My Dr made me feel like crap yesterday....



  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    What your doctor should have said, "Wow, it's been two year's since I've seem you. You look FIERCE. Been hitting the gym huh?" Like most have said, you look amazing in both photos. I personally prefer your first photo. You look so Ninja Warrior. Seriously, I am totally confused by her reaction to you. Her only reaction should have been, If all her patients took their health as seriously as you apparently do, she wouldn't have much to do. Maybe that is her problem. There is no excuse for what came out of her mouth knowing your history. Yes, she has other patients, but when you are in that room...her job is to know the patient she is seeing. I would change doctors, but I'd also send her a note saying, "by the way, this is why...". If she is not aware of her mistake, it may help her other patients out before she goes and triggers someone else.
  • bigpoppa32670
    bigpoppa32670 Posts: 11 Member
    I have to agree with everyone else here, your first photo is nothing to be ashamed over. I can relate to having issues with doctors.
  • sillypacer
    sillypacer Posts: 4 Member
    Oh my goodness, girl !! Please don't allow your Dr to make you feel so bad ! No time in life for negativity unless it's warranted and you look fabulous! I understand you want to shed a few pounds and that's all great but you have NOT 'put on alot of weight' from the first picture to the second.... do what you need to do for YOU and he happy! good luck
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Your doctor is an idiot.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Perhaps the doctor was not being malicious?

    Not necessarily malicious, stupid and tactless, yes
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    sbrandt37 wrote: »
    I think you look fantastic in both pictures. I'm sorry you went through such a rough time and I hope you can get back to where you feel good about yourself.

    That said, nobody can MAKE you feel anything. As your doctor, she would actually be remiss if she did not mention this change in your health since she last saw you. Her wording was thoughtless, because anyone with half a brain would know that it would be triggering for you, but if she hasn't seen you for two years, it isn't that surprising that she would forget, and it was mostly a statement of fact (except for "a lot", which is a judgement). How you feel about it is really up to you.

    And I don't think you need to feel bad about it. You DID gain weight. And there are reasons. And it wasn't bad. It just ... was. It really is ok. If you want to lose the weight, go for it. If you don't, don't. Either way, be happy. We can't always control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond, and it sounds like you are doing great.

  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    MindyBruno wrote: »
    You look amazing in both photos. I agree with changing doctors. You need a doctor that can build you up not tear you down. Especially with your history of eating disorders.

    It is not a doctor's job "to build people up" it is their job to notice bodily changes that might influence health.....
  • dmwh142
    dmwh142 Posts: 72 Member
    As I always try to see people in a positive light, could the Doctor have intended that comment as a good thing considering your history? Could she have intended to say your are healthy now with that additional weight on? You look great in both pictures.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    You look really good, very fit, in both your pictures - but I totally understand what you mean. Going through a similar situation myself!
  • tar2323
    tar2323 Posts: 141 Member
    You already look like the after picture I'll never be. Seriously. You are absolutely beautiful.
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    Since you ask, you look like a effing warrior goddess in both pictures.

    You keep on rocking, gorgeous. And good work finding happiness, don't let that little voice rope you into old patterns.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Perhaps the doctor was not being malicious?

    Sometimes a comment can be misunderstood. If she knows your history it might have been more of a yay! you've gained some weight. I agree with everyone else. You look great in both pics.