits of wood which were formed into logs under super compression. No additives. They seem to be burning fine once he gets a bed of coals going and we get a couple hours out of one. I'll pick up a dozen of them next time I go to town.

    Well, the weathermap shows a break in the rain so I might as well suit up and jump some puddles!

    SW WA State
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Cheri - Love the afghans, they look so cuddly!

    Becca - I like seeing what others are eating to stay on track. Much prefer your pics to TV fast food commercials that show calorie heavy, gooey sloppy food in an effort to try and get you to 'stop on by.'

    Some of the food shown is repulsive rather than tempting to me, eating healthy has changed my mindset about what an appealing dish is.

    Charleen in Colorado (Yup, I did eat that one asparagus popping up in the garden. It was delish!)
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Hi ladies, trying to stay positive, having a tough day but checking in with you all helps. I also plan on hitting the gym after work. Both are positive things I have control over and can give me a little push in the self care direction!

    Lanette, I love the idea of decluttering and not consuming all the negativity on tv, internet, social media etc. Shutting it off helps me a lot, I do read the paper everyday, and that is how I want to be informed.


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    edited March 2017
    Charlene - Can you invite me when you have a asparagus party? :laugh:

    Lanette - I have got much more sensitive to news etc as I've got older. I rarely watch violent or troubling tv series either, unless it is really first class writing with a compassionate heart. We have given up quite a few things we used to watch because it all seems to be negative stuff with people being horrible to each other. Not interested any more. I prefer to watch more inspirational stuff.
    My DDIL blogs and Instagrams on happiness every day. It's all the usual stuff, but great that she's doing it and building quite a profile for herself. One of her points is that it is the little choices we make daily that make a big difference. On Monday I decided to act as if I was in a much better mood and not be bad tempered with DH. It turned my and his feelings around and things are very pleasant around here again. That was a decision of mine that worked. He even asked if I wanted to go out somewhere on Friday.!!!!!!!!!
    My DH 's walk was a bit wet for the last bit, but they made it to the pub. :bigsmile: He is so lucky to have a male close friend who actively seeks out his company. That is quite unusual for men of his generation, I think.

    Katla - Loads of people get food deliveries over here. All the big supermarkets do them. We really only needed the pastis, but added a few more bits. The 6 bottles were a source of great hilarity for the delivery man, who said, "I always wondered where you got your beautiful complexion." !!!! I must say it does look a bit bad, but it does last us a while! :o;)

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx