May 2017 Running Challenge



  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @garygse great run! Also, I use the Garmin recorded VO2 max the same way, as an indicator of how I'm doing, not a hard and fast number.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    5/1 - 5.1 miles. Fizzled a bit at the end of April, but good start to May.
    5/2 - 4.1 miles of track/speed work. Then quick upper body weights.
    5/3 - 5 miles. Nice, comfortable run.
    5/4 - Rest day.
    5/5 - 5 miles. Beautiful morning!
    5/6 - 10 miles with a ridiculous amount of incline/decline. My *kitten* hurts!
    5/7 - Rest day. See yesterday.
    5/8 - 4.8 miles. Perfect weather at 4:30 a.m.
    5/9 - 5 miles of track / speed work. Then upper body weights / abs.
    5/10 - 3.5 miles. Overslept, so had to cut it short.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @karllundy good job getting out there, despite sleeping in! you got it done and that's what matters!
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    @MNLittleFinn Thanks. How long is it now until your marathon? You seem like you're pretty well prepared for it.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    garygse wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn Thanks. How long is it now until your marathon? You seem like you're pretty well prepared for it.

    I've got like 6 weeks until the marathon, thanks. This training cycle has been amazing, I can't believe the improvement I've seen in my running.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    5/1 - 4.6 run + 4.8 walk
    5/2 - 1.0 run + 7.1 walk
    5/3 - 5.1 run + 3.9 walk
    5/4 - 0.0 run + 5.1 walk
    5/5 - 5.2 run + 4.8 walk
    5/6 - 5.1 run + 1.8 walk
    5/7 - 0.5 run + 5.6 walk
    5/8 - 5.1 run + 3.8 walk
    5/9 - 0.0 run + 5.8 walk

    Totals so far - 26.6 run + 42.7 walk = 69.3 miles

    Sigh. I had too much trouble waking up this morning. It wasn't raining, but I just couldn't get going. Therefore, today's run has been put off until after work, which is probably going to be annoying. I brought my gym bag in case it rains later in the day, like the weather reports says it might. I hope I don't have to do the treadmill.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    4 - I've stayed on an iron supplement since a few years back I was deferred from giving blood because of low iron. I'm thinking about (based on some earlier conversation) adding a B-vitamin supplement to the regimen.

    I have been deferred for low iron many times. Be careful with the iron supplements. I had a minor incidence of overdose when I followed doctor's advice to take a supplement. Now, I take a supplement the night before and another the morning of a planned donation, but otherwise, I don't "suffer" from my borderline anemia, so I don't treat it.

    I have heard good things about B-vitamins, though. I would certainly be interested in hearing your thoughts about how they work.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Ok - I am way way behind after not really being here in over a week... 12 pages behind! I spent the week at a breed dog show in San Diego and Del Mar and then flew to Seattle on Thursday to spend the weekend with my daughter. I did get a couple of runs in during that week, one in the heat in Del Mar (yes it was hot!) and one at home before I got on the plane to Seattle. Once in Seattle I didn't run but braved spin class with my daughter on Friday followed by a double class (spin and barre) on Saturday. Both days were early early morning (yes on my vacation getting up at 4:30 to go workout!) and kicked my butt. I think I am in pretty good shape but wow! The barre class made me sore for days and it was mostly body weight and very light weights but very fast moving with lots of repetitions. We also did so much walking, well over 100,000 steps for the week.

    This is a picture from Saturday in Seattle. It was a beautiful day for a nice long walk and enjoying being outside. This was the same day as the Spin/Barre class so getting out for a walk was also good recovery for me.

    Today is a rest day but I may get out for a walk or a short run and rest tomorrow. It is so nice and cool out I want to take advantage of it while I can :)

    I can't go back and comment on everything but I did want to tell everyone who raced the last couple of weekends, Congratulations!! I saw lots of PRs and AG wins - awesome work!!
    I signed up. :naughty:
    I sent my wife a text saying that apparently I was going to SF on 7/22-7/23. I doubt she will complain...well except for the part about her not going. I'm going to hand her a big jar of peanut butter when she gets home since she's going to be so jelly.
    @WhatMeRunning - I will be in San Francisco too running the 1st half again! I have run both and the 1st half is harder and hillier but you do get to run over the Golden Gate Bridge! Will they have you staying in the City? I have stayed in the past at the race hotel (Hyatt) and it was great - you walk out of the hotel and are at the race start. Maybe you should invite your wife to come too if you can find cheap airfare. My husband is coming along just because we love the city and have friends up that way but we are driving.

    05/01......0.00........0.00 - Agility trial
    05/02......0.00........0.00 - Rally/Obedience trial
    05/03......4.78........4.78 - Del Mar run
    05/05......0.00........8.92 - Spin class
    05/06......0.00........8.92 - Spin class followed by Barre class
    05/07......0.00........8.92 - Much needed rest!


    My completed and upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    02/05/17 - Surf City Half Marathon
    07/23/17 - San Francisco 1st Half Marathon
    12/16/17 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    Modifying my goal. I realized that last month was 157 miles not 170. So the goal for this month is 170 miles. 53 miles so far 117 to go.
  • GettingThere62
    GettingThere62 Posts: 83 Member
    Date : Distance : Total
    05/01 : 4 miles : 4 miles
    05/03 : 4 miles : 8 miles
    05/06 : 4 miles : 12 miles
    06/10 : 5 miles (walk) : 17 miles

    Tight quads and glutes from yard work as well as painful foot ... (hallux rigidus) so walked today ☹️