June 2017 Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    just tried it. Just tricky figuring out average grade, since it was an out and back. Looks like ~525 might have been more accurate

    525 sounds reasonable at least. :smiley: All of these calorie counts are guesstimates at best anyways.

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    June 1- 2.8 miles(first run back!)
    June 2- 30 minutes swim (800m)+ 30 minutes yoga
    June 3- 3.6 miles+ 30 minutes stretching/PT
    June 4- P90X3 Challenge
    June 5- 32 minute swim (850m)
    June 6- P90X3 CVX Cardio + 20 minutes stretching/PT
    June 7- 25 minutes swimming (650m)
    June 8- 30 min strength (back, shoulders, hamstrings and glutes), 28 min walk/run w/ Stella+ 10 min stretching
    June 9- 30 min swimming (850 or 900m?)+ 15 min stretching/PT
    June 10- Rest/ Travel day
    June 11- 3.5 mile road/trail run + 15 minute stretching/PT
    June 12- P90X3 Warrior+ 20 minutes stretching/PT
    June 13- 4 miles + 20 minutes strength training+ 10 min stretch/PT
    June 14- 36 minutes swimming (1000m)!+ P90X3 Dynamix
    June 15- 4 miles running
    June 16- 30 minutes swimming (850m)+ P90X3 Isometrix
    June 17- Rest Day
    June 18- 6 miles + 20 minutes stretching
    June 19- P90X3 Dynamix + 25 minute run/walk intervals with Stella
    June 20- 4.1 miles + 25 minutes strength training +10 minutes stretching/PT
    June 21-30 min swim (850m)

    Nice leisurely 850m swim this morning. Looking forward to another new P90X3. I have entered into the second phase of the program (which I am following loosely), so I get new videos. Supposedly they get harder as you progress, so we shall see.

    I had another session with the trainer at the gym last night. They are only 25 minutes, which is a bit too short, but I still got in a pretty good workout of various chest exercises, single leg dead lifts and a mini core circuit. My hamstrings were really sore from my run yesterday morning. I told the trainer I was frustrated by the slow progress of my recovery. She told me that she had tendinitis in her shoulder from cheerleading in high school and that it took several months to heal. She said her therapist told her to give it total rest with no activity and it still took months. This is a contrast to what my therapist prescribed. He gave me all kinds of hamstring exercises that include weights. He also said that easing back into running would be ok. I am still not sure if this is the right thing to do since they are not yet healed. The six weeks of no running seemed like it was making a bit of a difference, but now that I am running again, albeit short and slow, I feel like I might be back where I started. i am considering giving it more time. Does anyone have any experience with healing tendinitis of any kind?
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    yeah, the Strava is always too high. I just have no basis for estimating calories on trail..... Road is easy, and I trust my estimates, trail, with it's slower pace, but greater elevation is harder for me.

    Did you try the link I sent? See what it gives.

    just tried it. Just tricky figuring out average grade, since it was an out and back. Looks like ~525 might have been more accurate

    Oh, and slope = rise over run. So you said 5 miles, 507 feet...

    507/26400 = 1.9% average uphill grade. So you should be able to call that 2% for the calculator.
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    @PastorVincent as a math teacher I appreciate your correct use of slope and calculation of %grade.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    @PastorVincent as a math teacher I appreciate your correct use of slope and calculation of %grade.

    HA! I have 2 math degrees... so I *should* be able to do something :) Maybe :)
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited June 2017
    @lporter229 - I got a major case of "tennis elbow" about 10 years ago from lugging around a thousand or so large landscaping bricks for a couple walls and tree rings at my house. Luckily the pain started the day after I was done! :lol: It took a few months to heal, pretty close to around 6 months as I recall. The real *kitten* about it was that it was so hard to not aggravate it again. I was really worried a couple years back when my achilles got sore, but that one cleared up quickly. Tendons and that tough tissue where the muscles and tendons meet take a long time to heal and are easily reinjured. I even recall reading that these tissues never fully 100% recover making it even more important to ease back into using them after they get as much healing as possible, because it is too easy to overuse them once you begin being active again.

    I don't think that really gives you any new advice you don't already know, but that has been my experiences in that area.

    Also, as for warming up in the mornings, I tend to get out and run about 60 to 90 minutes after I wake up, but I am not doing warm-up exercises, I'm doing stuff around the house or getting kids ready, etc. Due to time, I just start running, and it takes me at least one full mile to loosen up, most days closer to two full miles before I am fully limber. I just make sure to run easy that first mile, and don't give a crap about pace on that one.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today - Miles for June

    6/1 10.5 miles - 10.5
    6/2 7.5 miles - 18
    6/3 14 miles - 32
    6/4 REST DAY
    6/5 8 miles - 40
    6/6 10 miles - 50
    6/7 5.4 miles - 55.4
    6/8 10 miles - 65.4
    6/9 4.15 miles - 69.55
    6/10 14 miles - 83.55
    6/11 REST DAY
    6/12 10.5 miles - 94.05
    6/13 10 miles - 104.05
    6/14 5 miles - 109.05
    6/15 10 miles - One hundred nineteen point oh five
    6/16 4 miles 123.05
    6/17 14 miles 137.05
    6/18 REST DAY
    6/19 10.5 miles - 147.55 << 1510 ft. elev gain
    6/20 8 miles - 155.55
    6/21 5 miles - 160.55


    Elkmont Hound Dog Half (unofficial) - 1/21 << 1:46:48 2 OA
    Elkmont Hound Dog Half (rescheduled) - 2/18 << 1:41:04 1 in AG & 24 OA
    Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon - 4/29 << 4:09:59

    Upcoming races:
    None so far

    Short recovery run this morning.

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Also, as for warming up in the mornings, I tend to get out and run about 60 to 90 minutes after I wake up, but I am not doing warm-up exercises, I'm doing stuff around the house or getting kids ready, etc. Due to time, I just start running, and it takes me at least one full mile to loosen up, most days closer to two full miles before I am fully limber. I just make sure to run easy that first mile, and don't give a crap about pace on that one.

    Yeah, no matter what time of day I run for training I never warm up. Not since HS - back when you had to worry about dinosaur dung on the trials. For short races (Say less than 10k) I will run around in circles for like 5-10 mins and call that a warm up.

    For long runs, the first 1-3 miles (Pending the day) are harder than the middle section while my body slowly moves from sit around and type mode to long run mode. After that, I can cruise pretty good.

    *Shrugs* I know you SHOULD warm up. All respectable training plans call for it, but, eh, ain't nobody got time for that ;)
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    6/1 = Gym day; 3 miles on the treadmill and 40 minutes of strength training
    6/2 = 6 miles
    6/3 = 6 miles & strength training
    6/4 = 13.9 miles (run/walk)
    6/5 = 8.1 miles & strength training
    6/6 = rest day
    6/7 = 8 miles (with 6 - 5 minute speed intervals)
    6/8 = 5.5 miles
    6/9 = 6 miles
    6/10 = Hatha yoga class
    6/11 = 10 miles (run/walk)
    6/12 = 4 miles & strength training
    6/13 = Vinyasa yoga class
    6/14 = 7.5 miles
    6/15 = 5.5 miles
    6/16 = 6 miles & strength training
    6/17 = 3 miles (5k race so technically 3.2 - rounding down)
    6/18 = 13 miles
    6/19 = 5 miles & strength training
    6/20 = Vinyasa yoga class
    6/21 = 8 miles (with 6 - 5 minute speed intervals)

    Good god you guys! I don't check this challenge for one day and there are over 100 new messages. LOL! I am not even going to try and catch up at this point.

    8 miles this morning. Stupid speed intervals kick my *kitten* every time. In other news, my right hand is starting to go numb during my longer runs. I think it is because I keep my fists clenched? I am trying to break that habit but it is hard unless I constantly keep my awareness on it.

    (June miles to date) 118.5/150 (June goal miles)

    Upcoming 2017 Races:
    10/28 = Hill Country Halloween Half Marathon
    11/23 = Georgetown Turkey Trot
    12/10 = BCS Half Marathon
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    Got my Fenix 5 in last night and took it out for a run this morning. I'm still trying to figure a few things out but I had issues with the heart rate monitor (I think) during my run. It had my heart rate up really high (157 bpm for a 10 min/mile) and I don't think it was right. I'm pretty sure I have a decent placement and it doesn't move around but does anyone have any recommendations on how to make sure it has a good read?

    Even while sitting here at my desk it seems a little high, it is reading 72-74 bpm while resting where as my Fitbit generally had me around a 57 bpm. How can I tell which one is right? Is my rest HR really that high?
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    In other news, my right hand is starting to go numb during my longer runs. I think it is because I keep my fists clenched? I am trying to break that habit but it is hard unless I constantly keep my awareness on it.

    YES. You need to keep your hands and your arms relaxed. If you find yourself clenched, shake them out as you run a little and then relax them. If they go numb, shake them out to accelerate return to feeling... and RELAX :)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Azercord wrote: »
    Got my Fenix 5 in last night and took it out for a run this morning. I'm still trying to figure a few things out but I had issues with the heart rate monitor (I think) during my run. It had my heart rate up really high (157 bpm for a 10 min/mile) and I don't think it was right. I'm pretty sure I have a decent placement and it doesn't move around but does anyone have any recommendations on how to make sure it has a good read?

    Even while sitting here at my desk it seems a little high, it is reading 72-74 bpm while resting where as my Fitbit generally had me around a 57 bpm. How can I tell which one is right? Is my rest HR really that high?

    Test them by manually counting your pulse.

    Also make sure the watch is firm against your skin. Try for no space between the sensor and your skin, but still keep it comfortable.
  • SpiritHippo
    SpiritHippo Posts: 53 Member

    So I did it, I registered for the "STOP DROP AND RUN" race. A fireman's obstacle course, which includes fighting a real fire. Guess I better consider putting some cross training in my plans with lighter fluid or something...


    This sounds so fun! Minus the fire part of course.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited June 2017
    @juliet3455 I'm not sure where they are white water rafting. I'm trying to remember the name of the place I had to call them but the info flew out of my head. They can afford to stay there and then some ha ha. I was looking at the prices for the wedding and I was just like deer caught in the headlights. They own a couple 100 acre farm in Northern Alabama where they hunt and fish, it's got beautiful log cabin on it.

    edit to add @juliet3455 I looked at they will be rafting while at the Island Lake Lodge, looks like raft on the Elk and Bull Rivers.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    @girlinahat and @lporter229, I'm right there with you with not loving the morning runs. I'm doing it because it's too hot later but it's not my favorite and the first mile or two it feels like I'm going to die.

    This morning's run was 6.38 miles. I really thought I was only going to go 3 or so but once I got past the first two I was feeling good and kept going.

    June goal: 42.48 / 50
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    BettyM1017 wrote: »
    It's time to replace my FitBit. I'm looking at the Garmin Vivoactive HR ($200). Does anyone have any thoughts on it or experience with it? I wanted something waterproof so I can wear it swimming and during OCRs. Running is my main focus, but I do other activities, too, and I liked the price. Any feedback would be appreciated.

    I'm using the Garmin Vivosmart HR+ since Christmas and I like it. The Vivoactive would probably do better for swimming though and I have some friends that have that model and really like it. What I have found with the Garmin Connect software, is that as you progress with their equipment, you won't lose historical data and will give additional data for things my current device doesn't track.
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    Ok, question for the group on calorie logging for this run, and trail runs with elevation in general....Garmin and Strava both recorded ~600 calories burned for the run. using the 0.63xWeightxDistance, got me like 420.... So here's my question, how the heck do I log this? For the effort, 420 doesn't seem right, but neither does 600+.

    IME Strava always way over estimates calories no matter what the run is. When I track the same run with (all my runs have elevation)

    10 Miles, 894 feet

    Strava : 1609
    RunKeeper : 1379
    Apple Watch : 1043

    Again, same run all three apps. I think that Apple Watch's numbers are the most accurate of the three. So based on that I would throw out the 600 calorie number you got from Strava. :smiley:

    I think some of the calorie estimates are also gross calories burned, so you are seeing the result of: x calories burned for activity + y calories burned just for breathing. Of course, can still be a wide discrepancy.