July 2017 Running Challenge



  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Rest day today. It would be traditional to sign up for more races, but I didn't. I contented myself with picking up the packet for tomorrow's minor 5K.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @RespectTheKitty I remember you posting a out your first 10 mile LR. Now you just ran a mid week 10 miles just for the heck of it. That's amazing improvement. Awesome running!
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    My turn for the RW survey!

    Favorite season to run: Fall, of course
    Time of day to run: Anywhere from late morning to early evening
    Favorite distance: 10k
    Where to run: Dirt trail and paved path
    What to carry: Phone, GPS watch, keys, pepper spray, sometimes a visor
    Who to run with: Self
    Motivation to start: Weight concerns
    Motivation to keep running: Pretty much every reason they gave there, but primarily to control weight and relieve stress/anxiety/depression
    Describe self: Fitness/frequent runner
    Holidays: All of 'em!
    Reasons to skip an outdoor run: Too icy, too cold, too hot, too dark (all of which will send me to the treadmill)
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    @RespectTheKitty I remember you posting a out your first 10 mile LR. Now you just ran a mid week 10 miles just for the heck of it. That's amazing improvement. Awesome running!

    I know, right? And I don't even consider that my long run for the week. That'll come over the weekend.

    Tomorrow will be a light day, to recover from today and prepare for the weekend.
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Ok, so what you need to do if you're on Android (obviously the superior choice :p ) is just open the myfitnesspal website in your phone's internet browser, rather than using the app. That way, you'll still have the Photo button and use the Choose Files option to browse to the pic you want on your phone
    @katiejane83 - this is what I was going to suggest too. I have an iPhone and an iPad but hate the MFP app so I do everything in the web version.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    Interesting survey of runners and their running habits...


    Love how big Thanksgiving is :)

    The options for the last question re: cancelling a run are effing killing me- did they even ask the Canadian runners? lol. I love running ice and it 100% makes me a better runner in the summer in my experience, why would I cancel for that???? But then again I'm in the minority of almost every question soooo maybe I'm just an oddity :D

    July 2- 5
    July 3- Off
    July 4- 11.7
    July 5- Off
    July 6- 12.1
    July 7- 7.6
    July 8- 21
    July 9- 20.5
    July 10- Off
    July 11- 18
    July 12 -19
    July 13- 15
    July 14- 20
    July 15- 30
    July 16- 17
    July 17- Off
    July 18- 13
    July 19- 14.1
    July 20- 16.5
    July 21- 20
    July 22- 25
    July 23- 32
    July 24- Off
    July 25- 16
    July 26- 25
    July 27- 16

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited July 2017
    @garygse soon I’ll need a watch that big so I can see it LOL
    @girlinahat ha ha love that pill bottle top – after I posted the quarter I thought, oops hope that is the right currency.
    @pastorvincent and @elise4270 I have a blackberry and even I have the picture upload

    @skippygirlsmom - Can't believe you have a blackberry still! I got crap a couple of years ago from my team at work (including my boss) for still having one. He immediately put in a req to replace my boat anchor with an iPhone!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    There are several ways to put up a picture, but the easiest one, is to click the image button in the reply box, as shown here:


    There you can up load a picture or link to one on line.

    Are you on mobile? I am and there is no option.

    I would share a photo of what mine looks like but...

    I can't see a way on mobile either. I always upload on the computer.

    ETA: if you see my post below, I figured out how to do it on an Android.

    You can do like PastorVincent said, or as I said earlier, drag the actual image file into the text box where you type your reply


    I'ma have a problem getting my pics from mobile to PC... Unless *insert thinking that's what the cloud is for? *Insert awe*

    The answer to ALL your problems is to get an iPhone! The pictures will go automatically from your phone to your PC (yes iCloud) and all of those buttons will be there to allow you to post pictures in MFP :lol:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Well then for compare here is the Apple Watch Series 2 with a quarter



    @PastorVincent -is yours the 38mm or 42mm? Mine is the 38 and is about the same size as a quarter. I don't particularly like the HR function. It works ok but often is way off and I always wear my HRM strap when I run or I don't get accurate readings and the battery life is terrible.

    I love getting messages, calls, emails and notifications on my watch so it would be tough for me to switch but the Garmins are tempting (but so big!).
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    It was really too hot when Hobbes and I went out yesterday and I cut it really short. Today work sabotaged my plans for an early run so I ended up leaving him sulking at home while I went to the gym to run on the treadmill and get in some strength training. I really had to convince myself to go but felt SO much better afterwards. I hate running on the treadmill and I hate how much I sweat (one thing to sweat outside - another entirely to drip in sweat all over the gym) however, I was able to push myself and run at my HM (PR) pace for a portion and at a pretty good pace for me as of late. I think I am doing better - despite the HM showing last weekend. After my treadmill run I went and rinsed off in the sink and then did another 40 mins of strength training. My trainer is out of town for a few weeks so I am on my own and still need to get it done. I love all these young ladies in the gym working out without a hair out of place and not even a shimmer of perspiration anywhere all the while I am dripping on the floor... oh well I know I worked hard.

    07/03......4.66......13.68 - + Agility
    07/06......0.00......24.15 - + Strength Training
    07/07......0.00......24.15 - Anniversary weekend
    07/08......0.00......24.15 - Anniversary weekend
    07/09......0.00......24.15 - Anniversary weekend
    07/10......0.00......24.15 - + Agility
    07/11......5.64......29.79 - + Strength Training
    07/13......0.00......34.07 - + Strength Training
    07/16......2.00......48.49 - Dog Beach
    07/17......4.75......53.24 - + Agility
    07/18......0.00......53.24 - + Strength Training
    07/19......5.02......58.26 - To SF
    07/22......5.00......68.31 - SF 1st HM
    07/25......5.48......87.52 - Recovery run and GOAL
    07/26......2.00......89.52 - Too hot!
    07/27......5.20......94.72 - Gym treadmill and strength training


    My completed and upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    02/05/17 - Surf City Half Marathon
    07/23/17 - San Francisco 1st Half Marathon

    10/14/17 - AIM for the Cure Melanoma 5K Walk/Run
    12/16/17 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited July 2017
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    (and yes I fully expect someone to hit the woo button on me now :D ).
    @JessicaMcB woo challenge accepted
    @skippygirlsmom Nice Runners Bling on your wrist and shoe shopping - double win week.
    Fellow Crackberry User. I feel your pain. My Work phone is Crackberry and it has been locked down limiting internet access, no apps unless approved by corporate security etc. They even have the camera feature locked down, Paranoid IT Group or just closing all the Hacker back doors - not sure which one.
    @garygse An Oreo Taped to your wrist sounds like a Mid Run Snack.
    @RunRachelleRun Someone has a real collection of watch's. Your Shoe Collection must be awesome
    @_nikkiwolf_ You obviously get to travel - impressive Coin Collection. Even more impressed that you could figure out where they all came from. 1 Canadian Dollar is usually called a Loonie ( bird on the back is a Loon ) by us CanuckleHeads, $2.00 = Toonie.
    @RespectTheKitty 10 miler without even thinking about it. :) Like others I can remember when you were struggling to break through that distance. That's the type of story/progress I refer the people doing C25K or B210K as motivation for them.

    11 km - A complete out and back on the River Bank Trails. Had to wait until after 9:00pm to hit the Trails as it was just to hot. Was only planning 8 km but was feeling good so I extended out to get a complete Loop of the River Bank trails. Went out easy and then built my pace on the return leg. Working on carrying/increasing pace when tired. Leaving me 18 km short of my 160 km goal for the month. 22 km Long Run scheduled for Saturday morning plus what ever I throw in tomorrow night as a Easy-Shorty.

    My next 3 events are all Cross Country - Bush Trails - some with a lot of single track, sand dunes, Rock More Rock and some interesting Cliff Bands/Steep Gully crossovers. Emperor's Challenge promises to be fun. Best use of a Drone for capturing the Top of the Mountain Trail.

    07/01 0 km – 160 km - 0 km – YTD 686.27
    07/01 15.0 km – 145 km - 15km – 15km Canada Day Race Edmonton
    07/04 13.5 km - 131.5km - 28.5km Mountain Run/Slog
    07/06 13.6 km - 117.9km - 42.1km Mountain Run/Slog
    07/09 6.7 km - 111.2km - 48.8km
    07/10 5.5 km - 105.7km - 54.3km
    07/14 10.0 km - 95.7km - 64.3km
    07/16 12.5 km - 83.2km - 76.8km
    07/17 7.0 km - 76.3km - 83.8km
    07/19 9.5 km - 66.8km - 93.3km
    07/20 12.0 km - 54.8km - 105.3km
    07/22 16.0 km - 38.8km - 121.3km Misery Mtn Misery x 3 + Westbrook
    07/25 9.5 km - 29.3km - 130.8km
    07/27 11.0 km - 18.3km - 141.8km - YTD 828.07km 11 km Riverbank Loop


    My turn for the RW survey!

    Favorite season to run: Fall - I build all Spring/Summer for Fall Events
    Time of day to run: Early morning - late evening = cooler
    Favorite distance: 10k General Training. HM for events
    Where to run: Dirt trail and paved path
    What to carry: Cloths, No Naked running for me. GPS watch, keys, water if planned over 15 km.
    Who to run with: Running Club Friends, Friends from Events, alone
    Motivation to start: Needed something more than swimming/biking
    Motivation to keep running: Event Training, Relaxation, Personal Challenge = Fitness.
    Describe self: Fitness/Frequent Runner - Definitely a Middle of the pack person
    Holidays: July 1st, Canada Day
    Reasons to skip an outdoor run: Too icy, too hot, Pouring Rain. Snow and Ice I can handle. Rain just chills me to the Bones.
  • scarlet67
    scarlet67 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi guys I took your advice and had a day off . So yesterday I only managed a mile in my treadmill...totally gutted. Couldn't get motivated so I give up.! Trying again today
    Have a great day wherever you are :)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    edited July 2017
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    You obviously get to travel - impressive Coin Collection. Even more impressed that you could figure out where they all came from. 1 Canadian Dollar is usually called a Loonie ( bird on the back is a Loon ) by us CanuckleHeads, $2.00 = Toonie.

    think this is me - most of the coins aren't that recent. The French franc is obsolete since 1999 and probably relates to an interrailing expedition I did before then (13 countries in a month around Europe!!); I lived in Japan a couple of years then spent a few months travelling SE Asia; the US coinage is from a trip to San Francisco in about 1997 after I graduated from University to see an uncle; the Australia coin from a few years back when I went to the wedding of an old flatmate I hadn't seen for 15 years and the Canadian money from a trip to see my sister about six years ago who now lives near Winnipeg.

    sifting through them took me on some good memory lane trips but it's high time I did some more travelling!!!

    The RW survey -

    Favourite season to run: probably Spring and autumn. But that also relates to time of day for running
    Time of day to run: Early morning. 'early' is subjective on weekends
    Favourite distance: 10k casual. Only done one HM so far (sobs about pulling out of Sunday's event). I plan to be able to just do casual 20 mile runs because I feel like it.
    Where to run: trails, gravel paths and in my head I am a mountain goat
    What to carry: keys. Why do only 40% carry keys? How do they get back in their houses/cars? plus usually phone and maybe water and some cash
    Who to run with: Me. once a week a club.
    Motivation to start: weight loss and fitness
    Motivation to keep running: challenge. Fitness. Getting to see more amazing countryside when I go out
    Describe self: Fitness/Frequent Runner - inconsistent, inherently lazy. In my head I am superfit superhuman beast striding up hills roaring and pretending to be an aeroplane on the way down (with 'wheeeee' noise). Actually, I make the noises, it's just the other bit i haven't quite achieved yet.
    Holidays: The only 'traditional' holiday event day in the UK is probably Boxing Day when some people go for a swim in the sea. So I may or may not run on a holiday (when is Thanksgiving? Some time in November?)
    Reasons to skip an outdoor run: lazy. raining heavily (light rain is pleasant) or hail. Something else to do like a dance festival, or a TV programme such as 'my 80lb testicle' (I kid you not, I watched this last night)

  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    7 easy miles about 10:30 per mile.


  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    shanaber wrote: »

    @PastorVincent -is yours the 38mm or 42mm? Mine is the 38 and is about the same size as a quarter. I don't particularly like the HR function. It works ok but often is way off and I always wear my HRM strap when I run or I don't get accurate readings and the battery life is terrible.

    I love getting messages, calls, emails and notifications on my watch so it would be tough for me to switch but the Garmins are tempting (but so big!).

    That is the 38mm. The 42mm was more money but offered no extra features so I was like "pass."

    The HRM is highly accurate, independently tested to within 3% of the gold standard (EKG), but you have to wear the watch tight enough that it can not move and some people do not like that. If it can move around it will give bad readings. That is just the nature of the optical readings.

    I get about 5-6 hours battery life out of mine (it is a Series 2) if I have full HR+GPS tracking on. 2 days under normal conditions (including a 60-90 min fully tracked run each day). I would not call that horrible, but I guess it depends all on your use case.

    I have considered the Garmin 735XT as a potential future replacement if I start doing a lot of hiking or training for ultras, but right now the watch I have does everything I currently need, so am happy not to spend $400 right now.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @shanaber My Garmin Fenix 3 HR has call and message notifications. But it is a pricier and higher end model than the Forerunner series.