
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 477 Member
    Accountability Post
    March Goals
    Tuesday's Progress (3/28)
    ✔1. Carbs 50-75g (limit 25g/meal)
    (B18, L14, D23, AS3 = 59)
    ✔2. Fiber 30g (35g)
    ✔3. Track/complete entry daily
    ✔4. Vegetables - big salad daily
    ✔5. Exercise - log 30 Fitbit minutes. (Got 15min)
    ✔6. No eating after 9pm.
    ✔7. In bed by midnight.
    ✔8. Declutter: ✔Office Supplies, Electronics, ✔Music, Craft Supplies,
    Cleaning Supplies, ✔Utility Drawer, ✔Utility Closet

    Got the utility closet decluttered. And got my exercise.
    Today - I'll get a few tasks knocked off my monthly task Bingo.

    --Ginger in Texas
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 477 Member
    Yvonne - I haven't decided what my prize would be for a Bingo. Probably just peace of mind and a good night's sleep. Maybe bragging rights. Certainly not food. And I don't need more stuff. I'm trying to get rid of "stuff" now. Started this a little late this month. But it is motivating. I could make myself a sticker... something like "look at me p... doing all the adulty stuff".

    Ginger in TX
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather - wow, go you. You made me tear up too. I know the feeling too, its earth shaking. Now I want to share it with my daughters and its not working. Its not something I can just "give" to them. They have to find it for themselves. Thank you so very much for sharing.

    Janetr OKC
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Well my ladies, its Wednesday already! I was kind of achy yesterday, so I took a bath. It helped! Dealt with a headache yesterday, but today its just a light ache, totally manageable. I had my cup of black coffee this morning, even drinking the whole thing! I think this lowering my sugar intake will definitely lower my caffeine intake as well!

    So my weight is at 239.0. During Christmas time I averaged 247 to 250.0 lbs. So in the long run I am happy with my progress. It's empowering to realize that my losses are because of MY OWN choices and decision making. I ate food bought and made by me, not by any company deciding what I should eat. I am trying to eat cleaner, and when I look at restaurant commercials I know its working! Most of the commercials show overflowing greasy food on a platter. I look at it and dismantle it in my brain, noticing I could make about 4 separate meals from it. Its disgusting!

    My sons are handsome aren't they! When I am out with them, I have a tendency to gush and state to whomever, "I BORE him". Heehee! They are good kids, and all have done whatever we ask of them. No baulking.

    When my sons were 5, 9, and 14 years old, we had moved from a 1500 sq ft home to an 1100 sq ft home. It was a 3 bedroom but smaller rooms. The boys still wished for the sleeping room, where we crammed the single bed, and the bunk bed. The other room was the play room. No toys were in the sleeping room, so there was never a problem in having them pick up toys before they all went to bed at 9PM. Yep I all had them go to bed at the same time, unusual I know, but it worked for us. They had more room to play, and could keep stuff out longer, like Lego sets, and train tracks.

    I also never gave them allowances. If the needed something for school we got it. If we were at the book store, and they found a book in a series they liked, we got it.
    When we told them to tidy, they did it, because when I tidied up, the stuff I picked up went into a box and went into the garage. They hated it when I cleaned up! Also if you turn on the vacuum in front of set room you need tidied, it's amazing how quick kids can pick up Lego's or micro machines! Ah the look of terror on their innocent faces, priceless!

    Well, helped husband at the laundromat today. Nothing else going on.
    Hugs everyone!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Hello again! Got my main stress causer off to work this morning, spent some time outside in the dirt with the kiddos, and now they are all napping! They are getting very good at all napping at the same time! Even the seven month old is beginning to forgo the morning nap and make it until noon for a long afternoon nap! Yea!
    Heather- Enjoy The Kindness Diaries! It is a quick read. It does give you something to think about, but for me it was pure joy to imagine his journey and for a bit of "fluff" reading, it made me want to sprout wings and fly away and do good deeds.
    Ginger- laughing at you making a sticker about doing the "adulty stuff". I don't reward myself when I get all of my tasks done. Well, I reward myself with humming the Rocky Theme and throwing my boxer hands above my head and prancing around the kitchen like I just knocked out something bigger than "the list". Weird, but it gets me through.
    Charleen- I hear you on being repulsed by some of the restaurant food commercials. I have to say that the latest fad of adding macaroni and cheese to burgers or deep frying balls of mac and cheese is quite possibly the most revolting thing I have ever seen. Ugh! My DYS, who is 23, loves those mac and cheese bites. Nauseating! There is a show on the food network, I can't remember the name, but it is something like The Biggest... and they showcase the biggest burgers, or pizzas, or omelettes, and people actually order and try to eat and get prizes for eating it all. REALLY disturbing! I am pretty sure other countries don't have such an unhealthy attitude toward food as we in America do.
    Lanette- So this came into my FB feed yesterday - and I've been "chewing" it over: When we read a magazine, we consume. When we watch a television program, we consume. Whatever we consume affects our body and mind. If we consume toxic magazine articles, movies, or video games, they will feed our craving, our anger, and our fear.
    - Thich Nhat Hanh How funny that you mention a quote by this man. I just began reading a book by him called Living Buddha, Living Christ. Kind of a comparative theology. Very interesting. I love his quote and it is very true; which really explains the detachment that kids of this generation seem to have from other people. So much time is spent on social media, video games, and movies. Places where violence, negativity, bullying, glorification of unhealthy choices reign supreme.
    Yvonne, Re and others with no basements- It is only as an adult that I have come to realize that basements are perhaps a mostly midwestern thing?! Why don't you have basements? I only ask because my daughter is going through her first tornado watches and warnings in TX and she is a bit freaked out that she has no basement to run to. Freaks me out, too. Trying to figure out the reason for no basements, though. Is it snakes and bugs? ???
    Cheri- Your remark about tile floor and grout reminded me; daughter has tile floor all through their new house. She is trying to figure out the best type of mop to clean it, that won't leave a lot of water in the grouted grooves. Any suggestions?
    I told her that once Joaquin starts crawling she can attach little scrubby pads to his hands (mittens) and knees and he can do it for her! >:)
    Well, it's been nice to have the time to talk more! Kids are beginning to wake up. ttyl xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    The yellow is from the turmeric!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    Heather, great post. "I am the kind of person who keeps commitments to myself" - wow. What you said is so true - we have to retrain ourselves to make those commitments first. I think getting older has helped in that regard - everyone else got the best of us for a long time, now we are giving it to ourselves. YAY! Is your DDIL's blog public? I know you've posted things from her before.

    Becca, your boys are gems. Good job! I was going to comment on your gorgeous "all over" tan - I am like a vampire and hide from the sun. I go from freckle to burn, I don't think there's any amount of suntan lotion that could change it. So enjoy it for me! I do like a few warm rays on my arms and legs when the sun comes out and I'm walking or working outside, but I always wear a wide-brimmed hat. Your lunch soup looks yummy and nutritious, perfect for a cool rainy day.

    Kelly, I ran across Thich Nhat Hanh a few months ago and find his writing and thoughts very comforting. Coming "down" from the business of work to retirement is making me re-examine...well, me. So this was perfect timing.

    There's a film coming out with Thich Nhat Hanh called "Walk with Me" - it's narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch. I can't wait to see it. Don't think I'm ready to rush off to a monastery right yet tho. o:)

    And your question about no basements...maybe it's cheaper to build houses without basements? Just a thought.

    Another book suggestion: The Shipping News by Annie Proulx. I re-read it every couple years. Her writing style is a bit different in this one, fun to read aloud actually. Funny and sad and lots to ponder. <3

    SW WA State - pondering my belly button.

  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Yvonne, Re and others with no basements- It is only as an adult that I have come to realize that basements are perhaps a mostly midwestern thing?! Why don't you have basements? I only ask because my daughter is going through her first tornado watches and warnings in TX and she is a bit freaked out that she has no basement to run to. Freaks me out, too. Trying to figure out the reason for no basements, though. Is it snakes and bugs? ???

    KJ - there are no basements here because the ground moves... a lot. The soil is clay-based and it expands and contracts with the changes in temperature - which are extreme from one season to the next - heck, from one hour to the next, sometimes. Can you imagine a basement - surrounded by ground that is continuously expanding and contracting - They just don't last long. I know there are some folks who have tornado shelters - they are small and built with lots of rebar - but basements just can't survive, here. The houses are all built on concrete slabs - which "float" on top of the ground when it moves. Even those require watching - and sometimes some expensive repairs.

    Your daughter will be fine, Sugar. I have "watched" for a lot of tornados - never seen one, yet. They are actually fairly rare... at least in the Dallas area.


    Re in TX
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Beth - I totally agree... our society has lost all sense of connection - in the true sense of connecting with other people in a real way. I think our thread actually gives us a little sense of "connection" to more than just a machine.


    Re in TX
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) It has been at least 20 years since I've watched the news on TV or read the news in the paper on online by choice. I found out that it made me anxious and sad to hear about what was going on the world so I stopped finding out. I don't follow anyone on social media who shares about the news or about their opinion of what is going on. I walk away from conversations about the news and controversial topics. I have many strong feelings about right and wrong but don't need to hear about how wrong things are. I put my energy into things I can do something about.

    :) The podcasts I listen to are "Happier" and "10% Happier".

    <3 Barbie
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Afternoon ladies.

    Cheri, what is this organization you make the afghans for? They are lovely. Many years ago a dear friend made both my girls one ofr Christmas. Neither liked them and I enjoy them. One has some tears in the crochet and I carefully fold it so the tears don't show and no my cat loves it.

    Mummoid, what a beautiful letter your son wrote you. Was it an assignment or just straight from the heart?

    Well my oldest DD lost her job last fall, went job hunting, sent out her resume' out to many places and found an extremely interesting job. She is a personal assistant to a man who has a very interesting job. He consults for several bussiness's. He has taught her her a lot about all of these, especially the coal mining industry. She uses his car to do all his business and it is a nice lexus. Then he had knee surgery and when he got his driving privelege back he had to drive it so now she drives his Mercedes. Tough job. He pays her $20/hour, at least 20 hours/week but can work more. She frequently gets 40 hours a week. But it's no benefits. It has been her desire to make herself so indespensable that he gives her full time with benefits. But then out of the blue she gets an email from one of the places she sent a resume' to. Before the job she was laid off from, she was a property manager. She was usaully placed in low income apartment complexes. She learned a lot and loved the people but hated the complexes. So she interviewed for another property but this one is a middle income complex. Full benefits but hourly wage $12. So she has a lot of talking to hubbie, her present employer which was a friend before he hired her. He has known all along that she might be continuing to look for a full time job with benefits. But she was so happy working for this guy and soaking up so much info and learning.

    I sure wish April the giraffe would have her calf! I need my life back. But she is getting closer and closer.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member

    Cheri- Your remark about tile floor and grout reminded me; daughter has tile floor all through their new house. She is trying to figure out the best type of mop to clean it, that won't leave a lot of water in the grouted grooves. Any suggestions? I told her that once Joaquin starts crawling she can attach little scrubby pads to his hands (mittens) and knees and he can do it for her! Well, it's been nice to have the time to talk more! Kids are beginning to wake up. ttyl xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    We had tile floors in our home in Florida for 11 years. Honestly, I dry Swiffer and wet Swiffer on a regular basis. For deep down periodic cleaning I get on my hands and knees (oy vey) and scrub the grout with a soft toothbrush and sponge scrub the tile. I do not like tile!!!!

    For me the most important contributor to my happiness has been keeping my commitments to myself. I was always good at keeping my commitments to other people, but not to myself. I spent a lot of my life being rather disappointed with myself. I have always been "lazy" and lacking "willpower". Since I have been living a healthy life with much more exercise and less food I have discovered my self respect, which has meant that I have increasingly discovered the joy of self discipline. And I mean JOY. I am surprising myself nearly every day. And I love it. When I let myself down I know it severely affects my happiness, but it is possible now to turn that around quite quickly.
    I remember vividly the day when I realised I'd changed. "I'm the kind of person who keeps my commitments to myself", I thought and I felt tears come to my eyes. I never thought I could say that about myself.
    Amazing what "going on a diet" and doing some exercise can do for you!!!!!! The biggest NSV of all.
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Heather you have put into words what I have felt to be true of myself in the last several years. I made a commitment to put myself first and I have slowly but surely found contentment and happiness for the first time in too long. I realized in my late 40’s that I always put myself after everyone else. As a child in a family of 7, as a young adult making decisions that I should not have made, to my husband who was overbearing in our marriage and of course as a mother to our 2 children. Something snapped when we moved to Ohio so my husband could find employment. It was a move I did not want. I became physically ill for several months. It was at that point that I started to reconsider my decisions and start Project Cheri. It is a work in progress but I am sure to tell my husband that I am happy and blossoming and I love my life right now!

    Cheri, that afghan is just gorgeous. Where did you find the pattern? I have boxes of yarn I need to do something with - when I declutter, I'm not parting with that stash. Right now when I get the urge to crochet, I knock out a potholder in a day or two. Maybe if I get started on a big project the rain will stop and I'll be lured outside again! Lanette
    SW WA State

    Thank you Lanette. Here are the links for the pattern: http://attic24.typepad.com/weblog/summer-garden-granny-square.html and to join http://attic24.typepad.com/weblog/joining-asyougo-sqaures.html. This afghan was part of a yearlong project monitoring the daily hi and lo temperatures. The center of the square was the low of the day and the first colored round is the high of the day. Then I used Heather Grey to pull it all together.

    Cherie ~ Please bring your energy to my house! Peach1949

    I would love to however I must retain these energetic spurts for my needs. That’s me being “selfish” ha, ha! Honestly, I do not know where this energy comes from because I really do not like housework at all and would much rather be in my studio creating! I harness it when I can.

    Cheri, what is this organization you make the afghans for? They are lovely. Many years ago a dear friend made both my girls one ofr Christmas. Neither liked them and I enjoy them. One has some tears in the crochet and I carefully fold it so the tears don't show and no my cat loves it. Joyce, Indiana

    The organization is Project Linus. http://www.projectlinus.org/ It is a non-profit organization providing homemade blankets to children in need. Typically donated to hospitals. We have a monthly meeting where we share our creations and then the coordinator takes them off to area hospitals.

    in currently sunny TX
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    No basements ... I have also heard that places with higher water tables do not have basements. Here in the northeast we have clay soil, but full basements. French drains around the perimeter move a lot of water!
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Bit worried about exercising after my cataract op on Friday any ideas as I'm not sure I can go to the gym

    Kate UK