April 2017 Running Challenge



  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited April 2017
    Congrats @OSUbuckeye906! PR or not, you ran it, post-injury, not in the best of conditions, and finished healthy! That's a great result!!

    I keep telling myself that about my recent HM time too, like I'm trying to convince myself. I hope I am more convincing when I'm telling others as opposed to myself, because it is the truth.
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    One of those slow run days where I didn't really feel like I got in to the swing of things. Oh well, we'll see what Friday's long run brings.

    03 - 13.37
    04 - 9.59
    05 - 13.39
    06 - 10.75
    07 - 13.36
    10 - 10.73
    11 - 9.27
    12 - 8.16
    13 - 8.89
    14 - 2.33
    15 - 13.14
    18 - 11.37
    19 - 13.51
    20 - 8.89
    21 - 5.46
    24 - 12.95
    25 - 10.46
    26 - 13.52

    Total: 189.14 / 175 miles
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    iofred wrote: »
    26/04 - 6.5 mile Taper run #6 - Easy pace - They must have forgotten to pay the heating bill over here, as it was not very warm

    tell me about it - I got attacked by chunks of ICE on my run last night, ICE!!! It's nearly MAY!!!

    (apparently there's snow on the Mendips.)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    1/4/17. 6.1m plus walking 4m
    2/4/17 13 mile cycle ride
    3/4/17 rest day - or rather Shag day
    4/4/17 6.4m
    5/4/17 Calf twinge so no run.
    6/4/17 3.3m
    7/4/17 walk to park and gentle run in barefoot shoes
    8/4/17 13.7m lots of walking on the ups and a stop at a pub for some lunch!!
    9/4/17 8.3m a 'recovery' run over hilly terrain. We walked the last couple of miles as quads were v. painful!!
    10/4/17 rest
    11/4/17 morning 1/2 hr walk and same in the afternoon
    12/4/17 2.35m run
    13/4/17 serious migraine. Made it part way down the road to get a mile in
    14/4/17 walking round a military zone - a village forcibly evacuated in 1942 so it could become an American base, the church and eerie empty houses only open a couple of times a year. Scrap tanks, shrapnel, and signs of target practice everywhere.
    15/4/17. 7 miles Walking on the coastal path, Devon. Excellent cream tea!
    16/4/17 7 miles, more coastal path. Fabulous fruit cake. Saw lots of runners.
    17/4/17 4 miles, seeking bluebells in the sun
    18/4/17 4 mile run. A run!! Back to it now.
    19/4/17 2.4mile run - what IS going on with my hamstring???
    20/4/17 2.23mile run
    21/4/17 1.7m run
    22/4/17 too much beer the night before - and there's no run
    23/4/17 too much prosecco and dancing...and there's no run. Forced myself to take a 3 mile walk in the city.
    24/4/17 an IBS attack. This is not good
    25/4/17 still crampy, but a morning mile and a bit, and an evening 4 mile run, in the icy hail, and thunder, and lightning.
    26/4/17 STILL crampy. a gentle morning mile and a bit run

    Planned races -

    7.5.17 HM-ish The Ox Wiltshire.
    30.7.17 HM-ish Dorset Invader
    27.8.17 East Farm Frolic

    yesterday's run was from work, along some old railway tracks. I knew it was supposed to rain, but I wasn’t expecting the chunks of ICE coming at me. And then the thunder. I started to question the wisdom of running alongside steel tracks at that point……

    Made a critical error of judgement, by not putting on a dry shirt when I finished my run, so spent the hour commute home with the heating whacked up, damp and cold. Not advised. Had a very hot shower when I got home but will remember to take a change of clothes next time. And use them!

    Got a busy couple of days with long train journeys and site visits, and it’s just over a week to go until my HM EEEEEEKKKK!!!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    question for @mobycarp @lporter229 and other marathoners.

    My colleague ran London last Monday, and mentioned that in a big marathon like that, unless you run the line exactly, your marathon measurement is out. So his ACTUAL distance for London was 26.8miles - meaning his time is greater than he'd like.

    What does your own record show?
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    question for @mobycarp @lporter229 and other marathoners.

    My colleague ran London last Monday, and mentioned that in a big marathon like that, unless you run the line exactly, your marathon measurement is out. So his ACTUAL distance for London was 26.8miles - meaning his time is greater than he'd like.

    What does your own record show?

    Haven't run a marathon yet, but yes, in most races, even from 5k on, most of the time your GPS will show a greater distance than the official distance, because you aren't running perfect tangents on the shortest route along the course. Fir instance even on a straight as an arrow out and back on a certified 5 mile course, my GPS showed more than 5 miles and on my first HM, my Garmin showed a distance of 13.2 miles.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    @7lenny7 Thoughts and prayers go out to your family and your MIL.

    I am racing this weekend. Leaving Friday morning to head up to Louisville. I already got approval to take the day off from work.

    Due to a busy Friday and weekend, I am hoping to post the May challenge on Thursday.

    I'll say it again, but I'll say it now too. Good luck this weekend. Oh, and the bolded made me smile....I was actually wondering about that, with your race this weekend.

    Thanks @MNLittleFinn
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @girlinahat your run sounds like mine this morning. Ice falling from the sky sucks.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    question for @mobycarp @lporter229 and other marathoners.

    My colleague ran London last Monday, and mentioned that in a big marathon like that, unless you run the line exactly, your marathon measurement is out. So his ACTUAL distance for London was 26.8miles - meaning his time is greater than he'd like.

    What does your own record show?

    Haven't run a marathon yet, but yes, in most races, even from 5k on, most of the time your GPS will show a greater distance than the official distance, because you aren't running perfect tangents on the shortest route along the course. Fir instance even on a straight as an arrow out and back on a certified 5 mile course, my GPS showed more than 5 miles and on my first HM, my Garmin showed a distance of 13.2 miles.

    Not only is there the fact of running (or not running) perfect tangents, but GPS technology is not perfect. Your Garmin, strava, mapmyrun, endomundo, ect.. they use the satellite GPS and "bread crumbs". That means multiple samples of your current position are then strung together to build the route you just ran. If each time the sample is taken can be off as much as 3 meters, then that means your overall route could incur big inaccuracies.


    When a course is officially measured, someone is actually rolling a device called a Jones Counter or a calibration wheel for the entire course. And in most cases 2x or 3x for verification. That means sometimes a volunteer will risk their life on a busy street rolling the device on foot or the counter connected to a bike all along the very detailed and documented certified route in the middle of the day. And they are purposefully doing this in perfect tangents. When you finally run the course on race day with "a thousand of your closest friends", police will be there to stop traffic.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    girlinahat wrote: »
    question for @mobycarp @lporter229 and other marathoners.

    My colleague ran London last Monday, and mentioned that in a big marathon like that, unless you run the line exactly, your marathon measurement is out. So his ACTUAL distance for London was 26.8miles - meaning his time is greater than he'd like.

    What does your own record show?

    Haven't run a marathon yet, but yes, in most races, even from 5k on, most of the time your GPS will show a greater distance than the official distance, because you aren't running perfect tangents on the shortest route along the course. Fir instance even on a straight as an arrow out and back on a certified 5 mile course, my GPS showed more than 5 miles and on my first HM, my Garmin showed a distance of 13.2 miles.

    Not only is there the fact of running (or not running) perfect tangents, but GPS technology is not perfect. Your Garmin, strava, mapmyrun, endomundo, ect.. they use the satellite GPS and "bread crumbs". That means multiple samples of your current position are then strung together to build the route you just ran. If each time the sample is taken can be off as much as 3 meters, then that means your overall route could incur big inaccuracies.


    When a course is officially measured, someone is actually rolling a device called a Jones Counter or a calibration wheel for the entire course. And in most cases 2x or 3x for verification. That means sometimes a volunteer will risk their life on a busy street rolling the device on foot or the counter connected to a bike all along the very detailed and documented certified route in the middle of the day. And they are purposefully doing this in perfect tangents. When you finally run the course on race day with "a thousand of your closest friends", police will be there to stop traffic.


    Thanks for adding that in, I knew there was more info I could have given.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,812 Member
    ahhh, I'm getting stir crazy. I haven't ran since Saturday. I have had a horrific side ache for 3 days, I wish it would go away so I could run, ugh. (FYI this side ache is not a cause for concern, its a side effect of a health condition I have that flares up about once every 2 months) hopefully it dies down so I can run either tonight or in the morning.
  • MrsBoney12
    MrsBoney12 Posts: 20 Member
    @WhatMeRunning Thank you so much! I am beginning to find myself able to run further in my comfort zone I noticed on my Monday evening run. That was also a new route, however, which always tends to give me a little pep in my step! Question: What is "HM"?
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @MrsBoney12 HM is a half marathon
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Today is a "rest the hip" day, so pretty much all walking (or hiking, as Garmin likes to call it). I did jog two quarter-mile segments during today's walk, but the rest was three miles of walking. Luckily the rain stayed away this morning, though now it is starting to cloud up pretty bad and supposed to rain later. Then rain for the next four days, ugh. I did order a rain jacket from Macy's of all places (hey, it was cheap), and knowing the Law of the Universe, once it arrives we will probably have a drought.
  • hesfeld
    hesfeld Posts: 95 Member
    I work a double today so no exercise at all for me. It's an unplanned rest day, but I'm not so sure I'm sad about it. My body could use it. I am sad only because it's a gentle rain today and I'd love to get outside in it!
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @juliet3455 That's funny because my sciatica was opposite and started after weigh tloss. LOL Before weight loss I had a lot of upper back pain between my shoulder blades and that went away.

    Day 3 of no running for me. My calf isn't hurting but foot is still slightly numb. However, it was storming this morning and will be yuck all day. So maaaaaybe tomorrow morning I'll get to run again. I haven't done any exercise at all really. My right leg felt too weak to even walk yesterday for exercise.

    Little sleep last night too thanks to upset stomach from a poorly timed heavy meal......and still being sick with this cold.....and the bad weather that came through. Our house is fine but neighbors lost siding.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited April 2017
    Way to tough it out in the crappy weather @iofred, @MNLittleFinn and @girlinahat!

    @Stoshew71 - It would be nice if MFP had any freaking clue about proper sports nutrition! :lol: I always get a laugh when adding in my recovery drink (Gatorade powder and Whey Protein) about the dire warning about the sugar or sodium content in the Gatorade. I mean, what the hell do they expect? It does give me credit for the high protein count in the Whey Protein. I would never have known otherwise.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    question for @mobycarp @lporter229 and other marathoners.

    My colleague ran London last Monday, and mentioned that in a big marathon like that, unless you run the line exactly, your marathon measurement is out. So his ACTUAL distance for London was 26.8miles - meaning his time is greater than he'd like.

    What does your own record show?

    per Garmin, Boston 2016 came in at 26.39 miles; Boston 2017 at 26.43 miles. I think Buffalo 2015 was also right around 26.4. Of the three, I'm sure I ran the best tangents at Buffalo, and better tangents in Boston 2016 than Boston 2017. At Boston, it is impossible to attempt good tangents for the first few miles, and it remains difficult to achieve perfect tangents through the entire race due to crowding. Well, maybe you'd have a chance if you were seeded into Corral 1 of your wave.

    But there is also random GPS error, which can result in an honest 4800 meters in Lane 1 of a standard track being recorded as over 3 miles. (3 miles is about 4827 meters.) The map picture for that one painted my route covering all lanes of the track, when I know I pretty consistently stayed in Lane 1.

    @Stoshew71 has already provided a more technical explanation of this, including a bit about the fudge factor used in certified race distances. That save me from researching it the hard way. :smile:
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    @Stoshew71 - do they not call that wheel thing a trundle wheel anymore?!!!!

    also. 840g of carbs!!! that's over 3000 calories. What ELSE are you eating???? :)