

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    edited July 2017
    Dana - hope the MRI goes smoothly and it's great they can read it while you are there. Hope it's good news. By the way, day lilies are quite yummy. I discovered this last summer when doing a garden tour with one of my crazy Master Gardener friends. She pointed to a day lily blossom and said "eat this" - I did. We munched our way around the place, discreetly of course. Research. >:)

    - holy smokes the car stars are crossed for you this past week. Hope the VW place can fix DH's car quickly and do it right this time. Of all the days to be stuck on the highway waiting for AAA to get it figured out. ((((HUGS)))) B)

    Out to work in the garden for a few minutes. DH is making firewood out of fallen branches (some of them were quite BIG) until it gets too hot which will be around 11:00.

    Warming SW WA State
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Felicia Sorry to hear about your aunt. Prayers for your DH and you and all of her family

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    FELICIA ~ Such sad news about the aunt. She was working at age 77? That's just awful.
  • MartiB856
    MartiB856 Posts: 85 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    PIP ~ So sorry! :'(
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Heather – Isn’t this the same thing they did before … wanting you house (keeping it off the market) while they ‘wait’ to see if the people can actually ‘buy’ theirs? If you have taken the house “OFF the market” none of the realtors should be bothering you. It’s not for sale. You’ve changed you mind and you have that right. Unless they are willing to put down a good amount of ‘non-refundable earnest money’. I would not do it. Sounds like they don’t really want to commit on your house until they actually have the money from the sale of their house in hand. Especially if they are still below your asking price. Period, the end. Your husband ought to ‘be on your side’ or else you might not find one in ‘your’ price range. Also, we’ve never had 2 house payments ever! We sell our house and then during that 45 or 60 days between the signing of the contract and the closing date, we look and find our home. We’ve always gotten a ‘non-refundable earnest money of $1000 - $1500. IF they want you to take it or keep it off the market until they sell theirs, then they should not have an issue with possibly losing that money. If you go down to $500 or below, that isn’t incentive enough. Just because they have an ‘offer’ doesn’t mean it will sell. An ‘offer’ is just that. People have to get the house appraised to make sure it is worth what they are asking for it, it has to go through an inspection, and, all of you have to agree on closing date, and then find a house you want (unless you plan on renting). I’d tell the man who is the realtor to stay out of your face, especially if you signed a contract with him to sell it and the time has run out. Granted, selling a house in the UK might be totally different than selling one in the USA.

    Lady Weez – Your MD is correct about losing it slowly; it is a ‘life-style’ change not a race to get to your goal. The first 20 seems to come off easily; the last 20 doesn’t. But, to lose weight you have to ‘exercise’ even if you only walk 15 minutes a day to begin with and work up from there.
    I can only eat about 1 ounce of ‘aged’ cheese, a cup of ice cream, and drink a ¼ cup of milk, before I ‘cramp up’ and wish I had not done so. I can eat ‘white’ cheese with no problem at all.

    Allie – Everything you have been put through should be ‘put in God’s hands’. All the hard decisions, all the pain, all the compromise; and then, knowing you’ve made the right decision.

    Joyce – You need to get those pillows away from that outlet; even ‘if you don’t have anything plugged into it’. A good lightning bolt can come right through the electrical system of your house; especially if you live in an old place that doesn’t have a ‘ground’ wire (3 plugs).

    Lanette – My DDnL#2 is a cosmetologist and the first time she clipped Buck, she said he was awful looking. He is a Shiz Zue (sp?) and Daschund (sp?) mix. Longer body; but, everything else about his is the SZ with the long hair (but doesn’t shed)!

    When Cracker needs to be groomed I take her to PetSmart. They say she is a really sweet dog. She has always ridden well in the car, whether she is crated or just lying on the floor.

    Ginger – The Menger Hotel – What city? We’ll be spending 1 night in Houston; maybe 2 in San Antonio, and maybe 1 in Dallas.

    Machka – So she was a young grandmother, too. I became a grandmother at 45.

    Dana – Come to think of it; the Hyatt Regency is the place I stayed when I went for my training. Floor to ceiling windows and looking over The Alamo at about an 11:00 angle from looking straight out the window. That might be our ‘most expensive’ stay over 2 nights; but, would rather stay close to the River Walk so we can ‘park our car’ and just walk. Seems like we rode a bus/trolley car to some sort of Market to the (what I would call the) West side of the HR. I know we got the ‘ride’ on that street. Any other suggestions of places to go and see in Houston, San Antonio, Austin, (going through Waco on our way to stop at the Magnolia Silos, and then Dallas; then on to our son’s to spend a week. This will be the absolutely longest period of time that Louis has left his business in our (very capable hands of) DOS. He freaks when he doesn’t hear from him. My question is: “So what are you going to do about it; … nothing, because I am NOT going home early?!?!”

    Pip – Those pixs makes me elbow and knees hurt just to look at them. Sorry you got hurt.

    We both love Rice Pudding … so I will have to try the recipe in my pressure cooker. DMnL used to make it; but, I would have to pick the raisins out ... I don't like the way they taste or the texture of them; but, I 'love' grapes.

    Our chairs were delivered today! They look so good in here.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Felicia, I am so sorry about your Aunt. It sounds like she lived a full life.

    Pip, another fall!!! You specialize n that. I'm glad that wonder man. Was able to fix it. I wouldn't be back on it the next day though. I would be. Urging my wounds.

    Dabs, severe itching and an MRI doesn't go together at all. Good luck.

    Well Mr Mozart had his declawing this morning. I felt like so many of you this morning when the alarm went off at 7. I also realized that so many of you had already been up for awhile. I met the vet that would be doing the surgery. As soon as she picked Mr Mozart up, he turned his extreme purring on so I felt good about that. There are no stitches, just the 'glue'. She said he would lick it but if he chews on his ties then I will have to wear the cone of shame. He will be sent home with an anti inflammatory and an oral narcotic liquid that is absorbed through the inside of his cheeks. So I don't have to get him to swallow anything.

    Joyce, Indiana.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Katla, so sorry about all your automotive woes!! Cars can be a right pain in the patootie huh!
    I am feeling guilty about Prudence these days. If Annabelle was my dog it might be different. I can't sleep in, she knocks on my door at 5-6 pm when I am cooking dinner, and its not like I can say, not now I will walk her later. But I am putting on a happy face and do it. I guess I am venting this because choice is not my own. There is no one else, so once again I am pondering the move up to Whidbey island more and more.
    When I was a girl and got a mosquito bite my Mom would make an X mark with her finger nail on the bite and then put an aspirin on the X with a band aide on it. It really did take thee itch out. My Mom did a lot of strange medicinal stuff like that!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Great Picture of you and your mom and grand!

    Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Felicia: I'm sorry for the loss of your husband's aunt. :heart: :broken_heart:

    Lanette: Thanks for your sympathy about our car. We've heard back on what the problem is, but not how much it will cost to fix. It isn't something they did or didn't do when we had it serviced recently. A part that was put on by a previous mechanic failed. :ohwell:

    Pip: (((HUGS))) Bicycling is not for the faint of heart. You are one of the most courageous people I know. I hope you heal quickly. :flowerforyou:

    Lenore: Your comments to Lady Weez were absolutely right on. I agree with you. There is no quick fix that works for keeping and maintaining a healthy weight in the long run. We need to have a different lifestyle so the weight will stay off. Learning the new way of life and losing slowly go hand in hand and eventually help us to transform. :flowerforyou:

    I should be at the stable today but I'm sitting at home because I'm unwilling to take our rental car off and leave hubby with no transportation. I asked whether he'd go out there with me and he wasn't feeling up to it. H's had a nap. Maybe he'll change his mind. Or not.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited July 2017
    afternoon ladies~ home and tuckered out. we 3 girls had a lovely time, went to an outdoor mall type place and got a few things, then went to the regular mall, I am not a mall shopper ,but did it for the girls.. we first went to see despicable Me3 it was really cute..
    went and got the oil change and went to see the condo.. It would be perfect for me, but I spoke with realtor and the person that owns it really wants to sell, he has a renter in there right now.. and there was someone else coming to look at it..the only way I could do it now would be with a lease and option to buy.. but if this other person has the money all set then I am out of luck...there are a few tweaks like paint and stuff that I would have to do.. but just the right size and enough storage for me..
    Tom was snippy with me when I got home because I left him a note about the car taxes ,about paying half, and that I didnt do the laundry and his sheets.. oh well...
    and Elena must not have been served yet or else there would be a whole lot of hollerin...
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    I just lost my stuff I was typing!
    Catch up later!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member