What has taken over MFP more Keto Threads or ACV Threads



  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    tomteboda wrote: »
    Why is there no cookie diet fad?

    My wife is the cookie mom for our troop - just saying. You do the marketing and I'll supply the crack...I mean cookies (same thing really).

    You mean sugar is addictive? B)

    I'll believe that when I see somebody go face first into a bag of sugar to get their fix. Otherwise I call BS.

    I'll believe it when someone turns to prostitution to get their sugar fix.

  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    edited April 2017
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    tomteboda wrote: »
    Why is there no cookie diet fad?

    My wife is the cookie mom for our troop - just saying. You do the marketing and I'll supply the crack...I mean cookies (same thing really).

    You mean sugar is addictive? B)

    I'll believe that when I see somebody go face first into a bag of sugar to get their fix. Otherwise I call BS.

    I'll believe it when someone turns to prostitution to get their sugar fix.


    I'd give it a safe home in my freezer until I had the calories to enjoy it. Or, if you mean, 'what would I do to GET one' as opposed to what would I do 'for' it... eh. Pay for it, I guess. Despite the ad slogan, this isn't my ice cream treat of choice.

    This is:12439814-chipwichcookiehighresolution.jpg
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,214 Member
    There seems to have been a lot of "what time is too late to eat type" threads lately too.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    keto probably wins out of the two, but
    there are still lots of the following threads
    Back at it again
    not losing on 1200 diet
    find it hard to eat 1200
  • yellingkimber
    yellingkimber Posts: 229 Member
    Being fair, apple cider vinegar is m a g i c a l.

    Not because it's some elixir that'll make you lose weight, but because in my not-so-professional opinion, it's the best vinegar for a vinaigrette. It's tart, but not too tart. Sweet, but not too sweet. Not as expensive as most balsamics. Not quite as tannin-y as red wine vinegar. All of these "ACV for X or Y or Z" threads have me soured (badumtss) on seeing the acronym ACV.

    I don't even click threads with keto in the name.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Being fair, apple cider vinegar is m a g i c a l.

    Not because it's some elixir that'll make you lose weight, but because in my not-so-professional opinion, it's the best vinegar for a vinaigrette. It's tart, but not too tart. Sweet, but not too sweet. Not as expensive as most balsamics. Not quite as tannin-y as red wine vinegar. All of these "ACV for X or Y or Z" threads have me soured (badumtss) on seeing the acronym ACV.

    I don't even click threads with keto in the name.

    So many do just because they want to point out that it isn't magical. I sometimes wonder if they do the same to all the named diets (vegan, vegetarian, Mediterranean, paleo, primal, clean), and if so, why?
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Being fair, apple cider vinegar is m a g i c a l.

    Not because it's some elixir that'll make you lose weight, but because in my not-so-professional opinion, it's the best vinegar for a vinaigrette. It's tart, but not too tart. Sweet, but not too sweet. Not as expensive as most balsamics. Not quite as tannin-y as red wine vinegar. All of these "ACV for X or Y or Z" threads have me soured (badumtss) on seeing the acronym ACV.

    I don't even click threads with keto in the name.

    So many do just because they want to point out that it isn't magical. I sometimes wonder if they do the same to all the named diets (vegan, vegetarian, Mediterranean, paleo, primal, clean), and if so, why?

    You know I always say keto works. I have no beef with it! I do however want to make sure folks can sustain their diet choice. Call me crazy but I want folks to succeed.

    Side point vegan/vegetarians more than likely do it for religious or ethical reasons so it's hard to broach a belief system.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Side point vegan/vegetarians more than likely do it for religious or ethical reasons so it's hard to broach a belief system.

    I did it to rebel against my parents. Then it had to go and clear up a skin condition. And I discovered I liked being ovo-lacto, so...
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member

    It does sometimes feel that keto gets mocked. Frequently. It's better than it was a few years ago - by far - but it does not seem to be approached respectfully. I feel like I need to bite my tongue in my responses more often than I feel is necessary. I tend not to often go into threads that are not relevant to my woe such as vegetarian, vegan or Mediterranean, since I may not be as knowledgeable there, but it doesn't seem that those diets are treated with the same... disdain. Well, the gluten free threads often are. ;)
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I've seen keto, anti sugar, folks who moderate/can't moderate etc addressed as "is this sustainable" " I can't do that" a lot. I think it's an equal opportunity "mocking" :).

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    edited April 2017
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Being fair, apple cider vinegar is m a g i c a l.

    Not because it's some elixir that'll make you lose weight, but because in my not-so-professional opinion, it's the best vinegar for a vinaigrette. It's tart, but not too tart. Sweet, but not too sweet. Not as expensive as most balsamics. Not quite as tannin-y as red wine vinegar. All of these "ACV for X or Y or Z" threads have me soured (badumtss) on seeing the acronym ACV.

    I don't even click threads with keto in the name.

    So many do just because they want to point out that it isn't magical. I sometimes wonder if they do the same to all the named diets (vegan, vegetarian, Mediterranean, paleo, primal, clean), and if so, why?

    If people on a Mediterranean diet made as many magical claims as the Keto'ers (I've never seen one thread claiming Mediterranean is magic), you might have had a good question.

  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I don't mock keto (I wonder if you think I do?) and don't see a lot of keto-mocking. I DO see a lot of magical claims made for keto, and will counter them when I see them, and I also see a lot of assumptions from people who enjoy keto (by no means from most who do it, but enough that I think it's different from most diets discussed) that their experience is generalizable (people not doing keto are starving and miserable, fat is always satiating, carbs=low nutrient junk that they used to overeat that, hmm, has lots of fat) that that is also worth countering. Same with the claims that carbs=bad or carbs are the reason the SAD isn't great/people are getting T2D. If people JUST talked about keto as a personal choice they enjoyed, no one would comment.

    Also, lots of keto threads are not about committed keto-ers (looking for keto friends or whatever) which I tend not to go into or if I do it's just because I was informing them about the keto group. If someone asks a question about what keto is or if they should do it, I might respond, but I'm never saying don't do it and always say I think it's a good choice for some.

    I go into paleo threads often because I did it for a while and the claims underlying the diet interest me (and it does make magical claims). I don't think South Beach or Med make magical claims and neither has many threads. IME, vegetarians don't make magical claims either, and I don't really think this is the forum to engage about the ethical issues (nor do I particularly wish to). There is the occasional vegan making magical claims (unlike most of the longer vegan posters here), and I see those get countered as with the similar stuff with keto.

    What strikes me, and I say this in the hope of making the forum less contentious, is that some who do keto perceive any comment that isn't "yay, keto is the best diet, better than all others" as anti keto. I say over and over and over that I think keto done right can be as healthful as any diet, can be the best (or a better) choice for some people, may be a more enjoyable way to eat for some, etc. Yet I get the impression that because I don't think all the claims made for it stack up, and disagree when people make claims about how other people who don't do keto are miserable and hungry or assume we can't go an hour without eating or run fasted or the like that I am anti keto, and that's not true at all. I will also say that I hope that anyone who complains that others are dismissive of keto notices that these comments are quick rude and dismissive about those who don't do keto and are, IMO, a large part of why threads often turn into debates about keto, even when the topic had nothing to do with it. Assuming that everyone who doesn't eat like you must be eating low nutrient foods or always hungry or unhealthy or any number of other assumptions I've seen is pretty wrong.

    LINIA Posts: 1,158 Member
    This is a fantastic thread.

    I'm defining older as 70-80 years old and for ppl in that age group, most likely didn't have fruit everyday or huge bowls of cereal for breakfast.

    It's hard to disagree that during the last 30 or so years snacking, eating between meals, and simple carb intake are problematic. I do think the added hormones and insecticides contribute to the problems with many ppl weighing so much.

    Yes , people were polite but the idea of not wanting to appear "greedy" was great for self control- I don't know how the term "glutton" became an insult. We are PC and so often someone needs to hear the truth but they won't.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I ate high carb as a kid. Cereal for breakfast, with a glass of juice. Lunch was a sandwich with an apple, and often another juice. Dinner was meat starch and vegetable, with a glass of juice or powdered skim milk. Snacks were fruit, raw vegetables (more common during the day or before dinner) and cookies.

    I would like to add that I hope people would not hold LCHF misinformation against the diet or all those who use it. Inaccurate info is just that and does not mean the diet, or certain foods, are bad... or excessively good.

    This board needs an irony button.