

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Lisa hope you feel better soon.

    Heather sounds like your friend has found herself in financial quicksand. Hard to watch and be part of when you do not approve. We had neighbors who got into financial troubles. The husband bragged how they refinanced their home at the peak of housing boom and then he lived off the money like a charge card. Not a dime went into needed maintenance on the home. You guessed it the house went into foreclosure. Not a fun experience for us either. It was very difficult to listen to him as he complain. We now have a delightful young couple next door. They have done more in one year to the home then the other neighbors did in fifteen years.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: I love your lamps! Your home seems lovely and inviting. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: Oregon doesn't have a sales tax, either. :noway:

    Heather: I don't really know what to think about your friend whose husband is a tax exile. I can't really imagine a life like that. It must be very lonely for her. Does she visit him regularly? Does he also have a family in Gibraltar? It doesn't sound s though she has a say in the matter of his living away from Britain. Just curious. I think you are lucky to have such a wonderful DH who is a genuine partner. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: You have a way with words. "Crap on a cracker" made me laugh. :laugh:

    Karen in VA: Arrow is in the process of being rehabilitated after a behavioral blow-up last year. At that time he attacked his owner while he was in a round pen outdoors. He is evidently afraid of round pens. He is making progress and is doing some things much better for me than he was. Bridling is an example. He used to stick his nose way up into the air to avoid taking the bit, but I don't seem to have that problem with him anymore. He makes a half-hearted stab at it but puts his nose down and takes the bit with just a little pressure. My teacher has worked with him and he is now being used as a lesson horse for several people, including me. I think I'm the only one who goes in and rides him between lessons. I don't know how often his owner does. This is a very good situation for me and I'm happy with it. I consider myself very lucky. :bigsmile:

    Yesterday we ran into our former next-door neighbor at the grocery store. It was lovely chatting with her. We walked together a couple of mornings a week until a combination of weather and the fact that she had a huge workload during the tax season put an end to it. She & her husband own their own business and she's the accountant for it. I hope she'll be able to walk again eventually. Yoga today with my favorite teacher. Yay!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi friends. It is pouring here, so DH and I slept in and cuddled. So I was late to work, but no one cares. I didn’t have anything on my schedule til noon, so it was kind of fun to be lazy!

    Yesterday I got my dog-petting fix when I saw a lost dog wandering around. I captured him to read his name tag and his owner came up. So I got to pet a fat corgi and meet a new neighbor…win-win I’d say!

    DD#1 still won’t respond to me. Hubby sent her a text and she responded to him saying she was way too busy to come get the gift, so he replied that it sure would hurt Auntie Carolyn’s feelings to know she felt that way. No response. I think I told you DD#2’s car got hit…again! That girl just seems to attract chaos where ever she goes!

    Katla: each semester for “dead week” there are all kinds of stress-busting activities for students prior to finals. There are always therapy dogs for a couple of hours one day. Yesterday was the day. No dogs! I asked where they were and the receptionist said one dog came, stayed for about 10 minutes, then left! I was really sad about that! But then I got the corgi! I have thought a lot about volunteering for the Humane Society, but they are a good 40 minutes away from my house. I could go after work I guess, but the distance is still far from there. So that is a great idea and I will continue to consider it, thanks!!! I might be tempted to bring them all home, and you know I’d take the “special needs” ones!

    Karen: all those people would drive me nuts too! 

    Nancy: welcome back!

    KJ: Sorry, I must have missed this, but do you have a day care? Sounds like you are right…the end of the week!

    Toni: lunch is probably my biggest challenge. I don’t plan them very well. What do you like to eat then?

    Heather: I’m sorry you had such a row with your friend!

    Michele: we watch Designated Survivor religiously!

    Rori: why did you send me Mary’s muffin top?!?!?!?

    Joyce: wow that’s some excellent A1C!!! Congrats!!!

    Dana: don’t you just hate that family drama? I’m sorry you are going through it.

    Ginger: OMG I was laughing so hard at that cartoon co-workers came to see what it was!

    KarenE: wow I’m sorry about your wrist! Your accomplishments are great though and you should be proud!

    Helen: Hi! It’s never too late to jump in

    Becca: I like the alligator chair! It looks comfy

    Dreamwriter: sending you good thoughts to combat the frustration

    Kate: you’re right…onward and upward! Good luck on the tests

    Chris: your trip sounds delightful!

    Lisa: sorry you are sick…I hope you feel better soon

    OK well time to actually work LOL. Take care all and enjoy the day. Meg in soggy Omaha
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Katla and Heather – Many times people seem to ‘want’ to be the ‘victim’; even after so many have advised them what they should do. I get to the point that I just ‘block them out of my life’. I have to deal with my ‘things’ and I don’t want my ‘happiness’ messed with their ‘misery’. IF they are not going to leave or change their circumstances, maybe because they don’t think they can continue living a ‘high’ life; then, I have no problem pulling away. If this woman bothers you that badly, you are smart to stay out of her way. I won’t make friends with my DDnL#1 on FB, nor will I accept a friendship request. I know because my son is a friend, she can get to my Wall to see anything I have posted. I usually just ‘lurk’ on FB.

    Lisa – I think the term ‘crap on a cracker’ is a good way to say I ‘feel like $#*T warmed over’. Sorry you don’t feel good, hope you get well soon.
    Family drama can also make you feel that way. I sometimes wonder ‘how one of the people involved puts up with the rest of them.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Joyce-your house looks great! I do like that large window on the right. Hopefully Window World will finish the job quickly - good thing you are bugging them. Won't it be nice when it's all done?

    Dana - I am proud of you for have eaten only a slice of pie, I would have downed the whole thing. With ice cream on it. >:) That sis/mom situation is worrisome for sure. Are you the older sister and who, if anyone, has power of attorney? Hard to just sit back and watch these crazy things happen. Oh, love your gorgeous daughter and her yoga prowess! The only time I ever did anything close to a handstand was in PE on the day I was graded for a cartwheel - did it perfectly but only that once. Whew.

    Ginger - that cartoon has a lot of truth to it. If I make myself do something then it seems to set the tone for the day, it's just getting the first step in. Boy you have a lot on your "to do" list today and I got tired just reading it, lol.

    KarenE - wow, you have had a lot happening. Sorry about that wrist and your DH's shoulder; hope your wrist is usable - are you in a cast? And leaving your job, I'm sure it was a big decision but sounds like the right one. Sending good thoughts your way for good health and an enjoyable summer.

    Hello Helen
    ! You have come to the right place - great bunch of supportive gals here!

    Becca - love your place!! Very, very envious of those bookshelves. My dream is to have a big wall of shelves just like that. And what a great assortment of groceries, I know you'll make a lot of delicious meals to tempt us with. An idea - maybe there's a place you can blog about this for $$? Your ideas and photos are worth $$ to someone.

    Kate - very proud of you getting your exercise in despite the snacking. New coat always sounds exciting!

    Heather - is your wrist/arm wrapped in a supportive (elastic) bandage? Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Sounds like your friend is having an attack of conscience over what her DH is up to...knows it's not right but cannot bring herself to give up that lifestyle. With her DH gone all the time I'm surprised she hasn't taken up with other male company! The pool boy! :* I'm betting that's not the way she was raised. You are kind of a "*kitten* or get off the pot" person, like me, and that complaining does get tedious. Her lifestyle is not one I would want despite all the properties and jet-setting.

    Lisa - did you make it to the doc and get antibiotics? Did DH also get the crud? Sorry you are still under the weather = crap on a cracker!

    Karen in NY - thinking of you!

    Machka, what a lovely thought - Having a great meal then off for a long bike ride. Are the roads where you ride relatively uncongested with auto traffic? Even if I wanted to ride a bike our local roads are heavily travelled, no shoulder and with all the distracted drivers (and their texting) it's dangerous-not worth it sadly. We do have paved bicycle trails in our county (abandoned railbeds) that a lot of folks haul their bikes to and it's a great ride through farmland.

    Meg - glad you got to sleep in a bit and so glad you got the corgi fix! I don't think I could volunteer at the animal shelter...my house would be full of critters in no time, lol.

    Kelly, you are a special person to care for kids at the poo stage like that. Yes, a new photo of Joaquin would be great!

    Had a nice chilly (33f) walk but in the sunshine this morning, for a change. Haven't done that in a week - good way to chase away the aches and pains, plus spy on the neighbor the next street down who plowed up his yard. DH wanted to know if he was just preparing a large plot for a garden or redoing the whole thing for reseeding. It appears it's the whole thing.

    Took my new allergy tab this morning - generic allegra. So far so good.

    Weatherman predicted low of 37 last night but he has a reputation for being wrong so I took all my plants out of the greenhouse and stuck them into the potting shed. Good thing because it did dip below freezing in that part of the property. When the sun hits the greenhouse I'll stick them back in there. Will have to repeat tonight - it's a good workout as I put the tomatoes (38) 3 or 4 to a milk crate, so each crate weighs 12-15#. I consider it my
    kettle bell routine, lol.

    Time to think about pulling out summer clothes...wonder when I can really put away the winter tops? Here's something to brighten our days as we look forward to summer....(again, not sure if this is attaching in the body of the post? )

    Have a great day!
    Chilly SW WA State
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    edited April 2017
    I just took a quick snap of these old photos. They are of the four of us in Paris when I was 16. We were staying in youth hostels with some other school friends.
    I took this one of my three friends. My difficult friend is the beautiful one with the long hair. I had a bit of a crush on her. My Portsmouth friend is the blond one and my Glasgow friend is on the right.

    This is me in the trench coat with my other friends. My difficult friend must have taken the photo.

    Don't know what happened there - they seem to have changed the way you post photos, but if you click on the jpg ref it will come up.

    Might have another try later. :o

    Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Forgot to say - Dana - I really feel for you with your sister situation. How awful! :'(

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Heather ~ You were just as pretty as your friend! :)

    Becca ~ Your house looks so clean and tidy! I am envious! Your food also looks great. :)

    Mary ~ What a tiny waist you have. I am envious of that too! I have no waist at all. :'(
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Carol- thanks! Kettlebell really helps me with that!
    Thanks for your support!


    Mary from Minnesota