April 2017 Running Challenge



  • pjcfrancis
    pjcfrancis Posts: 121 Member
    +5 today for 10/75km
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2017
    @angmarie28 Sounds like you have good reason to have some anxiety running outside. There are lots of good fuels, and there is a variety of experience here.

    I do GU, Gatorade and sport beans. There's also electrolyte water that's great for shorter hot runs, and coconut water. My longest run is the half.

    I've heard others use dried fruit, chocolate milk, jelly beans, cookies, honey stingers, gummy worms... heck back before there were any pre run sports eats/drink a, good ol flat coca cola was the choice. I think the trick is to find what you like and what works. I like red bull and Gatorade for longer runs. BCAA's are also a great option in my book.

    I keep some protein to eat asap after a hard run, or really any run... Protein shakes, ohhh and my favorite Picky Bars! Sometimes buffalo chicken wings even!
  • jessicalferrara
    jessicalferrara Posts: 59 Member
    edited April 2017
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    @angmarie28 Congrats on signing up for a marathon! As for fueling, have you thought about trying to run while a little fasted? The idea is to train your body to use the more abundant fat for fuel, rather than relying on the limited (by comparison) carb resources. I generally run first thing in the morning, and have nothing to eat before going out (so we're talking at least 8 hours or so without food) and do just fine; I carry some gels just in case, but so far I've been able to run 19 miles straight without needing them. Just my two pennies. :smile:
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    April Running Challenge

    4/1 Eagle Mt cleanup: picked up trash with the family for 2 hours, filled 6 trash bags between the 3 of us.
    4/2 13.1 mile run.
    4/3 Strength, stationary bike, yoga

    Goal: 13.1 of 150

    Completed Races:
    Cowtown Marathon (Full) Feb 26 (Registered): 3:54:06 / 8:56 min/mile

    Upcoming Races:

    XTERRA ATX Trail Run (21K) Apr 23 (Tentative)
    Chicago Spring Half Marathon: May 21 (Registered)
    Run the Rails 5K June 3 (Tentative)
    XTERRA Jurassic Trail Run (HM at night) Jul 8 (Tentative)
    La Sportiva Vail Half Marathon: Jul 22 (Tentative)
    Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon: Oct 1 (Tentative)

    Attempted a run this morning, but my calf protested immediately. I think it may have eased up if I kept running, but I'm sure it will be better to rest it a few days, ice it, and stretch it so it's hopefully better this weekend. I don't think the 4/23 race will happen, so the next race isn't until mid May. Instead of running, I plan to ride the stationary bike at the gym this week. At times like these, I wish I had a real bike, but it's such a huge investment.

    On a side note, I watched the Barkleys Marathon documentary last night. It was so interesting. Can't say that I ever want to subject myself to running through a briar field...ouch! Also, the blisters that those runners acquired were horrifying!! It's available on Netflix for live streaming in case anyone is interested.
  • HRKinchen
    HRKinchen Posts: 202 Member
    Didn't hit goal last month, but I'm back in for 30 miles for April. I'm planning to run two or three short races this month, including one this Sunday, and I'm considering my first trail run (3 mi) in May.

    4/1: 1.3 (1.3)
    4/2: 1.5 (2.8)
    4/3: rest
    4/4: 1.5 (4.3)
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    @angmarie28 Congrats on getting outside to run and preparing for your 1st marathon!! Most marathon training plans suggest a half marathon race in advance of the marathon. I would recommend doing one before the marathon so you have an idea about what a longer race is like. (Although the marathon is a completely tougher beast! ;) )

    I personally would not take any sort of pre workout that weight lifters use for running. I've heard it can cause your heart to race really bad. If you need some energy before a long run, I would get them in the form of carbs, unless you have some sort of dietary restrictions. I'll usually have some oatmeal, an English muffin, or a banana.

    For long run fuel, I would try a little of everything and see what you like. For me, I prefer that taste of Clif Shot Bloks, but they are huge and don't fit in my hydration belt when I need a bunch. My next fave is Sport Beans, but they are hard to chew when racing, so I only use those on training runs. For gels, I like Huma Gels, especially the caffeinated ones. That's what I use in a race.

    Like Gary mentioned, it is a good idea to train your body to burn fat for fuel, but you want to have fuel on hand, just in case you need it. It's something I'm working on, but I'd seriously pass out if I went 19 miles without fuel. 2 weeks ago, I did a 12 mile trail run on a sunny day, and I think I made it to about 9 miles when I started getting light headed. I'm very low on the BMI scale for my height/weight, so not sure if that has something to do with it or not. I used to start taking in fuel at about the 5 mile mark on long runs so I guess I'm getting better. Anyway, the idea behind it is that if you can train your body to run long distances without fuel, you'll perform awesome on race day when using fuel. Here's an article about it that provides tips about how to implement this sort of training.


  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,804 Member
    garygse wrote: »
    @angmarie28 Congrats on signing up for a marathon! As for fueling, have you thought about trying to run while a little fasted? The idea is to train your body to use the more abundant fat for fuel, rather than relying on the limited (by comparison) carb resources. I generally run first thing in the morning, and have nothing to eat before going out (so we're talking at least 8 hours or so without food) and do just fine; I carry some gels just in case, but so far I've been able to run 19 miles straight without needing them. Just my two pennies. :smile:

    If i run in the morning I usually am also fasting, and in the evenings, i wait usually about 2 hours after eating to run. Im more worried about when i start running 10+ miles, so im experimenting now on my longer runs just to see what will set well in my stomach. and im a slow runner, this marathon i only have 6 hours to complete it, and it will take me about that im guessing. But i do prefer to run while fasting.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    @angmarie28 - for pre-run does it have to be a drink? There are lots of things you could try that are quick to make and will provide energy but they aren't drinks. I like toast or an english muffin with peanut butter or oatmeal with walnuts (I make multiple servings so I can just reheat it). I can't have milk or milk products like yogurt or even whey protein in a bar before I run because my stomach does not approve and the results are not good... I do however love chocolate milk or a smoothie with yogurt and fruit for recovery after I run!

    During my long runs I have found by trial and error that I do best with the Clif Shot Bloks and I also usually take some gummy bears, well, just because I like them :) I didn't care for most of the other things available mostly because they were messy (gels) and/or they made me very thirsty or they upset my stomach. I think you just have to try some things and see what works for you.

    I don't do sports drinks - I just drink water. That is just because I haven't really found one I like enough to pay for.
  • jessicalferrara
    jessicalferrara Posts: 59 Member
    Hey everyone, I have a question for you. I'm not sure if I should be posting this in the "work out" section of MFP or if you guys can just help, but last month was the first time I started running outside of Orangetheory. Before March I would go to Orangetheory about 3-4 times a week, and just relax on the days I wasn't going. Since March started, I have added running to the mix, twice a week. I usually run about 3-4 miles those two days. My question is, by adding the running, will it cause my muscles to retain water even though I have been doing Orangetheory since November?

    Thanks in advance!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,804 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @angmarie28 Sounds like you have good reason to have some anxiety running outside. There are lots of good fuels, and there is a variety of experience here.

    I do GU, Gatorade and sport beans. There's also electrolyte water that's great for shorter hot runs, and coconut water. My longest run is the half.

    I've heard others use dried fruit, chocolate milk, jelly beans, cookies, honey stingers, gummy worms... heck back before there were any pre run sports eats/drink a, good ol flat coca cola was the choice. I think the trick is to find what you like and what works. I like red bull and Gatorade for longer runs. BCAA's are also a great option in my book.

    I keep some protein to eat asap after a hard run, or really any run... Protein shakes, ohhh and my favorite Picky Bars! Sometimes buffalo chicken wings even!

    thank you, I used the Gatorade chews Sunday, it was a short 3 miles, but i worked the night before, and i was getting sick, so i was pretty dead before the run, and the gatorade chews seemed to work fairly well.

    I was looking into BCAAs, but then i asked my brother for recommendations on which he prefers, since he works at GNC and has went from a 270 lb guy to a fit 190 pound guy who now lives fitness, but he is also a compulsive liar and instead of recommending what i asked for started telling me to quit the after workout protein drinks and just take BCAAs instead, then when i told him ive been taking the same protein shake after workouts for forever, and thats what works for me, he just told me i was being difficult and looking to argue, so i gave up looking for his advise, haha. ive always been a heavy lifter so im still learning the runners diet.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    Finally able to catch up.

    @HonuNui - So sorry for your loss. Not sure what else to say.
    @KatieJane83 - Woo hoo! Congrats on signing up for your first full!
    @SkippyGirlsMom - Go Skip! Great PR!
    @ddmom0811 - Humidity already?!?! Ugh!
    @KatieJane83 good job making it through the run. Those Embrace the Suck runs are the ones that build mental toughness, even if it doesn't feel like it all the time!

    @MNLittleFinn - Amen! This is why I have "Embrace the suck!" on my RoadID.
    @WhatMeRunning - 50k? Wow! That's awesome! Way to fish @MNLittleFinn into your diabolical scheme.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @MNLittleFinn you've been at this long enough to know that distance is largely a mind game (and thankfully the majority of us are insane anyway ;) ). It's only 7.8km longer than a marathon, think about that- less than 8k, if your body is battle tested against 42.2 why the hell can't you power through an extra 8? Obviously your call and you should do what you are comfortable with but I feel like you would slay it if you chose to go for the 50.

    @angmarie28 way to sign up! I don't have any fueling suggestions that will be relevant to a glyco runner but I wish you lots of luck in your training- long run after a graveyard cannot be easy!

    @jessicalferrara you may have some degree of water retention from adding running in March. A better forum to address any concerns you may have regarding water retention/gain and exercise would be the Fitness forum- lots of smart folks on there :)
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,804 Member
    @shanaber, no, does not have to be a drink, just something that will set well and give me enough extra energy to run a decent run. i usually dont eat anything, and drink very little before my runs because it likes to try to make its way back out after i start running. I started with energy chews because they are small, so not a lot to put in my stomach.
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    edited April 2017
    04/02: 12.1 mile long run, 9:35 pace
    04/03: 4.06 mile easy run, 9:37 pace
    04/04: 5.02 miles- 7x600m repeats, 2:35 average
    Total: 21.18 miles

    Track workout today, 600m repeats. For some reason I have a really really strong mental block when it comes to doing repeats of anything longer than 400m. I love doing 200s and 400s and could do them all day, but add those two together and suddenly 600s just seem SO hard. And then don't even get me started on 800s or 1000s :cold_sweat: The point is, I was really dreading this workout! Ran to the track and around once to warm up, then did some drills and strides to get my legs ready to run fast. The workout was 7x600m repeats with 200m recovery walk/jog between repeats. My goal was 2:35 for the 600s, same pace I ran my 400s last week. Actual splits were 2:33, 2:35, 2:34, 2:35, 2:37, 2:35, 2:35 so I was right on target! Overall very pleased with this run, and I'm proud of myself for not letting my mental block hold me back!

    Question for the group: I never wear sunscreen, never have in my entire life (and I lived in FL until I was 18!). This thread has made me realize that this is a huge mistake, and I need to start protecting my skin asap! What sort of sun protection does everyone use, or are there any brands that you would recommend for running? Preferably something that sprays on, as lotions cause me severe panic attacks related to childhood trauma.

    @HonuNui I have no words, except to join in to the outpouring of grief and support that others have expressed. You and your family are in my thoughts :heart:
    @BeeerRunner so heartbreaking for Gary Robbins! I watched the documentary about a year ago and have been really fascinated with the Barkley Marathons ever since! It's a secret bucket list item for me
    @JessicaMcB awesome pace on your 14k run!
    @WhatMeRunning and @_nikkiwolf_ thanks for the ticker advice! Mine never seemed to update so for the last few months that I've been active in this thread, I've made a new ticker for each post LOL :lol: Turns out all I had to do was ctrl-F5....
    @greenolivetree running with a metronome is a great tool! When I was marathon training last year, my cadence fell to ~158 which was a huge contributor to my stress fracture. I used a metronome religiously for 2 months when I returned to running, and successfully trained myself to keep a cadence of 180-185 regardless of my speed. Definitely worth the effort, hope it is as successful for you :)
    @angmarie28 I usually eat half a clif bar before harder runs (like the one I did today!). It's enough to give me a little fuel in the tank, and sits very well. I usually go for one that's not overly sweet or chocolatey, blueberry crisp and carrot cake are my favorite two! For long runs, I usually eat a breakfast of pancakes or waffles beforehand, and fuel with GUs every 45 minutes. If it is extra hot or sunny, I bring nuun with me instead of water!


    Training For:
    04/23: Ravenswood Run, 5K (Chicago)
    05/21: Chicago Spring Half Marathon
    10/08: Chicago Marathon
    11/26: Space Coast Half Marathon (Cocoa, FL)
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn you've been at this long enough to know that distance is largely a mind game (and thankfully the majority of us are insane anyway ;)). It's only 7.8km longer than a marathon, think about that- less than 8k, if your body is battle tested against 42.2 why the hell can't you power through an extra 8? Obviously your call and you should do what you are comfortable with but I feel like you would slay it if you chose to go for the 50.
    LOL. Yeah, if it wasn't for the non-refundable fee, I'd just register now. I REALLY want to, just to have a goal. it will be race # 6 this year for me......so tempting. I haven't done a full 42.2 yet, but I'm like 75% of the way convinced that I should just register, say the heck with it, and start planning for training for the 50k, using marathon number 2 as a training run.