My parents are obsessed with trying to stop my weight loss



  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    A BMI of 22 is really very normal.
  • heiliskrimsli
    heiliskrimsli Posts: 735 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Her BMI is 22.
    There is nothing wrong with losing additional weight when you're still above the midpoint of the normal range. There's nothing wrong with losing weight if you're still above the bottom of the normal range. OP wants to lose weight. That is her business, not yours to tell her that she's wrong or that it's wrong to prefer to be a lower weight or to say that a lower weight would make her happier.
    That's your baggage you're putting on that.

    BMI is a population measure. The normal range is 18.5 to 25. This does NOT mean that any ONE particular individual will be equally healthy throughout the 18.5 to 25 range. It does not mean that they will be healthy/healthier/healthiest at 25, or 19, or for that matter at 22.

    You, or I, have NO WAY of knowing whether losing weight below the midpoint of the normal range is better for any ONE PARTICULAR INDIVIDUAL's health, or not.

    She's an adult. It's up to her.
    If you want to consider the BMI range even further, by many measuring sticks, such as longevity, some BMIs in the low overweight range are "healthier" than BMIs in the low normal range.

    You might want to rethink advising people that they can be healthier while overweight
    BUT NO ONE other than yourself IS FOCUSED ON HER BMI and whether she can afford to lose weight or not.

    Except that she's been directly given advice to not lose any more weight and only focus on recomp - which is not what she even asked about.
    I don't care if someone is BMI 22, 30, or even 40. They can still exhibit ED traits that should be resolved for the sake of their long term health ESPECIALLY if they are 18 years old!

    If you were someone qualified to diagnose an eating disorder, you would hopefully have the professional aptitude to understand that you don't go about offering diagnoses on a web forum.
    As to whether I have the right (or even moral obligation) to give constructive advice to people who want to reach reasonable goals while pointing out to people who are not articulating reasonable goals that their goals leave something to be desired, that's for me to decide.

    Your advice on a target weight or BMI wasn't asked for.
    I am not the one who asked for advice in a public forum, the OP did. .

    OP asked about dealing with people who are trying to derail her plans for herself. You responded by telling her to derail her plans for herself. Useless as a screen door on a submarine.
  • LaauraLoses
    LaauraLoses Posts: 29 Member
    I don't understand why people comment that I am doing things unhealthy or I am underage or have an eating disorder because I don't I only want to do healthy things for my body and my parents just make comments they don't care that I am doing it healthy and I want only good things for my body to make me more comfortable and happy I already am happier in my body now then before when I was obese but I just think I need to be a little bit less fat % and lighter. I just think I want to do both of those things because I am a small frame body person and I just looked at the picture that a person commented to look but I am fatter than the person in that picture so I need to be lighter to.

    I don't know what BMI I want for my body to be but I don't want unhealthy BMI only a good one but less than I am now and I live in UK and my parents are from there and my birth mum is korean but I never met her so it doesn't matter I think? Sorry there are lots off people doing comments it's hard to read them all and remember
  • KittyPandaBunny
    KittyPandaBunny Posts: 18 Member
    My grandmother tells me how 'skinny' I've gotten even if I've gained a stone since seeing her (we live far apart so we don't see each other often). Family members worry, even if they have no cause for concern at all.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    I don't understand why people comment that I am doing things unhealthy or I am underage or have an eating disorder because I don't I only want to do healthy things for my body and my parents just make comments they don't care that I am doing it healthy and I want only good things for my body to make me more comfortable and happy I already am happier in my body now then before when I was obese but I just think I need to be a little bit less fat % and lighter. I just think I want to do both of those things because I am a small frame body person and I just looked at the picture that a person commented to look but I am fatter than the person in that picture so I need to be lighter to.

    I don't know what BMI I want for my body to be but I don't want unhealthy BMI only a good one but less than I am now and I live in UK and my parents are from there and my birth mum is korean but I never met her so it doesn't matter I think? Sorry there are lots off people doing comments it's hard to read them all and remember
    Part of the reason is personal baggage, and part is because others have come here with the same question and when more information came out it turned out that they did have an eating disorder.
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    I don't understand why people comment that I am doing things unhealthy or I am underage or have an eating disorder

    The folks here are just understandably skeptical because they have seen people make the same claims before who turned out to be underage and/or have eating disorders. They are concerned about what might be because they care about your health. You have given the impression that you are more focused on the number on the scale than you are on being lean and fit. Again, that is a red flag. Your goals might be perfectly healthy but we don't know that. All we see are symbols on a screen and we have seen a history of dishonesty with these types of posts so most er on the side of caution.
  • heiliskrimsli
    heiliskrimsli Posts: 735 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Her BMI is 22.
    There is nothing wrong with losing additional weight when you're still above the midpoint of the normal range. There's nothing wrong with losing weight if you're still above the bottom of the normal range. OP wants to lose weight. That is her business, not yours to tell her that she's wrong or that it's wrong to prefer to be a lower weight or to say that a lower weight would make her happier.
    That's your baggage you're putting on that.

    BMI is a population measure. The normal range is 18.5 to 25. This does NOT mean that any ONE particular individual will be equally healthy throughout the 18.5 to 25 range. It does not mean that they will be healthy/healthier/healthiest at 25, or 19, or for that matter at 22.

    You, or I, have NO WAY of knowing whether losing weight below the midpoint of the normal range is better for any ONE PARTICULAR INDIVIDUAL's health, or not.

    She's an adult. It's up to her.
    If you want to consider the BMI range even further, by many measuring sticks, such as longevity, some BMIs in the low overweight range are "healthier" than BMIs in the low normal range.

    You might want to rethink advising people that they can be healthier while overweight
    BUT NO ONE other than yourself IS FOCUSED ON HER BMI and whether she can afford to lose weight or not.

    Except that she's been directly given advice to not lose any more weight and only focus on recomp - which is not what she even asked about.
    I don't care if someone is BMI 22, 30, or even 40. They can still exhibit ED traits that should be resolved for the sake of their long term health ESPECIALLY if they are 18 years old!

    If you were someone qualified to diagnose an eating disorder, you would hopefully have the professional aptitude to understand that you don't go about offering diagnoses on a web forum.
    As to whether I have the right (or even moral obligation) to give constructive advice to people who want to reach reasonable goals while pointing out to people who are not articulating reasonable goals that their goals leave something to be desired, that's for me to decide.

    Your advice on a target weight or BMI wasn't asked for.
    I am not the one who asked for advice in a public forum, the OP did. .

    OP asked about dealing with people who are trying to derail her plans for herself. You responded by telling her to derail her plans for herself. Useless as a screen door on a submarine.

    If you saw a person on a bridge looking like they might be about to jump, but you weren't quite sure, you wouldn't step in since they didn't ask for your help? Not even maybe ask if they are ok and ask what's bothering them? Talk to them about all their options, in the hopes that if they are in a dark place, you might be able to help them out of it?

    No? Ok.

    One "Hey, everything OK?"

    If they say yes, I move along and mind my own business. I don't repeatedly assert that they have a problem regardless of their answer.
    Chadxx wrote: »
    You have given the impression that you are more focused on the number on the scale than you are on being lean and fit. Again, that is a red flag. Your goals might be perfectly healthy but we don't know that. All we see are symbols on a screen and we have seen a history of dishonesty with these types of posts so most er on the side of caution.

    She has repeatedly told all of you that she's doesn't have an eating disorder and isn't here to have her goals second guessed. It's time to accept that your advice isn't wanted and back off trying to shove it down her throat.
  • megsi886
    megsi886 Posts: 27 Member
    It's just hard to tell whether dissatisfaction with your body is healthy and reasonable desire that will be satisfied or incipient disordered thinking that will keep moving the goalposts on you so you're never happy. And of course everybody likes to give advice to young women.

    We can't tell over the internet, just as we can't tell whether your parents are genuinely concerned about something they see in your behavior or are reacting neurotically to your improving your life. You have to be your own final watchdog. Keep your wits about you and observe your own thoughts and your parents' and try to understand if they're the neurotic ones while keeping open to the idea that dysmorphia is a risk that people who love you will worry about.

    If you're​ still frustrated with your parents, my sympathy. The only thing I can think is they either are worried about anorexia or they just have some unreasonable bug you can't control. If it's the former, tell them, maybe show them, that you're eating a recommended amount of calories and nutrients and eating healthy. If that doesn't satisfy them you just have to accept that they're not going to understand right now and try to let it slide off your back. Best wishes. Honestly I'm stunned you're still reading five pages into the debate about your

    P. S. Strength training is good no matter what. Strong bones, increased metabolism. It also gives you a tiny bit of control over your shape. We can't control where our fat is, just what lies under it and, within certain healthy ranges, how much fat there is total.
  • NJGamerChick
    NJGamerChick Posts: 467 Member
    You are 18, and in reality, most likely still growing and your body is still filling in. Might be worth focusing less on losing weight and more on exercising to feel good and to tone up.
  • karahm78
    karahm78 Posts: 505 Member
    She mentions having a Korean birth mother, very possible that she has a petite frame and being on the lower end of the healthy range is appropriate for her. From what I have seen and read I don't see the reason why we should assume she has an eating disorder??
  • LaauraLoses
    LaauraLoses Posts: 29 Member
    Why is it worth focusing on that one thing only when I can do both though because I need to have less fat % and more muscles and weigh less to? I don't understand why I can't do all of those things at once and why people comment that I do just the fat % one instead even though the picture of two people someone put I am not like the first one I am to fat so even with more less fat % I won't be like the other one without being lighter because I have got a small frame body??
  • LessCookiess
    LessCookiess Posts: 538 Member
    I think a lot of advice has been provided on this thread op feel free to do as you wish. I do wish you the best of luck regardless of what decision you do end up doing.
    Good luck! :smile:
  • heiliskrimsli
    heiliskrimsli Posts: 735 Member
    karahm78 wrote: »
    She mentions having a Korean birth mother, very possible that she has a petite frame and being on the lower end of the healthy range is appropriate for her. From what I have seen and read I don't see the reason why we should assume she has an eating disorder??

    Because there are people here who display tremendous amounts of fatlogic, and they refuse to give it up no matter what.

    If OP is Asian it's even less likely that a lower normal BMI would be harmful. Asians tend to exhibit the health problems associated with being overweight sooner than those of European ancestry, and it's why Japan imposes penalties against companies if their staff are overweight.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    karahm78 wrote: »
    She mentions having a Korean birth mother, very possible that she has a petite frame and being on the lower end of the healthy range is appropriate for her. From what I have seen and read I don't see the reason why we should assume she has an eating disorder??
    Uh, not all Koreans have a small bone structure.
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