April 2017 Running Challenge



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member

    Another thing that just occurred to me when talking a...

    ....There's always more than one way to skin a cat.

    Only if we're making fajitas
  • HRKinchen
    HRKinchen Posts: 202 Member
    hanlonsk wrote: »
    HRKinchen wrote: »
    I spaced for a second because I've recently been contemplating a 10K* in January (*a quarter marathon, actually, which the Louisiana Marathon folks call "a 10K with lagniappe" :lol: ).

    So, it's not real often that MFP expands my actual vocabulary. But, I had to google lagniappe. And, now that I know what it means, I completely love the description.

    The first of many Louisiana French words I had to learn after moving here! My university offered student ID cards that could be pre-loaded with money (by parents, right? because all college kids are poor, or at least think they are), then used like a debit card all over campus for meals, drink machines, events, clothes, etc. They called them lagniappe cards - a way to pay for the extras. I butchered the word the first time I tried to pronounce it and immediately let everyone know I'm not from around here. :lol:
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    So I did the opposite of a fasted run this morning after thinking how my long runs have been so far. My body was more due for a MP type run than another slow run with reduced carbs (I never usually eat anything before a long run). So I had some sugar with my morning coffee, took two gels and set out.

    I am not sure of my true MP pace yet but based on estimates from HR data and actual pace over the last few weeks of running I decided to try and target my High Aerobic HR (Daniels tables) as the average (147). I set my low HR alert to 140 which is one point above Easy Aerobic (139), and set my high alert to 154 which is my MP per Daniels. I was shooting a little low since I wasn't 100% confident in my estimates yet, better to aim a little low than to burn up out there and not make my goal distance.

    I completed the run with an HR average of 146 which is pretty close to the 147 target. My average pace was 13:34 which is a little faster than my estimated MP which was 13:43. So knowing I could run a little faster than my estimated MP on a 2+ hour run at an average HR of 6 points less than MP effort means my estimates were off, and I am actually a bit faster than I estimated. I guess that's nice.

    Time to reformulate my Daniels tables variables to fit this new data.

    4/1 - 10 miles
    4/2 - 4 miles
    4/3 - 4 miles
    4/4 - 4 miles
    4/5 - 4 miles
    4/6 - 4 miles
    4/7 - rest
    4/8 - 10 miles

    40 of 120 miles complete

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    April Running Totals (miles)
    4/1 – 18.19 paced run
    4/2 – 3.90 easy 30 minutes
    4/3 – rest day
    4/4 – 10.75 tempo intervals
    4/5 – 6.85 group run
    4/6 – 8.18 tempo intervals
    4/7 – rest day
    4/8 – 12.07 paced run

    April total to date – 59.94

    Nominal Challenge Goal – 150 miles
    Real Goals: Run Boston. Finish healthy. Recover well.

    Today's notes – Today was my last so-called long run before Boston, and the last double digit mile day I will have before a week from Monday. This was the second of two preview runs for the Flower City Half, featuring the part of the course through Mt. Hope Cemetery to the end of the course, then a segment from the beginning.

    I was pacing to a target pace of 8:00, which I find useful as motivation to keep my pace slower. The preview run was open to the public, so I had a few unfamiliar runners and two guys from my running club in addition to the 2 trainees who are pointing at Buffalo. We got a chilly 30º F (-1º C) with a livable 8 mph wind and sunshine. It felt pretty good to actually be running in dry weather!

    A couple of the unfamiliar runners were pretty good, and I found myself having to dial back the pace or I would have just naturally been running MP with them. OTOH, my trainees were kind enough to remind me to dial back the pace at a couple of points. "SOME of us have to go 22 miles today," one of them told me. Then there were parts of the route through downtown Rochester, where the tall buildings messed with GPS and the watch had my pace bouncing around more than I think it did. All in all, I felt pretty good at bringing the run in at a 7:55 average.

    Broke after 12, handed the tic sheet with the remaining 10 mile route to my trainees, and had a nice chat with my team mates. These were a couple of guys who were pushing themselves a bit to run 12 miles at an 8:00 pace, and they were happy with my pace control even if I thought it could be better.

    Late in the route, we crossed the Pont de Rennes foot bridge, and had a nice view of the Upper Falls on the Genesee River with a lot of water coming over it. I didn't stop for a picture then, or when we crossed back on Court Street, but I had to walk over the Court Street bridge again on my way back to my car. Here's what the Rochester Gas & Electric dam just south of Court Street looks like when all the gates are open and there's maximum flow in the Genesee River:


    Most of the time, there is not nearly as much water flowing at that point. But we've had all that rain, and it snowed yesterday. There were still some patches of ice to avoid while running, but generally it was a pretty nice day. Today's run brings the training week in at 41.75 miles, which feels like I haven't done enough. That's as it should be in taper, and it will be worse next week when the mileage is even lower.

    2017 races:
    January 1, 2017 Freezeroo #2 (Resolution Run 7.5 mile) (Mendon, NY) Finished in 50:45
    January 7, 2017 Winter Warrior Half Marathon (Gates, NY) Finished in 1:32:40
    January 14, 2017 Freezeroo #3 (Pineway Ponds Park 5 mile) (Spencerport, NY) Finished in 33:42
    January 28, 2017 Freezeroo #4 (Hearnish 5 mile) (Victor, NY) short course, finished 4.88 miles in 32:50
    February 4, 2017 USATF Cross Country National Championship Masters 8K (Bend, OR) Finished in 35:39, team won the 60+ Men's cross country championship
    February 11, 2017 Freezeroo #5 (Valentines Run "In Memory of Tom Brannon" 8 Mile) (Greece, NY) sat out due to training schedule
    February 25, 2017 Freezeroo #6 (White House Challenge 4.4 mile) (Webster, NY) short course, finished 4.34 miles in 27:51
    March 11, 2017 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY) finished in 33:25
    March 18, 2017 USATF Masters 8K Championship (Shamrock 8K, Virginia Beach, VA) finished in 30:59, PR for 8K
    April 17, 2017 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)

  • Willjune
    Willjune Posts: 1 Member
    My goal is 15 miles in the rest of April!

  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Funny about lagniappe. Louisiana is my home state.

    My husband had health issues last night which led to an ER trip and i got to sleep at 3:30am. So I'm hoping for a nap then run later in the day. I'll be home alone all evening so I'd like to take my time and get a long run in.
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    Also, just going to leave this here! Very interesting article I read this morning on Runner's World about the language of "runner" vs "jogger", especially when referring to women, and what it implies.

    Favorite quote: "Speed and strength are irrelevant to the crime—the athletic equivalent to a report of campus rape that mentions the victim’s outfit or alcohol consumption. It is not important how fast any of these women were running. It is important that the default language used to discuss these attacks suggests that it was slowly; that when learning of a moment in which a woman’s strength was called upon to defend her very life, we read a word that undermines it."

    Stop Calling Women Runners “Joggers”
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @OSUbuckeye906 Great run! I hope that calf tightness goes a way for you!
  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    @HRKinchen Good luck tomorrow!

    @WhatMeRunning Great long run!

    @MobyCarp I always feel an odd mix of accomplishment/nervousness when I complete my last long training run before a race. Sort of like "Okay, I've put in all the hard work and I feel good it about but now here comes the real test that I've done all this for." It sounds like you've done really well with your training, so I hope you get the kind of race you're hoping for. Happy tapering!

    @MNLittleFinn Awesome job on your long run and distance PR!
  • Run4life375
    Run4life375 Posts: 98 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm finally starting to feel a little stronger! There was a 5k going on that I wanted to run SO BAD, but I knew that if I signed up I'd try to race it, which I can't do yet - doctor's orders.

  • pjcfrancis
    pjcfrancis Posts: 121 Member
    April 8 5k for a total of 20 out of my goal of 75 for the month. Keeping with my goal of 5 k every second day. Had to run in the rain today.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    pjcfrancis wrote: »
    April 8 5k for a total of 20 out of my goal of 75 for the month. Keeping with my goal of 5 k every second day. Had to run in the rain today.

    Great job! you'll soon find that running in the rain can be enjoyable.
  • JohnRoderick
    JohnRoderick Posts: 19 Member


    Happy Saturday all
    A quick 3.15mi today at a good speed of 6.5mph in the sunshine
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Great run @JohnRoderick
  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    WK: 4.3.17 - 4.9.17

    M - Rest / Recover Day
    T - 9 m. 9:05 pace. TM.
    W - 7 m. 9:10 pace. TM.
    T - OFF
    F - 5 miles.
    S - 15.3 m
    S -
    Total - m.

  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    4/1 6.55 run
    4/2 5.35 walk
    4/3 5.35 run
    4/5 7.25 run + 1.5 walk
    4/6 6.2 run + 1.3 walk
    4/7 4.3 run + 1.5 walk
    4/8 5.3 walk
    Total so far: 29.65r + 14.95w = 44.6 miles

    Forgot to bring my running bra to my mom's house, so had no choice but to walk. :smile: