reading while at the gym, really?



  • eblakes93
    eblakes93 Posts: 372 Member
    I have a question for the OP. Genuine one, not being snarky. If I get on the treadmill and set a program - time, distance, speed, intervals, etc. - and then am reading while I'm doing that workout, am I really not getting as good of a workout as if I focused on the workout? How exactly am I getting a better workout by focusing on the workout the treadmill in essence is putting me through? Again that's a serious question. If I'm getting a better workout by focusing, and you can give me a reasonable explanation as to why that's the case, I'm sure willing to try it.

    I run outside (so no reading during that) and strength train with a trainer (who doesn't give me time to read), so primarily I'm reading when I'm getting 20-30 minutes of moderate cardio prior to my trainer sessions. Not trying to burn high calories - just trying to warm up the body.

    Well, studies show that focusing burns 50% more calories...again, smh....

    Link to the study please?
    I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic.

    You're right. I thought he was one of the people who was siding more with the OP, then I went back and read his other posts.
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    I can easily walk on a treadmill and read, while working hard enough to be sweating heavily and have a high heart rate.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    It's funny that the term "epic fail" has been used a few times on this thread as that's exactly what I use to hold off the tedium of steady state cardio. I watch fail compilations on you tube which is entertaining but mindless. I find if I try and watch a programme or movie I don't put as much effort into the workout. When I'm doing my lifting I have my tablet out for instructions and my laptop there to log.
  • FatOldBat
    FatOldBat Posts: 3,307 Member
    I saw someone on a treadmill reading a book today, and it kind of got me to thinking. If you are on a treadmill running/walking whatever, how can you concentrate on reading a book? Another person brings in a tablet and sets it on ground in front of them when working with some of the machines...weird..

    In my humble opinion, if you are reading book or watching a tablet while at gym then said person is not working out hard enough and/or are not concentrating on routine.

    I mean we can't go to the gym for an hour without brining a book or tablet, really?

    curious what the rest of you think = yes, no, or epic fail ....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If I'm on a stationary bike, sure. Not really able to read anywhere else, and the stationary bike for me is when I need to get blood flow to continue in my legs after a particularly strenuous lower day.

    But to each his own. Everybody seems to be reading something at my gym.

    I could see the bike..

    the tablet thing really blew my mind...LOL

    Maybe the person had their workout routine on the tablet.
    I've used my phone to run my routine. A tablet would do the same thing.

    But all n all, I say to each his own. I don't judge anyone in the gym and hope I get the same courtesy.

    Do you think people who watch the TV's and people who are listening to music in the gym are not trying hard enough either?
    Just curious as to which electronics are okay and which are not.

    music approved...a good play list will get you through any day ..

    everything else = epic fail/not trying hard enough

    These are YOUR words aren't they??? Only music is acceptable, everything else=epic fail. And as for the 50lb comment, well that just made you sound arrogant and a bit stupid.

    i was just providing some advice as to how to lose more...that is arrogant?

    Did they ask for it? No? then it's arrogant.

    oh they asked for it, they always ask for it...
  • FatOldBat
    FatOldBat Posts: 3,307 Member
    I read while swimming laps, it's a bit rough on the Kindle, but I find the challenge thrilling!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Some people are not idiots and can do more than one thing at a time. Just because you can't doesn't mean others can't....smh....

    It's been proven that multi-tasking is a myth. You aren't focusing on multiple tasks at once you are actually flipping between them which just means instead of doing one thing well and moving onto the next you are doing several things poorly.

    Most of what people are describing when they say they can read is long steady state cardio which is probably the most boring workout you can do especially on gym equiptment indoors. Seriously if you are that bored with your workout go find something you enjoy. You'll get much better results by cutting down your workout time and upping the intensity (relative to level of fitness). Add in some intervals to make things interesting. Work to breathless where improvements in your fitness will occur. Plodding away for hours at time at a comfortable enough state to be reading isn't going to do much for your fitness.

    If you're bored listen to music which has been proven to enhance a workout (if it's the right type)

    listen to this person = genius!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I never understood that either. If you are walking/running on a treadmill, a walk has a natural slight bounce to it. How can you read straight?? Same with the elliptical?

    I was thinking same can you even concentrate on story?

    maybe I phrased original inquiry in wrong manner...oh well, fail on my part..

    Is walking and talking at the same time hard for you to understand too?

    I always have my Kindle with me at the gym. I can log my workouts and if I am warming up I can review what I have planned for the day.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member

    I never judged anyone...I simply asked for opinions on a topic..

    please find the comment where I made a judgement...


    In my humble opinion, if you are reading book or watching a tablet while at gym then said person is not working out hard enough and/or are not concentrating on routine.

    Found it!

    ummm I guess you do not understand difference between opinion and judgement..

    Opinion = in my opinion reading while at gym hampers working out....

    Judgement = everyone who reads in gym is getting crappy workout and should stop immediately...

    good attempt though, but still failure...

    "Definition of JUDGMENT
    a : a formal utterance of an authoritative opinion
    b : an opinion so pronounced
    a : a formal decision given by a court
    b (1) : an obligation (as a debt) created by the decree of a court (2) : a certificate evidencing such a decree
    a capitalized : the final judging of humankind by God
    b : a divine sentence or decision; specifically : a calamity held to be sent by God
    a : the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing
    b : an opinion or estimate so formed

    a : the capacity for judging : discernment
    b : the exercise of this capacity
    : a proposition stating something believed or asserted "

  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    Here's a thought. Maybe people who are reading at the gym are a bit more patient than you, and don't want to lose 50lbs, maybe they are just there to be healthy and have some time to themselves. Maybe they don't care about maximising their workout because the ones who are making progress are quite happy with the rate of their progress, and they don't care that they could have lost 20lbs more if they tried a bit harder. Going the gym isn't always about hammering away on machines, and you don't have to go because you have a fitness target in mind. Some people like to go somewhere with no screaming kids for an hour.

    Anyway. Maybe if you take a note from your own book and focus on your own workout it won't annoy you as much. Stop thinking about everyone else and just do your own thing.
  • TLCorsini
    TLCorsini Posts: 78
    I read at the gym, use my tablet, watch netflix alllll the time! Its been said that running on treadmills can be bad for your knees. I personally can't run so I like to brisk walk or I use the ecliptical. It can get pretty boring running/walking the same motion over and over again like a hamster. If reading or watching a tablet is distracting, what difference is listening to music? That's how I pass the time. I work out twice as long that way.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I never understood that either. If you are walking/running on a treadmill, a walk has a natural slight bounce to it. How can you read straight?? Same with the elliptical?

    I was thinking same can you even concentrate on story?

    maybe I phrased original inquiry in wrong manner...oh well, fail on my part..

    Is walking and talking at the same time hard for you to understand too?

    I always have my Kindle with me at the gym. I can log my workouts and if I am warming up I can review what I have planned for the day.

    i walk and talk well enough ...

    but my work outs are too intense to concentrate on a story line...
  • cplanoue41
    cplanoue41 Posts: 34 Member
    I have a question for the OP. Genuine one, not being snarky. If I get on the treadmill and set a program - time, distance, speed, intervals, etc. - and then am reading while I'm doing that workout, am I really not getting as good of a workout as if I focused on the workout? How exactly am I getting a better workout by focusing on the workout the treadmill in essence is putting me through? Again that's a serious question. If I'm getting a better workout by focusing, and you can give me a reasonable explanation as to why that's the case, I'm sure willing to try it.

    I run outside (so no reading during that) and strength train with a trainer (who doesn't give me time to read), so primarily I'm reading when I'm getting 20-30 minutes of moderate cardio prior to my trainer sessions. Not trying to burn high calories - just trying to warm up the body.

    Well, studies show that focusing burns 50% more calories...again, smh....

    Link to the study please?

    Sorry mine was sarcasm.....didn't translate too well in a post....
  • eblakes93
    eblakes93 Posts: 372 Member
    I have a question for the OP. Genuine one, not being snarky. If I get on the treadmill and set a program - time, distance, speed, intervals, etc. - and then am reading while I'm doing that workout, am I really not getting as good of a workout as if I focused on the workout? How exactly am I getting a better workout by focusing on the workout the treadmill in essence is putting me through? Again that's a serious question. If I'm getting a better workout by focusing, and you can give me a reasonable explanation as to why that's the case, I'm sure willing to try it.

    I run outside (so no reading during that) and strength train with a trainer (who doesn't give me time to read), so primarily I'm reading when I'm getting 20-30 minutes of moderate cardio prior to my trainer sessions. Not trying to burn high calories - just trying to warm up the body.

    Well, studies show that focusing burns 50% more calories...again, smh....

    Link to the study please?

    Sorry mine was sarcasm.....didn't translate too well in a post....

    No problem, my b, I should have been paying more attention to your previous posts.
  • reankanesmom
    reankanesmom Posts: 132 Member
    If I am on the bike or doing a light jog I will take my kindle and have the text to speech option turned on. I get bored easily on this stuff as there is nothing to really look at but the walls LOL so it helps me keep going.
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    ChildrenCryinNCoffee Posts: 477 Member
    My mom takes her Kindle to the gym and I see older men reading the Newspaper quite often. The people who do this are probably aiming to keep their mind off the fact that they are in fact exercising. I don't see it as a fail, I see it as a win. The could easily be doing the same thing, but sitting down. At least they're moving.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Here's a thought. Maybe people who are reading at the gym are a bit more patient than you, and don't want to lose 50lbs, maybe they are just there to be healthy and have some time to themselves. Maybe they don't care about maximising their workout because the ones who are making progress are quite happy with the rate of their progress, and they don't care that they could have lost 20lbs more if they tried a bit harder. Going the gym isn't always about hammering away on machines, and you don't have to go because you have a fitness target in mind. Some people like to go somewhere with no screaming kids for an hour.

    Anyway. Maybe if you take a note from your own book and focus on your own workout it won't annoy you as much. Stop thinking about everyone else and just do your own thing.

    again we are off topic here ..but this is fun so whatever...

    My original point is that you would get more out of it if you concentrated on the actual routine. you go to the gym to improve health and fitness, right? So why wouldn't you want to get maximum results?

    I noticed it on a rest break and it got me to thinking, hence this thread...
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I never understood that either. If you are walking/running on a treadmill, a walk has a natural slight bounce to it. How can you read straight?? Same with the elliptical?

    I was thinking same can you even concentrate on story?

    maybe I phrased original inquiry in wrong manner...oh well, fail on my part..

    Is walking and talking at the same time hard for you to understand too?

    I always have my Kindle with me at the gym. I can log my workouts and if I am warming up I can review what I have planned for the day.

    i walk and talk well enough ...

    but my work outs are too intense to concentrate on a store line...

    Somehow I doubt that. But that's ok. Society always has some use for people with big muscles and tiny brains.
  • cplanoue41
    cplanoue41 Posts: 34 Member
    Some people are not idiots and can do more than one thing at a time. Just because you can't doesn't mean others can't....smh....

    It's been proven that multi-tasking is a myth. You aren't focusing on multiple tasks at once you are actually flipping between them which just means instead of doing one thing well and moving onto the next you are doing several things poorly.

    Most of what people are describing when they say they can read is long steady state cardio which is probably the most boring workout you can do especially on gym equiptment indoors. Seriously if you are that bored with your workout go find something you enjoy. You'll get much better results by cutting down your workout time and upping the intensity (relative to level of fitness). Add in some intervals to make things interesting. Work to breathless where improvements in your fitness will occur. Plodding away for hours at time at a comfortable enough state to be reading isn't going to do much for your fitness.

    If you're bored listen to music which has been proven to enhance a workout (if it's the right type)

    listen to this person = genius!

    Well....that's sorted....well done!
  • cplanoue41
    cplanoue41 Posts: 34 Member
    I never understood that either. If you are walking/running on a treadmill, a walk has a natural slight bounce to it. How can you read straight?? Same with the elliptical?

    I was thinking same can you even concentrate on story?

    maybe I phrased original inquiry in wrong manner...oh well, fail on my part..

    Is walking and talking at the same time hard for you to understand too?

    I always have my Kindle with me at the gym. I can log my workouts and if I am warming up I can review what I have planned for the day.

    i walk and talk well enough ...

    but my work outs are too intense to concentrate on a store line...

    Somehow I doubt that. But that's ok. Society always has some use for people with big muscles and tiny brains.
